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Paradise: The Paradise Club Series

Page 23

by Low, JA

  My friends all have wide eyes.

  “You would share Nate?” Harper asks.

  “It’s not about sharing, it’s just that we both agreed when we’re in his clubs, we can explore things with others.”

  “Makes sense. The man does have a sex empire,” Kimberly adds.

  “Don’t you get jealous?” Harper pushes.

  “No. We’ve had many encounters where we have watched each other with other people, and to be honest, it’s hot.”

  Harper's shocked face is almost laughable. “I don’t think I could do that. Not with someone I’m dating.” Harper shakes her head, over-exaggeratedly.

  “I wasn’t looking for anyone after Harris,” I tell the girls. “Nate kind of just crept up on me.”

  “I can see it on your face you really like him.” Kimberly nudges me.

  “I think maybe because we’ve built up whatever we have via words not just physical, that things have moved a lot quicker than I was expecting.”

  “How so?” Harper asks.

  “We chat most nights.”

  “So, it’s been months then?” Harper seems surprised.

  “It started out as a dunk text message which led to more, and now we talk all the time,” I reply with a shrug of my shoulders.

  “So, you kind of got to know him for him, not for all this.” Kimberly waves her hand around the bar.

  “Yeah. I think that’s what is different. I also have no idea how this is all going to work, but he’s moving back to New York to give it a chance.”

  “Nate is moving back?” Harper questions.

  “That’s what he said.”

  “That man is done for. Nate doesn’t like staying in one place for too long. He calls it ‘itchy feet,’” Harper explains. “So, for him to want to stay and pursue things with you, Camryn, he means it.” She gives me a genuine smile.

  “Enough about me. How did you guys go with your villas?” Wriggling my brows at them both, I smile.

  “I had the best massage.” Harper giggles.

  “So did I.” We high-five each other. “What about you?” I ask Kimberly.

  Her face turns a shade of pink, one I haven’t seen before.

  “Nothing… I just ordered some food and had a nap.”

  Harper and I stare at her with drawn brows.

  “Nothing?” Harper places her hands on her hips. “You are at a fucking sex resort, and you did nothing?” she states, her voice rising as she speaks.

  “We are here to work, not to mess around,” she counters.

  She is right with that statement. But that’s tomorrow, today’s for just a little bit of fun.

  “I need to pee.” Harper huffs, walking off.

  “You better not tell a living soul.” Kimberly tugs on my arm seriously.

  “Of course not.” I am a little confused, so I don’t say anything else and let her continue, “Sam popped over.” My eyes widen. “We’re just having fun.” Well, I totally get that. “It’s nothing serious.”

  “As long as you don’t get hurt, then what does it matter?”

  “I knew you’d understand. As much as I love Harper, Sam is her brother. We both agreed we are ‘friends with benefits.’”

  “How long has this been going on?”

  “A while.” Kimberly shrugs.

  “And you’re seeing other people?” She nods. “And if you see him with someone here, are you going to be okay?”

  “I don’t know… I mean I know he’s hooked up with people before, but if I have to physically see it, I think it might be a little much for me to handle,” she confesses.

  “Things might change after here, then,” I warn her.

  “Yeah, I know. I just… I just never saw him as anything more than a friend, and now… now I can’t get enough of seeing him naked.”

  We both burst out laughing. I totally get what she means.

  “Speak of the devil.” Looking over Kimberly’s shoulder, Sam and Nate are walking into the bar like two male models down a runway. Women and even a few men stop to watch them pass by. The two of them command attention when they’re together.

  “Hey, ladies,” Sam greets.

  I notice Sam catches himself as he was about to reach for Kimberly. That’s interesting.

  “Hey, babe.” Nate kisses my cheek.

  “Babe?” Sam’s screws up his face. “I never thought I’d see the day Nate Lewis, babe’s someone,” Sam teases him.

  Nate flips him off before grabbing my face and kissing me hard, just to fuck off his friend.

  Sam makes gagging sounds behind us, and it makes me laugh, breaking off the kiss.

  “Where’s Harper?” Sam asks.

  “She went to the bathroom,” Kimberley tells him.

  Nate turns and gives me all his attention. “How was your massage?”


  “Not too satisfying, I hope?”

  “Not as satisfying as you.” Reaching out, I wrap my arms around him.

  “Good to know.” He grins.

  “Seriously, are you two going to be like this the whole time we’re here?” Sam groans behind us.



  The official Grand Opening night went off without a hitch. It was perfect, everyone came out and attended. People were genuinely happy for Nate, Sam, his brother, Alex, who is also a partner in this venture. Nate announced the purchase of their next resort in Asia, and also the summer for The Paradise Club on the sea with his luxury yacht. All the guests were excited about their news and were ready to party, and now things have started to get a little crazy.

  “You did it.” Nate wraps his arms around me when we finally get a moment alone together.

  “No, you did it! You created all this, Nate. I just created a cool party.”

  Nate kisses me ever so gently. “Thank you.” I can see his sincerity. “You have been a lifesaver working up to tonight. You’ve helped me with so many other things outside of just a ‘cool party’ as you have termed it.” He’s sweet to say so. “I’ve organized a very special way to say thank you tonight.”

  Now I’m intrigued.

  Nate takes my hand and leads me off into the rainforest to a special cabin. “This is the dark room,” he tells me before we head inside. “Do you remember me telling you about this room?” he asks.

  “Yes. It’s completely dark except for a couple of lights that flash on every now and again. You don’t know who is who.”

  This room has me intrigued.

  “I have organized for a couple of special people to be inside with you. People you trust.”

  “You’re going to be with me, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Grabbing my face and pulling me into a kiss, he says, “You sure you’re okay with this?”

  “Yes,” I answer with nervous anticipation because the last surprise he organized for me was incredible.

  “Good. I don’t ever want to push you to do something you don’t want, Camryn.” He holds me tightly.

  “As long as I am with you, I know I’m safe.”

  “I’ll never hurt you, Camryn. Never.” He kisses me slowly again, and I know in this moment, he means every single word he says, and that I’m safe. He opens the door to the dark room where there’s a brightly lit foyer. There is a luxury change room off to one side with lockers to place your items.

  “Get undressed Camryn, and I’ll set things up.” He places another reassuring kiss on my temple before leaving the locker area. I get undressed and see a sheer robe waiting for me. Nate’s thought of everything. He knows I would be self-conscious walking from here to the room. He comes back in, his eyes blazing with heat when he sees me standing before him.

  “You look like a goddamn angel, Camryn.” He shakes his head in disbelief. “I will never understand what I did to deserve you.” He kisses me again, this time with more heat. “I promise I will cherish you for as long as you’ll have me.”

  Damn this man and h
is words.

  “Shall we?” He takes my hand and pushes open the door.

  The lights are on, there’s a bed in the middle of the white room, with some bean bags scattered around it, an armchair, and a bench.

  “I wanted you to see what the room looked like before the lights go out.”

  Looking around the room, it’s sparse, but it doesn’t look as intimidating as it probably would have in the dark.

  “Let me take your robe, little one.” Nate slides the sheer material off my shoulders and lays it across his arm. “Now, go lay down on the bed for me.” His hand gives my ass a little tap which pushes me forward. I do as I am told and crawl onto the oversized bed. Turning around, I watch as Nate places the robe on the chair by the front door.

  “You ready for this, little one?”

  “Yes.” My answer is breathless.

  “Remember, the safe word is Paradise.”

  “Okay,” I verbalize my understanding.

  “The lights will be going out in three… two… one…”

  I’m plunged into darkness.

  The room is silent.

  I hear shuffling, then Nate curses as I hear him run into the bed. This makes me giggle.

  “Not funny, little one. It’s dark in here,” Nate groans.

  I can’t wipe the smile off of my face.

  It’s pitch black. I can’t see anything at all, and I can already feel my senses heightening.

  A hand runs along my body, then a bright flash of light filters through the room, and I see Nate standing there next to me before we’re plunged into darkness again.

  “That was just a test to show you what the room looks like when the light switches on.”

  This is going to be fun. It’s not scary at all, and in that millisecond of a flash, I was able to see so much. The bed dips, and I can feel Nate’s body heat near me. His hands push my legs open as his face dips between my thighs.

  In the distance, I hear the door creak open, then the patter of bare feet in the darkness. The room lights up, and I see two men have entered the room.

  “Everyone’s been vetted by me, Camryn,” Nate tells me from between my legs. This calms my beating heart. I could think of nothing worse than some random person, even though that’s the point of the room.

  A hand runs up my side as Nate disappears between my legs again.

  The door creaks open again as a flash of light shows me another two gorgeous guys entering the room.

  Yes. This is going to be so much fun.

  It’s too long until there are multiple hands all over my body. Nate’s still between my legs, but there’s someone sucking on each of my breasts, and there’s a dick in my mouth.

  I’m in heaven.

  I don’t even register the light flashing on and off anymore, I’m so consumed by need, by the sensations of what these men are doing to me. The orgasm given to me by Nate catches me off guard, my entire body arches against his tongue, but pure and unadulterated need fills my body.

  I’m not sure who then enters me, I don’t even know if I care. I let my mind go blank as I savor every ounce of what these guys are giving me.

  “Ouch,” Nate says beside me, which makes me smile.

  He must have run into the bed again as I heard a thump.

  So, Nate mustn’t be fucking me as he sounded like he was beside me. Next thing I know I’m being flipped over onto all fours. Someone is underneath me, their mouth connects with my clit. Someone is also inside of me slowly moving. Someone shoves their dick in my mouth, while another two guys grab my hands and have them wrapped around their dicks. I don’t have any idea how I’m sitting up, but this is crazy. This is insane.

  One by one, the men move around until I don’t really feel anyone anymore. A hand runs along my body making me shiver, over my nipple, down my ribs to the juncture of my thighs but doesn’t go anything further. Their finger then travels down my thigh to the tip of my toe.

  My legs fall open for them, even though it’s pure darkness. I can feel their radiant heat around me. The bed dips as they put their weight on the mattress.

  The light flashes on, and I catch exactly who’s between my legs.

  A deep-seated scream echoes through the room.


  No. No. No. No.

  His hands grab my knees, keeping my legs apart as I try and to scramble away from the man who has threatened me over and over again.

  “If I’d known you were such a whore when we were dating, I wouldn’t have cheated.”

  “Leave me alone.” I try and scramble away from him, but he’s too strong. “Help, help,” I scream through the darkness.

  I feel his warm breath on me.

  No. Please, no.

  “I’ve had to watch as all these men have their turn with you. Now, it’s mine.”

  He yanks my legs apart, and it hurts.

  No. No. No.

  Punching him.

  Pushing him.

  “Would you stop fighting me, Camryn. And let me fuck you.”

  My heart’s racing, fear laces my body. Is he seriously going to rape me?

  Next thing I know, I’m bringing my head back, and with as much force as I can muster, I throw it forward and hope to God I connect with something. The deafening crunch of bone-breaking echoes through the darkness.

  “Fuck. Fucking hell,” Harris screams.

  It gives me enough time to scramble off the bed. Another flash, and I can see his nose is broken and bleeding. His eyes are filled with hatred, and then we’ve plunged into darkness again.

  “You fucking bitch,” he curses through the room. “Wait till I get my hands on you. I’m going to show you no fucking mercy.”

  I’m so disorientated that I try and find my way to the exit. The tiny slither of light is the only indication of the doorway. Rushing toward it, I open the door, which baths the room in light. Spinning around, I see Harris bent over, blood dripping everywhere. His head lifts, and he notices I’m escaping, so he rushes to the door.

  Slamming it shut behind me, I grab a towel that’s hanging on a hook and wrap it around my body.

  My legs are like jelly as my instincts kick in, and the adrenaline begins to take over. Pushing myself to the limit, I run as quickly as I can through the rainforest. Sticks and stones dig into my bare feet, but I hardly feel the pain because all I am focusing on is getting to Nate’s villa.

  “Nate. Nate,” I scream the place down.

  Where the hell is he?

  He told me I was going to be safe.

  He told me he would look after me.

  Where is he?

  Why did he leave me?

  Why did he let Harris in there?

  I’m so confused.

  Running through the quiet villa, it doesn’t look like he’s here. Taking the steps two at a time up to his room, I run along the hall until I get to his closed bedroom door. Opening it, I rush inside and pause at the scene in front of me.

  There’s a woman riding Nate’s face, while another is sucking his dick.

  What in the actual fuck?

  Did he set this all up, so he could mess around with other women?

  Running back out of the room, I throw up in the hallway.



  “What in the fuck?” A male’s blurry voice curses in the distance.

  “You fucking bastard,” a female’s shriek fills the air. “Get out, you fucking whores,” she shrieks.

  The bed moves and the patter of feet filter through my consciousness.

  “Something’s not right,” another male voice adds.

  “Of course, something isn’t right. Harris was on the fucking island, and now Camryn’s missing,” the female voice yells.

  Hang on, what?

  Trying to clear the heavy fog that’s swirling around my mind.

  Harris is here?

  No. That’s not right.

  Camryn is gone?

  My stomach rolls and decides in that moment to unload it
self as I puke over the side of my bed.

  “See, I told you something isn’t right… my brother never vomits.”

  Alex? Why is my brother here?

  “What…is… goin’ on?” My lips feel like lead bricks as I try and talk.

  Why the fuck can’t I talk?

  “See,” the male voice says.

  “He’s probably just hungover, the fucking dick,” a female voice adds.

  “I think we need a medic,” someone says as I black out again.

  * * *

  When I wake up again, there’s something in my arm, and I can’t move.

  “We’re trying to flush the drugs out of your system, Mr. Lewis.”

  Blinking a couple of times because my room seems overly bright.


  I try and focus on the object in front of me, but it’s a blurry mess.

  “Security is looking for the man who did this,” the doctor tells me.

  Looking for who?

  I slip away into the darkness again.

  * * *

  Feeling much better this time when I open my eyes, I look around.

  “You’re awake.” I am looking up at the concerned face of my brother.

  “Wait! What is going on?” I am feeling awfully confused as I try to sit up. My brother instantly stands and helps me with a pillow.

  “Good, you’re awake,” Jackson Connolly, good friend, guest, and the man who looks after our security is here, but he looks the most serious I have ever seen on his face.

  “He doesn’t know yet,” my brother tells him.

  Know what?

  They both stare at me looking mighty uncomfortable.

  “What?” I scream at them both.

  “It looks like Harris Edwards made it to the island.”

  He did what? Sitting up, my heart races a million miles a minute.

  “Where’s Camryn?”

  The two guys look between each other with concern on their faces.

  “You need to calm down, brother,” Alex tells me.

  “I will not fucking calm down until you tell me where Camryn is.”

  “She’s gone,” Jackson tells me.


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