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Playing God

Page 1

by Kran Sanon


  Cretaceous Crisis


  Copyright © 2019 HNEX Books

  All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organisations is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  ISBN: 9781673874341


  BOOK 1: Cretaceous Crisis



  Contact me or subscribe to my mailing list on the following platforms for more information:





  Or search for @kransanon




  Chapter 1 – 3

  Chapter 2 – 8

  Chapter 3 – 13

  Chapter 4 – 19

  Chapter 5 – 34

  Chapter 6 – 51

  Chapter 7 – 74

  Chapter 8 – 91

  Chapter 9 – 105

  Chapter 10 – 119

  Chapter 11 – 127

  Chapter 12 – 137

  Chapter 13 – 143

  Chapter 14 – 153

  Chapter 15 – 159

  Chapter 16 – 177

  Chapter 17 – 187


























  Thank you to everyone who bought Dawn of Darkness and D Demon Volume 1. Also, to whoever is reading this.


  One morning, in Stamford, Lincolnshire, a small town in England, Harry Maddison, a scientist and his wife Amelia were asleep in their bed, that was until the alarm went off. Harry wakes up and sighed as the alarm clock had been beeping for the past two minutes. He finally turned it off as he yawned. His wife Amelia wakes up, only to give him a loving hug from behind as she nuzzled his back. He chuckled, knowing Amelia loved to do that.

  “Morning honey,” said Harry.

  “Morning sweetheart,” replied Amelia while yawning.

  Harry smiles and hugs her

  “So love.what's up?”

  Amelia, “Not much, but I know someone who should be ready for work.”

  Harry, “Can't I have just one kiss from you before I get ready?”

  Amelia, “I don't know, can you?”

  Harry, “Please?”

  Amelia, “Wait for tonight’s ball dance.”

  “Alright!,” replied Harry.

  They both got up as Harry went to have his bath. Amelia went to the other room close to theirs. She opens the door, only to find that their eight years old son ‘John’ was still asleep.

  "Enjoy your summer break," Amelia said quietly while smiling.

  On that night, most of the town was present at the community hall for the ball dance. It was a celebration inside but the contrary on the outside with rain and storm ruling the night. Harry and Amelia were having their dance like the others, while John was away at his aunt's house. Then, there came a spark of fire raging down from the skies. It crashed through some of the houses and then eventually went destroying the hall. This killed half of the community, including Harry and Amelia.

  It drew the government's attention. Military forces stormed the area with some other government officials and scientist to know what had happened in the area. They announced an immediate evacuation from the community and created a perimeter around the crash site. No one was allowed to go to the crash site. They eventually said that it was a meteorite and took it away before anyone could see it.

  It has now been thirty years since the disaster struck. The disaster still rings in people's ears, while they still couldn't tell what really caused the havoc as the government hid it from its citizens by stating it as a meteorite crash.

  After the death of his parents, John was so anxious to know what led to the death of his parents that he chose a scientific profession to find the truth. He traveled to London to study Advance Science with the help of his aunt Alice. He excelled in his studies and became a professor in science at the University of London.

  He got married to Siobhan, another scientist who he met in his university days but they got separated eight years ago. They have a daughter Jenny who was only seven when her parents got separated. Jenny had to stay with her mother after the separation.


  Explosions could be heard on a frightful night filling the sky, echoing through the streets. Pieces of window and building rubble pilled in the roads kept cars from leaving the city, in fact, there was neither person nor civilian inside the city. Most of the people had been evacuated to a building or the stadium as military men battle with a beast. A beast that the government have been following and studying had risen from the depths. A woman, her husband and their daughter had been stuck inside the city. They saw a wall of fire and smoke from the creature’s destruction. The shrill shrieks and roars could be heard as they echoed through the quiet streets. The woman screamed her daughter's name as she holds her close. They kept running as they felt the shake and looked up only to see a lighting flash. A huge silhouette of a dinosaur could be seen by the flash as it let out a mighty roar. They ran as fast as they could to an empty building and stayed quiet. They could still hear the sounds of gunshots and animal sounds outside. All of a sudden, the building started shaking as they jumped to their feet to run out. The woman who was holding her daughter tripped and fall as a huge brick from the building fell on her and she died. Her husband held on to his daughter and ran out of the building. He immediately saw a dinosaur running behind them. He quickly hid his daughter behind a telephone booth just by the road and went to distract the dinosaur which crushed him to death immediately. The girl screamed, "NO! .................”

  "NO! …………….," Jenny shouts from her sleep as she wakes up, sweating and breathing heavily. She had that dream again. She looked at her alarm clock, seeing it was about 8:30 in the morning as she yawned. She took a photo from the top drawer. It is the picture of her family when her parents were still together. The picture showed them sitting outside the front door of a house.

  "...I miss you dad," she said.

  Her mother on the other hand was in her office with her work colleagues. Siobhan has been part of the scientist group working for the government and wanted to help in the research and provide solution to something that had been bothering the government. She had a talk with a few scientists, explaining to them that humanity is the cause of what's going on.

  "How do you put forward that we are the ones behind all this?,” One scientist asked.

  "Because we have awaken these creatures from their deep slu
mber, and allowed them to creep into our world. Now, it is slowly getting out of hands," Siobhan replied.


  In an island known as 'Edward Isles' located to the north of the main island of England, there was traffic on the major road as there were sounds of vehicles horning. The island only has a small population 8 000 people with 2 small towns. Most of the island is owned by the government with restricted access. No one knows what goes on inside those government facilities but they do know that not many people have returned who have tried to go inside. The government only says it is a military base and nothing more.

  All of a sudden, strange bird sounds can be heard. People became terrified as they saw a huge bird flying and coming near to the road. The 3.5 feet creature flies right through the logo of a park just by the road and crash landed in front of the crowd. The people scream and panic. People got scared as they ran away from the creature. The creature takes flight again as it picks and drops the people, killing a lot of people in the process. It is surprising for the people because no bird is known to be that huge, at least not in the current age.

  Few minutes later, few helicopters flew to the scene and some military vehicles drove to the scene. They traced the animal to a mini-forest. The military men alighted from their vehicles and entered the forest.

  Soldier 1, “Listen!”

  All the soldiers stop as they hear a noise. They turned around only to see a large pair of the bird’s eyes looking at them from behind.

  Suddenly, the creatures jump out at them. The soldiers started shooting at the bird’s only to piss them off as two more join them.

  Soldier 2, “Run!!!”

  One soldier shouts as they all took their heels.

  They started to run but the birds flew faster as they caught up with most of them while the others hid in the bushes.

  "Eagle eye! Get ready! We found it!," Another soldier talks to his walkie talkie.

  Eagle eye, “Roger that!”

  He flies the helicopter close to the location.

  The helicopter started to fire at them but not all the bullets hit the target.

  Soldier 4, “INCOMING!!!”

  The giant birds turn their attention to the chopper. More bullets were fired as the creatures flew at them, but it didn't hit all of them. One of it latched into the helicopter and used its large beak to kill one of the soldiers inside. The helicopter spun out of control, went down and exploded, setting fire to the woods.

  Soldiers on the ground began to fire shots at the birds again as backup was on its way.

  Another helicopter flew to the scene and fired bullets at the birds. More choppers joined in as the army get the upper hand.

  More shots were being fired at the now diminished group of the birds. This made the birds fly back into the town. The helicopter’s followed and tracked them back to the town. The birds created more havoc in the town but ultimately the army was able to contain them.

  The shooting happened for close to an hour as more soldiers were brought to the scene to help fight the creatures. At last, the government managed to kill these creatures after losing many soldiers. More strange creatures begin to hunt the island as they kill many civilians.


  John was at home one afternoon when he saw on television that two giant birds thought to be extinct, wreaks havoc in a nearby city. It appears that these giant birds are the same which appeared on the footages from Edward Isles three weeks ago. The government excused that as being a hoax but they do not have any explanation this time as it happens on mainland England.

  John immediately recognizes them as being Pteranodons but how can it be true, he thought to himself. This is because these flying creatures lived millions of years ago and went extinct along with the dinosaurs over sixty five million years ago!

  He tried to go to the scenes, but found nothing. The government again, managed to track down these creatures and quickly transported them away from those places to a secret base.

  Questions are being asked but still there are no responses from the government.

  There is now a big debate going on around the world but the government is still not willing to answer.

  "All right everyone!, the colonel wants us at the rendezvous in 15 minutes, so let's move it," Lieutenant Martin said as he walked back to the table.

  "We'll probably have the chance for a meal later."

  All the officers got up and went outside. They were walking across the fields when two vehicles drove pass. They were armored cars, designed for fast deployment and attacks.

  "ADV-tech shipped hundreds of them in, they made a variant with better sophistication," Lieutenant Martin explained.

  "They'll be shipping a few larger vehicles in several days."

  "Why? Has there been an incident?," Officer Mathew asked.

  "Must have been, troops wouldn't have been withdrawn from Iraq otherwise," Lieutenant Martin replied.

  They made their way along a dirt path, where they found Colonel James Johnson standing next to a murky green river. With him were the three other squads in special selected regiment; Alpha, Omega and Brute.

  "Colonel," Lieutenant Martin said as they all saluted him.

  "Lieutenant, I expected you to be the first one here," James Johnson said.

  "I brought you here to explain the mission. Right this way everyone."

  They all followed the Colonel along a winding track. It led to a huge rock formation. The Colonel found a camouflaged switch on the rock face, which opened a door a few meters away.

  "This is our operating base at home," the Colonel explained.

  "It's been active for almost twenty years and is where we plan missions."

  He led them through numerous narrow, branching corridors to a fairly big auditorium. They sat down in the seats while the Colonel went up to the front where a device was placed. It was a cylinder shaped, showing many bright coloured wires, and a turquoise light flashing on the top.

  The Colonel activated a console on the wall, and thousands of turquoise dots flew everywhere around the room. They sat there gazing while the pixels formed into an image of detailed Globe.

  The hologram zoomed to focus on Edward Isles, mostly covered in green.

  "Thirty years ago, a meteorite stormed our planet and wiped out most parts of a community in Stamford, Lincolnshire."

  "At first, the cause of the mass death wasn't known by anyone but after some time of research, the scientists found out that the meteorite that landed 30 years ago contained a rock with elements of dark matter on it. After the incident, the UK government took it to a nearby Island named Edward Isles and carried out experiments using the dark matter. Scientists there have managed to create a portal which enables them to travel millions of years back in time after their hard work of thirty years. This discovery was led by scientist Dr. Van Horne who built the time travel machine. "

  An image of a man popped up on the hologram. He had somewhat funny beard and a rough haircut. It appeared to be Dr. Van Horne.

  Colonel James Johnson continued to speak after the pause.

  "Eventually the portal became uncontrollable. The breach led to creatures from unknown timelines to appear, including dinosaurs! These creatures have been creeping out of the portal and have killed almost everyone on the island."

  The pixels zoomed and rearranged into a creature. All the officers sat there shocked. The ugly reptile which looked like a giant lizard with a heavy skull, with the entire size being about 30 feet long and 13 feet tall made the officers terrified.

  "What in the world is that?," Lieutenant Martin asked.

  "This one is called a Tarbosaurus which belongs to the race of dinosaurs."

  The Colonel looked at their faces and continued.

  "We all know about dinosaurs. We have all learnt or at least heard something about them some time while growing up. Dinosaurs were a diverse group of reptiles of the clade Dinosaurian. They first appeared during the Triassic period, between 243 and
233.23 million years ago, although the exact origin and timing of the evolution of dinosaurs is the subject of active research. They became the dominant terrestrial vertebrates after the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event 201 million years ago. Their dominance continued through the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Eventually they all became extinct because of an asteroid strike sixty five million years ago," The Colonel explained.

  The officers still looked terrified.

  "There are different types of dinosaurs on that island. Especially the ones from the Cretaceous period because we think that is the time frame where the portal has glitches," Colonel James continued.

  “TREX, VELOCIRAPTOR, TARBOSAURUS, CARNOTAURUS, etc. They are all there. They all have different characteristics. They have already destroyed a small community there."

  "Why wasn't anyone told about it?," Martin asked again.

  "The government wanted to keep the public as calm as possible. Besides, we cannot let other world governments know about the dark matter. We will launch an attack on these creatures and finish this before it gets out of hand. That is why we've had most of the military forces withdrawn and prepared for shipment to the country. As you'd know, we've also had communication cut off from military personnel to their families."

  "How do we know what they're like, no one's trained for anything like this?,” an officer asked.

  "That is why we have been deploying military аmmunitiоnѕ frоm ADV-tесh. The dark matter was not only used to create portals. The government assigned ADV-tech to study the dark matter and use it’s knowledge to make advanced weapons for the military. Dr. Van Horne was originally ADV-tech’s scientist but after the partnership, he started working for both. Eventually the plan is to use it’s knowledge in our own new space programs. It’s something which we have tried seldomly in the past but with great results. So, you people have to understand the importance of that small rock,” thе Cоlоnеl replied.


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