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Harem Emperor: Book 1: Rise of the Dragon King

Page 18

by DragonTreasures

  "Judge? Wave your hand!" Kazou ignored Kansuke, staring to fume from his head. "Let me show you why the Blue Fire Army chose me as the captain of the next generation!"

  "Is it because you're my son?" Kansuke kept the joke going, "I'm sorry, but you asked for my socks, so I had to at least retort. You don't really think I'm your father do you?"

  "Die daddy!" Kazou had a habit of imagining his father when he pursued the pinnacle of combat. At the same time, he activated a level 10 Physical Gene Element, Flame Skin Wheel, and dropped his head towards the ground. Beginning to spin in circles, Kansuke began to feel conflicted about what exactly he was up against.

  Normally, when he banged Chise and Michi, he wouldn't spin in cicles a lot, but when he pierced Isobe Nao a fierce domination battle would ensue on the bed. After pushing her against the bed, she'd push back and use her elbows to joist him on his side, sometimes shoving her tight pussy onto him in unbelievable angles.

  However, he'd usually get sick after that domination session, and would eventually have no choice but to pin down her stripped thighs and take control. On the other hand, Kazou seemed to be spinning a thousand times a minute, as Kansuke used his Imperial Fire Steps to distance himself.

  At this time, he only used the first level of the Imperial Fire Arts thinking he'd have an easy time against this corpulent opponent. However, he soon bulleted across the ground, leaving a darkened astral like trail, arriving instantly in front of Kansuke as he stepped on the side of the ring.

  "You lose! You lose!" Kazou said, his head positioned near his butt. "Die! It's time for you to die!"


  Kazou and the Fire Plum Pillar crashed causing a loud sound to ring through the stadium and shock the audience. Bloom, who'd just gotten fully dressed, walked out and gasped with her wet nipples showing through her florid bra and loose white t-shirt.

  She never expected to see Kansuke be hit back by anyone, and watching him skid to the floor, she immediately screamed at the top of her lungs.

  "No pussy tonight unless you win!" She crossed her arms and nodded her head. "Our man has already claimed all the angels in the heavens! How can he lose to such a puffy shrimp!"


  Kansuke glided against the floor before wiping off the side of his mouth. Truthfully, he just wanted to test his strength against Kazou's charge after reaching level 26. Celestial Fire Dragons were known for their physical prowess in and out of the sack, and even with the blood dripping from the side of his mouth, his smile only grew more bright and profound.

  He estimated with his draconic form he'd easily be able to pierce a hole directly through an Ice Orchard Tree, meaning even a level 45 Gene Elementalist might not be his match in strength.

  Satisfied with his new found knowledge, suddenly his Light Blaze Claws flared out and assailed the approaching fire roly-poly as it speed towards his position. Causing multiple dents in the ground, tiles flew up into the air before that strange circular figure was once again in his face!


  Kansuke didn't hold back and launched his Light Blaze Claws directly towards the window to Kazou's head that had been wrapped so neatly beneath his tummy. The two forces soon breached and a large bang spread out into the arena, causing Bloom to smirk happily as she nodded her head.

  "I knew my pussy would bring him to victory," Bloom pushed Gerald's arm, as he marveled at the match. "By the way, are your sisters coming over tonight?"

  "Ugh, only the smart one. The dumb one is undergoing surgery today…" Gerald avoided looking down at those cute tits in fear of Kansuke's wrath. "However, did Kansuke really teach her the Imperial Fire Steps? I still don't believe it."

  "He's really good with his mind and his cock," Bloom responded cheerily, watching Kazou pierce onto the other side of the stage. The Light Blaze Claws had clearly taken a toll on his confidence, and he saw six versions of Kansuke nearing his face.

  "No, please father! Please! Don't punish me! Please! Don't you know how hard you made my life?"

  Kansuke shook his head, putting his foot an inch away from his face.


  Suddenly, that same foot crashed rampantly into Kazou's head sending him flying off the stage.

  "There, you happy? You got a taste of my socks…"

  Kansuke wiped off his hands and jumped off the stage, the entire audience in shocked at this result! How did a level 26 Gene Elementalist beat a Level 38 Gene Elementalist of the same element! It literally made no sense, and the entire audience split between applause and staunch silence.

  However, one man, in a white mask, clapped before brashly interrupting his descent from the center of attention.

  "Well, since our opponents stand no chance against us, why don't we fight right now?"

  Chapter 46: Face Off

  Omura Shozo looked back at the five remaining fighters in the First Azure Provisional Tournament, and all of them had their heads down clearly frightened at these two foes. One of them, Omura Shozo, had one hit every foe he faced, and the other wet every single vagina in the entire stadium.

  However, Morine Masu had a totally different perspective and jumped off the third floor before nimbly placing herself in front of Kansuke. Her golden eyes shinned with hatred, in disbelief that this putrid existence might soon enter her body.

  "If all those five forfeits than you two can face off. However, he's short on rest? Don't you have any morals underneath that veil on your face?"

  "Sweetie, it isn't time for our date yet." Shozo pushed Masu away, "If you want to prepare, go practice bending over on that bench. I'll be with you in a moment."

  "Hold it!" The referee, Herald, approached and pushed back Shozo. "The rules state that each contestant get two hours rest between matches. If you dare hold the Gene Association in contempt, you'll be disqualified!"

  "Wait, I'll allow it," Kansuke wanted to exact vengeance sooner than later. "After all, he nearly killed my best friend and ruined his dreams. We can break bones right?"

  "Yes," Herald replied, laughing at Kansuke's boldness. "However, are you sure? He's 20 levels above your own?"

  "It's not like I've taken on bigger fish in the bed room. You sure you want to do this ugly?" Kansuke walked back towards the center of the stage, his mind completely focused on his Gene Arts.

  Seeing his opponents fight against Tucker in his mind, he would never forget the Gene Movement Skill he used to attack Tucker. If he wasn't mistaken, it was at least a 5th level Gene Movement Art with 4 stages of completion!

  Even though the Imperial Fire Steps were clearly a higher grade art, he'd only made it up to the third level! When it came to speed, his opponent would see more pathways to greatness along the finite tiles of the stage. He'd be outmatched in speed, and his opponents level was clearly much higher than his own!

  Judging by the judge, it had to be at least level 46, and he seemed to have traces of the lightning element! When it came to fire, not many elements could fully prevent its massive attacking force like lightning!

  However, his instincts told him something even darker and more mystifying lurked inside his body. Causing Kansuke to stand a step further back then he'd usually grant his opponent.

  Shozo cracked his neck and massaged his face, making sure those two holes of light were completely glued on Kansuke's meandering physique. He wished nothing more than to kill him with his first attack, and planned on going all out from the start!

  In the Dark Association, using a heavy hand against a weaker opponent represented their core mantra. Even if a girl's sulky face desired to escape their torturous punishments, they'd immediately tame her by beating that anxiety out of her!

  Preparing his hands and summoning them in fighting position in front of his covered face, he muttered "I'm handsome" as the judges hand shot downward. Like a bullet breaking the air, he immediately arrived in front of Kansuke using his level 5 Gene Movement Art, Dark Breaker Landing, and manifested his killing intent into five tremendous spears.

>   Sharpening them to perfection, he thought nothing of the Fire Plum Pillar spinning rapidly in front of Kansuke's face. However, Kansuke wouldn't just stand still and let the attack bash into his face! Activating the Imperial Fire Steps he circled around his back and sent out a kick of his own.

  The two then began clashing on the stage, managing to make the audience gasp at their blurring forms. Usually, Gene Elementalists would never manually trade blows with their fists, and instead they'd rely on long range tactics. However, Kansuke and Shozo both were descendents from dragons!

  Even though Shozo had only inherited the blood of the Night Shade Wyvern, his physical looks were so bad it meant he'd become incredibly strong! A large sound perforated the skin on Kansuke's fist before he tumbled back and saw a foot approaching his countenance.

  As his elbow raised, another intense wind came from his back before a spear crashed against his Fire Plum Pillar. Bouncing loudly against the tiles, Kansuke laughed and got up, once again wiping the blood off his mouth as he spoke.

  "You're not bad. It's a shame you'll never defeat me."

  "Oh, why is that? Because as far as I can tell, you already lost!" Shozo grabbed one of the tiles from the ground and threw it at Kansuke, causing him to dodge to the side.

  "because if you beat me I wouldn't be able to get pussy tonight. Don't you know what happens when you get in the way of a dragon's pussy trove?"

  "Stupid… you're incredibly dumb! Ha, I'll bang your entire harem after we kill you! Do you think these rules apply in the real world?" Shozo activated a level 12 Gene Element called Grudge of Shadows, causing the judge to gasp in shock.

  Level 12 Gene Elements were strictly reserved for Gene Elementalists that had reached the 7th Elemental stage, meaning he had the prowess of a level 55 Gene Elementalist in his hands!

  Even though Kansuke had the S+ rating granted to him by the Gene Association, he'd be completely out classed by almost any level 12 Gene Element! Fortunately, Kansuke had grown two little wings underneath his shirt, channeling some extra dragon blood into his forearms.

  Even though he couldn't expose his draconic form to the world, it didn't mean he couldn't reap their benefits in secret! It was kind of like when he took Chise to the movies and fingerer her clit as kids sat down beneath him! Some things were just better done in secret including the fluid that dripped out of her legs.

  Finally, the two were face to face, killing intent flashing out of both of their eyes. That level 12 Gene Element, Grudge of Shadows, had formed massive tendrils five times the size of Kansuke's Light Blaze Claws. However, rather than focusing on Shozo, he winked at Bloom before both of them unleashed their mightiest attacks.

  As for Kansuke, he didn't forget to send out some scorch seeds to interrupt their fun. As those massive tendrils clashed with each other, sending the audience into an uproarious clamor, those five little seeds bashed into Shozo's back upsetting his balance.

  At the same time, Kansuke didn't dare forsake this opportunity and twisted his foot right to the side of that covered up face. Sending him on a crash course towards the wall, the ring soon disappeared beneath Shozo's feet as the audience began to cheer!


  Shozo placed his hand against the wall before two massive wings grew out of his back, causing the entire audience to scream in shock.

  "You're all dead you hear me! You're all dead!"

  Shozo immediately flapped his wings up towards the blue sky, joisting his middle finger towards Morine Masu and the Gene Administration Leader’s gasping with shock and rage.

  Those black wings made it extremely clear Shozo represented the Dark Association, and that his potential was at least A rank! Only special individuals in the Dark Association could summon wings from the blood of the Night Shade Wyvern and cause such a horrendous site.

  The once wet pussies in the audience dried up instantly as that monster made it twenty feet in the air. However, Morine Masu, the very reward he so seeked, soon summoned a level 14 Gene Element, Eternity Chains, and brandished them towards Shozo’s ascending body.

  Laughing at the little girls attempt at looking cute, a few men in the audience burst onto the tournament platform and aimed at the heart inside of her bountiful chest. If Shozo couldn’t have his cream filling inserted into that tight hole, no ones dick could have the privilege of seeking comfort inside her warm vagina.

  Slashing towards her neck, she screamed as Kansuke arrived by her side and attempted to block all of the attacks. Considering she happened to be a level 55 Gene Elementalist, and he happened to be level 27, even the babies watching instinctually frowned as this shocking situation continued.

  At the same time, a gigantic black form appeared in the sky above the Provisional Tournament Stadium, it’s large red eyes showcasing a deadly wyvern seeking nothing but domination and blood. It contaminated the air so much that Natsumi, the level 88 Gene Elementalist, froze in his spot and fell backwards from that glare.

  Perhaps if he had his high grade weapon, he’d easily be able to kill that black monster staring at him in the sky. Unfortunately, that black figure also happened to be a Celestial Creature, and one of its main skills translated through it’s Fire Heart Gaze.

  Any creature that felt even a smidgen of fear in front of a true Black Shade Wyvern would become like a women’s cherry in front of a dominating man. Even if that girl had beauty that rivaled the heaven’s, she’d be nothing in front of a true god!

  Celestial Creatures were the closest beings to gods on this earth, and such a creature had haphazardly arrived in First Azure District, showcasing its large teeth as it eminently roared above all the beings below. This single roar caused every ally of Kansuke to stiffen in their boots as a large staff struck into his chest. Following that staff were two swords a spear and a large foot that crashed into his side.

  The four Dark Association Elementalists laughed as he skipped off the white tiled stage and slid onto the grass, managing to cause five deep wounds in his side. Spitting up blood, he smiled before jumping to his feet, blood dripping onto the floor beneath him, however his knees soon buckled and he wobbled in place.

  Finally, Shozo once again drew out his level 12 Gene Element, Grude of Shadows, causing those ten massive tendrils to whiplash towards his chest. As for Kansuke, he’d gotten so dizzy that all he saw was his five favorite girls screaming at him in front of his chest.

  “You have to survive. We can’t give you pussy if you don’t survive.”

  “Chise would be so mad at you. You didn’t even make her pregnant yet.”

  “You’re a fool. You should’ve lost on purpose,” Shozo said, interrupting their dulcet of sweet voices. “Now, look! You caused our god to appear by our side! You’re going to die and I’m going to rape all your women!”


  A terrifying blow struck Kansuke as five tendrils pierced into his chest. Blood bursted out of his body before he skipped and bounced into the wall. Surprisingly, though, a strange man appeared in front of Kansuke with two massive wings on his back. His scarlet eyes had a screaming killing intent, and his pale skin remained fully denuded, sheltering Kansuke with a pleasant fire.

  “You shouldn’t mess with an unripe seed. Here, give me your head.”

  “Heh, you’re crazy old man… Don’t you see what’s above us in the sky?’

  “I’ll kill him too. Seriously, don’t move. Your ugly head is one of the sins of humanity.”

  “Don’t you dare do it!” The black wyvern screamed, shocked by that man’s appearance. “If you kill him, you’ll start a war, Seiryo. Do you think us dragons should fight over the grounds of mortals!”

  “Idiot, this is my son. If I kill all of you, what war will it start?” Seiryo summoned a massive sword, twenty meters tall, placing it on Shozo’s neck. “You probably did this because you know I’m lazy, but I’m not lazy enough to watch my son die!”

  “Heh, I’ve already reached the twelve stage,” The Black Wyvern said, his feet bursting into t
he ground, “If you really fight me, you’ll see what skill I acquired from your daughter.”

  “She never liked me anyway.” Seiryo said, “now, Granite, look, he’s already dead!”


  That massive sword moved like a flash of lightning, tearing away Shozo’s pathway to his heart and brain. After ten swipes, his entire body had completely disappeared, and all that remained was a small black circular core, rolling over towards Kansuke’s feet.

  Chapter 48: Savior

  Kansuke watched his blood mix inside of that black core, causing sparks to ignite on Granite’s face. However, rather acting rashly, his gigantic 5-meter-tall black body began to shrink to that of a handsome human. His jet black hair draped down onto his back, and a large bone spear with five jewels encrusted around it’s hilt shone in bright contrast to his dashing countenance.

  “You also improved, didn’t you Seiryo? However, why do you keep calling that insect your son? Did your wives start shitting out trash, or have you finally gone crazy?”

  “I’m not going to answer you, Granite. Leave and kill those five behind you. If you don’t, I’ll show you what the thirteenth stage has to offer.”

  “Fair enough. I’m not an idiot! Do you THINK I’M AN IDIOT?!” Granite sighed, peeling five feathers off his back before ominously pointing towards the Five Dark Association Elementalists standing around Morine Masu’s trapped body.

  She gulped and watched as a flash of light splurted blood unto her tight blue shorts and white top. Those five, at least level 60 Sovereign Gene Elementalists, burst into dust before Granite dusted off his hands. He smiled before gigantic wings spread out of his back, the two peaks of Mutated monsters making eye contact in the midst of a terrified audience.

  “There, now… The least you owe me is an explanation. Why are you calling that little horny shrimp by your side your son? Did you bang his mother when he was a kid?”

  “You’re being annoying. I’m expecting you to keep a secret. Why would I tell you another secret? Your mother should’ve aborted you when she had the chance.”


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