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Come Away With Me

Page 80

by Kristen Proby

  Meg raises a brow. “Sounds fun.”

  “Oh, it’s gonna be more than fun.” Will turns hot blue eyes on me and I can’t help but bite my lip. The Montgomery men are hot, but add turned on and they’re just…wow. “Do we have anything else we need to discuss today?”

  “I take it you both approve of the menu?” I ask, and sip my Riesling, as I look through the catering contract on my iPad.

  “I love it,” Meg confirms.

  “We’re still waiting on some of the RSVP’s,” I inform them with a shrug. “But that’s not uncommon. Most people hold onto them past the due date.”

  “How many do you have so far?”

  “We have 232 confirmed yes,” I reply, and Meg gasps as Will shrugs.

  “That’s a lot of people.” Meg glances nervously at Will. “This is going to be really expensive.”

  Will chuckles and kisses Meg’s forehead softly. “It won’t break us.”

  “I can cut back on the flowers.”

  Blake and I share a glance, thinking we should leave and let them talk, but Will just laughs and leans in to whisper in Meg’s ear. Her worried face relaxes and she bites her lip and nods as Will kisses her temple and pulls away, shaking his head as though he finds her adorable.

  “We’re good. I keep having moments of panic,” she admits. “And then Will has to talk me down from the ledge.”

  “Perfectly normal,” I reply with a smile. “This is a big deal.”

  “Yeah.” Meg nods and takes another sip of wine. “Emphasis on big. But Will’s team is big, we have a big family and lots of friends. I have so many colleagues and friends from the hospital. I don’t want to leave anyone out.”

  “Hey, you should celebrate with everyone you love.” Blake smiles kindly at Meg, and I remember why I love him so much. He’s a nice guy.

  “Thank you.” She smiles back at him and then glances up at Will who has continued to watch her. “So, we’re meeting on Wednesday out at the vineyard?”

  “Yes. We’ll walk through and talk about the set up and all of the final details. But you don’t have anything to worry about. All of the vendors are ready and the food is now approved and ready to go. The hard part is over.”

  Meg’s smile is wide and happy. “Okay. We’re getting married.”

  “Thank God. This has been the longest engagement on record.” Will scowls down at Meg, who just laughs and rubs her hand along his rock-hard arm.

  “It’s almost over, football star.”

  “Let’s go home.”

  Hugs and handshakes are exchanged, and as Will and Meg turn to leave, I return to my seat, sip my wine, and ask Blake to look over the final contract with me.

  He steps behind me and rubs my shoulders as we read through it together and I melt back against him. “So, this price point should work up to 250 guests. But I need you to work up the additional price, should it go as high as 300.”

  “There are still that many RSVP’s out there?”


  “Hey, what are you doing here, man?” I hear Will say as he and Meg reach the lobby.

  “I have a meeting with Blake.” Dominic’s voice.

  “You should see if they have any of the food we just tried left over. It’s awesome.”

  “I’m fine, but thanks. Did you like the wine pairings?”

  “They’re perfect. Thank you, Dom.” Meg replies. “I wish you’d let us pay for the wine.”

  “No, bella. It’s a gift. Have a good day. I’ll see you this weekend.”

  A chill runs down my spine as Blake leans over me to point at something on the contract. He’s still kneading my shoulder with the other hand. I have no idea what he’s just said, so I just nod.

  “I’m sorry you’re having a rough day,” he murmurs and kisses the top of my head. “Headache better?”

  “Yeah,” I lie, and offer him a small grateful smile, then look over my shoulder to see Dom watching us. His hands are shoved in the pockets of his slacks. He discarded his suit jacket long ago and rolled the sleeves of his white button-down up his forearms, showing off his tanned skin. His tie is loose. His dark hair is messy, as if he’s run his fingers through it in frustration.

  And his jaw is clenched and his deep blue eyes are full of heat and anger.

  My thighs involuntarily clench at the sight of him, and my mind immediately goes to my dream this morning. Those hands and his mouth on my skin.

  What would it really feel like?

  I turn away and take a deep, calming breath as Blake crosses the room to Dom and shakes his hand.

  “We’re just wrapping up here.”

  “No problem. I’m a little early. I’m meeting my sisters for lunch in a few hours, so I thought I’d see if you could squeeze me in.”


  “We’re done here,” I hear myself say, as I power the iPad down and stand, preparing myself for Dom’s usual flirtatious come-ons and charming smile. I can stay professional.

  I will stay professional.

  I smile at both of the handsome men, but instead of offering me a cocky smile, Dom simply nods at me and turns to leave the room.

  “I’ll meet you in your office,” he says to Blake, who turns a questioning look to me. I just shrug.

  “Who knows? But I need my bag from your office.” I march with my head held high into Blake’s office and retrieve my handbag, shove my iPad inside and turn to Dominic. “The wines you chose are perfect. Thank you.”

  He nods. “My pleasure.”

  I don’t know what else to say, so I fumble through with, “Enjoy your sisters. Thanks again, Blake.”

  Before I can turn to leave, Blake pulls me into his arms and gives me a big hug, rocking me back and forth.

  “I’ll call you later. Take something for the headache.”

  I pull away and again Dom is watching me with hot blue eyes. He rubs his hands over his mouth and looks like he wants to say something, but he doesn’t.

  And I can’t figure out why I want him to. It’s good that he’s not asking me out or flirting with me.

  I’d just turn him down like I always do.

  “I will.” I nod and walk out of Blake’s office and wonder what in the hell that was all about.

  Chapter Two


  Alecia sends me one last long look and then walks out of Blake’s office, head held high and hair pulled up in a smooth twist at the back of her head, if a bit unruly today. She’s wearing a pink suit that fits her like a glove, molded to her amazing figure, and the sexiest heels I’ve ever seen. The confusion in her brown eyes sends an unexpected pain through my chest, but I quickly dismiss it.

  I can understand that for the sake of professionalism she’s turned down my advances over the past year, but she never once mentioned that she was in a relationship.

  Had I known, I would have backed off long ago. I don’t poach on another man’s territory.


  Certainly not on a man that I consider my friend and a respected colleague.

  “So, like Alecia said, the wines were a hit with your brother and Meg,” Blake says, as he sits behind his desk.

  “I’m happy to hear it,” I reply and smile to myself. It’s still a bit of a surprise to hear the words your brother.

  I have four of them, and despite knowing them now for more than a year, there are moments that it still knocks me back a step. I’ve grown to love the Montgomery family, and to my utter shock, they’ve welcomed me into the family as if I’d been with them since birth.

  But I wasn’t.

  “How many bottles will I need to order?” Blake asks, bringing me from my thoughts.

  “None. My staff will take care of it. We have plenty on hand.”

  Blake cocks a brow in surprise. “It’s a lot of wine.”

  “I have a lot of wine,” I reply with a smirk.

  “Okay, one less thing for me to worry about.” He shrugs and taps some keys on his computer. “So, we
need to talk about the family reunion event late next month.”

  “Yes.” I lace my fingers and cross my legs. “Did they decide on a menu?”

  “They can’t come to an agreement.” He rolls his eyes. “Some are vegetarians. Some aren’t. Blah, blah, blah.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “You’ll figure it out. I can choose a red and a white that will compliment almost anything and call it a day.”

  “That works.” He nods. “You know, you should hire someone to handle all this stuff for you.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “Seriously. Alecia does this stuff. You should hire her to organize your events.”

  No. Way. “I’m quite sure Alecia is busy enough with her own business and her relationship.”

  His eyes jerk up to mine and his hands still on his keyboard. “Alecia’s in a relationship?”

  I cock my head to the side and narrow my gaze on my friend. “You’re going to tell me you’re not sleeping with her?”

  Blake blinks and then laughs, clapping his hands as if I’ve just told the best joke all year.

  I don’t find it particularly funny.

  “No.” He shakes his head and goes back to typing on the computer. “That ship has sailed, man.”


  “Meaning that she and I started out as fuck buddies and discovered that we actually liked each other, but weren’t in love with each other. God, I haven’t slept with Leash in…almost two years.” He shakes his head again and chuckles.

  “You’re very affectionate for a friend.”

  He stops typing again and watches me for a moment before answering. I don’t drop my gaze.

  “I love her like a sister. I know her, inside and out, and would do just about anything for her. She’s probably one of the best people I know. She had a shit day, and needed a hug. So I gave her one.”

  She had a shit day. And I added to it, no doubt.

  “I’m sorry that I misunderstood.”

  Blake leans back in his chair and steeples his fingers together. “You’re interested.”

  “I’ve been interested for a long while,” I admit, and rub my hand over my mouth in agitation. “She’s made it clear that she doesn’t return the sentiment.”

  “Hmm.” He focuses on something over my shoulder, briefly lost in thought. “It’s not a bad idea.”


  “You and Alecia.”

  “Did you not just hear what I said?” I shake my head and turn my attention to my phone, pulling up my notes for the family reunion. “So, a white and a red—”

  “Alecia says no to everyone,” he interrupts. “She’s not quick to trust. But I think you would be good together.”

  “Thank you so much for your approval,” I reply dryly.

  “Oh, you’ll need it,” he says perfectly calmly. “Because without it, you’d be fucked.”

  I simply stare at him, waiting for him to continue.

  “Alecia doesn’t have contact with her family. I’m it. If I didn’t like you, it would be a no-go.”

  “It’s a no-go anyway. She’s. Not. Interested.”

  He shrugs and returns to his computer. “Seems to me a girl like Alecia might be worth a little extra effort.”

  The anger and frustration is swift. Extra effort? I’ve tried to get her to go out with me for a fucking year. The answer is always the same: thank you, but no.

  I hate hearing that fucking word. No.


  “Hey, handsome brother!” Jules grins, her blonde hair loose around her pretty face. She’s wearing a flowy, red sundress and looks amazing.

  “Ciao, bella,” I reply and kiss her cheek.

  “Me too!” Natalie says and leans in to kiss me, then presses herself against me for a long hug.

  Along with four brothers and all of their beautiful women, I gained two beautiful sisters as well. Natalie, like me, was brought into the fold later in life, after her own parents were killed in an accident. It seems the Montgomerys enjoy adding to their brood.

  “Ciao, cara,” I whisper into her ear. Her dark hair has been braided down her back. She’s in jeans and a tank top, looking happy and beautiful. “To what do I owe the honor of being invited to lunch with you two?”

  “We just wanted to see you,” Natalie replies innocently.

  “What she means is,” Jules begins as she gives the menu a quick look, tosses it on the table, and then leans toward me, her elbows planted on the wrought iron. “We need dirt.”

  “Dirt?” I chuckle, and set my menu aside as well.

  “We don’t know you well enough.”

  “You’ve known me for more than a year, bella. We’ve spent quite a lot of time together.”

  “You’re going to scare him off,” Natalie says in a sing-songy voice, glaring at Jules, making me chuckle. These two are funny.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Jules rolls her eyes. “I’m not going to scare him off.”

  “Depends on where this is going,” I reply dryly, but can’t keep the smile from my face.

  “You’re so handsome,” Natalie says, and smiles softly as she watches me. “I love your dimple.”

  “Now you just want something.”

  “He’s gotten good at the brother thing,” Jules says to Natalie, making my heart stop.

  I hope so.

  “So, we’re your sisters,” Natalie says as Jules nods. “And we love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I murmur, already softening. My God, if I’d grown up with them, I would have been wrapped around their fingers from the moment I laid eyes on them.

  Who am I kidding? I have been wrapped around their fingers since I laid eyes on them. Both of them, along with all of the women in this amazing family.

  “You know that anything you need is yours. Just say it.”

  “Oh, you’re sweet,” Jules says, as the waitress sets waters on the table.

  “Yes, he is,” the waitress says and winks at me. “Is he available?”

  “Well—” Nat begins, but I interrupt her.


  “Too bad. Sorry it took me a minute, the patio is always busy when it’s nice out like this. What can I getcha?”

  We order drinks and when she’s gone, I gaze back and forth between the girls.

  “We really did just want to chat and see you,” Natalie says, and lays her small hand over my arm. “We don’t get much alone time with you.”

  “And we need dirt.”

  “Jules!” Natalie laughs in frustration.

  “What kind of dirt do you want?”

  I sip my water and choke when Jules replies with, “Are you fucking anyone?”

  “Are you trying to kill him?” Natalie demands, and pats me hard on the back as I cough.

  “What the hell?” I ask, and push the water far away from me. I think I need something much stronger and reach for the wine list, satisfied when I see Mama Salvatore wines listed.

  “Well, you’ve always been very hush-hush about your sex life, and I know you’re not celibate, so I want to know.” Jules shrugs as if this is the most normal conversation in the world, and Natalie offers me a smile, but doesn’t try to deter Jules from her line of questioning.

  “I don’t think I’m going to have this conversation with you,” I reply slowly. No way, no how.

  “Why?” Jules asks with a tilt to the head.

  “Because you’re my sisters.”

  “Yes, but we’re adults. We have sex. We both have babies, for the love of baby Jesus.”

  Natalie nods and thanks the waitress when she delivers our drinks. I order a glass of the merlot from my vineyard and we order our entrees as well.

  “Let’s change the subject,” I suggest.

  “Killjoy,” Jules mutters, making me laugh.

  “How are things with Alecia?” Natalie asks.

  I’m just going to be reminded of Alecia everywhere I go today.

  “There are no things with Alecia,” I reply.
  “Oh, there are things,” Jules replies smugly. “I’ve seen the way you look at her.”

  I frown, but before I can reply, Natalie says, “And we know you’ve asked her out.”

  “Which she’s declined,” I reply.


  Why doesn’t everyone understand that no means no?

  “I was taught to politely retreat when a lady says no,” I say and sip my wine.

  “But you only asked her out for, what, dinner?” Jules asks, clearly confused.

  “Yes, I believe I asked her to dinner. Three times.” I cringe and shake my head. “A man can only take so much rejection from one woman.”

  “But what else did you do?” Natalie asks.

  I pause and frown at her. “What do you mean?”

  “What did you do to show her that it wasn’t just a matter of wanting to get in her pants?”

  What am I missing?

  “Dinner doesn’t necessarily mean get in her pants.”

  “Sure it does,” Jules says with a wave of her hand.

  “For example,” Natalie continues, “back in the day, Luke would have my coffee delivered to me. He still does sometimes.”

  “Oh, and remember when he left all those flowers on our front porch after he screwed up that time?” Jules says with a laugh.

  “Yep,” Nat says with a smile.

  “For me, it was the chocolate cheesecake,” Jules says. “Nate always had chocolate cheesecake in his apartment—our apartment now—because he knew I loved it.”

  “Really? Coffee and cheesecake were the ways to your hearts?” I laugh, but Jules punches me in the shoulder. “Ow!”

  “You’re not listening! It’s not about the coffee and the cheesecake.”

  “It’s the fact that they paid attention to the little things,” Natalie agrees. “They didn’t just say, ‘Hey, baby, wanna go to dinner and then go to my place and fuck like rabbits?’”

  “Even though we totally fuck like rabbits,” Jules adds.

  “They showed us that they were interested in us.”

  “And this worked for you.” My voice is full of sarcasm, but what they say makes sense. All I’ve done is ask Alecia out when we were both at a family function, usually while she was working. I’ve never taken the time to make an effort.


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