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Lost Pup: The Fools' Circus, #1

Page 7

by Dani Rei

  He catches Inez’s reflection giggling at him from her mirror as she buttons the top of her dress. His cheeks are hot, but he turns back to the clothing rack to find a pair of pants.

  “That was a thing of beauty, Pup!” says Mishkin, his laughter settling down. “You’re not as intimidating with your pants down, but you’ve got a pretty cute ass!”

  “Yeah, yeah. Can we drop it, please?”

  “Sorry. It was just too good!”

  Blake rolls his eyes, his cheeks still red.

  Mishkin puts a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, relax. It’s over now. Finish getting ready, and we’ll all sit together.”

  Despite no longer wanting to see anyone else for the day, Blake tests a dark gray pair of slacks against his waist.

  He changes quickly, trying to stop the incident from replaying in his head. His eyes float back to Inez, who is rubbing gray wax through her hair. Her face is still its pale color, and her loose, gray dress falls just above her knees. Tiny, charcoal hearts cover the fabric, and the way it hugs her curves makes her look sweet, as if she couldn’t hurt a fly.

  He pats himself down when he realizes what’s missing. His eyes scan the floor until they land on that makeup Mishkin brought for him. He snatches it back up and opens it to pull a tiny amount onto his fingers. The mix feels creamy, but sturdy.

  “What you said earlier,” he says to Mishkin. “About people dreaming in black and white. Is that what this makeup is for? We have to make ourselves entirely gray?”

  “Yep,” says Mishkin, pulling a slightly darker shade from his pocket. “And each with distinct tones to match our skin. We have to look like we’re in one of those old-timey films.”

  Mishkin pulls some makeup brushes from a cup on the floor. He hands one to Blake, and the two cover every inch of skin that’s showing. Blake is grateful he grabbed a long-sleeved shirt; painting his right hand with his left is harder than he expected.

  Mishkin grabs a few tubs of gray hair wax and holds out the lighter shade to Blake before scooping a glob from his own.

  “Isn’t your hair already black?” Blake asks, following Mishkin’s lead and hoping he’s doing it correctly. “Why bother?”

  “Against this kind of background, there is a more brownish undertone that sticks out. Besides, black and white are colors reserved for the married couple. Everything else needs to be some shade of gray.”

  “Which color did you wear when you and Vladik got married?”

  “Black, of course,” Mishkin smirks. “My suit was black and Vladik’s was white. We each had a pink rose to throw in some color. Neither of us is huge on flowers, so we didn’t have a bouquet to do that for us.”

  “Did you feel like you were in a dream?”

  “Being with Vladik every day feels like a dream. My parents weren’t exactly on loving terms, so I never really thought relationships were a good thing. Sometimes I’m worried he’ll change, and it scares me. But then he never does, and I just feel like the luckiest man alive.”

  Inez’s words about Mishkin’s father ring through his mind. If he tried to kill him, then where is Mishkin’s mother?

  He shakes the terror from his head, figuring Mishkin will tell him when and if he feels comfortable enough. “Where is Vladik, by the way?”

  “Inez knows Ian is going to try something, so Vladik is playing bodyguard.”

  “Really? But Inez can clearly knock him out with one kick.”

  “Not when Rex is around.”

  Mishkin leads Blake into the room called the temple, and Blake goes slack jawed. Every wall is a deep gray, with lighter-gray pillars and borders. The windows are stained in greys and silvers, featuring various tarot cards, with The Fool on the biggest display at the front. On the ceiling are black-and-white paintings of other cards: characters with swords and chalices, and a Death figure who is facing away from those below him. A night sky full of constellations fills the gaps in between. The shades of gray are so distinct, so vivid, that Blake can almost see what color everything is supposed to be.

  The sunlight filtering through the stained glass covers everything in a silver glow, and Blake’s head spins. This really is like a dream. It doesn’t feel real.

  Vladik’s hand waves the two over, pulling Blake from his thoughts. Inez smirks as Blake settles himself next to her. Mishkin slips past them to sit next to his husband.

  “I saw your undies,” Inez taunts.

  “I saw yours, too.” Blake shuts his mouth too late, hoping that doesn’t make her angry. He’s surprised when she laughs.

  “I’m not the one who put on a goofy pose.”

  “That’s fair,” Blake sighs, praying that the gray makeup can hide his reddening cheeks.

  “What were you so happy about?”

  “You knocked Ian to the floor for the second time since I’ve been here. And you did it half naked.”


  “So, it makes me kind of proud to know you. And a little afraid to piss you off again.”

  Inez nudges him with a scoff. “You aren’t that bad, Pup. Just don’t turn into a creep.”

  That’s a simple enough request.

  An organ plays from a platform above the front area. Allistair has been standing at one of the pews, chatting with a few members in the front row, but he hurries to the front with a book in his hand. He takes a firm, authoritative stance as Knox struts down the aisle with Axel at his side.

  His dark skin has a warm glow to it, and his head is held high with a confidence that Blake can only dream of. They reach the front and exchange a small peck on each other’s cheeks.

  Axel steps behind Allistair, off to the side while Knox solidifies his stance in the center.

  Moments later, Melody enters with Rex on her arm. Her skin is as white as her dress, but her cheeks are flushed with soft pink, and her lips are painted in a similar color. A veil hangs over her curled, white hair, and pink roses line the band. Her empty hands are folded neatly in front of her, with white lace from her elbows to a band around her middle fingers. She and Rex put on the same display as the others, then Melody and Knox face either, hands entwined, eyes enamored. The music fades as Allistair opens his book.

  He, Rex, and Axel are as grey as the rest, but Allistair has a lavender rose on his chest. Axel’s rose matches his, pinned to the brim of her low-cut dress. Rex’s rose is royal purple, and Blake is surprised that a flashy leader like Rex would blend in with the others.

  “Dreamers, adventurers, and challengers,” Allistair begins, “we’re gathered here today to celebrate an undying love between Knox Herald and Melody Valentine. Two fools, each drowning in their own tar pit, reaching for help to no avail. But at the last minute, your hands found each other, unseeing, unknowing.

  “You each pulled and fought, until you finally reached the surface, able to breathe for the first time. When you gazed into each other’s eyes, you found that you were both dripping with the tar that nearly consumed you. In your darkest, most perilous moments, you unknowingly saved each other.

  “With this in mind, it seems only natural that your love would bloom from a garden of pure trust, understanding, and support. After everything the two of you have been through, it is the highest honor that I’m able to marry you today.

  “So, Melody, do you take Knox as your husband, to weather every storm, climb every mountain, and claw your way out of every tar pit, hand in hand?”

  “I do.” Melody smiles.

  “And Knox, do you take Melody as your wife, to weather every storm, climb every mountain, and claw your way out of every tar pit, hand in hand?”

  “I do.” Knox returns the smile, and Melody beams.

  “You brave fools are headed for a wonderful future together. With my blessing, my father’s, and the love of those around us, the way forward is brighter than the sun. With your next kiss, I pronounce you married.”

  Their kiss comes on slowly, gently, and Allistair closes his book as he smiles at the two. Everyone applauds and stands a
s Knox and Melody stroll back up the aisle, arm in arm.

  Allistair follows with Axel and Rex close behind him. The applause dies down as they pass by, and the organ is still playing. The procession leaves, the organ finishes on a low note, and there’s a moment of silence before everyone makes their way back to the dressing rooms.

  Mishkin appears at his side. “So, what do you think? Our weddings don’t exactly match the movies, but it’s not too shabby, right?”

  “It was beautiful,” Blake says. “Quick though. Are we really changing back already?”

  “Of course,” Mishkin responds as he and Blake find their mirror. “Why drag on such an uneventful performance? They’ve said their I-do’s, now we get to shower and wear things we actually like!”

  Blake chuckles as he and Mishkin change back into their previous clothes. Face wipes are being passed around to remove the majority of their makeup and hair wax.

  “That speech Allistair gave was incredible!” Blake exclaims.

  “Wasn’t it? I’m so proud of him.” Mishkin beams. “I was a little worried, this being his first time ministering and all, but he really killed it!”

  “You mean he’s never done it before?”

  “Nope! Usually, it’s Rex who ministers. But everyone knows Allistair will be taking over the circus once he retires, so he occasionally takes on some of the leadership roles to prepare.”

  “Really? What about Axel?”

  “Axel wouldn’t be caught dead doing paperwork and writing speeches. Her love belongs to the limelight.”

  “I see. So Rex ministered your wedding?”

  “Yep! And each wedding is given a different speech based on each couples’ story. I think Allistair really hit the nail on the head for this one.”

  “Wow, it’s different for each couple? What was your speech like?”

  Mishkin shrugs before pulling his shirt over his chest. “I don’t remember it word for word, but it was something about having to fight and persevere and doing it together. I was too wrapped up in what was happening to pay much attention. Anyway, you can shower and change in our room. Let’s go”

  Blake nods, straightening his outfit before following him out. Vladik joins them on the way, and Blake’s smile refuses to fade. He’d only been to one wedding before, and it wasn’t bad, but it couldn’t hold a candle to the passion of Allistair’s speech. If he ever gets married, that’s the kind of passion he’d want in a ceremony. One that can make everyone swoon.

  Chapter 10



  The cast and crew toast with their champagne in the air.

  Knox and Melody make their way through the warmly lit ballroom to the dance floor. Round tables in white fabric dot the floor, and each centerpiece features a white vase with a pink bow and three red roses. Veils of white and pink hang from the ballroom ceiling, and matching decor lines the walls with spots of red to accent the hanging points.

  Blake squirms in Mishkin’s shirt. The seams are a bit tight, but he didn’t think to bring any fancy clothes. It’ll suffice for now.

  Inez sits next to him, eyes lovingly glued to the couple as she takes another sip of champagne. Her gown is pink with black lace on the torso and a black ribbon around the waist that ties into a perfect bow on the back. Another bow sits on a headband, pulling the red hair back, though her side bangs are still cupping her face. Blake pushes back his own hair, worried it isn’t neat enough.

  “Hey, darlin’!” A woman in a yellow dress rushes over and throws her dark arms around Inez’s shoulders. “You look beautiful!”

  “Hey, so do you!” Inez smiles, hugging the woman back.

  The woman gasps when he sees Blake and leans over with a smile.

  “You’re that new kid, ain’tcha?” She says in some kind of Southern accent. Baton Rouge maybe? She holds out a gloved hand. “My name is Celia, it’s very nice to meet you! I know we all seemed a little rude before, but it’s not every day a newcomer finds their way in here.”

  Blake takes her hand. “That’s alright. Inez mentioned that it’s kind of strange. It’s nice to meet you too. And I loved your stepsister routine in Cinderella.”

  “Aww, you really are like a sweet little puppy dog! How do you like it here so far?”

  “I’m having fun. I’ve been watching you all since I was— well, since we were all kids. I’m enjoying getting to know everyone.”

  “I’m so glad! Has Inez been treating you well? I know she’s a little rough around the edges, but I swear she’s really a big softie!”

  Inez’s jaw drops. “I’m not rough around the edges!”

  “Oh honey, your temper is all over the place. I keep telling you to work on it. Tell me, Pup, did she threaten you when you first met?”

  “Don’t ask him that!” Inez slams her hand on the table.

  “She did, though, didn’t she?”

  “Um, you can just call me Blake,” he chuckles.

  “Shall we dance then, Blake?” Celia holds out her hand.

  “Don’t ignore me!”

  “Nezzie, you can join us when you cool off. Now let’s go.” Celia pulls Blake onto the dance floor, where many other members have already joined Knox and Melody.

  “Sorry,” says Blake as Celia settles her arms around his neck. “I’m not the best dancer.”

  “That’s all right, I just had to pull you away for a second. Nezzie hasn’t been too hard on you, has she?”

  “Not at all. She’s teaching me how to use fire poi. As far as I can tell, it’s been fun for both of us.”

  Blake twirls Celia, who smiles as they step side to side, rotating with the music.

  “I’m so glad. She’s been a little closed off for the past few months, but I’m hoping a new face will help her open up a bit. You’re like a breath of fresh air. A friend she didn’t know she needed.”

  “I don’t think I’m all that,” Blake chuckles, glancing at Inez, who is giggling through cheese and crackers with Vladik and Mishkin. “I don’t even think she likes me very much.”

  “She likes you just fine. What she’s most concerned about is Hartman’s plan in all of this.”

  “Hartman’s plan?” Blake’s mind flashes back to what Inez almost said when they were talking in the hall.

  “We all know Hartman is using you, but we don’t know why. You’re not here because you’re talented, you’re here because of some weird scheme of his.”

  A pang shoots into Blake’s chest. No, there’s no way. “If I’m here for a scheme, why would they bother testing me?”

  “Well, we’re not sure if Rex has anything to gain from it, but even if he plans to keep you anyway, you still have to prove you can perform. You do want to be in the show, right? If there is a plot, they probably won’t need you on stage for it.”

  “Good point. So why didn’t Inez want to tell me?”

  Celia’s eyes soften. “You wanted to come here because of a dream, right? You shouldn’t give up your passions. Besides, none of us want you to get hurt. But I think you’re better off knowing that something is up. You might catch a clue somewhere if you pay attention.”

  “How do you know so much?”

  “There are no secrets in a home that never changes. Everyone here knows everything about everybody. Since we don’t know very much about you, of course we’re all going to gossip just a teeny bit.”

  Blake chuckles. “That’s fair, I guess. Thank you for telling me.”

  “Don’t hold it against them, okay? Everyone means well; we just tend to be a little protective. They’ll come around. Just relax and try to enjoy yourself. And don’t you dare hold out on your test just because you can’t be kicked out.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “Good. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Especially if you’re going to use fire.”

  Wow, she heard that too?

  “Thanks. It should be fun, provided I can learn quickly.”

  “I think you’ll do just

  The music picks up, and the main lights go out to let colored beams flash through the air. Inez, Mishkin, and Vladik swarm the two, all bouncing and wiggling to the beat.

  So many questions are still running through his mind, but he smiles along with the rest of them; forces the whirlwind of thoughts to dissipate and allows himself to get lost in the music.

  Tomorrow he can ask more questions, dig deeper. For now, he can let everything go. For the first time in his life, nothing else has to matter.

  Chapter 11


  he next morning, Blake practices some two-poi tricks he learned from previous practice sessions. The constant movement makes the brisk October air feel refreshing on his bare arms, and he enjoys watching the other performers use the surrounding rigs. Mishkin, however, is content sitting on the grass at Blake’s side.

  “So that guy Hartman,” says Blake. “What did he mean when he said having me here would ‘get things moving’?”

  “Hard to say,” Mishkin says with a shrug. “Rex doesn’t like him much, but it’s thanks to him we can afford a place like this.”

  “C’mon, you know something, sneaky Cat. Talk to me.”

  Mishkin chuckles. “Sorry, but I really don’t know either. Hartman always talks about having a plan, but he hasn’t told me anything in detail.”

  Blake rolls his eyes as he turns his attention to the sky, and his control over the poi shifts to autopilot as his mind races.

  His chat with Celia at the wedding has been replaying in his head since it happened. If he can find a way to get more clues to his motives, he might be able to put the pieces together and find out the real reason he’s here.

  Inez’s face pops into his mind, and their last practice session makes his cheeks warm. He prays it isn’t noticeable.

  “What I can say,” Mishkin continues, “is that having someone like you around is good for her.”

  Blake scoffs. “What can I do? Ian seems like a douchebag for sure, but she’s perfectly capable of dealing with him.”

  “It’s not about Ian. She’s been sneaking out because she wants to leave, and honestly, I don’t blame her. She’s the only one who regrets coming here. Having you around gives her a purpose in the mansion. She can focus on something besides herself.”


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