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Discovering Danielle

Page 18

by L M Terry

  “Sophia!” He greets her with a full genuine toothy smile.

  They rub noses and my heart stops as I watch them together. If I thought seeing Anthony with an old lady was endearing, it’s nothing compared to seeing him with this sweet child. When he planned the picnic by the river with Dorothy he poked at my carefully guarded heart. Today he has reached into my chest cavity with his whole hand and squeezed my heart in an almost painful way. My fantasies of him are blooming open into a fragrant world, of bright colors and…. family. I shake my head trying to clear the visions that I cannot seem to stop now that they have bloomed.

  I pull the sheet up as high as I can and slink away from them. He reaches out grabbing my arm to stop me. “Sophia, sweetie. This is my friend Dani. Can you tell her hi?”

  She jumps off of him and tackles me giving me eskimo kisses as well. Her tiny hands trap my cheeks and she stares into my eyes as if she is trying to read a story, my story. She is an old soul if I ever saw one. After a few moments she bends forward to rub her nose over mine once more. “You have a boy name. There is a boy in my school and his name is Danny.”

  I laugh, she is way too adorable. She has the same brilliant blue eyes as her mother and the same serious scowl as her dad. “Actually, my name is Danielle, but my friends have always called me Dani.”

  “Okay, I’m your friend so I will call you Dani,” she declares climbing off me and then wiggling between Anthony and me.

  “What have you been up to Miss. Sophia?” Anthony asks tucking her head under his chin.

  “I took swimming lessons so I can jump off the board. Dad has to catch me, but it is soooooo fun. Noah broke all my crayons, but mom said that maybe I would get new ones for my birthday. Did you buy me a new dress?”

  Her mind flits from one thing to the next at rapid fire. She reminds me of Anthony in that fact. I wonder if our kids will be like him…..

  Anthony’s kids, not my kids, his…with his wife, not me. Yes, him and his wife’s, that is what I wonder.


  He indulges her. “Of course, I bought my girl a dress.” He tickles her and she curls up in a little ball giggling, dark curls bouncing all over the place.

  “Sophia,” Anna yells down the hall.

  She freezes and looks at Anthony with wide eyes and whispers, “Mom said not to wake you.”

  “Well, I was awake so, it’s all good kid.”

  “Sophia,” Anna hollers with a bit more irritation in her tone. She knocks on our door.

  Anthony grabs a pillow and plops it over the top of Sophia. “Shhhh, be quiet and maybe she won’t even notice you’re here.”

  She giggles and her tiny hands grab the pillow pulling it tight over her.

  “Come in,” he yells.

  “Sorry to bother you but did Sophia come in here?” She notices her hands peeking out around the pillow and her eyebrows raise and she cocks her head at Anthony.

  “Nope, haven’t seen her.” He reaches under the pillow and tickles her. She giggles. “I really like these giggling pillows that you have here. Don’t you, Dani?”

  “Yes, they are cute and funny,” I reply and Sophia giggles again.

  “Okay, you three, I can see you are going to be trouble this week. Come on Sophia, you can help make the pancakes.”

  Sophia throws the pillow off her and starts to crawl across me to the edge of the bed. “Can we make Mickey Mouse ones. I want to make Uncle Tony’s,” she declares as she jumps off the bed swinging her arms wide as she does.

  “I’m sorry that she woke you. I told her not to come in here,” Anna says shifting so that Sophia can dodge by her.

  “She didn’t wake me, this one,” he throws a thumb out to me, “she woke me up with her wicked ways.”

  My mouth drops open and Anna just laughs. “Okay, whatever, Anthony. I think we all know who the wicked one is.” She winks at me before pulling the door closed.

  I slap him in the arm once it clicks shut.

  “What? It’s true?” He slides over and pushes me back against the pillows his arms braced on either side of my head. “I’m so happy that you are here with me.”

  “Are you?”

  “I am and I am starving. Let’s go have some Mickey Mouse pancakes.” He swats my butt again as he gets out of bed. My belly stirs with desire as I stare at his powerful frame moving across the room. He looks back at me and must notice my plight. “Ass to the edge of the bed,” he says.

  “W-what?” my eyes dart up to his. “Ass, end of bed. What don’t you understand?”

  I scoot down to the edge and he strides back across the room. Delicious. He kneels in front of me on the floor and tosses my legs over his shoulders, pulling me closer to the edge. My head falls back, and he quickly works his magic.

  “Come for me, Dani,” he orders and just like that I do. It’s just like hitting a switch. I’m pretty sure at this point I could come with just his order alone.

  “There that should do you for at least a few hours. I couldn’t leave you wandering around all morning staring at me like I’m a piece of meat.”

  “I wasn’t.” I poke my finger in his chest.

  “You were.” He laughs and then stands to continue about his business of getting dressed.

  When I stand up I get a sharp pain in my head forcing me to sit back down. “Oh, shit,” I breathe out cradling my head in my hands.

  Anthony rushes over. “Are you okay? What is it?”

  I shake my head. “It’s nothing, just a headache. Do you have any Tylenol?”

  He rubs the back of my neck. “No, but Addy will have something I’m sure. She is a doctor.”

  I peek up at him with half closed eyes. “A doctor that is impressive. Could you go ask her for me? I think I’m just going to lay back down. Sleep is sometimes the only thing that will make it go away.”

  “I’ll be right back,” he says tucking his shirt into his jeans quickly and then heading down the hall.

  I slide back under the covers and toss my arm over my eyes. Great, just how I wanted to start my time with these people. Fucking headaches.

  Anthony and Addy both come back in together. “Hey, hun, Anthony says you’re not feeling well. I brought you something that should help.” The bed dips and I open my eyes to meet her kind ones. She helps me to sit up and hands me a glass of water and two white pills. “Drink the whole glass, sometimes headaches are just dehydration. You didn’t drink much yesterday at the zoo,” she says.

  “Thank you. I get headaches a lot. It’s not unusual. This one just hit me a little harder than normal. I’ll be fine, I just need to sleep it off.”

  Her eyes roam over my face, taking a quick assessment. “When you get back to California you should go see your regular doctor. There could be an underlying issue.”

  “I’ll make sure she goes,” Anthony says, and I roll my eyes at him.

  “I’m fine. You two go and enjoy your family time. I’ll be out when I get to feeling better. Thank you, Addy.”

  Anthony sits down beside me on the bed. “Tell the others we will be out after a bit,” he says as he props himself up against the headboard. He then pulls me so that my head is in his lap.

  “Anthony, no. Go and spend time with your family. I’m just going to sleep, there is nothing you can do. Please.” I push at his hands as he tries to massage my temples.

  He smacks my hands away. “I’m staying.” As we continue to argue Addy quietly walks away and gives us a warm smile before closing the door behind her.

  Chapter Nineteen



  Hours later, I’m finally starting to feel better. However, there is always a foggy period after one of my headaches and I’m slightly confused when I wake up. I’m unsure of where I’m at but my head is Anthony’s lap and he is smiling down at me. His eyes crinkle in the corners. “Hi,” he says running his fingers over my forehead.

  I fight the blankets trying to sit up. “Shit, what time is it? Anthony, dammit, I
told you not to stay with me.”

  “You did. I didn’t listen.” He gets up and gathers some of my clothes bringing them over to the bed and setting them down beside me. “Are you feeling better?”

  “Yes, I am. How long was I out?” I ask slipping my bra down my arms.

  “Just a few hours. Are you up to going out with the others and getting some lunch?”

  “Yeah, I am hungry.”

  “I smell burgers and Dylan makes a mean one. I don’t know what seasoning he uses. He won’t tell me. Maybe you could do a little spying for me?”

  I laugh. “I’m not going to be your spy. I want these people to like me and I’ve already embarrassed myself enough with the headache.”

  “A headache is hardly something to be embarrassed about.” He sits down beside me watching me tie my shoes.

  “Okay, I’m ready. Let’s do this, I don’t want you to miss out on anything else.” I stand in front of him putting my hands on my hips.

  He shakes his head and uses me to pull himself up. “I’m not sure which one of us is more stubborn.”

  Without missing a beat, I reply simply, “you.”

  He laughs, takes my hand and we go out in search of his friends. The minute our feet hit the deck Sophia spots us and comes running. She jumps up into Anthony’s arms, clinging to him like a little monkey. “After lunch mommy says I can open my presents.”

  “Yay!” he says bopping her on the nose. “That means we will have new toys to play with.”

  “Yeah, but I’m not going to let Noah play with them just you. He is naughty and breaks everything.”

  Anna comes over to pluck her out of Anthony’s arms. “You are going to share with your little brother,” she scolds lightly. “You need to eat before you open anything so go get a hot dog from Daddy.” She sets her on her feet and the little girl takes off running towards Dylan who is at the grill flipping burgers. He reaches down picking her up with one arm and swinging her up to his hip. She runs her hands over his beard, and he nips at her fingers making her squeal.

  “She is adorable,” I tell Anna.

  “She is a handful, just like her dad,” Anna says laughing. “Come with me, the girls are all dying to visit with you.”

  Anthony gives me a quick peck on the cheek and a tap on the butt before I follow Anna over to a picnic table where Addy and Rosemary have gathered.

  I barely get sat down and Sophia comes bounding over to me. She sets her paper plate on the table, sliding it in front of me and then scrambles up on my lap. “Sophia, get down and leave Dani alone, there are plenty of spaces to sit. You are getting to big to sit on everyone’s lap,” Anna says.

  “It’s fine, she isn’t bothering me,” I say helping her get situated on my lap. She immediately starts munching on her chips, holding one up to my mouth to share.

  Anna sighs and gives up. “So much like her dad,” she chuckles. “So, Dani, tell us a little bit about yourself.”

  “Well, honestly there isn’t much to tell. I’m pretty boring. Anthony has been helping me with my phobia’s so up until a month ago I was pretty much a recluse.”

  Addy jumps up from the table. “I have to show you guys the drawing of my dad that Dani did for me on the way up here. It is so good. Be right back.”

  “You draw?” Anna asks reaching over to wipe ketchup off of Sophia’s face.

  “I do. I like to sketch and paint. My parents were both artists, so I guess I get it from them.”

  Addy comes bounding back to the table with the sketch handing it to Rosemary, Luis’s wife, and then she passes it to Anna. “Oh, Dani. This is quite impressive. Is this what you do for a living?” Anna asks.

  “No, I had been doing freelance graphic art, but Anthony has encouraged me to paint more. I haven’t taken any new jobs since meeting him.”

  “Oooh yes, let’s talk about Anthony and you,” Addy says rubbing her hands together in anticipation.

  I blush and tuck my face behind Sophia’s head. “Ahh, she’s blushing,” Anna coos.

  Rosemary finally speaks up. “Girls, you are terrible. Give Dani a chance to get to know us. I apologize Dani, usually Anna and Addy are better behaved.”

  They both giggle. “Come on you know you’re curious too, Rosemary,” Anna chides.

  I decide to tell them a little about how he is helping me. “He has helped me a great deal with my phobia’s. We have bungy jumped, swam in the ocean, he helped me get over my fear of shopping in a crowd, he takes me out on his motorcycle for moonlight rides….”

  “He has a motorcycle?” Addy asks her eyebrows shooting up in disbelief.

  “Yeah, I was scared at first to ride with him, but he has been very patient with me every step of the way.”

  “I see you have changed his fashion sense. No suit? Like what the heck and the tattoos. We didn’t even know he had them!” Anna says turning to look at him.

  I turn as well. He is talking to the guys by the grill. He stretches and his shirt rides up over his stomach causing the other women to let out tiny sighs of delight. Of course, he just happens to glance over at us at the exact time we are all drooling. He tips his beer to us and winks.

  We all laugh, and I relax a little. Sophia jumps off my lap, leaving half a hot dog on her plate. “I’m going to ask daddy if I can open my gifts now!”

  “Anthony keeps me on my toes that is for sure. I never know from one minute to the next what he has in store for me.” I sigh and tip my head back looking dreamily at the clouds.

  “He seems happy. Are two officially a thing?” Anna asks.

  My head drops back to reality and my uncertainty creeps back in. I look at her and shrug my shoulders. “I guess. I thought he was just helping me because you know that is the type of guy he is but when we were in Denver he told me he loved me.”

  They all gasp. Addy starts clapping and leans across the table taking my hand in hers. “Anthony doesn’t say things he doesn’t mean, Dani. If he told you he loves you then he does.” Anna and Rosemary both nod in agreement. “Do you love him?”

  I nod and feel the heat rushing to my cheeks again. “I do, I feel safe with him. But…”

  “But nothing. Don’t second guess yourself,” Anna says gently tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

  “I just feel like such a burden. I’ve literally been stuck in my apartment for years. I don’t want to tie him down with my issues.”

  “One thing you should know about the men in this family is that they do not do anything they don’t want to. If he wants you, then he is going to have you…there is no stopping him at this point,” Addy says laughing. She continues talking without missing a beat. “So, has he bought you a whole new wardrobe yet? I don’t know how he does it, but he is amazing at shopping. When they rescued me, he bought me so many new clothes. He didn’t even know my size but somehow everything fit perfectly.”

  I shake my head no.

  “When I first met him. Dylan had him take me shopping. It was exhausting, I don’t know where he gets his energy,” Anna adds.

  “He hasn’t bought me anything, well other than one dress. But, we did shop for Sophia. I apologize right now because he may have overdone it,” I tell Anna.

  They all laugh. “He loves to spoil her. When she was a baby he bought her so many clothes, she didn’t even get a chance to wear them all. She grew faster than I could keep up with his purchases.”

  “He has a hard time sharing his feelings, or at least he used to. Shopping was his way of showing he cared. If he was able to voice his love for you, you must be cracking him. It makes me happy that he has found someone that he can talk to,” Addy says giving me a side hug. “Welcome to the family.”

  “Daddy says I can open my presents!” Sophia yells from across the lawn.

  “I suppose, I better go get Noah up from his nap and then we should let the little terror open her gifts before she self-implodes,” Anna grumbles pushing herself up from the table. Her round belly making her arch her back at the effort.
  Anthony comes over and gives Rosemary and Addy both kisses on the cheek before sitting down beside me. “How you doin?” he asks wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close.

  “Good, I’m getting all the gossip on you,” I tease.

  He narrows his eyes at the ladies at the table. “Oh, have you now?”

  He looks so relaxed here with his friends. He picks at the chips that Sophia left on her plate, popping one in his mouth. I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder feeling better about his admission of love for me after talking to his friends. Maybe he really does love me. His hand comes up to pat my cheek and then he tucks me in closer. I don’t ever want this to end.

  Sophia opens her gifts while her little brother toddles around her chasing a balloon. He is just as cute as she is with the same dark curls. Noah has his dad’s eye’s though, a rich deep brown. They are beautiful children and you can tell that they are cherished by this mismatched group of friends who all consider each other family. The kids even call Rosemary and Luis mamma and pappa even though they are not their biological grandparents. It makes me wonder what life would be like if I were a part of this family. I try not to let my mind go there but it does.

  I catch Dylan looking at me. My gut tells me that he knows he has seen me somewhere and he is trying to place me. I make note to avoid him. Maybe he will give up, many years have passed since they rescued me from the traffickers. Surely he won’t remember me after the hundreds, if not more than that, girls they have saved. Anthony doesn’t remember so why would Dylan? I’m just being paranoid.

  As the evening is winding down Luis approaches me while I’m teaching Sophia to hula hoop. “Dani, I haven’t had a chance to visit with you. Would you like to go for a walk?” he asks. I stop letting the hoop fall to the ground in a loud clatter, panic creeping up my spine. Luis is the psychiatrist that Anthony wanted me to call. If I had just called him would I be standing here now? Would Anthony and I have gotten to know each other in the way we have? I’m about to make the excuse that I’m helping Sophia, but she has already run off and is on to something else.


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