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Discovering Danielle

Page 16

by L M Terry

  “Hmm,” he says backing up as the elevator doors opens. I’m shaking as I turn and exit in front of him.

  He leads us down the long hall to our room. Before he opens the door he looks down at me. “Do you ever wonder about the lack of fear the zookeeper’s have when they enter a wild animal’s cage?”

  I let out a small laugh and bite my lip. “Are you giving me a warning of some sort?” I ask hesitantly.

  He straightens and runs his finger along my jaw line but doesn’t say anything.

  I think about his question for a second before answering. “Maybe, they are afraid, but they don’t show it. I have heard that an animal is more likely to attack if they sense that you are frightened.”

  “Is that why you try to hide your fear of me?” he asks. His eyes roaming from my jaw to my eyes.

  “I’m not afraid of you,” I whisper.


  I shake my head no.

  “Maybe that’s why I’m so wildly attracted to you. You don’t fear me, even though you should. But, I do sense that you are afraid of the things I make you feel, the things I make you do and there is a part of me that likes that. Does that make me a bad person I wonder?”

  I’m not sure if that is a question that I am supposed to answer but I do. “You are not bad you are just like an animal, wild, untamed. I should keep my distance, but much like the zookeepers I know you need to be fed.” His eyes dilate, a dangerous smirk flits across his face.

  “Oh, I do like you, Dani.”

  “Are you hungry?” I ask, trembling with the desire that is coursing through me. He excites me like none other. I like the Anthony that takes control, that incites that little bit of fear in me. I should hate the fear, but it is different from the kind I normally experience. This kind makes me wet for him.

  “I am but I like to play with my food first.” He opens the door and firmly pushes me.

  Once inside he lets our bags fall from his hands with a loud thud. My eyes flit over the room, but his stay trained on me. I try to slow my breathing, keeping an eye on him from my peripheral. He doesn’t move from the entryway.

  “This is nice,” I say walking over to the windows. “We have a mountain view.” I turn to look at him. He still hasn’t moved. “Umm, well I’ll just leave you to your nap, I’m just going to jump in the shower.” I nod towards the bathroom as I pull the curtains closed. His hands clench into fists at his side as I start inching my way over to the door.

  He pounces as soon as my hand hits the handle, wrapping his big hand over my wrist. “Oh no you don’t,” he breathes out over the top of my head. He let’s go of me stepping back a few steps. “Undress,” he orders. Goosebumps instantly adhere themselves to my skin, and I shiver all the way down to my toes.

  I start to undress as he stands there eyeing me. “If I didn’t want to spend some time with my family I would take you back home and keep you all to myself.”

  My hand trembles as I unbutton my jeans and shimmy out of them. His voice is filled with unbridled lust and I know that what he has in store will not leave me wanting. Once I’m completely undressed I stand in front of him waiting for his next order.

  “Go to my bag and get the red rope,” he instructs. I close my eyes taking a deep breath. I love his ropes, I love him. My eyes snap open and a slow smile spreads across his face. “Did you not hear me?” he asks taking a step forward.

  Instantly I’m scrambling towards his bag. I find the rope on top of his neatly folded clothes. Hesitantly I pull it out and then stand there with it in my hands, running my fingers over it, imagining it wrapping around me. I look at him over my shoulder.

  He nods towards the bed. I look back down at the rope in my hand. How the fuck did this happen? He is literally ruining me for any other man. There is no one else like him. Oh well, enjoy it while it lasts. I make my way over to the bed and crawl to the middle. I lay the rope in front of me. The contrast of the brightly colored rope and the pale cream comforter makes my blood pump harder. Is that what it will look like next to my skin.

  My eyes slowly move across the bed to him. I drink him in from his black dress shoes climbing my way up his suit until landing on his gaze. “Lay on your back with your knees raised.” I do as he orders as he removes his jacket, then his tie, his shirt…his belt. I squeeze my legs tightly, trying to curb the heat building between my thighs. He notices my slight movement and stops undressing.

  “Drop your knees.” He steps to the end of the bed, unbuttoning his pants as he watches me.

  A blush creeps up my cheeks, but I do as he asks. This is the most vulnerable I think I have felt in front of him.

  He grunts as he pushes his pants down to mid-thigh, he reaches into his boxers and I lick my lips as his hands moves back and forth under the tight material as he strokes his cock. Oh, hot damn, sex rolls off of him in waves that come up to lick at my toes. “Touch yourself.” He smiles, knowing full well how uncomfortable I’ll be with the idea.

  He is touching himself though so maybe it won’t be too embarrassing. My hand hovers just above my pussy, he narrows his eyes at me in warning, so I drop it. Oh, god. My hand is cold in contrast to the smoldering heat radiating off my cunt.

  “I think you know what to do from there.”

  Timidly I begin to rub myself. Him rubbing his cock keeps my hand moving and before long I feel the warmth of an impending orgasm creep up my spine, my eyes drop closed as my breath picks up. He must sense it as well because he knocks my hand away causing my eyes to flash open.

  “Nope, only I make you come. I am the source of you pleasure from here on out. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” I pout. I was so close. So close.

  He finishes undressing and then crawls on the bed picking up the rope on his way towards me. It kisses my skin as he positions the first lick of rope over my thigh tugging my calf to fold tightly up against the back of it, my heel bumping against my bottom. My eyes focus on the beautiful knots he is tying over my silky flesh.

  We rarely speak while he works with the rope. It is a quiet, sacred time that we both crave. It calms and comforts me. Perhaps it does the same for him. Rarely does Anthony slow down. But, when he ties me I can feel his pulse slow, his eyes wander my body much like mine do over a blank canvas. He makes me feel beautiful and cherished. The minutes tick by unnoticed by either of us as he takes his time. Inspiration shifts as he listens to the sounds he pulls from my body as he magically finds the right pressure points.

  I wonder if he has somehow been gifted a map of Danielle. One that shows him what lies beneath the surface. Pinpointing each nerve ending so that he can bend me to his will. Over the last month of being with him I have sometimes felt cheated that he has full access to discover my body while I have had very little opportunity to study his. Anthony moves towards my head pulling me out of my thoughts and he begins to wrap my arms together above my head from my elbow to my wrist in an amazing diamond shaped design. He straddles himself over my chest as his cock bobs in front of my face. My eyes move from it up to the black pools of his and I feel myself falling into the bottomless pits.

  Leaning over my face he secures my wrists above me to the headboard. His length drags across my face and I stick my tongue out licking at him. I find the head of his cock and suck it into his mouth as he straightens and looks down into my eyes. His hand brushes over my cheek as I work him in and out of my mouth as best as I can in my restrained state.

  He lets me have this small fraction of control for just a few minutes before he takes over and shoves himself in farther, hitting the back of my throat. He pulls out just as panic sets in. “Since you can’t use your safe word while I use your mouth I want you to snap if you need me to stop. Yes?”

  “Yes, sir,” I whisper, breathing hard but, his words make my panic ease considerably.

  “You are so beautiful in my ropes, Dani.” He nudges himself back over my bottom lip and slowly shoves back in. “You are doubly beautiful taking my cock into that s
mart mouth of yours.” With those words I nip at him lightly with my teeth. He hisses but it seems to throw fuel on the fire. He grabs me by neck, stroking his fingers along it as he pushes himself as far as he can down my throat. He holds himself there as tears stream down to my ears and when I make a soft gagging noise his eyes flare before he releases me. I suck in as much air as I can before he repeats the process. I love the moans coming from him and the way his head throws back at his pleasure.

  He doesn’t allow himself to come in my mouth, he eventually moves his way down lower, and lower until he is hovering over me. I can feel his breath flutter over my sensitive skin. He has never, oh god, I flush from my chest all the way up to my cheeks. He grins at me as I stare down at him. I shake my head back and forth ever so slightly in a silent plea, but this just makes his features turn more determined. With a blink of my eye his face is between my legs and he has sucked my clit into his mouth. The sensation is so intense that I feel an orgasm creeping up from my toes immediately. “Oh, god, Anthony.”

  He pulls back and then lightly licks me with the very tip of his tongue as he slides one finger inside me and then two. I try to wiggle but I am tied up so tight and the orgasm creeping in has nowhere to go but the area he is intent on. It’s too much, too much. “Oh, my god, Anthony, I can’t, you have to stop.” But stop doesn’t mean stop, red means stop but I can’t bring myself to say it. I am so sensitive that my body begins to shake. I want to take it, I want to take everything he gives so I bite my lip and endure the overwhelming sensations and then he curls his fingers, bumping against a place so unbelievably devasting that I shatter in a thousand pieces. “Oh. Fuck!” I scream.

  When I regain my senses, he is between my legs towering over me. He is pumping in and out of me at a slow, steady pace. My eyes roam over his tattoo’s then down to his taught abdominals. “You are so sexy when you are at my mercy. My beautiful, broken girl.”

  My heart swells, as I watch him. He is right I am completely at his mercy. He is my deepest and darkest fantasy. Him. He is the key and he has unlocked my chained soul. He is letting me fly free. I know this is hard to understand because I am literally tied up, but I have never felt freer. Before I can stop myself the words fall from my lips on a moan, “I love you.”

  He pushes himself as deep as he can go and leans over my face, staring into my eyes. “Good, girl. I love you too.” He kisses me slowly as if we have all the time in the world. It’s as if nothing exists but him and I. He picks up his pace as he tells me to keep my eyes on him. So dark, his eyes are so dark, so intense. I love this man so fucking much right now, he is my everything. It only takes a few minutes at the increased pace before we are both sucking in air trying to come down after our powerful release.

  He releases me from my bondage and then carries me into the bathroom. I stare at the indentations the ropes made over my skin as he starts the shower, setting it to the right temperature. “You are so good at this, Anthony. I can’t explain how good it feels when you tie me up.”

  He wraps his arms around me tracing the rope marks over my stomach with his finger. “Well, you were made for them, or maybe they were made for you. Either way, it creates a spectacular site.”

  “The paper that Ted had was a story I wrote with Lizzie a long time ago. I have been wishing for someone like you for so long. Someone who understood. I never thought I would find someone like you, Anthony.” Tears start to fall, and I cannot stop them.

  “Oh, Dani. Sweetheart, you have me. Don’t cry.” He turns me, drawing me into his tattooed chest. “You know, I didn’t think I would find someone like you either. What we have is special, it is everything I have ever wanted, someone to trust me. Someone who will let me bring out their best while letting me embrace and love their worst. Someone who was made for me.”

  I grab his waist tight and hug him like I will die if we part. I love him, I’ve loved him from the moment he comforted me at that slave auction all those years ago. I haven’t felt so complete in my entire life.

  “Hey, we better get showered and head down to meet Liam and Addy before they start beating on our door. You good?”

  “I’m better than good,” I say with certainty. “Wait, you didn’t just bring me up here and ravage my body just to quell my nerves over meeting your friends did you?”

  He winks at me. “Some days baby steps, some days giant ones.”

  I shove away from him putting my hands on my hips in fake indignation. “Anthony, you are terrible.”

  “Well, that’s not the only reason I brought you up here. Don’t get the wrong impression of me princess. I am no knight in shining armor. I take what I want when I want. I have plenty of selfish traits just like the rest of the population,” he says as he pushes me into the shower.

  “Hmph. I don’t think your selfish at all, and I don’t need a knight when I have a big, bad wolf. That’s what I need.” I smile up at him. He leans down and kisses me on the nose.

  “Well then I guess we were made for each other. Cause I need a baby girl who looks at me with moon eyes.”

  “Only for you, sir,” I whisper against his chest.

  Chapter Seventeen



  We had a nice dinner. Addy and Dani hit it off instantly. Dani was relaxed thanks to my session with her back in the room. I worried it would feel awkward having her with me around my friends, but this is the first time in so long that I have not felt like something was missing. I feel complete with her next to me. I can’t wait to introduce her to the rest of the gang.

  After we ate we agreed to go to the zoo together this morning, well I should say the girls agreed to it and I’m stuck going. We are picking Liam and Addy up later on because I need to make a quick trip to the mall. With all the hoopla of the last few weeks I have forgotten to get my favorite niece a birthday gift.

  “So, what does Sophia like?” Dani asks as we walk hand in hand through the crowd of shoppers. Every now and then she stops to take a few deep breaths. Crowds and shopping are big triggers for her, but she is doing very well.

  “Pink, she likes pink, and barbies. She has a big doll house in her room that was Anna’s when she was little. But, I really don’t know what she is into now. I’ve been away for so long.”

  “Why did you distance yourself? Addy mentioned it but didn’t go into details.”

  “I don’t know. My friends all got married and they were so happy, I guess I was jealous. No. I wasn’t jealous, I was happy for them, I guess I just didn’t know where it left me and the more I was around them the emptier I felt.” I shrug my shoulder at her, this is the first time I have voiced these feelings.

  “I can understand that,” she says. “Their lives were changing and yours wasn’t. They were slowing down, starting their families and you were still trying to be James Bond.”

  I laugh. “You are correct, but now I have you. Will you slow me down?” I ask her thoughtfully pulling her to stop in front of a children’s clothing store.

  “Do you want to slow down?” she asks.

  “Yes and no.”

  “I think there is room in life for both, but what I think you should focus on is you and not them. Everyone has their own pace in life. It isn’t a race you know.” She stands on her tiptoes and plants a kiss on my lips before turning to look into the window of the shop we stopped at.

  “You are right, I am who I am.”

  She returns her focus back to me. “That is right, and I love who you are.”

  Life is changing for me, with Dani by my side. It is shifting. My mind is calm, and I am content. I brush her hair back and kiss her temple. “Thank you for coming with me. I know our vacation started out a little rough, but I think it is looking up.”

  “Definitely,” she says softly. “So, are you buying Sophia clothes? Most kids want toys…just sayin.”

  “I have to buy her clothes. My friends would think something was wrong if I didn’t. I’m an expert at it.” I tug her into the stor
e with me and start tossing things at her in a rapid pace. “Let’s see, there is a pool at the cabin so she will need new swimwear, dresses, shorts, oh shoes we can’t forget the shoes.”

  After walking the entire store our arms full we make our way to checkout. I picked up a few things for Sophia’s little brother, Noah, too, wouldn’t want him to feel left out even though it isn’t his birthday. Noah is two and just as cute as Sophia.

  “I can’t imagine Dylan and Anna are going to be okay with you spoiling their daughter like this,” Dani says as we leave the store.

  “They don’t have a choice. This is who I am. They know this,” I reply.

  “Okay, but I still think you should let me pick her out some toys.” She runs her finger over the store listing looking for a toy store. “Here is one.” She taps at the glass.

  A thought occurs to me out of nowhere as I watch her fingers trace over the glass continuing down the list of stores. It is missing something. A ring. I turn away from her and set the bags down by my feet to rub at my chest. What the fuck was that? Where did that come from?

  “You okay?” she asks coming to stand in front of me a look of concern on her face.

  “I’m fine, I just, ah it was nothing. I’m just getting nervous about seeing them all I guess.”

  “You guess? You’ve been using that word an awful lot lately. I hope my anxiety isn’t rubbing off on you.”

  I chuckle, retrieving the bags I set down. “I’m fine. Let’s go find the toy store.”

  “We need wrapping paper too. I’m so excited, Anthony. I have been alone for so long, this is nice.”

  We decide on a few barbies, the rest of the things we pick out are all for outside play. Bubbles, pool toys, a hula-hoop (Dani insisted it was a necessity) and a barbie fishing pole. Liam and Addy had told her about a little stream on the property at dinner last night and she shared with me that her and her dad used to fish. Dani’s excitement is contagious. I am so happy that she is enjoying life. My heart aches to think of her being all cooped up in that little apartment of hers alone. I never want her to be alone again.


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