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Break-Away Strength

Page 12

by Charlie Richards

  “Unconscious!” Ryan responded, clearly surprised. “Why unconscious?”

  Reggie snapped, “When a man threatens me and my lover with a gun, I have no desire to ask why. I just want him immobilized.” He growled, then finished, “Miguel and I simply expedited that eventuality.”

  “He’s not dead, is he?”

  Snorting, Reggie immediately denied that. “Of course not,” he snarled. “We just worked together to make certain Miguel didn’t end up kidnapped and neither of us ended up shot.”

  “He threatened you both with a gun?”

  “Yeah!” Reggie responded, drawing the word out like he’d heard his twelve year old granddaughter do. “Lots of gun threatening. Miguel kicked it into the river, so when you find it, it should only have his own prints on it.”

  Once more, Reggie heard someone mumbling and he suddenly wondered if he wasn’t on speaker. Either way, it didn’t matter, because right then, Miguel opened the patio door. He peeked in, glancing around quickly, then stepped inside the screen-enclosed room.

  Miguel carried a small coil of rope.

  “Hey, Detective Ryan,” Reggie called. “I’m tying Otto up. According to the asshat, Monty is supposed to be on his way back here.”

  Upon hearing Ryan rumble some kind of acknowledgment, Reggie pressed the speaker button on his own phone. “You’re on speaker,” he called as he rose from his seat. He took the rope from Miguel, then leaned down and pressed a slow, sipping kiss to his lips.

  “And because you’re on speaker, we can hear you making out with your young, hot lover,” Ryan called. “Focus, man!”

  Reggie snorted as he pulled away from Miguel. “I wasn’t making out,” he replied, crossing to Otto’s seated body. “I was kissing him hello.”

  “Miguel must give fantastic hello kisses,” Ryan replied. “Now, tell me exactly about your altercation. I’m going to take a preliminary statement as we drive.”

  “Is that allowed?” Miguel muttered.

  Evidently, his words had been just loud enough for the cops to hear as Carl replied, “We’re not officially on this case, yet, so it’ll be fine.”

  “Very well,” Reggie grumbled. He took a moment to begin unfurling the rope so he could tie Otto up. “Miguel. You recognized the car that pulled up. Why don’t you start?”

  Over the next ten minutes, Reggie tied Otto’s hands and feet together. He listened as Miguel told what happened with Monty and Otto. Hearing his lover explain how they’d disarmed the gun-wielding man, Reggie couldn’t help but feel pride at how level-headed his handsome lover had been.

  Reggie settled in one of the other chairs, then gripped Miguel’s hips and pulled him onto his lap. He interrupted the younger man’s recounting by gripping his jaw and planting a kiss on him. Miguel didn’t resist, snuggling on his lap and pushing into his kiss.

  “Yo,” Ryan called from the speaker of the phone. “You two gonna finish?”

  Carl’s chuckle in the background was unmistakable. “Never mind. Just keep it in your pants for now, though, because we’ll be there in five.”

  Ending the kiss, Reggie grinned at Miguel as he called loud enough his voice would be picked up by the speaker. “We’ll be here, but no promises on the pants.”

  After hearing Ryan grumble under his breath, Reggie realized he must have disconnected the line, for the sound cut off.

  Reggie returned to gently sipping at Miguel’s lips as he rubbed his palms over his torso. He knew it was partly due to a need to reassure himself that his lover was safe and secure. Miguel didn’t seem to mind, so Reggie continued to touch.

  Otto roused a couple of minutes before the detectives arrived, subjecting them to a string of rude comments and threats. Fortunately, as soon as Carl and Ryan arrived, he shut up. Miguel took Carl to see if they could recover the revolver while Ryan stayed and took Reggie’s statement.

  Just as Carl and Miguel were striding out of the woods and back to the cabin, Reggie heard another car. When the sedan he recognized as Monty’s came into view, he left Ryan with Otto and stepped outside. He didn’t miss the way Miguel picked up his pace to reach him.

  Carl must have noticed it as well, for he glanced at the new arrival as he exited his vehicle, then back at Miguel. “Is that Montague Keens?”

  Miguel nodded.

  Reggie wrapped his arm around Miguel as he watched Carl change directions. He tucked the evidence-bag-wrapped gun into an inside pocket of his jacket. Holding up his badge, he greeted Monty.

  “Hello, Sir,” Carl stated. “I’m Detective Carl Lewis. Who are you, Sir, and what’s your business here?”

  Monty scowled at Carl, but he did answer. “My name is Montague Keens. I’m here to pick up my boyfriend.”

  “And who is your boyfriend, Montague?” Carl questioned.

  Glaring, Monty snapped, “My boyfriend is Miguel Swanson.” He pointed at Miguel. “He’s right there.” Shifting his focus to Miguel, he demanded, “Miguel, come here and tell this cop who I am.”

  Reggie looked down at his lover. “Do you want to talk to him?”

  Miguel’s eyes narrowed. “Yeah,” he murmured. “Yeah, I do. I’ve done enough running.”

  Nodding, Reggie kept his arm around Miguel as he started them in that direction. “I was real proud of you earlier,” he murmured. “Did I tell you that? I’m impressed with your ability to think on your feet.”

  Smiling up at him, Miguel whispered, “Thanks. I couldn’t let anything happen to you. Impressive casting, by the way.”

  Reggie grinned widely, then swooped down and pecked a quick kiss to Miguel’s lips.

  “Hey, you asshole!” Monty screamed. “That’s my boyfriend. Get away from him.”

  Miguel turned and glared at Monty. “I’m not your boyfriend, Monty,” he stated coldly. “I haven’t been your boyfriend in almost a month. You just don’t like taking no for an answer. Why do you think I left my apartment for a while? You kept stopping by when I didn’t want you to, even when I asked you not to.”

  “You can’t break up with me,” Monty snarled. “You’re mine, Miguel. Now get in the car.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Fortified by the presence of both his new lover and the detective, Miguel finally felt safe to speak his mind. When he’d asked Monty to leave him alone in the past, he’d never had another strong presence to back him up. While he’d always had Dee, Monty hadn’t respected her because she was a woman.

  Plus, having law enforcement on his side definitely gave him courage.

  “I am not yours, Monty,” Miguel claimed. “I am my own man. I choose who I want to see, where I want to live, and where I want to work.” Miguel crossed his arms over his chest as he gave his ex a narrow-eyed stare. “Now, are you going to respect my wishes and leave me alone? Or am I going to have to get a restraining order against you?”

  “Why you disobedient little sub,” Monty growled. “When we get back home, you will be in so much trouble.”

  Carl stepped forward. “Are you threatening Mister Swanson, Montague?”

  “Of course not,” Monty responded, frowning. “You just don’t understand our relationship, that’s all.”

  “I understand the basics of dominant and submissive relationships, Sir,” Carl countered. “From what I’m seeing here, this isn’t it. Miguel has chosen to move on from whatever relationship he had with you.” He narrowed his eyes as he told him, “That is something you will need to come to terms with. Now, if seeing Miguel is the only reason you’re here, I’m going to ask you to leave.”

  “Fine,” Monty snapped. “I’ll go.” He glared at Miguel. “Don’t think this is over.”

  Miguel knew a threat when he heard one. He’d heard them all before, after all. As soon as Monty left, Miguel planned to do whatever it took to get a restraining order against the man.

  As Monty turned and headed toward his car, Carl pulled out his phone and checked a text message. He quickly put his phone away and put his hand on the butt of his gun. “M
ontague Keens,” Carl stated firmly. “Stop and put your hands on your head.”

  Monty actually spun to face them, his mouth opening and closing as he sputtered, “What? Why?”

  “Stop moving and put your hands on your head,” Carl ordered again.

  Slowly, Monty did as he was told.

  Miguel knew if looks could kill, the man’s angry stare would have been lethal.

  “I know my rights,” Monty sneered. “You need to tell me what I’m being charged with.”

  Carl stepped up next to him, his cuffs in hand. As he pulled his arms behind his back and clicked the metal bracelets around his wrists, he explained, “You are under arrest under suspicion of conspiracy to murder Delilah Lanyard, as well as giving false testimony in a murder investigation while aiding and abetting said murderer. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to—”

  As Miguel listened to Carl tell Monty of his rights, he stumbled backward a couple of steps. He should have known, but hearing it spoken out loud... it finally, truly hit him. His best friend of twenty years was dead, killed by his ex-boyfriend and his friend.

  Reggie wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into a tight embrace. “Easy,” he soothed. “Just breathe for me. I got you.”

  “Dee is dead,” Miguel whispered. An overwhelming sense of guilt rushed through him. “And it’s all my fault. If I had never gotten involved with that asshole, none of this would have ever happened.”

  “Hey,” Reggie crooned. “Don’t say that. It’s not your fault. None of this was your fault. Monty and Otto are at fault, not you.”

  Miguel tucked his face against Reggie’s flannel-shirt-covered chest. He inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of his lover. There was something so soothing about Reggie’s natural masculine scent. He felt his pulse ease.

  “Yeah,” Miguel murmured. “I know that in my head,” he admitted, tipping his head to meet Reggie’s gaze. “But it’s harder to remember... ya know?” Seeing the warmth and understanding in Reggie’s eyes, he murmured, “I bet I even missed her funeral, didn’t I?”

  “Perhaps,” Reggie agreed. “However, that doesn’t mean we can’t visit her grave and pay our respects.”

  “You’d go with me?” Miguel knew he hadn’t hid his surprise well enough, but Reggie didn’t comment on it.

  Instead, Reggie stated, “She was your best friend most of your life and offered you unwavering loyalty until the end.” He pecked a kiss to his lips, then whispered, “That kind of thing is rare. I’d like to offer my respects as well.”


  “You can’t make this stick on me,” Monty roared. “My lawyers are going to eat you alive!”

  “In the back of the cruiser, Sir,” Carl ordered.

  Miguel gaped as he watched his ex being seated in the back of a marked police car. He didn’t know when it had arrived, but another one was parked right behind it. Ryan passed them, steering a cuffed Otto toward the second vehicle.

  “When did they get here?” Miguel whispered, looking at Reggie for the answers. “How long was I out of it?”

  “Only a couple of minutes,” Reggie told him reassuringly. “It looks like my buddies were just in the right place at the right time.”

  “I’ll say,” Miguel whispered. “It must be nice to know cops.”

  “It has its perks,” Reggie confirmed with a grin. “Now, how about we ask them what was found out that got your ex arrested?”

  Hours later, once again curled up on Reggie’s lap—this time in the recliner in the living room—Miguel still couldn’t believe what he’d learned.

  Evidently, while Carl had spent the evening with them, Ryan had discreetly followed up on leads that had been dismissed by the local PD. Ryan was under the impression that someone in that department was on the take from either Monty or Otto, but didn’t have proof. What he did find was that Monty and Otto had alibied each other, and somehow, Otto’s prints were found inside Miguel’s apartment, even though the man should never have stepped foot in there according to their stories. It had been enough for Ryan to convince a judge to give him a search warrant. He’d found an impressive knife collection, a couple of them good prospects for the damage done to certain parts of Dee’s anatomy.

  Miguel had asked Ryan not to tell him specifics.

  Coupled with the kidnapping attempt, plus Otto’s comments by the river, it made it easy for Ryan and Carl to draw clear conclusions about what had truly happened to Dee.

  “I got a call from Seth, my son, while you were in the shower,” Reggie rumbled, breaking the silence. “I told him about you and me.”

  Miguel gaped up at Reggie for a few seconds, but his lover’s expression gave nothing away. “I-Is everything okay?” he stuttered, “Are you okay? What happened?”

  “I’m fine,” Reggie assured. He threaded his fingers through Miguel’s hair until he rested his hand on his neck. Massaging his tendons lightly, he admitted, “Seth asked all those questions I told you people would. And I reminded him of how I met and married his mother.” Reggie chuckled softly. “He said he didn’t understand how I could be straight all these years, then suddenly find a guy attractive. I told him the truth,” he told him. “I told him I’ve always been bisexual, but I was married. Then, after that, I didn’t want anyone... until you. I told him he should be happy that after being alone for so long, I found companionship again.”

  Miguel nibbled his bottom lip. “I don’t want to come between you and your children, Reg.”

  “I know you don’t,” Reggie responded. “And you won’t. Seth might not understand, but he is happy for me... in his own way. My daughters will feel the same way,” he assured. “And I’m sure I’ll be receiving phone calls from them soon, too.”

  Miguel saw the confidence on Reggie’s face, the assurance he felt in his own words. “As long as you’re sure,” Miguel murmured. “As much as I want you, to be with you, I understand the importance of family.”

  “I’m sure,” Reggie stated again. “What about you? Do you have any family?”

  Realizing, to Reggie, that was the end of it, Miguel decided to trust his lover and assume he knew his children. He shook his head. “No. No family. I was an only child and my mother passed when I was three. My father worked two and three jobs putting me through school, then died a month before I graduated.” He smiled. “He was a good man.”

  Reggie nodded. “I’d love to hear about him someday if you ever want to share. Him and Dee.” He traced his thumb along his lower lip. “I bet you have plenty of fantastic stories.”

  “Yeah, a few,” Miguel admitted. He appreciated that Reggie seemed to be interested. “Maybe when losing Dee isn’t still so raw.”

  Nodding again, Reggie used his hold on his neck to tilt his head. He lowered his head and pressed their lips together. Miguel immediately opened for his lover, welcoming his tongue inside him.

  For several long minutes, Miguel reveled in his lover’s taste. He lapped at his tongue, suckling lightly. When Reggie eased the kiss to an end, Miguel sighed softly then rested his forehead on his shoulder.

  “God, I do love the way you kiss,” Miguel whispered.

  Reggie hummed, then rumbled, “I’d planned to stay here for another week, Miguel, but if you’d prefer to go to my home, we can do that, too.”

  “You’d let me decide?” Miguel asked, lifting his head and staring at his lover in surprise.

  Reggie rubbed his hands over his torso lightly. “I would. I came out here to do some soul searching... to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.” He offered a roguish grin as he continued, “The universe provided you, and I realized I didn’t need to straighten out my mind.” He winked. “I just needed my mind not so straight.”

  Miguel chuckled softly at the bad joke. He thought quickly, trying to wrap his head around everything that had happened to him. “I think,” he began slowly. “That I’ve done enough running. I think it’s time to start rebuilding my life... and I want to do tha
t with you.” Taking a deep breath, he decided to jump in with both feet and grab on tight to the best thing that had happened to him in twenty-five years. “I’d like to see where you live, Reg. I’d like to see where I might fit into it.”

  “You will fit into the best part of it,” Reggie assured.

  Miguel smiled as he peered up at him. As Reggie lowered his head to kiss him, Miguel thought the man would be absolutely right.

  About the Author

  Charlie started writing fantasy when she was eight, and after stumbling onto her first erotic romance at age nineteen, she realized her true calling. She now focuses on writing gay erotic romance, normally of the paranormal variety, with heroes of all kinds. With the help and support of her husband, Charlie finally fulfilled one of her life-long goals... move to acreage with her horses. You can often find her curled up with her laptop and a cup of tea or glass of wine, creating her next adventure. Charlie enjoys exploring the mountains of her new Oregon home on horseback, 4-wheeler, or motorcycle.

  She can be reached at

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  About the Author




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