Go It Alone (A Go Novel Book 2)

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Go It Alone (A Go Novel Book 2) Page 25

by Scarlett Finn

  While telling her the story of his history with Anwen, Ryske had explained that they’d met when the crew were running a con on Parratt. Hagan probably assumed that con had brought Ryske to the auction and into Anwen’s path.

  As for the truth of what went on between Ryske and Anwen, Harlow doubted anyone knew that. Ophelia didn’t. Ryske let them all continue to believe that he was the bad guy to honor Anwen’s memory.

  “My brother is eager to get Pothos underway. Parratt is working hard to get the shipment expedited. I told Jarvis that Ryske would be working with me, as my direct partner… that you were backing away… Was I wrong?”

  Harlow shook her head. “No… Ryske can take my place if that’s what you want. All I need is my money back.”

  “I understand,” Ophelia said and blinked as if trying to see into her. “Have you seen him? I know you wanted nothing to do with him the last time you were here, but… he seemed so determined.”

  Last time she’d been there, anger was still stirring her blood. A lot had happened since then, though, fundamentally, nothing had changed. During that visit, Harlow had told Ophelia that she could have Ryske. That was the same. If she was going to leave his life and merge hers with Rupert’s, Ryske would have the freedom to explore relationships with other women.

  Ophelia was a strong woman; her resilience was impressive. The only time there was a crack in Ophelia’s façade was with Ryske. The woman was besotted and had been probably since the two met.

  Harlow didn’t think that Ryske courted Ophelia’s interest. Until she’d spelled it out, he hadn’t been aware of the depth of Ophelia’s affection for him. At that time, he’d dismissed her observations, so maybe he still didn’t believe that Ophelia was as infatuated as she was.

  Ryske knew he had the ability to charm and impress women. For him, all he saw was the ease of drawing their attention and flirting with their attraction. The grifter was less aware of how deeply a woman could fall for a man who paid her the kind of attention Ryske bestowed. He had a way of making a woman feel like he could shrink the world and put it in her pocket for her to keep forever. Whether alone or in public, being tender or cocky, he gave a woman his absolute focus and could make her forget every insecurity.

  Realizing that she’d fallen into her own daydream, Harlow pulled herself back and sat up straight. “We’ve talked, and we’ve made our peace, but…” Turning Ophelia’s hand, she held the ring up between them. “He’s yours now, Ophe.”

  “I don’t know about that,” she murmured.

  Trying to cheer her friend’s spirits, Harlow gave her hand a shake. “I know that your relationship with him wasn’t as real as you wanted it to be. But, everything’s about to change and he’s going to need your support.”


  “Yes,” Harlow said. “He’ll need an ally in Pothos, you will too. You’ll be able to look out for each other. I won’t be around to help, so I’ll need you to rely on each other.”

  Ophelia was dubious. “You said you were leaving before…”

  “And, I did leave,” Harlow said. “A friend of mine was injured. I had to come back to check that he was okay. I am just stopping in here on my way back out of town.”

  A wave of relief swept across Ophelia, making Harlow wonder if she should be insulted. “Ryske… will you tell him to contact me?”

  Ophelia’s focus never strayed far from the one thing that mattered most to her. Although she might not like that Harlow had been deep in Ryske’s world, Ophelia was so eager to hear from the man that she didn’t mind lowering herself to ask.

  There was no shame in the question, but there was a thread of desperation in it. That desperation made Harlow realize how lucky she’d been to gain Ryske’s attention. It also made her feel for Ophelia. Harlow couldn’t imagine how devastating it must be to want Ryske only to be greeted by nothing but indifference.

  Her friend was asking her to contact Ryske, except, she hadn’t planned to be in touch with anyone from Floyd’s again. At least not for a while. Letting things settle down into a rhythm was a better bet.

  But, Ophelia had been there for her, so she smiled and nodded. “I’ll make sure he gets the message.”

  In no rush to call, Harlow figured maybe tonight or tomorrow, she could phone the bar directly and have one of the guys pass on the message.

  The pledge was enough to make Ophelia squeal and lean over to kiss her cheek. Even that show of gratitude wasn’t enough for her friend who yanked her off the couch to hug her tighter.

  The embrace was short-lived. “You better go,” Ophelia said, taking her hand. “Jarvis will be here any minute.”

  Ophelia didn’t mention which of them would be avoiding the other. But, given that Harlow was in no rush to come face to face with the man who’d attacked her, the same man she’d stabbed, she let herself be led to the door.

  “Take care, Ophelia,” Harlow said, hugging her again at the door. “And, look after Ryske for me.”

  “I will.”

  The women said their final goodbyes, and Harlow wasted no time in crossing the hallway to press the call button for the elevator. If she could get out the building and across the street, she’d be home free.

  Unfortunately, the universe had other ideas. The elevator doors opened to reveal someone inside: Jarvis Hagan.

  For a moment, they just stared like outlaws sizing each other up. Alone in this hallway, they were a shout away from Ophelia, yet neither of them called out.

  “Miss Sweeting,” Hagan said. “Why do we continue to come across each other?”

  “I always say that trials are sent to test our mettle. Facing you is a real test. Every time.”

  He smiled like she hadn’t just insulted him. “How is your ghost?”

  With the taste of venom in the back of her throat, she stepped aside, giving him space to exit. “Why don’t you ask your sister?”

  He made no move to leave the elevator. “His time will come to an end, and I’ll be there when it happens.”

  Proud of twisting the knife, he took a few steps toward his sister’s apartment like he’d actually caused her harm.

  Impervious to the jibe, Harlow strolled into the elevator. “Or perhaps we’ll be there for yours,” she said, pressing the lobby button.

  Hagan stopped and turned. She winked at his outrage, believing that she’d been triumphant.

  That sense of victory was premature, which she realized when his anger loosened. “How is that kid?” he asked. “The one from your neighborhood… heard he almost didn’t make it…” It took her a few seconds to figure out what he was talking about. Felipe. The doors began to close, so her hand shot out to stop them. Her horror was heightened when Hagan smiled. “Incompetence seems to surround me. I think I need a better hatchet man… don’t you?”

  The elevator doors slid shut, leaving her standing in a stupor, which lingered until they opened again in the lobby.

  Hagan would only know about Felipe if he’d been responsible for the beating. Who would want to be responsible for hurting a child?

  The truth was plain to see. Hagan was a disgusting, despicable man who wouldn’t think twice about dismissing a child as collateral damage in this war he was waging with them.

  They’d fought back. She and Ryske were responsible for their actions. But, Felipe? He was an innocent child.

  Stumbling her way out onto the sidewalk, Harlow had a new determination when the breeze from the street whipped at her hair. With resolve flowing through her veins driving her to head for a specific destination, Harlow was ready to return to the purpose she’d lost.


  Harlow paid the cab driver and leaped out before the car had come to a complete stop.

  In hopes of bypassing as many witnesses as possible, she chose to enter through the side door as opposed to the main entrance.

  Hurrying up the stairs and into the apartment, she was a woman on a mission. Looking left to right, she found who she was looking for on the weigh
t bench, sitting up and wiping a white towel across his damp, bare chest.

  “Trink?” he asked, raising the towel to his upper lip. “You’re back.”

  Fueled by adrenaline, she stormed toward him. “No, I’ve just been… delayed… temporarily. Do you remember back at Bale’s after you were stabbed, you offered to get me a weapon,” she said without waiting for him to respond. “Can you do it? Can you get me a gun?”

  “Why do you need a gun?” he asked, tossing the towel aside and sliding his ass to the end of the bench.

  Stopping between his parted thighs, her legs almost touched the end of the bench. “That doesn’t matter. Can you get one for me?”

  Loose, and relaxed, as he always was after a workout, he raised his shoulders in a slack shrug. “No.”

  Much as she hadn’t expected that answer, it didn’t discourage her. “Okay,” she said, inhaling through her nose as she began to turn away.

  “Hey,” he said, catching her hips to twist her back to face him. “Where are you going?”

  “I know other people who can help me. You’re not the only capable man I know. Not anymore.”

  Staying calm, Ryske tried to impart some of his composure though Harlow wasn’t sure she wanted it. Being clear-headed might be smart, but she was angry and didn’t want to lose her drive.

  “I’m not handing you a weapon while you’re amped like this. Sit here,” he said, sliding back a little and pulling her down to sit side-saddle on the bench between his legs, so she was perpendicular to him. Tucking her hair back from her neck, he bowed to kiss the ball of her shoulder, while resting one hand on her stomach and the other on the small of her back to support her. “Deep breath.” She complied. “Now, who are we planning to kill?”

  “I don’t want to tell you,” she said. “You’ll take it away from me.” His sticky body made her recoil a fraction. “You’re sweaty.”

  “I am,” he said, pulling her back to him and lowering his voice to a hum. “Let’s see what we can do about that energy of yours.”

  Kissing her cheekbone, he nuzzled closer to kiss her ear, and down to kiss her neck, her jaw, her chin. Harlow didn’t remember deciding to turn her head toward his coaxing mouth, but she must have because their tongues met.

  His kiss gave her energy a different outlet and it sure wasn’t an unwelcome one. Whimpering, she pushed her mouth harder against his and lifted her palm to his cheek. Her hand slid higher until her fingers got lost in his hair.

  The knot that held the edges of her top together across her breasts loosened. His fingertips skimmed across one mound and then the other, easing the edges of the fabric aside to allow him to unfasten the front clasp of her bra.

  Cool air met the sensitive skin of her breasts, telling her that they were exposed to the room.

  Tearing her kiss from his, she panted. “Kiss me.”

  This wasn’t why Harlow had come to Floyd’s, yet she didn’t hesitate to push his head down, forcing his mouth to her breasts. Accepting this kind of comfort could threaten the potency of her determined energy, but Ryske was difficult to resist.

  She hadn’t promised herself to Rupert yet. These stolen moments with Ryske would be her last. As she’d said, this delay was temporary, but it was a gift, allowing her to avenge her young friend and experience Ryske’s mouth one last time.

  Suckling one breast, Ryske was forceful in taking her between his teeth, holding her nipple as he dragged his mouth free. That was what she needed. Who she needed. Ryske made her feel alive, feel wanted, feel capable.

  Moaning, her head relaxed and her fingers slid through his hair. Her whole body arched toward his pampering mouth that had switched to her other breast while his hand fondled the one he’d already aroused.

  “Mm, Crash,” she mewed.

  Something about the sound of his name on her lips reminded her of where she was and how wrong this was. Her mouth was not supposed to be uttering his name with such ecstasy. This was supposed to be part of their past.

  Horrified by her own weakness, Harlow stood up, stealing her breasts away from him, leaving him fondling midair. Ryske reached for her, but she took a backwards step, grabbing the edges of her blouse to cover herself.

  “Where’d you go?” he asked, standing up in her personal space. “Bed?”

  He bent over like he intended to scoop her up, but a noise in the kitchen made him pause to look over her shoulder.

  “You better be out of the shower, fucker,” Noon called, appearing around the corner from the kitchen.

  Whirling away from the sight of their friend, Harlow faced Ryske in a hunch, attempting to make herself as small as possible. The dream would be to turn invisible, though she hadn’t managed it yet.

  “Is that Nightingale?” Noon asked.

  Fumbling with the clasp of her bra, Harlow tried to fasten it again. “Yes, Fuckwit,” Ryske said, scooping both hands over her breasts to stroke them, which prevented her from closing her bra. “Who else would I be getting fresh with in the middle of the afternoon? Go away, we’re going to bed.”

  That assumption stunned her into forgetting about the bra. “No, we’re not,” she said, spinning around to get away from Ryske’s obstructing hands and to assert the truth to Noon.

  Noon’s eyes widened at the sight of her exposed chest.

  “Okay, less of the show, Trink,” Ryske said, grabbing her arm to yank her around behind him.

  Ryske would be setting a glare on Noon like it was somehow his fault she’d been careless. That was just fine with her; his annoyance gave her the opportunity to fasten her bra.

  “What’s going on?” Maze’s voice came from the kitchen.

  “Nightingale has amazing tits,” Noon said.

  A burst of laughter came from Maze. “Don’t doubt it. Why’d you say that?”

  “Just saw ‘em in the flesh.”

  “She’s here?”

  Harlow finished tying her top and tossed her hair out the way to peek around Ryske. “Hey,” she said. “I’m just leaving.”

  “Seems that’s all you do these days, show up to leave,” Maze said from next to Noon. “What’s going on?”

  If Ryske wouldn’t help her, the guys wouldn’t either. Harlow figured there was no point in piquing all of their curiosity. “Ryske’s good at oral,” she said, trying to creep away.

  Without even looking, Ryske snagged her wrist and held her in place, preventing her from going.

  “That’s not why she came here,” Ryske said to his guys, then switched his focus to her. “Babe, your crew are here. Let us help.”

  Shaking her head, she moved in close to kiss his cheek, hoping that would give her cover to peel his fingers from her wrist. “I won’t make you accountable for my actions.”

  Freed, she took just one backwards step before he grazed a finger down her cheek. “Wait there.”


  “Humor me,” he said, retreating toward the closet. “Sixty seconds. I did just…”

  With a finger, he gestured between her breasts, which made her scowl. Yes, his mouth was good, but he loved playing with her tits as much as she loved to feel him doing it. Getting intimate with her chest wasn’t any hardship for him.

  Still, she opened her hands in acquiesce and he turned to disappear into the closet, leaving her alone with Maze and Noon.

  “I know you probably don’t want to acknowledge this, but I just wanted to say I was right,” Maze said. “Just so we’re all clear.”

  “Right about what?” Noon asked.

  Maze leaned against the corner of the kitchen wall. “I told her Ryske loved her first.”

  “Was there a time when we didn’t know that?” Noon asked.

  Maze nodded at her. “There was a time she didn’t.”

  The closet door opened. Ryske came out holding a pistol up as he checked the clip.

  “Whoa, what the fuck is that for?” Noon exclaimed.

  Ryske ignored him and presented the weapon to her. “Do you know what yo
u’re doing with this?”

  Though her nod was meant to be confident, it didn’t appease Ryske who turned her around and put the weapon in her hands, showing her how to hold it. “Safety’s here. It’s loaded. Just point and shoot.” After giving her a quick lesson on how to keep the weapon safe and how to load it, he left it in her hands. “If you use it, bring it back to me, okay? You bring yourself and the weapon here. The minute after you shoot, just haul ass to the apartment, you hear me? If you get stopped or intercepted or arrested before you can get back, you tell whoever asks that you were here with me.”

  “What if I wasn’t?” she asked, testing the weight in her hand.

  When he didn’t immediately respond, she looked up to see his smile stretch. He stroked the side of her head. “Baby, you were here with me.”

  Appreciative of his trust and his willingness to accommodate her without pushing for answers, she fell a little more in love with him.

  Harlow wished she could give him all he needed. “My Crash,” she sighed.

  He winked. “That’s me.”

  Delaying her exit was only making this worse for all of them, so she began to back away, gun in hand.

  “Thank you,” Harlow mouthed before turning around and running back down the stairs the way she’d come.

  Equipped and ready, she had to arrange the next part of her plan.

  This time when Harlow arrived back on Ophelia’s floor, she wasn’t interested in knocking or going inside the apartment. This visit had a different purpose. Jarvis Hagan had come to visit his sister, and it was Harlow’s hope that he was still enjoying his sibling’s company.

  In the short hallway outside Ophelia’s apartment, Harlow opened the blind to flood the space with light. It silhouetted her when she propped herself against the wide windowsill.

  In that position, she’d be out of sight of the security camera above her head. If security were paying attention at all, they’d have seen her come upstairs without actually entering any apartment. But, Harlow had learned on the first visit that security in this building didn’t pay much attention to anything.


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