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Page 23

by Marnie Leighton

  Chapter 22

  I could hear noises, feel aches, but I was too tired to even open my eyes. I just wanted to slip back into the nothingness.

  ‘Callie?’ The sound of my name pulled me back to the surface. ‘Callie?’ The voice was stronger, more frantic, and I felt my hand being squeezed. Something warm touched my forehead, and I half opened my eyes. I was lying on my side; Aydin’s face was in front of mine. He was so close, holding my hand and stroking my hair. I was shocked, and I inhaled deeply as I searched his eyes for the torment. His olive skin was paler than usual, and he looked worried, but the glimmer of a smile remained strong. I exhaled, and the pain lessened.

  ‘Aydin?’ I breathed.

  ‘Hello my angel,’ he whispered.

   Relief soothed my battered body and my lips curved. He was so close, and he wasn’t hurting. I couldn’t, in my wildest dreams, imagine how this was possible. Was this another stage? Maybe this was my heaven. My eyes adjusted further, and I realized I was lying in our bed, in our church; Aydin was sitting on the floor in front of me.

   His fingers caressed my forehead. ‘It’s good to have you back.’ I tried to reply, but my throat seized. He touched my mouth gently. ‘It’s okay. Don’t speak. You were badly hurt, but you’ve healed well. You’ll feel a lot better this afternoon, I promise.’ An image of Samuel intruded, and I mouthed his name. Aydin’s smile faded. ‘He is not a problem, at the moment,’ he mumbled. I wondered what ‘at the moment’ meant. I winced as a cramp tore at my ribs. ‘That is enough for now, we will talk more later,’ he said firmly. ‘You are going to rest, and I will be here when you wake up.’ Leaning forward he brushed his lips across my cheek. His touch sent an electric jolt through my body. I gasped with both pain and pleasure. ‘Sorry,’ he whispered. I smiled, shaking my head. A broad grin lit his face. ‘Sleep,’ he insisted.

  I closed my eyes, praying this wasn’t just a wonderfully cruel dream.

  When I awoke, Aydin hadn’t moved—I was so happy, and he was right, I did feel better.

  ‘Want to sit up?’ he asked.

  I nodded, and he stood holding out his hand. I reached for it but then noticed only a sheet covered me; embarrassed, I clutched at it instead.

  He blushed violently. ‘I…um…your dress, it was…ruined.’

  I grinned, his pink cheeks and fumbled words gave him a distinctly boyish charm. The blush retreated, and he held out his hand again. I took it, delighted by the way his broad palm wrapped around mine. I rested on the edge of the bed, keeping the sheet over my chest. He sat beside me, still holding my hand.

  ‘You can touch me,’ I said weakly.

  He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. ‘Yes,’ he replied. ‘In fact, it only hurts now when I’m not touching you.’

  It was my turn to blush. ‘But, how?’

  ‘I had no choice, I had to carry you back. I thought I’d lost you and it overwhelmed every other instinct I had. By the time I finally realized I should be hurting, the need was gone, as though I’d been…reprogrammed.’

   I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, what I was seeing. He was so close, my newly repaired heart pounded so hard I worried it might tear open. His arm encased my shoulders, and I leaned my head on his chest. I peeked up at his face; his dark eyes were different, they still glowed, but the hateful lust that stained them, had vanished.

  My breath quickened as his gaze shifted to my lips. ‘I may have lost the memory of when our love began,’ he said softly. ‘But at least I haven’t lost the memory of when it ended…because I know now, that never happened.’

  He leaned forward and kissed me gently. I tilted my chin claiming the sweet and tender moment. For a thousand years, I’d waited to feel like this, to be with him completely and utterly, with no guilt. His kiss held the promise of eternity, and finally, I could accept it.

  I let the sheet fall to my waist, and I felt his gasp against my mouth. Desperate to feel more of him I pulled his shirt over his head. Our naked chests came together, and it was hard to tell where I finished and he started.

  I dropped onto the bed bringing him with me. I fumbled with his pants, and after a few awkward moments, they were on the floor. He wriggled under the sheet and our legs entwined. My hands began to explore, tracing the grooves of his arms, the soft hair coating the top of his chest. His hot breath tickled my cheeks as my fingers dug into his back. His kiss deepened, and his hands pulled my thighs around his lean waist. The sheet slipped, bringing fresh air to our warm bodies. My lips moved to his neck, the salty taste of sweat tingled the tip of my tongue.

  He kissed my shoulder, his lips drifting to my breasts. I arched my back as his mouth savored each nipple. He continued to my stomach, nibbling the curve of my belly, his hand easing between my legs. I moaned as his stroke rushed sensation to my pelvis. He responded, moving lower till I felt the first exquisite touch of his tongue. I cried out, and my whole body shook with pleasure. I clasped the sheets feeling every tiny movement, every single caress. The ecstasy built, filling my torso, making it hard to breathe. I felt as though I would lift from the bed, and just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore the rapture exploded with intense ferocity, flooding every cell of my being.

  He fell onto my abdomen, and I clutched at him greedily drawing him deep inside. His mouth parted and his eyes flickered as our bodies joined. His rhythmic push, gentle at first, built with each smooth stroke, his face tightened. I absorbed every crease on his forehead and I watched the small beads of sweat build on his temples. His bottom lip quivered, and I could feel his heart hammering. Every muscle tensed and a hoarse cry shook the air. He collapsed on top of me, and his strong arms enclosed my chest. Hot puffs of air shifted the hair on my neck, and we lay there panting in unison, the rise and fall of our chests matching.

  His breathing soon settled, and he moved just enough for me to see his eyes—I could’ve fallen into their dark depths.

  ‘Thank you for not giving up on me,’ he whispered. I couldn’t answer, the tears welled, and his face fell. ‘What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?’ he asked anxiously.

  I shook my head. ‘No, no, you didn’t hurt me. It’s just, even though I never gave up on you…I long ago gave up on us.’

  He smiled and exhaled. ‘Then let’s make sure, neither of us ever does that again.’

  Chapter 23

  I slept in his arms, and for once my sleep was perfectly peaceful. But as the sun rose, the bliss dissolved—I knew we’d have to talk about what happened yesterday, and I knew I had to ask what happened to Samuel. At least we’d spent one evening not thinking about it, I was grateful for that.

  Aydin stirred, and I pretended to be asleep, just to make the moment last a little longer. He unwrapped his arms gently and moved away. He sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands, his hunched posture betraying anxiety.

  I shifted, and he straightened. ‘Good morning my beautiful angel,’ he said with a smile. ‘Are you feeling better?’

  His voice was calm, but the crease between his eyebrows spoke louder than his words.

  ‘I don’t recall a time when I ever felt better,’ I replied.

  I sat up and wriggled over, wrapping my arms around his warm shoulders. I snuggled my nose into his neck, breathing in his sleepy scent. It helped wash away some of the dread.

  He put his hand on my forearm. ‘You know we have to talk today,’ he mumbled.

  ‘That’s usually my line,’ I replied with a sigh, resting my head on his shoulder. ‘But first, breakfast.’

  He went to protest, but I put my hand over his mouth. ‘I won’t take no for an answer.’

  He removed my hand and kissed it. ‘All right,’ he agreed.

  He ate in silence, while I nervously made the bed to keep busy. But I couldn’t stop glancing at him—new creases defined his eyes, and his subdued expression frightened me.

  When he finished, I created a change of clothes for both of us. I put Aydin in a simple black shirt and jeans, and for mysel
f, I made a flowing floral dress. To anyone else, we would have looked like an average couple, but we both knew the reality.

  ‘It’s warm today,’ Aydin whispered, breaking the silence. ‘Let’s go outside.’

  I smiled, trying to disguise my growing unease. He took my hand and led me through the door. The early morning light brought a distinct glow to his skin. Reaching up, I stroked his neck, his eyes closed briefly, and he gave me a tight-lipped grin.

  We walked a while, but it didn’t ease my anxiety—I needed to get this over with. I spotted large tree; its branches sprawled in adoration of the sunlight. I tugged his hand, leading him towards it. I created a colorful rug on the soft grass beneath its branches, and we sat down. He began fiddling with the surface of the rug, and I realized that I would have to start the conversation.

  ‘So what happened to Samuel?’ I asked as casually as I could.

  His face tightened. ‘He’s still here,’ he finally replied.

  I sat bolt upright. ‘What do you mean he’s still here?’

  ‘He’s under the church, bound.’ My eyes shot to the building, and I tried to visualize what he meant. ‘I couldn’t kill him, and I couldn’t release him,’ Aydin continued. ‘If I’d let him go, he would’ve gone back to my leader, and if I’d killed him, I would have freed his spirit. He is very old, very powerful. Possibly the evilest creature I’ve ever known.’ He paused briefly, his eyes finding mine. ‘He was the one who took my soul.’

  I put my hand on his leg. ‘I know,’ I replied softly. ‘He told me. In fact, he told me everything he did to change our lives.’

  ‘Our lives?’

  My chin quivered. ‘He was there for all of it. He killed my parents, planned your wife’s death, watched me nearly destroy you; life after life. He took your soul to hurt me then he took my ward the same way just to make it worse. He has followed us forever. He even brought you to the alley hoping you would kill me.’

  Aydin listened in silence, his face stony. A faint red tainted his eyes and his focus shifted to the church. He stayed perfectly still, staring, the muscles of his jaw flexing rhythmically. ‘Someday I will make him pay,’ he mumbled. ‘If it is the last thing I ever do.’

  The venom in his words shocked me. I took his hands. ‘No, you won’t. You and I will find happiness and never think of him again. Anything else would mean he’d won.’ He looked back at me, and a cool tingle ran through my spine. The rage had left his eyes but something else replaced it—something I didn’t understand. ‘What is it?’ I asked, my throat suddenly dry. ‘Whatever it is, we can fix it. The two of us together.’

  His eyes lingered a moment longer before dropping back to the rug. ‘That’s just it Callie, I’m not sure we can.’

  Icy fear exploded through my chest. ‘But last night, you said…’

  ‘I know what I said, but this changes everything.’

  Panic escalated. What did he mean? After all we’d been through. Was he thinking of leaving again? He looked up, and I saw the pain in his eyes, but I didn’t care. Leaping from the rug, I tried to run, but he was faster than me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his arms. I struggled, but he held me still, tucking my head under his chin, pressing my face against his chest. ‘Please Callie, it’s me they’re after not you. Once Samuel is free nothing will stop him. He hurt you so badly. I thought I’d lost you. Being with me is dangerous and being human is dangerous.’ He pushed me away from his chest. ‘There is nothing I wouldn’t do to protect you, including being apart.’ I shook my head, but he didn’t let me answer. ‘I don’t want to argue about this Callie, I won’t let them hurt you again.’

  ‘But you don’t understand,’ I whispered. ‘Your leader wants me more than you.’

  The color drained from his cheeks. ‘What?’

  ‘Samuel said Joel knows about me, about how I’ve fallen, and he wants to make me a leader too. Samuel has been hunting me for centuries, and he can find me even in spirit form. So, I’m in danger whether I’m with you or not.’ Aydin stared at me in silence. I shifted uncomfortably, brutally aware that it was time to tell him about my real conversation with Isaac. Destroying Joel was now our only option, but I couldn’t reach him without Aydin’s help. I placed my hand on his cheek, the rough stubble prickled my palm, and I prayed I could still touch him like this in a few days’ time. ‘There is another way,’ I mumbled. His jaw tensed below my hand. ‘When I went to see Isaac he told me…’

  He ripped free of my touch. ‘I knew you were lying about why you went to see him.’

  ‘And I won’t apologize for that, because there is nothing I wouldn’t do to protect you.’ He glared at me, but we’d wasted enough time. ‘Isaac told me the sword of St Michael doesn’t exist and he said Joel isn’t really Beloar.’ Aydin’s eyes widened. ‘But none of that matters,’ I continued. ‘If Joel thinks he is Beloar, and he believes we hold the sword of St Michael, then he can still be bound. So, the question is, what does Joel believe?’

  Aydin’s eyebrows tightened. ‘I wish I could tell you, but I don’t know. He trusts very few.’

  I gasped. ‘Samuel. Does Joel trust him?’

  ‘Yes,’ he admitted. ‘He is one of Joel’s closest allies. He was the one who called him Beloar and spoke of the sword. But I don’t think…’

  ‘Is he still alive?’

  Aydin looked at me warily. ‘Maybe.’

  ‘I need to talk to him.’

  ‘That’s not a good idea.’

  I stepped closer. ‘Nothing’s a good idea from here on in.’

  He looked skywards in frustration. ‘He’s badly hurt, I doubt he can even talk.’

  ‘Can’t we help him?’

  ‘I’ve tried to, but he’s refusing. He won’t drink or eat. I’ve seen him die like this before. He thinks the pain strengthens him, and from what I’ve seen, he may be right.’

  I frowned. ‘If he’s so strong then how did you defeat him?’

  His shoulders dropped. ‘When I saw you hurt…I think I could’ve ripped the world in half to save you.’

  I bit my lip. ‘And I thought I was the guardian angel.’

  He smiled. ‘You give me too much credit Callie.’

  ‘I don’t give you anything you don’t deserve.’

  He held his hand out, and I took it, still surprised by how easy it was for him to touch me now. ‘Looks like you’re stuck with me a while longer,’ he said.

  ‘And I couldn’t be happier about that.’

  His grin faded. ‘Don’t expect too much from Samuel.’

  I tugged his hand to start our walk back. ‘We all have to face our demons eventually.’

  We stood looking down at the trap door beside the church, that I’d found a few days earlier.

  ‘Is he in there?’ I asked, sounding braver than I felt.

  Aydin nodded, opening the hatch as though it were made of paper. I could see a set of smooth stone steps leading down into darkness.

  He turned with a stern expression. ‘You must remember even though he is hurt he is still very, very dangerous. Don’t let your guard down for a second.’

  ‘I won’t,’ I replied quickly.

  ‘I mean it, Callie. You have no idea how persuasive he is.’

  ‘I understand.’

  He looked uncertain. ‘Maybe I should go alone.’

  ‘Aydin…’ I threatened.

  He gave a final look of disapproval before climbing down the narrow stairs. I followed a few moments later, descending into the claustrophobic stairwell. It got dark quickly, and I couldn’t see Aydin. A flicker of fear summoned my body’s illumination, and a silvery glow lit the surrounding walls. It was hard to breathe, and every step dropped the temperature a bit further.

  The stairwell soon opened into a rough cut, dirt cellar about half the size of the church. I straightened; if I’d lifted my arm, I could have touched the roof. Countless relics and old pieces of furniture littered the space, and I briefly wondered when they’d last seen the light. Looking aroun
d, I saw Aydin towards the back, partially obscured by a pile of wood. It was cold, and the air was musty. There was an eerie feel to this forgotten museum, and a whisper of pity slid through as I imagined being left here to die. I held on to the unexpected emotion, remembering Isaac’s advice to never be ashamed of mercy.

  Aydin hadn’t moved, he just stood staring at the floor. I walked towards him worried that Samuel had already passed.

  The shadows receded as I approached, bringing the light with me. I stepped around the wood, but what I saw stopped me. A crumbled body, bound by thick rope, slumped against the wall with its head lolled to the side. I gasped, but neither Aydin nor the figure moved.

  I stared, shocked by the unrecognizable mess of bloodied flesh, below a mat of blond hair, that’d once been a face. A strong sense of doubt challenged me, this couldn’t possibly be Samuel, it was unimaginable. There was no movement, and my fear began to mount. Were we too late? Unable to tear my eyes away I felt the warmth of Aydin’s fingers as he grabbed my hand. He pulled me into his back, shielding me from the inert figure.

  ‘Is he gone?’ I whispered.

  Suddenly the body twitched, and its eyes shot open. I recoiled as glowing red irises caught me in a vicious stare.

  The creature’s head straightened. ‘Callie?’ it croaked, the husky voice a far cry from Samuel’s once honeyed tones. ‘I didn’t think I’d see you again. At least not in this life.’


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