Mike (Henderson Security Book 1)

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Mike (Henderson Security Book 1) Page 16

by MLJ Quigg

  “Hey, how’s it goin’?” she asked.

  “Good. You?” Dave replied.

  “Good, good… I’m Gina.” She held out her hand introducing herself.

  “Mike. This is my husband, Dave,” I stated while shaking her hand.

  “Nice to meet you. Did you meet my girl, Roxie?” she queried.

  “Certainly did. Great to meet you both. Did you want to get together for dinner tonight?”

  “Yeah, sounds good. We got some unpacking to do so, we’ll meet you around six outside the door, and we can walk together. That okay?”

  “Sure. What about you, babe?” I questioned Dave.

  “All good.” He nodded his head.

  “Well, there you go, we’ll catch you at six. See you guys later?”

  “Not a problem, Mike. Come on, baby, we have a few hours to relax before dinner, wanna make the most of it?” she asked Roxie.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Roxie gushed.

  Gina pulled Roxie in and leant down and whispered in her ear. Roxie nodded and gave us a small wave as she entered the room and shut the door behind her. Gina turned to us and gave us a smile and leant against the rails. “She’s getting ready, I’ll give her a few minutes,” Gina declared.

  We both nodded our heads.

  “Shit! I have to ask… you give of this persona, Mike. Are you a Dom?”

  “I’m naturally a dominant man. Why do you ask?”

  “Just that you have this vibe. You’re very protective and caring towards your husband, and he’s submissive to you. He refers to you for answers. Just an observation. Roxie’s my submissive, and she has the same body language your husband does.”

  “We’ve played before, but it’s not a full-time thing. I think we just do it naturally. Wouldn’t you agree, babe?”

  “Yeah, I would totally agree. I knew the moment I met you, I’d follow you anywhere.” Dave sighed smiling up at me.

  “Do you live in Sydney?” Gina inquired.

  “Yeah, we do.”

  “Well, if you ever want to get into the BDSM scene, let me know, and I can show you the ropes and take you to an excellent club. It’s a great place to play and learn all types of techniques. Anyway, think about it, and we’ll talk later if you’re interested,” she ventured.

  “Thanks, Gina,” I said.

  “Not a problem. My girl’s had enough time, I’ll chat with you later,” she concluded with a wave as she walked in the room.

  I looked down and grabbed his chin and turned him towards me. “What do you think? Would you be interested in taking it up a level?”

  “We can certainly have a look at the place. See how it goes. We may not like it and just want to continue to do what we’ve been doing. I do love it when you get dominant, though.”

  “Yeah? Well get in the room and get naked, and I’ll show you dominant.” Slamming my lips to his, I kissed him hard. I pull back and slap him on the arse. He moans, and I go rock-hard at the sound coming out of his mouth.

  We spent our days exploring the islands and nighttimes drinking, gambling, and dancing spending most of our time with Gina and Roxie. When we were out of our room, which when you think about it, wasn’t that much, we mainly went on tours of the islands. Afterwards, we had dinner and some activities. When it came time to leave, we exchanged numbers and promised to keep in contact. I talked it over with Gina and agreed for her to take us to the BDSM club and arranged a time and date. We are both looking forward to it.

  We slid into the limo I’d arranged near the docks and made our way home quickly.

  Walking inside, we’re met with Laura, Lisa, and Johnathon in the lounge room with Max and Bazza. After getting hugs from them all, we sat on the lounge and told them all about our honeymoon and what we got up to. We also told them about Gina and Roxie. I was determined to stay in contact with the couple. I knew they didn’t have family in Sydney from the conversations we’d had and was determined to add them to our group in some capacity.

  After the dinner Laura and Lisa had cooked, we made our way to our room to shower and get ready for bed. The honeymoon was over, and our lives would resume as normal. Thank God there was no trouble while we were away. Everything seemed to be quiet, and I was more than happy about that. We were exhausted and fell asleep quickly.

  After making love in the morning, we drove to Tiny’s house for the triplets’ birthday party. Man, I couldn’t believe they were thirteen already. Time had gone by so fast. Seems like only yesterday that I had met them. Connor and Jackson had a huge growth spurt in the last few months and had shot up—they were almost five foot seven. Poor Madilyn hadn’t had hers yet and was still only five foot two, but she was nearly as tall as Tiny, though.

  We pulled up in the driveway and got out of the car and walked inside to a house full of the guys. We all greeted each other and then helped set up the backyard for the games and food which was smelling fantastic and making me hungry. I kept taking small morsels of food off the plates and noticed pretty quickly all the guys were doing the same which made me chuckle. Soon we were all laughing at each other to see who could be sneakier and not get busted. Surprisingly, it was Richard who won. That man was in a class of his own, he had a great poker face and could lie like no one I’d ever met.

  After all the kids had played a couple of games and ate, Tiny gathered them together, and Claire came out with a handful of clothing. While they were doing that, some of the guys were moving tables around and turning them on their side, and they also brought other items and stacked them on top of each other to make obstacles. I had no idea what was going on and just watched the going-ons around me.

  “Alright. Everyone ready.” Lots of nodding was seen. “Good. Good. So, take off your shoes and socks, put on a pair of overalls and grab a pair of safety goggles, and we’ll start soon,” Tiny stated in a loud voice.

  The kids scrambled to Claire who gave them each a white coverall. It was like what the professional painters wore with a hood and all. Mary came over with a box, and each kid grabbed a pair of safety goggles. Once they were all dressed and appropriately covered, Tiny called them over again and pretty soon they had all gathered in a group and had water balloons in boxes that they had carried to separate areas. Tiny blew a whistle and then the whole place exploded in colour. The water balloons were filled with coloured powder and they were all trying to get each other. It looked like a lot of fun. Some of the comments they were yelling at each other had all of us adults in stitches and bending over laughing.

  Finally, it came down to Connor, Madilyn, and a boy from Jackson’s team.

  “You throw like a girl,” Connor shouted.

  “I am a girl, doufus,” Madilyn yelled back. She waited, and when Connor popped his head over the table, she aimed and got him straight in the chest. “Ha. How’s that for a girl.”

  They hadn’t noticed the boy creeping to the side of Madilyn, and he threw and hit her on the arm winning the game. She laughed and congratulated him, and they all gathered around each other. The adults decided to get in on the action and pretty soon all of us were outfitted and had a game of our own. We let the kids win, of course. A girl on Connor’s team won, and we all high fived her, and pretty soon afterwards, they were all being picked up by their parents. They were covered in coloured powder by the end of it, and none of them had any white patches left on the overalls.

  They all left with the biggest smiles on their faces.


  The next week was quiet and kind of normal for all of us. Well, if you consider watching over our shoulders for Dave’s side of the family to strike as usual. They still hadn’t made any moves, but I just had a feeling this was not over by a long shot. Laura had told us her husband was having an affair with a twenty-year-old nurse. Apparently, he confessed to her he was having affairs all throughout their marriage. She seemed much happier according to Lisa and Dave now she’d left him.

  Laura and Lisa had full-time guards in Bazza and Max. Johnathon spent most of his time
studying. He transferred his course of forensic science from Adelaide University to Sydney University. They were thrilled with his results in Adelaide, and he was able to cross over with no problems at all. He was still doing light work being that his wrist was still in a sling, but they allowed him some leniency to catch up. He had a shit load of work to do, but he actually breezed through it and caught up in no time.

  I walked into work with a smile on my face remembering the way Dave had woken me up this morning, and as soon as the guys saw me, they started jeering and clapping me on the shoulder. We had a team-leaders meeting to hand out assignments and get an update on future training sessions.

  We all walked into the conference room, and Tiny and I sat at the end of the table.

  “Morning, guys. Just a few things to go through, and then we can get to work. I’m in the process of looking for offices in New York and London. We have been approached by various talent agents to be bodyguards and Dad, Mike, and I talked about his before you all started. We agreed to go ahead.” She took a breath and then continued, “Bright Entertainment have two clients they are bringing in. They’ll be here in an hour. This time it’s for personal protection of a band and a popstar. Both are just starting out, but the popstar has been having problems already. They’ll explain it when they arrive. Also, we have been approached about covering security at concerts. I’ll let you all know how that goes once we get more details.

  “The crèche is just about ready to be opened. We have ten children from newborn to five booked in. Harlow and I are in the process of employing more staff to cover both the newborn to two-year-old room and two to five-year-old room. Okay, I think that’s it for me, Mike?”

  “Bazza and Max, you guys are sticking to Laura and Lisa. Tweety is with Harlow and Emma. Benny I’d like you and your team to be on Johnathon. He starts uni full-time next week. I want him completely covered and not having to worry. Same with the girls. Don’t let them out of your sight,” I said looking over at each of them.

  Once they nodded their agreement, I continued, “Grey and Ando, I want you two to head the teams on the band and popstar. We will meet with them together.” I looked at them, and they nodded.

  “If we go ahead with the concert security, I want four of you on standby. You’ll be team leaders, and we’ll need to employ more guards to cover the amount needed. We will have a definitive answer by the end of the week. As soon as we know logistics, you’ll be given your assignments. You’ll have other assignments until we know for sure what’s going on.” I handed them envelopes with what they would be doing in the meantime.

  They all nodded, so I continued, “We have police recruits and a SWAT team starting tomorrow. Training will continue as before. Hand to hand and in the gun range. We’ll be in the laser circuit for the SWAT continuing scenarios. New recruits for us are arriving tomorrow as well. That’s about all I have.”

  “So, we’re all in agreement?” Everyone nodded. “Good. Guy, anything you’d like to add?” Tiny asked.

  “All background checks have come back clean. I have no reason to be concerned. You all know if you need me for anything, I’ll get to it,” Guy replied.

  We all nodded our heads and pretty soon Tiny was closing the meeting.

  I left the conference room and went to my office to find a stack of papers on my desk. Guy had finished the background checks on the new recruits training in two weeks, and I started to go through them until I heard a knock on my door. “Come in.”

  The door opened, and Laura and Lisa walked in with their guards standing on the other side of the door. They sat in the chairs in front of my desk and looked sheepish.

  “What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to let you know that I noticed the house next door to yours is for sale, and I’m going to put an offer in for it if it’s okay with you and Dave. I don’t want to cramp your style, but I’d like to stay close if possible.” She grimaced as if she thought we’d be upset, but she was sadly mistaken. We would be happy for all of them.

  “That’s totally fine with me, I’m sure Dave would love to have you close. You’re more than welcome to move next door.” I smiled at her.

  “If Mum gets it, Johnathon and I will move in with her. It’s nothing against you guys, though. I love both of you, but I just feel that you need your own time and space and not to have to worry about us being in the way,” Lisa commented.

  “I understand. And you would never be in the way, Lisa. But if you want to live with your Mum, then you should go for it. Don’t hold back for us, you need to get out there and live a little,” I replied with a smile.

  “Thank you, Mike. I knew you’d understand. I’ll talk to Dave tonight and tell him what’s happening.” She smiled hugely.

  “I’m going to see the real estate agents and put an offer in on the house. I’ll see you at home later today,” Laura insisted standing up.

  “No worries, Mum. I’m going to get back to work at the front desk. I’ll see you soon,” Lisa said standing and walking to the door.

  They both exited, and I just smiled. How could they think we would be upset with them moving next door? I knew Dave wouldn’t have a problem with it, he was pretty easy to please, and I knew having his Mum so close, honestly, he’d love it. He missed his mum very much and always told me that when he got off his weekly calls to her.

  About an hour later, I received a phone call from the front desk to inform me that the representative for Bright Entertainment had arrived and was being shown to the conference room. After thanking Lisa, I hung up and made my way to the room.

  Just before I walked in, I met Tiny and two of our guys, Grey and Ando, at the door, and we walked in together.

  Seated at the table was a lady in a dark suit who stood up and shook our hands. “I’m Heather Bright from Bright Entrainment, thanks for seeing us today. These are our clients, brothers Jax, Ryan, Steve and Cooper Knight. They are Knight Attack and are about to start a thirteen-month world tour. And this lovely lady is our up-and-coming pop artist, Cassie Black,” Heather explained introducing the others in the room.

  Holy shit. I’d heard of both of them. I thought they looked familiar.

  The triplets loved both the band and Cassie Black. I’d heard them playing their music plenty of times. I smiled and chuckled. Tiny noticed and looked over at me and then she looked back at them.

  “Hi, I’m Monique Henderson. This is Mike Williams, Greyson Reilly known as Grey, and Drew Anderson known as Ando. Welcome to Henderson Security. I hope we can help you guys. But first I must say I’m a huge fan of both of you,” Tiny gushed smiling at them.

  “Thank you, Monique. We’re honoured,” Jax commented meekly. His band members nodded their heads in agreement.

  “Yes. Very honoured, thank you,” Cassie agreed.

  “You’re welcome. So, what can we do for you guys?” Tiny asked.

  “Cassie, it seems, has picked up a stalker. I have all the evidence on my tablet. Here, take a look. Police were notified, and there’s no trace of DNA or fingerprints,” Heather declared pulling out her tablet and activating it. She passed it to Tiny, and she held it between all of us to have a look.

  “Fuck me, that’s pretty creepy. You doin’ okay, sweetheart?” Ando murmured looking at Cassie.

  “Yeah, I will be when this maniac is caught and taken care of.” Cassie graced him with a small smile.

  She had a good attitude. You could see she was weary and knew that her safety was in jeopardy. I decided to test her a bit.

  “We’ll do anything to keep you safe, sweetheart,” Ando added.

  “I appreciate that more than you know,” Cassie replied.

  “Just making sure you realise that if you employ us, then you’ll have to stick to our safety procedures. That means no going anywhere by yourself. All your friends and associates will be vetted, and if you’re told to do something, you do it immediately,” I declared.

  “I agree and will do whatever you say. My life is in your hands. I’d
be stupid if I did anything to jeopardise myself,” she agreed.

  I looked at Tiny, and she gave me a small nod.

  “I’m glad. Your safety is of paramount importance to us and our priority. Having cooperation will benefit all of us,” Ando insisted.

  “The band needs regular protection from crazy, sex-crazed women. Not that they mind, but it would be better if they were protected from disgruntled partners who want revenge. I’m not saying it’s going to happen, but it could. People are nuts these days,” Heather explained.

  “You have no idea,” Tiny muttered.

  “Well, same rules apply, guys. Will you be okay with that?” Grey asked.

  “Sure am,” Jax agreed with the rest of the band who were nodding their heads.

  “Next question… is it only the band or are you expecting staff to be covered, too?” Tiny questioned.

  “We have our manager who’s our brother and our sister-in-law as his assistant. Our baby sister is our publicist and stylist. We would like them covered,” Jax answered.

  “So, I assume you’d like the tour bus and back door covered?” I inquired.

  “Yes, please,” Heather stated firmly.

  “We can do that,” Tiny said.

  “I have my manager, assistant, stylist, and publicist,” Cassie told us.

  “Okay. So, here’s what I propose… for the band, we have a thirteen-man team. Grey will be lead. You’ll each have a guard as well as one each for your manager, his assistant, and publicist. Two at the bus and two at the door. I would also suggest you have a couple floating backstage. They will need transport while they’re with you. I suggest a bus of their own to travel behind or have some on the bus with you if you have the room. Also, have two of the team travel ahead and arrive at the venue to scope it out for possible problems. They can coordinate with the security staff at the venue.” Tiny looked at Heather and then the band members who all nodded their heads in agreement.


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