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Redemption Series Boxed Set, Books 1-4

Page 63

by Sandi Lynn

  “There’s more to life than money, Damien.”

  “Money is what makes a life, London. I grew up in poverty and I’m never going back there again.”

  “And there’s a fine line between work and appreciating life.”

  “I appreciate my life. I appreciate all the hard work I put into my company and the millions of dollars I make.”

  Chapter 11


  This beautiful girl was very irresponsible. Quitting her job to travel the world on the little money she had was stupid. She wasn’t even thinking about her future, and once her little adventures were over, she’d have nothing.

  “Like I said before, Damien, there’s more to life than just making loads of money,” she softly spoke.

  “Having money makes me happy, and as long as I can make a shitload of it, I’m going to.”

  “Okay.” She placed her hand on my leg. “You do that, but money doesn’t buy happiness.”

  “I’m done talking about this,” I spoke as I got up from the bench. “We better head back. It’s getting really dark and I have work to do. You can come back during the day, by yourself.”

  “I will.” She grinned.

  The thing that irritated me about her was that she was always smiling and happy. It was annoying because she wasn’t living in reality.

  “You better start looking for an Airbnb when we get back to the penthouse,” I firmly spoke.

  “I will. Don’t worry. I’ll be out of your hair soon enough.”

  When we stepped into the lobby of my building, I froze when I saw Katherine standing there.

  “Katherine, what are you doing here?” I asked in a stern voice.

  “I left some of my jewelry in your bedroom and I want it back. Who’s this?” she asked as she pointed to London.

  “I’m London Everly.” She extended her hand with a smile and I knew this wasn’t going to go well.

  “Oh, so you were fucking her too?” Katherine asked in anger as she dismissed London’s hand.

  “No, Katherine.” I pushed the button to the elevator and the doors opened.

  “You’re a liar, Damien!”

  The moment we stepped off the elevator, Katherine stormed down the hall and into my bedroom.

  “Girlfriend?” London asked.

  “No. She was never my girlfriend.” I sighed as I went to the bedroom to make sure she didn’t steal anything of mine.

  “You’re a real scumbag, Damien Prescott.” Katherine pointed at me.

  “Get your jewelry and leave,” I spoke. “And don’t ever come back here again.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that.”

  She grabbed her jewelry and stormed out of the bedroom.

  “You can have him,” she spat at London. “But just beware, he’s a liar, a cheater, and the most uncaring, emotionally unavailable man I’ve ever met in my life. He’s toxic. So do yourself a favor and run as fast as you can before he breaks your heart.” She stepped into the elevator, and before the doors closed, she looked at London.

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “She sure is angry. What did you do to her?” London asked me as she followed me into my study.

  “I did nothing to her. She’s just pissed off because she thought we were in a relationship and I had to set her straight.”

  “You didn’t love her?”

  “God no. She was just a friend I fucked and took to dinner a couple times a week. She was more trouble than what it was all worth. I have work to do. You better get upstairs and start looking for another place.”

  “Okay. Good night, Damien.”

  I didn’t respond and took a seat behind my desk. After working for a couple of hours, I turned off the light in my study and walked out. As I was on my way to the media room to shoot some pool before going to bed, I stopped at the staircase and looked up, wondering if London was sleeping or not. Why did I care?

  I tossed and turned all night because of her. She was in my head and I couldn’t get her out. I kept thinking about Central Park and how excited and happy she was when she saw the Alice In Wonderland statue. I thought about the conversation we had. I just thought about her. Fuck.

  The next morning, I got up, showered, and noticed a smell infiltrating the penthouse. Was she cooking? I walked into the kitchen and found her at the stove in nothing but her pink, slightly sheer nightshirt.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Hey, good morning.” She turned around with a smile across her face. “I’m making pancakes.”

  I walked over to the Nespresso machine and made a cup of coffee.

  “None for me. I have to get to the office.”

  “It’s Sunday,” she spoke.

  “I’m well aware of what day it is. Just because it’s Sunday doesn’t mean I don’t work.”

  “Here’s the deal. I won’t say a word about you working on Sunday as long as you eat some breakfast first. If you don’t like pancakes, I can make you something else.”

  I stared at her with a narrowed eye for a moment and then grabbed my coffee cup.

  “Fine. I’ll have pancakes. I haven’t had those in years.”

  “Great.” She smiled and turned back to the stove. “They’ll be ready in a minute.”

  I took a seat at the island and stared at her long, lean legs and the outline of her perfectly shaped ass through her nightshirt. My cock was starting to twitch and I needed to divert my mind to something else.

  “Where did you get the stuff to make the pancakes?” I asked.

  “I had everything delivered and Sammy was kind enough to bring the bags up for me.”

  “I sure hope you were wearing something over that nightshirt.”

  “I had my robe on, but then I got too hot.”

  She placed three neatly stacked pancakes on a plate then walked over to the refrigerator, grabbed a can of whipped cream, and drew a smiley face on the top pancake and placed the plate in front of me.

  “Seriously?” I looked at her.

  “A smile first thing in the morning sets your tone for the day.” She grinned. “You should try it some time.”

  I clenched my jaw as I picked up the bottle of syrup and poured it over the pancakes.

  “Did you find an Airbnb yet?” I asked.

  “I found a couple nice ones last night. I sent out emails, but I haven’t heard back yet.”

  “Hopefully, you hear back today,” I spoke.

  “I’m sure I will.”

  “I hate to say this, but these pancakes are delicious.”

  “Thanks, Damien.” She smiled. “Did it hurt you to say that?”

  “A little.” I smiled.

  “Look at that. You know you’re a lot sexier when you smile.” Her grin grew wider.

  “Don’t get too used to it,” I spoke.

  She laughed as she turned around and placed her plate in the dishwasher. As she was cleaning the pan in the sink, I got up and placed my plate on the counter next to her.

  “Excuse me,” she spoke.


  “You are more than capable of placing your plate in the dishwasher.” She started to laugh.

  “What is so funny?”

  She grabbed the kitchen towel and brought it up to my forehead. Instantly, I grabbed her wrist.

  “You have a glob of whipped cream on your forehead. How did you manage that?” She continued to laugh as she wiped it off.

  “I have no clue.” I laughed with her as I removed my hand from her wrist.

  Her laugh halted as we stared into each other’s eyes.

  “I like your laugh, Mr. Prescott.”

  I brought my hand up to her cheek as I stared at her beautiful mouth. Slowly, we both leaned in and our lips met for the first time. She dropped the towel and placed her arms around my neck as our soft kiss deepened.

  “I’m sorry.” I pulled back. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Don’t apologize. I wanted you to,” she whi

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I’m more than sure.”

  Our lips met once again and my hands traveled up her nightshirt and cupped her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. A soft moan erupted from her as her hands tangled through my hair. I placed my arms under her legs, picked her up, and carried her to my bedroom. Setting her in front of the bed, I gripped the edge of her nightshirt and pulled it over her head. My fingers traced the outline of her perfectly shaped breasts as her nipples hardened at my touch.

  Chapter 12


  My skin trembled beneath his fingers, which softly stroked me. His tongue glided across my neck as I felt the warmth of his breath near my ear. My fingers deftly unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders, revealing his well-defined biceps and six-pack he sported underneath. I gasped when his hand traveled down the front of my panties. It had been a long time since a man made me feel this way.

  “Lie down,” he spoke.

  I did as he asked while he took down his pants, revealing his large, rock hard cock. I smiled as I looked into his eyes while he gripped the sides of my panties and pulled them off. Immediately, his tongue traveled up my inner thigh until it reached my wet opening. A moan escaped him as his mouth explored my most sensitive area. His hands reached up and took hold of my breasts as he fondled them, taking my hardened peaks between his fingers. His tongue circled around me as he dipped his finger inside, sending my body into overdrive and on the brink of an orgasm.

  “I want you to come for me. I’m not stopping until you do,” he spoke.

  I could feel myself swelling and exhilaration tore through me as an orgasm erupted. I let out several moans as he continued pleasuring me. My heart was racing as his tongue traveled up my torso, circling every inch of my skin until he made his way up to my breasts and then finally placing his mouth on mine. He hovered over me, our lips locked together as I ran my fingers through his hair. He broke our kiss, reached over, and opened the drawer of the nightstand and pulled out a condom. After putting it on, he hovered over me and slowly pushed himself inside, inch by inch. Our lips meshed as he thrust in and out. My nails dug into the flesh of his back as we both moaned with pleasure.

  He halted and rolled on his back, bringing me on top of him. I stared down at him, my hands planted firmly on his chest as I rode him. He placed his hands on my breasts as my body got ready to explode.

  “You’re going to come again. I can feel it inside you. Don’t stop. I’m coming with you,” he panted.

  At the same time, we both let out a loud moan as we orgasmed together.

  “Oh my god,” he groaned as he placed his hands firmly on my hips.

  I leaned down and wrapped my arms around his neck, my breath erratic as my heart pounded out of my chest. His arms tightened around me as we both lay there waiting for our hearts to slow down. I rolled off him and he removed the condom and set it on the nightstand.

  “I like your bedroom.” I smiled.

  “Thanks.” He chuckled. “I really need to get to the office. What are your plans for today?”

  “I’m going to spend the day in Central Park. It looks like a beautiful day out.”

  “Okay,” he said as he got up from the bed and started putting his clothes back on.

  I climbed off the bed and slipped into my nightshirt.

  “Have a good day at the office. Try not to work too hard.” I grinned as I placed my hand on his chest and walked out of his room.

  I went up to my bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. Sex with Damien was amazing and now I knew I needed to get the hell out of here as quickly as possible. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and checked my email with the hopes that one of the Airbnb’s I emailed last night had replied. Nothing. I sighed as I set my phone down.

  I spent the day in Central Park, exploring and taking pictures with my camera. When I got back to the penthouse, I found Damien in the media room playing pool.

  “Hey.” I smiled.

  “Hey. How was Central Park?”

  “Wonderful. I took a bunch of pictures.”

  “That’s good.” He leaned over the pool table and took a shot.

  “I’m just going to go upstairs.”

  “Do you play pool?” he asked.

  “No. I’ve never played.”

  He walked over to where the sticks hung on a rack on the wall and took one out.

  “If you want to try, I can teach you.”

  “Sure. Just let me go put my camera away. I’ll be right back.”

  Exhaustion settled its way inside me as I climbed up the stairs. I set my camera on the dresser and went back down to the media room.

  “Okay, hot shot. Show me what you’ve got.” I smiled.

  He held out a stick and I took it from his hand.

  “Choose a ball first. Then place the tip of the cue behind it.”

  “Like this?” I asked as I glanced at him.

  “Yes. But hold the stick close to your hip. Don’t grip it too tight. Just grip it with a relaxed hand.”

  “You make this sound so dirty.” I grinned.

  His brow arched at me as a smirk crossed his lips.

  “Now place your hand on the table and place the tip of the stick between your thumb and index finger.”

  “Like this?” I asked.

  “Yes. Now lean forward and stare at the center of the ball.”

  He stood behind me and placed his hands on my hips, moving me slightly to the center. I took in a deep breath at his touch.

  “Do you mind if I shoot with you just so you get the feel of it?” he asked.

  “No. Not at all.”

  My heart began to rapidly speed as his body leaned against mine and he placed his hand where mine was.

  “You good?” he whispered softly in my ear.

  I turned my head and stared into his eyes.

  “I think so,” I spoke as I stared at his lips, which were mere inches from mine.

  “Are you sure?” He inched closer as his mouth met mine.

  My hand let go of the pool stick and I turned around in his arms as our soft kiss turned into a passionate one. He lifted me up and sat me on the edge of the pool table and my legs wrapped around his waist. His mouth trailed across my neck as my hands tangled in his hair. I was breathless and getting wetter with every stroke of his tongue. He gripped the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head as our lips seduced each other’s. My fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt and I slid it off his shoulders. He lifted me off the pool table and took down my pants and then set me back on it. My skin became heated as the anticipation of having sex on the pool table excited me. Damien pulled a condom from his wallet and slid it over his hard cock.

  “Lie down and spread your legs for me,” he commanded.

  I did as he asked, my back pressed against the felt. His hand traveled up my inner thigh until his finger dipped inside me. I gasped and stared into his eyes. His other hand made its way up to my breast as he took turns fondling each one while his fingers explored me.

  “You are incredibly beautiful, London. Seeing you like this has me so damn hard, it hurts.”

  A moan escaped me as he bent down and his tongue started circling around my sensitive area that was about to explode. The things he could do with his tongue were pure art and sent my body into oblivion. I panted and moaned as an orgasm tore through me.

  “Beautiful.” He smiled as he looked at me.

  He smashed his mouth against mine before taking hold of my hand and helping me up. He scooted me to the edge of the table and thrust himself inside me, letting out a sexy moan as he swiftly moved in and out.

  “Lean back,” he said.

  Placing my hands on the table, I leaned back, closed my eyes for a moment, and took in every bit of pleasure he gave me.

  “Fuck yes. Oh my god, you’re so beautiful and you feel so good. “Come with me.”

  Several moans escaped me as he picked up the pace and his grip on my
hips tightened.

  “Don’t stop,” I groaned.

  “You don’t have to worry about that,” he panted.

  Another orgasm overtook me as I yelled out in ecstasy. He halted and moaned as he buried himself deep inside me and exploded.

  Chapter 13


  I stood there, buried inside her as I tried to regain my breath. It was the second time today that I fucked her and both times were exceptional. While I was at the office, I couldn’t stop thinking about our morning romp and my cock craved her even more. I pulled out of her, took her hand, and helped her off the pool table. Shit. I had never had sex on this pool table. I never wanted to with any woman, but with her, it was all I envisioned. I removed the condom and threw it in the trash. She looked exhausted, so I picked her up and carried her to my bedroom, laying her gently on the bed. I climbed in next to her and she snuggled against me; her head laid on my chest.

  “I’m so tired,” she softly spoke.

  “Go to sleep.” I kissed the top of her head.

  As soon as she was asleep, I climbed out of bed, threw on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, and headed to my bar for a glass of bourbon. My intercom went off and when I walked over and pressed the button, I saw Scott standing there.

  “Bro, can I come up?”

  “Of course. I’m in the media room.”

  As soon as I walked back, I heard the elevator ding and Scott stepped into the media room holding a black duffle bag.

  “Again?” I cocked my head.

  “Yep. We got into this huge fight and she kicked me out for the night and told me to stay with you.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “What was it about this time?”

  “I don’t even really know. I was sitting on the couch watching the game and she was talking to me and I just kept agreeing with everything she said. Before I knew it, she accused me of putting the game before her and she kicked me out. She told me not to come back until I appreciated her.” He rolled his eyes.

  “Well, you can stay here, but there’s something you need to know first.”


  “London is staying here.”


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