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Before Dawn

Page 10

by Olivia Hutchinson

  “Why not? I mean if Declan hates being in charge—”

  "He doesn't though," Hannah insisted. "He had other goals originally, yeah, but he doesn't hate it. I think he realized from an early age he'd be expected to step in at some point, especially after Dad got older. He just never thought it would be that quick. Besides, Cantor and that territory have belonged to our family since the nineteenth century. No way would any of us voluntarily hand it over to someone else."

  “You never wanted to run the territory?”

  "Hell no. Besides, it really should be him. You have to have someone in that position who can hold their own, and Declan can. With his fighting history, his position isn't challenged like our dad's was because others always assume they'll lose. Shoot, the only werewolf with a fighting chance is Jackson, and the Vastags have their own territory out in Wyoming. He doesn't want Azarov territory."

  Natalie fell into silence. She couldn’t help but wonder what else she didn’t know about Declan. He talked about the cage fighting and the octagon like he loved it but never mentioned that he used to do it himself. That was something she wanted to know.

  She wanted to know a lot more about him, not just about his fighting past, and more than the little tidbits he provided her on their ride into Boston. So, his favorite color was navy blue. That didn’t tell her anything significant.

  Standing at Slugger's with him at her back felt right. It was so strange to her that in the small amount of time since they met at Lila's, she was beginning to feel as if she’d known him for years. He was comfortable to be around. He was considerate.

  He was her protector.

  Chills jolted down her arms and up her spine. He fell into that role easily. Acted as if there was nothing wrong with it. Like it was no big deal. He watched her back and made sure she had everything she needed. She worried about Declan getting into it with Red Bowinger especially when he came at Hannah like that. She saw the way all of his muscles clenched. How his eyes narrowed.

  He evaluated a threat to someone he loved, and he was ready to attack. Only Declan didn't realize Hannah was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. She hoped he wasn't upset by her own interference, especially after she’d held him back, not wanting him to have any more problems than he was already dealing with.

  Her focus was still on the side-view mirror when Hannah asked, “What are you doing with him? Are you just fooling around? Or is it more than that?”

  Natalie glanced over at her once before averting her face to hide her flushing cheeks. “We’re…enjoying each other’s company.”

  “Enjoying each other’s company? That’s crap.”

  She met Hannah's eyes then. “I like being around him. I don't think our relationship will go any further, but I'm enjoying the time we spend together.”

  “You like him.”

  “There’s not much not to like,” Natalie confessed softly.


  Declan had his arm around Natalie's shoulder all night long. They ate two dozen wings, along with a bottomless basket of French fries, and chased everything with a pitcher of beer. Hannah gave both him and Natalie the run down as to what had happened between her and Red Bowinger. He struggled to control his anger at the shifter, but Natalie placed a light hand on his knee with a gentle explanation about how Hannah could deal with it herself, so all thoughts of Bowinger went right out the window fairly quickly.

  Hannah was happy. Natalie was happy. His job here was done. He relaxed and caught up with his sister and enjoyed Natalie's company. It was easy. Comfortable. It felt right sitting next to her while she laughed at something Hannah said. They got along well, which was nice to see. Hannah was never a big fan of any of his girlfriends, but Natalie was different.

  Too bad she wasn’t really his.

  It was almost ten by the time he paid the bill and ushered Natalie back to the SUV. Based on her flushed cheeks and easy giggles, she was slightly tipsy. Hannah hugged them both and went on her own way, saying something about meeting a friend downtown while he drove them back to the apartment.

  “I like your sister,” Natalie said when he parked the car. “She’s a lot of fun.”

  He got out of the SUV and unlocked the door. When they were heading up the stairs, he said, “She likes you. I can tell.”

  “At least one person in your family does.”


  Natalie stopped at the top of the steps, her hand hovering just above the doorknob and her brows scrunched together. “Who’s the other one?”

  “Me.” He stopped on the first step, flipping through his keys to find the right one. Key in hand, he looked up to see Natalie staring at him. Her pupils were the size of dinner plates. “What’s wr—”

  Her mouth covered his in an instant. It was a quick peck, but she leaned in, bumped his half-opened mouth with hers, and then jerked back as if burned, leaving him stunned and speechless.

  “Oooh, I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry!” She covered her mouth with one hand while she twisted the knob and pulled with the other. She yanked the door, her face bright red. She was trying to run. Once, twice, she pulled and nothing.

  “I have to unlock it,” he told her when he found his voice.

  Natalie stepped back and looked everywhere but at him. He slipped the key in, unlocked the door, and swung it open before stepping back and letting Natalie go in first. She all but ran inside. He kicked the door shut behind him, flipped on the light, and took three long strides after her.

  Declan grasped hold of her wrist before she got the chance to escape into the bathroom. “Wait.”

  Natalie swung around. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

  “You didn’t mean to kiss me?”

  "Yes. No." She huffed. "I don't know. It felt like the right thing to do at the time. Don't be mad."

  “I’m not mad. Not at all.”

  “Okay, good. I’m sorry.” Natalie glanced down to where he still held her wrist, his thumb stroking over the pulse point, and back up at him. Her pulse was strumming, matching in rhythm with the pounding in his own chest.

  He dropped her arm then and cleared his throat. “You don’t have to apologize. It’s fine. It’s all good. We’re all good.”

  “Are we?”

  He nodded vigorously. “Yeah. Yeah, we’re good.” And to prove his point, he leaned forward, clasped the back of her neck and landed what was supposed to be a quick kiss on her mouth. It was just supposed to ease the tension she carried, erase whatever guilt she had for doing something natural.

  That and he really, really wanted to.

  Natalie threw her arms around his waist and anchored herself against his chest. She tasted like strawberry lip gloss and the restaurant's peppermints. He probably tasted like beer and buffalo sauce. If it was terrible, she didn't pull away. Her mouth was eager against his, nipping at his bottom lip until he opened up for her.

  He delved into her willing mouth, tasting and teasing until a light moan escaped her. The sweet scent of her arousal hung heavy in the air, and his erection prodded her belly. This was going too far, too fast. The bedroom was only three strides away, and that's where they'd end up if he didn't put a stop to this now.

  Declan broke away from her with a soft smack and tried to put some distance between them. Natalie's arms loosened, and he used that to his advantage, stepping back. "Nat, stop. I'm sorry, but we have to stop."

  “You didn’t like it?”

  He shook his head. “No, no it’s not that. We just can’t. I want you.” He gestured down to the tent in his pants to prove his point. “This just isn’t a good idea.”

  Her face deflated and he felt as if he’d been punched in the gut. Her voice was soft when she said, “Oh.”

  “Shit, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  She tossed her hair over her shoulder and crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, we’re even now. I think…I think I’m gonna go to sleep.”

  When she disappeared into the bedroom,
he followed only to retrieve a pillow and blanket for bedding on the couch. She waited patiently for him to leave her alone before quietly closing the door and shutting him out.

  Kissing her was a terrible idea. He was attracted to her ever since meeting her, but now they just moved everything to the next level. His chest was vibrating, the beast inside him demanding he go in there and finish what he started. What she started.

  What they both started.

  Frustrated, Declan tossed the bedding onto the couch and stripped out of his clothes except for his boxers and tossed everything into the laundry basket in the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and splashed some warm water on his face while he was in there. He needed to pull himself together.

  Laying down on the couch, he listened as Natalie moved around the bedroom, her feet light on the carpet. After about ten minutes, the bedroom door creaked open. She had changed out of her clothes and replaced them with tiny purple shorts that crept up her butt and a black t-shirt that clung to her tits in all the best ways. She slipped out of the room, casting a glance in his direction. He feigned sleep, keeping his eyes cracked open so he could see her as she disappeared into the bathroom.

  The water ran, and after a few minutes, she popped out and hurried back to the bedroom. After that, the room was quiet. It took Declan almost an hour to finally fall asleep, but when he did, he dreamt of awkward kisses and pretty brown eyes.

  "I left more on the counter!" The sound of his mother's voice outside the door to the garage jerked Declan awake. The sun was coming in the through the blinds in the living room. He had a crick in his neck, and all of his muscles were aching, thanks to the uncomfortable and lumpy couch.

  He dove from the couch, snagging the blanket and pillow and hightailed it into the bedroom. Natalie was asleep still, hugging a pillow to her chest. He tossed the blanket over the bottom half of the bed and took the pillow with him as he scurried into the bed next to her.

  Without thinking, he threw his arm around her and drug her to his chest. She startled awake, kicking her legs and slapping his hand.

  “Shh! My mother is coming,” he whispered.

  “Never would’ve thought you’d get in trouble for not being in bed with a girl, huh?” she murmured softly and settled back down onto the bed, pulling the blanket up and over their shoulders.

  He pressed his face to her back and grinned. She was soft against him, her body still warm from sleep. Her hand covered his, and she sighed, relaxing back against him. Oh, he could fall asleep like this, no problem.

  The sound of his mother's feet on the stairs was followed by her key hitting the lock. This was how she expected to find them. If he stayed on the couch, she'd know something wasn't right. Even now he was cursing because the living room would smell strongly of him, whereas the bedroom wouldn't carry as much of his scent.

  “I brought cinnamon rolls,” she announced to the empty kitchen as she kicked the door shut behind her. “Get out of bed and come eat.”

  This was his mother's attempt at being pleasant. She fed them lunch yesterday, but she hadn't spoken more than two words to Natalie during or after. Hannah must have cornered her about her behavior either late last night or early this morning.

  Unable to help himself, he kissed her shoulder as he pushed himself out of bed. Leaning over, he snagged a pair of sweatpants from his bag and put them on. Natalie was moving around, picking her shorts out of her butt, and pulling her hair up into a haphazard bun.

  Her long golden legs were distracting. They went on for ages. Her toenails were painted bright pink, and she bounced on her feet before looking to him. She was hesitating, probably not wanting to go out into the other room with his mother alone. He didn't blame her.

  "Morning, mom," he said as Natalie disappeared into the bathroom. The water sounded, and he went to kiss his mother on the cheek and start the coffee pot.

  She frowned. “Did you sleep on the couch?”

  “No. I was up late and didn’t want to keep Nat awake.”

  “Hmm…” His mother tapped her chin with her pointer finger as Declan began measuring out the coffee. “I brought cinnamon rolls.”

  “I heard,” he grumbled, waiting for Natalie to come out of the bathroom. She did a few seconds later. He passed her in the living room. “Coffee’s on.”

  “Oh, goodie. You could use some.”

  He tried to hurry in the bathroom, emptying his bladder and brushing his teeth in record time. When he went back to the kitchen, he found his mother and Natalie sitting at the table across from each other, neither one of them saying anything.

  “So,” Natalie said, breaking the silence. “You brought cinnamon rolls?”

  Paula nodded, clearly relieved. “I thought you two would like some breakfast.”

  "They smell delicious." Natalie leaned across the table and plucked one of the enormous rolls from the platter.

  “Thank you.”

  Declan stood in front of the coffee pot, willing it to brew faster. Caffeine was his friend, and if he wanted to have a semi-coherent thought, he needed some. When there was enough for a cup, he pulled out the pot and filled up a mug for himself but then thought better of it. He looked at the coffee and then at Natalie. "Here," he said, thrusting it toward her.

  “Oh, no. You drink that.” She nodded at the mug. “You need it more than I do. You should try a cinnamon roll. They’re ooey-gooey and delicious.”

  His mother could bake. She was always the mom who made homemade treats for all the kids to take to bake sales. There were fresh cookies at every holiday and large, delicious cakes for every birthday.

  Drinking down half of the piping hot coffee in one long gulp, he set the mug down and grabbed a roll from the platter. The cream cheese icing was melting so he licked it and took a big bite.

  Paula smiled when she saw the two of them enjoying the rolls. Once both Natalie and Declan finished them, she leaned forward herself and plucked a roll from the platter. “What are your plans for today?” she asked, pulling a piece off.

  “I have to go meet with Zachariah Mason in a little bit. I heard the CE brought him in.”

  Paula nodded. “I heard his daughter took off with her half-breed baby.”

  “Yeah, she did.”

  Paula quieted and took a thoughtful bite of the cinnamon roll. After swallowing, she glanced once at Natalie before turning back to Declan, "I can't imagine what Vanessa is going through right now. Between her mate being taken in and her daughter and grandchild missing. Poor thing."

  Vanessa was a wreck, which was why she called Declan and begged for his help, but he didn’t reveal this to his mother. He just grunted, nodded his head, and finished off his coffee. Natalie pushed herself up from the table and went over to the coffee pot.

  “Paula, would you like some coffee?” she asked.

  “No, thank you. I can’t stand the taste of the stuff.”

  Natalie nodded and fixed herself a cup of coffee before grabbing Declan’s empty mug off the counter, refilling it, and thrusting it toward him. He took it from her with a smile. Cute thing knew he still wasn’t awake yet. Well, awake enough to do anything except stare at her ass.

  He sipped the coffee this time as Natalie went back to the table. “Do you have any plans today, Paula?”

  His mother straightened her spine and smiled. "There's a reception this evening at the Council House. Malcolm told me he invited both of you."

  Natalie sipped her coffee and nodded. “He did. I’m glad you brought that up, actually. I wanted your opinion on what I should wear. I’ve never been to something like this before.”

  His mother was all but glowing now. "I'd love to help." Paula apologized with cinnamon rolls, and Natalie forgave her when she requested her opinion.

  The two of them were heading into the bedroom when Declan’s cellphone began ringing on the coffee table. He set down the coffee, snatched up the phone only to see Kaleb’s name flash over the screen.


  “We have a
problem,” Kaleb said. Declan looked up to see his mother glance toward him. It would be easy for her to hear whatever Kaleb was about to say which couldn't happen.

  “Hold on.” Declan held the phone to his chest and went out the door and down the steps. “What’s wrong?”

  Kaleb didn’t hide the anger in his voice. “Gabriel’s mated.”

  Mated? Declan closed his eyes and leaned his hand against the wall. Big problems were turning into massive issues. What the hell was his cousin thinking?

  Kaleb didn’t elaborate and didn’t offer anything else, so Declan said, “Thank you for telling me.” He ended the call and held the phone to his chest as he tried to get his thoughts under control. Gabriel was a fucking idiot.

  He blew out a harsh breath, dropped his hand, and went up the stairs. By the time he was inside, he was calm.

  “Was that Kaleb?” his mother asked him when he went to the bedroom. Natalie was holding up a burgundy spaghetti-strap dress to her chest. She tossed it onto the bed when she saw him, worry etched on her face.


  His mother tilted her head. “Everything okay?”

  “Yup. He’s fine.”

  Paula smiled. She raised both Kaleb and Gabriel since they were children and loved them no less than Declan or Hannah. She was going to be heartbroken when she found out what Gabriel had done. Paula pointed to the dress Natalie had just tossed onto the bed. "That one, dear. The color will look stunning on you."

  Natalie smiled at Paula, but her eyes kept darting to where Declan stood in the door frame. She realized something wasn't right but at least was able to maintain a straight face until Paula left, taking the empty cinnamon roll platter with her. She waited a few beats before cornering him in the bedroom where he was getting his clothes out for the day before he hopped in the shower.

  “What’s wrong with Kaleb?”

  He stood up and tossed his clothing onto the bed next to her outfit for later. “Gabriel mated Lila.”

  “Mated,” she breathed before shaking her head. “Mated?”


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