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Blood Debt

Page 17

by Heather MacKinnon

  He pulled my head to his chest and squeezed me tighter, almost as if by sheer will he could predict the outcome of the trial tomorrow. I fervently hoped it would be enough.

  Chapter 20

  I awoke the next night to Nicholas’ tender gaze staring back at me. His eyes were wide and expressive, all of his emotions seemingly on display.

  “Good evening, Adrienne.” Nicholas’ sweet breath fanned across my face.

  His smile was genuine, but there was no hiding the worry lines on his forehead. I reached out to smooth the wrinkles myself. Nicholas’ eyes closed as my fingers made contact with his skin.

  “Good evening, Nicholas,” I said with the same propriety. His smile grew. “How long do we have before the trial?” I watched his smile slowly fade away to tight lips and a clenched jaw.

  “It starts in a few hours. I should have prepped you last night. I’d come in here to do that, but you distracted me,” he said, the glint in his eyes unmistakable.

  My face heated. “That wasn’t my intention.”

  Nicholas’ fingers fanned out against my cheek and slid down to grasp the back of my neck. “Perhaps not, but the outcome was the same. No regrets?” he asked softly.

  “Not for me,” I answered without hesitation.

  His smile finally reached his brown-green eyes. “Never for me.”

  He pulled me close and gently kissed my lips. In that kiss, I felt the deep feelings he had for me and his uncertainty about the future. I kissed him back with everything I had, hoping to convey that no matter what happened, my feelings for him wouldn’t change.

  We broke apart, and he laid his head against mine, both of us gasping for air. With a gentle kiss to my forehead, he sat up and climbed off the bed.

  “If I don’t leave this room, we’ll never get anything accomplished,” he said over his shoulder as he walked toward the door. “Get dressed and meet me out here.”

  He left, and I couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across my face. I sat up and the blankets fell down to pool in my lap, exposing my still-naked body. Gasping, I pulled the sheet up to cover myself. No wonder he needed to leave the room.

  When I was decent again, I went searching for Nicholas. I found him sitting at the desk on his phone, his back to me. He was in a perfectly tailored charcoal gray suit. It was odd to see him dressed so formally two days in a row when all I’d seen him in were jeans and t-shirts until now.

  I sat on the couch and let him finish his conversation in peace, trying to give him privacy by tuning out his words. He turned around to see me sitting on the couch and held up a finger. “Listen, I’ve got to go, call me back if you find any new information,” Nicholas said in a stern voice. He pulled the phone from his ear, tapped the screen, and placed it on the desk. Taking a deep breath, he stood from the chair and came to join me on the couch.

  “Is it bad?” I asked.

  He sighed again. “It’s unprecedented. To my knowledge, there has never been a maker that came back to claim an offspring they’d left. There’s never been an instance of a fostership being contested.”

  “Does this look bad for you?”

  He shook his head and took my hands in his. “Don’t worry about me, Adrienne. I did nothing wrong and this won’t affect me at all. My only worry is for you.” He reached up to stroke the side of my face. “I can’t lose you.”

  I lunged across the space between us and threw my arms around his neck. “Don’t I get a choice?” I asked desperately. “I don’t want anything to do with that vampire. He changed me against my will and left me to burn in that basement. That ought to count for something!”

  Nicholas ran a hand through my hair and rubbed circles against my back. “It does. You’ll be able to tell your side of the story and have your say in the matter. Unfortunately, the Parliament board will make the final decision, but they’ll take all of our accounts into consideration first.”

  I collected myself enough to pull away so I could look into his beautiful eyes. I saw pride and support shining in his gaze and it gave me the strength I needed to get through this trial. To see my maker again for the first time since the night he attacked me.

  “Okay, what do I need to know?”


  A few hours later we were in the Suburban with Alexander at the wheel, headed toward Parliament and the trial that would decide my fate. My stomach was in knots and my palms wouldn’t stay dry. I wiped them against my dress slacks again.

  Nicholas pulled me closer until we were aligned thigh to thigh. He rubbed up and down my arm, but no amount of comforting from him could settle my nerves.

  We finally arrived at Parliament, and I took a deep breath before exiting the vehicle. I stood there on the city sidewalk, staring up at the building. Somewhere in there was my maker. That thought sent a violent shiver down my spine and I froze, unwilling to step any closer.

  Nicholas’ face filled my vision, and I focused on his lips as they spoke. “Adrienne, I’ll be with you the whole time. Don’t fear him because there’s nothing he can do to you here. I won’t leave your side,” he promised.

  His earnest voice gave me courage, and I nodded. With a deep breath, I took Nicholas’ hand and let him lead me into the building.

  The pudgy vampire, Benny, was sitting at the desk as usual. He gave us a nod, and I heard the telltale buzzing noise that indicated the heavy door leading to the lobby was unlocked. I wiped my palms against my pants again as Nicholas grasped the door handle and ushered me through.

  The lobby was completely transformed since the night before. Gone were the hundreds of twinkling lights and elegant tables. The room was still breathtakingly beautiful, but more utilitarian again. I sighed as I remembered the carefree way Nicholas had spun me around the dance floor and regretted the circumstances that brought us there again.

  Nicholas’ palm landed on the small of my back as he led me to the elevators and pressed the up button. We waited only a short time before a car arrived. He pressed the button for the twelfth floor and wrapped his arm around my shoulders again as the elevator climbed steadily.

  A ding sounded, and the doors opened. The sign hanging on the wall indicated this floor was only comprised of courtrooms. I let out a nervous breath when we found the hallway empty. I was trying to prepare myself for the moment I’d see my maker again, not at all confident in my ability to handle it in stride.

  Nicholas led me down the quiet hall until we reached a room with a large number three above huge wooden doors.

  “Are you ready?” Nicholas asked.

  I wasn’t, but I had no choice. My head bobbed up and down and Nicholas took that as enough confirmation to grasp the large brass handle and pull the tall door open.

  My eyes scanned the room quickly, and I released a breath when I saw my maker hadn’t arrived yet. Along the far side of the room were thirteen empty chairs before which sat two large wooden tables. It looked a lot like a human courtroom aside from the multiple seats up front.

  We walked past empty pews, through a swinging half-door and over to the table on the left side of the room. We took a seat in a pair of uncomfortable wooden chairs and settled in.

  “I thought we should get here early so you could get acclimated to the room,” Nicholas explained.

  I nodded, thankful he’d been that thoughtful. “I just need to tell my side of the story, right?” I asked in a choked voice. I’d never been fond of public speaking and the stakes riding on my words were higher than ever.

  Nicholas pulled my chair closer and clasped both of my hands in his own. “Right. Start from the beginning. Tell them what you remember of the attack and what happened after you woke up. Be honest and be thorough. That’s all.”

  I nodded and jumped when the door behind us opened. Whipping around in my seat, I watched as a few vampires I didn’t recognize filed into the room and found seats in the empty pews. Releasing another breath, I turned back to Nicholas.

  “He can’t touch you here,” he reminded me.

  I slipped my hands from Nicholas’ grasp, so I could wipe them against my pants again. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to place a kiss on the top of my head. I inhaled his familiar scent and fought to control my breathing.

  My fear of this vampire was like a physical presence. I couldn’t shake it despite Nicholas’ assurances. This was the person who’d ripped me from my life and changed everything for me. I grudgingly admitted he’d also brought me to Nicholas, and for that, I was thankful.

  “Can you talk to me? Distract me in some way?” I asked desperately.

  He nodded absentmindedly as he looked around the courtroom.

  “I’ve been in this room a lot, although never for a case this personal to me.”

  I looked around too. “Why would you be here so often?”

  He jerked his head at the seats up front. “One of those is mine.”

  My eyes widened at him.

  “I’m on the board, but we agreed my presence as a governing force today would be a conflict of interest.”

  “You’re on the board? How did I not know this before now?”

  He shrugged. “It never came up.”

  “So, what do you do?”

  “My job is to investigate and deal with any issues that arise between vampires and humans. That’s why I was called when your friend Charlotte was attacked. It’s my job to find and persecute whoever did that.”

  “Why were you able to take so much time off when you have such an important position?”

  He looked sheepish. “I’m what you would call a workaholic. I haven’t taken any time off in decades. When I found you and saw you needed my help, I decided it was time to finally use some of the vacation time I’d racked up. My guards handled any new issues that arose in my absence,” he said as he brushed a lock of hair behind my ear.

  The door at the front of the room opened and I watched as vampires in long black robes entered the room and found their seats among the thirteen chairs. With a quick glance behind me, I saw that most of the courtroom’s pews had been filled and more vampires were streaming in. The oddity of the case must have drawn an audience.

  The dark-skinned vampire occupying the chair in the center banged an unseen gavel and spoke up. “Mr. Talbot, it’s good to see you. I assume this is Ms. Wilkinson beside you?” he asked, looking curiously at me.

  “Mr. Sutherland,” he said with a nod. “Yes, this is her.”

  “Very good. Now where is our complaining party?” he asked, scanning the crowd.

  I turned in my seat as the large door opened and in walked the man who’d changed me. I recognized him immediately. The shoulder-length wavy blond hair, the slightly crooked nose set above thin, cruel-looking lips. I gasped, and his eyes zeroed in on me. His mouth twisted into a grin and his eyes gleamed covetously. I watched him glare at the arm slung around my shoulders and his body tense with displeasure.

  “Nice of you to join us, Mr. Romano,” the vampire up front called drily.

  My maker’s eyes shifted to the dark-skinned vampire, and he bowed with a flourish.

  “Pardon my lateness,” he said in a heavy accent as he strode through the courtroom. I watched his large form walk closer and my body trembled. He pushed open the swinging door and stopped beside our table. “It’s good to see you again, moglie,” his deep voice rumbled.

  I felt Nicholas’ shoulders tense and a low growl escape his lips. Wrapping my arm around his waist, I squeezed him tight to prevent him from standing up and confronting him. My maker’s lips twisted into a grin before he spun around and took his seat at the table across the room from us.

  Mr. Sutherland banged his gavel again, and I jumped at the loud sound. All eyes turned toward him as he read from a piece of paper in his hands.

  “We’re here today at the request of Massimo Romano. He claims his progeny was taken from him and he is demanding her return. Is that correct, Mr. Romano?”

  “Sì. Yes,” he said.

  “All right, Mr. Romano, would you like to start by giving your account of what happened?” Sutherland asked with a pointed glance at my maker.

  I could feel Massimo’s eyes on me, but I refused to look at him.

  “With pleasure,” he purred. “Adrienne and I are in love,” he declared, and I couldn’t stop another gasp from escaping my lips. “We met months ago and fell in love immediately. She begged me to change her and for a long time I abstained. I wanted to make sure it was what she truly wanted. She finally convinced me to change her, and I promised we would marry when she awoke. On that night, we made love, and I bit her, exchanging my blood with hers, fulfilling her wishes. I stayed with her every night while her body changed, only leaving when the dawn forced me from her side. Then one night, I returned to find her missing. I have spent every night since then combing the city for my future wife. I promised I would not rest until she was back where she belonged. By my side,” his last words were growled.

  I finally turned to look at him and saw he was staring at me with a manic gleam in his eyes. A chill raced down my spine and my hands trembled. He was out of his mind. I was sure of it.

  “Is that all?” Sutherland asked.

  With a nod, he responded, “Sì,” and bowed deeply to the board of vampires before taking his seat.

  Sutherland, who’d been taking notes during Massimo’s speech, looked up at me. “Ms. Wilkinson, would you like to tell your side of the story?”

  I nodded and slowly rose from my chair, surreptitiously wiping my damp hands on my pants again. Nicholas wrapped one of his hands around my clammy palm and squeezed once. I let his touch calm my nerves and boost my confidence.

  Clearing my throat, I raised my voice to speak. “I had never laid eyes on this man before he attacked me,” I said, pointing at Massimo. “I was walking home one night when he snatched me off the street and attacked me. I’d never known vampires were anything more than a myth until I woke up as one. Alone. In a basement that wasn’t even lightproof. I was left to discover my abilities by myself, and it was only Nicholas Talbot’s intervention that stopped me from exposing all of us that night. Nicholas has been nothing but helpful and supportive since the moment I met him. I don’t want anything to do with the vampire that changed me. He’s a monster and should be prosecuted for what he’s done.” With that declaration, I plopped into my chair and tried to keep my gaze pointed straight ahead.

  I failed. Shifting my eyes but not my head, I saw Massimo glaring at me with his hands clenched into fists. Quickly shifting my eyes back to the front, I watched Sutherland finish his notes.

  “Mr. Talbot, do you have anything to add?” he asked, looking up.

  Nicholas nodded and stood. “I can attest to Adrienne having no knowledge of vampires prior to her change. When I found her, she was running up and down a city street at close to 100 miles an hour. Upon questioning her, it was clear she had just awoken and had only been testing out abilities she didn't understand yet. At first, she couldn’t remember anything about being changed, but after a couple days the memories came back, and she admitted she was attacked and made a vampire against her will. I can’t personally attest to that, but I can tell you she fears that vampire,” he said, pointing at Massimo who was now vibrating with anger. “I don’t believe she’d ever met him before that night, let alone agreed to the change.”

  Nicholas sat down and, once again, Sutherland finished his notes before looking up. “Do any of you have anything to add?” He asked, looking at the three of us.

  Massimo stood. “They lie! Adrienne is mine. I changed her, and she belongs to me!”

  Nicholas jumped up from his seat. “changed her without her permission! I don’t know about where you’re from, but here that isn’t allowed,” he said, his voice low and lethal.

  Massimo growled and took a step toward Nicholas when Sutherland banged his gavel again.

  “Enough!” he yelled. “Both of you will reclaim your seats immediately,” he said in a tone that left no room for discus
sion. Both men sat down, and Sutherland spoke up again. “We will discuss this matter and reconvene when we’ve reached a decision.” With a bang of his gavel all twelve members stood and left to decide my fate.

  Chapter 21

  “Adrienne, I was wondering if I could have a word with you.” I heard the deep, heavily accented voice behind me and froze.

  Nicholas sprang to his feet, both hands clenched into fists. “No, you can not have a word with her,” he snarled.

  “I am her maker. She will do as I say,” Massimo said, his voice rising.

  “You are nothing to her!” Nicholas yelled.

  Knowing I needed to intervene, I jumped from my seat and placed both hands on Nicholas’ chest. “Nicholas, look at me,” I pleaded with him.

  His chest heaved and his eyes were spitting fire. I trailed my hands up to his shoulders and wrapped them around the back of his neck. With a gentle tug, I pulled his face down toward me. He finally broke eye contact with Massimo, and I saw the fire settle slightly.

  “Not here,” I warned, my voice soft. I turned back to my maker. “I have nothing to say to you.”

  Nicholas nodded once before gently pulling my hands from around his neck. With a pointed glance at my maker, Nicholas kissed one of my hands before lacing his fingers with mine. “Let’s go,” he said, his voice low and dangerous.

  My maker stood there watching as I followed Nicholas across the courtroom and over to a side entry. He pushed the thick door open and pulled me inside before closing it behind us. With a deep sigh, he leaned against the door and pulled me into his arms.

  “I’m sorry, Adrienne.”

  I shook my head. “There’s no reason to apologize. You were just protecting me,” I said, pulling back slightly so I could look into his beautiful eyes. “You’re always trying to protect me.”

  “And I always will,” he promised before a pained look crossed his face. “But I can’t predict what the board will do and I’m so afraid they’ll let him take you from me.”


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