The Incubus- Mate and Bred

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The Incubus- Mate and Bred Page 3

by Fiona Thompson

  “Thank you.” I swallowed hard and felt like I was in the middle of a dream. How could this be happening to me? I should’ve known better than to get involved with anyone. Ever.

  Damn it.

  “I’ll handle it.” I swallowed and slid the phone closed. I slid off the bed and stowed my phone. Quickly I pulled for my jeans, but they strained to even button. Why was I getting so big, so fast? What was going on?

  “Sasha?” Duncan, or Sebastian, what did I even call him now, hurried after me. “Sasha, I can explain.”

  He tried to grab me I jerked my body away. I tugged my arm hard and it slammed against the blinds on the window.

  “Get away from me! Are you going to try to kill me too?” I picked up a vase and threw it at him.

  But Duncan moved in a way I had never seen before. Graceful, he ducked the vase and managed to be beside me in an instant. He grabbed my wrists and forced a kiss on me. “I love you and our child, Sasha. I would never hurt you. Never.”

  “Just like you wouldn’t hurt those woman?”

  Duncan shook his head. “I never meant to hurt them. They weren’t strong enough. Not like you. That’s why I can mate with you. You’re strong and can handle my power.”

  “Mate?” My face twisted in disgust. “Oh my God, what kind of a sick freak are you?” I turned to charge out of there, but something moved in the forest. I heard it’s menacing growl and watched a dark shadow destroy the trees, limb by limb.

  “It knows you’re pregnant with a succubus. My daughter. Our daughter. It’ll hurt you to get to her. And if it can’t have her, it’ll kill you.”

  What he said made no sense. “What are you?” I asked.

  “I’m a demon, Sasha. An Incubus. It doesn’t matter where you run, or where you go, our connection will never be broken. I will always find you.”

  He would always find me? I’d show him.

  I picked up a heavy candle stick and knocked him unconscious. Then, I stole his car keys and raced out of the forest. All the while something that sounded like an animal hunted me. I could see it in the mirrors and hear its breath charging after the car.

  All the while, something deep in my abdomen began to stretch. Something began to flutter.

  Chapter Twelve

  The rain was coming down hard. I couldn’t see the road anymore so I was forced to pull over into at a rural gas station. Through the rain splattered windshield, I can make out the neon likes beckoning me in. I’m so hungry and thirsty it’s almost worth running through the rain, but as a wave of nauseous hits me, I close my eyes.

  I tried to ignore the memories banging against the door. Something wants me and I know it’s not human. I was stupid, to fall for Duncan and all of his lies. Now I’m pregnant with something I have no right to even carry or to love, but do I? Love it?

  I’m not sure, but I’m terrified because already I’m showing. Beneath my skin tight blue hennely a small mound pushes against the fabric. Not more than a few weeks pregnant and I’m already round enough to see. My breasts ache and I’m so hungry, I know I need to get some food.

  Eating for two, right?

  Hungry enough to risk the rain, I pull my coat over my head and make a run for it. My feet splash into the puddles and mud kicks up. I stomp my feet on the old wooden patio and the door jingles as I pull it open.

  As humid as it is outside, that’s cold it is inside thanks to the air condition. In the window it clicks and bonks like it’s on its last leg. By the counter there’s an old guy with a beer gut big as a keg. I offer him a shy smile as I put my jacket back on. Hugging it close I hope he didn’t notice I’m pregnant. Hope he didn’t notice how scared I am.

  I keep my eye on the door as I grab a basket and fill it with snacks—all the kinds I don’t usually let myself eat—cookies, pastries, subs. I round it off with some fruit and some chocolate milk. My belly growls with hunger the more I put in. Might be my imagination, but I feel the buttons of my jeans straining.

  You’re the one, that’s what Duncan said to me and boy, do ever I feel regret ever falling for his lies. When my eyes catch my reflection, I recoil with disgust. My belly looks rounder and higher than it did in the car.

  It shouldn’t be happening this fast. What is this thing going to do to me? I should abort it. Get rid of it, but to do that, first I have to find a real city and not some hick backward place. So I go to the counter and take out my wallet.

  The old guy grunts at me. As he rings me up, he bags the items. “Eating for two, huh?”

  I stutter when he says that, but then I realize both my hands are caressing my belly like I love it. Like I’m expecting to take care of it. So I nod. “Yeah,” and drop my hands. I fish out my money and hand it to him.

  When he gives me back my change, he gives me a toothless grin. “Careful out there. Roads up ahead might be washed out. I’d head west, wherever it is you’re going.”

  “Thanks,” I mumble and grab my bags. Heading for the door, something tightens in my belly and I feel like something is pinching me. I groan and grab the doorframe. In the mirror on the ceiling a shadow takes shape behind me.

  If those demon shadows are coming for me again, I want no part in it. I make a run for the car and start it right up. Time to find somewhere to lay low. Somewhere I can eat, digest what is happening and make a plan.


  My skin is itching something fierce by the time I check into a rundown dingy motel, but it’s the best I can do. I hope the smell of the place will mask my scent and throw whatever showed up that night at the cabin off my trail. God keep me safe, because I’m running out of ideas on what to do.

  The television flickers in the corner of the room and I sit in the bed. My teeth tear into the sub and I gulp down milk. I can’t get it in me fast enough, it tastes so good and I’m starving. No matter how much I eat, it’s like I need more.

  Meanwhile I spread the newspaper open on the bed and scan the headlines. All the while I ignore my pants are righter and my breasts barely fit inside my bra anymore. It’s like I’m in the middle of a time lapse pregnancy and I should end it. I know that, but as a detective…isn’t all life sacred?

  Even if it isn’t human?

  I circle the number of one of those abortion clinics and plan on calling them in the morning. It’s too late to do so now. There’s no denying how tired my body is and how hot my desires are running. Everyone heard about how horny pregnancy makes some ladies, but I had to ignore my cravings for more sex. I had to ignore pretty much everyone.

  I’d just put people in danger.

  Wrapping up the last of my sub, I stuck it into the grocery bag. To hide from the world, I drew the shades down on the windows. I figured I’d draw a warm bath. For that night, that at least would bring me some comfort.

  I removed my flannel shirt and kept on my tight fitted ribbed t-shirt. The color of black barely stretched over my navel which was now rounding like an ant hill, but it was still small. My skinny jeans barely came off. It was like they were painted on my rounding ass. I could get myself out of this mess. I knew I could.

  I was a smart girl. I just had to think. I was done with Duncan or Sebastian. Whatever his real name was so why was I still wearing the engagement ring? I could remember his hot lips all over my body. The things we did…Thinking back to how we clung to each other, how we screamed each other’s names out in pleasure heightens my arrosal.

  Mouth parted, I pant and my hands travel down the length of my body right over my rounding belly and down into my crotch. It’s wet and ready for action. Moaning, I lean against the bathroom wall—just as a knock at the front door pulls me from my mind.

  Terrified, I peer out of the bathroom. There are no weapons and no escape route. Another knock jars the door.

  “Yes?” I say as I tip toe out.

  “Front desk. You forgot your purse.”

  Gazing around the room, I see I did forget my purse. Breathing a sigh of relief I open the latch. The burley muscular guy from the fr
ont desk isn’t wearing his shirt as he struts inside. He gazes at my half naked body with a snarl on his lip and throws the purse down onto the bed.

  “Thank you. I was just about to have a bath.”

  He nods. “I can see that, sugar.” He gets closer to me and I back up. I back up so far I bump into the wall.

  “Now you just wait….” What the hell did he think he was doing?

  There was a hungry glint in his eye as he removed the tooth pick from his mouth. “I was going to ask you to join me for a beer, but I could tell from how you moved you might be in the family way. Too bad the lucky guy isn’t here.” He reached for my belly with both of his hands.

  “Now you just wait!” He was some sort of perv. “I’m law enforcement so before you get any ideas about what you’re going to do to me….” I smacked his hands away.

  “Oh honey, you know how to talk to a man, but you know you want it. I can see it in how flushed your cheeks are.” He grabs my arms and pins me against the wall. He forces his mouth onto my lips and his tongue enters my mouth without my permission. His taste is unpleasant of cigarettes and whiskey. His jaw muscles are so strong, I can’t get away.

  “Stop!” I grab his arms and try to push him off of me as he grabs my belly.

  “Oh honey, we’re going to have a fine party tonight.” He laughs. “And tomorrow night. Hell, if I had my way, you wouldn’t leave until you popped this baby out.”

  “Get away from me!” This time when he went to kiss me, I bit his lip and something happened. Something I couldn’t explain.

  My vision darkens and a pent up lust for hunger fills me. I’m tugging on his lip like a rope and something deep in me reaches down and grabs him. When my eyes open again, he looks terrified as white smoke travels from his mouth to mine.

  Only thing I can hear is my pounding heart. Whatever I’m doing, I can’t stop. He shakes me, but he’s helpless to go free and I keep him pinned in place. His cheeks sink in and then with a thump, his dried out body falls like a husk against the floor.

  What did I just do? What’s happening to me?

  Sobbing, I run my hands through my hair. What will I do now? I rush to get my clothes back on, but I never make it to the foot of the bed as my belly burns. Groaning, I bend over and grip it. The skin is moving, vibrating up and down. Oh God, its growing. It’s growing because of what I did….

  But he asked for it. Truly, he did! No man should force himself on a woman like that and the things he was saying….

  My skin stretches like it’s tearing. I fall down onto the floor. My hands caress my belly to stop it from burning so bad. Screaming with my eyes close, my back arches and I trust my lower body into the air. Whatever is happening, I can’t stop.

  Just then the wind blows the front door open and Sebastian comes in. His eyes are harrowed as he takes in the scene of me and the front desk clerk. “Oh, Sasha, honey…”

  “Get away from me.” I sob, but I can’t fight him as he lifts me up into his arms. My heart pounds to be so close to him again. To have him touch me, but he’s impregnated me with a curse. A curse I’ll be forced to bear if he has anything to say about it.

  “I’m here to help. Keep you safe. I promise.” Sebastian rushes us outside and he slips me inside the front cab of a truck. When he gets behind the driver’s seat, I reach for the door, but the pain in my abdomen surges.

  Gripping my belly, I let out a deep breath like I’m in labor, but I know my troubles are only beginning.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sasha slept as Duncan drove her through the mountains. He drove all night long, the trees whizzing by as he drove faster than was safe on the hair pinned turns, but it was Sasha herself that terrified Duncan. She was so beautiful. Her lips shone bright as rubies eternally now. Her breasts were full and pressing tight against her tank top.

  Below that though was the prize. A stomach round and full pushing the fabric of her shirt out so far, she looked five months pregnant. Duncan didn’t know what a pregnancy would look like on a human that was bearing a succubus, but now he knew. Sasha was borrowing the succubus’s power and it was being used to grow and nuture the baby.

  All things good, but also very bad. If Sasha fed on humans too much, she’d balloon too fast and end up in premature labor. But if she resisted the feed, the baby would die. Duncan had to strive for balance and convince Sasha it was for the best, but she could barely look at him.

  She moaned in her sleep and her head shifted to the side. A glossy curl of hair covered her sleeping face and pouty lips meanwhile her hand caressed her inflated middle. Softly, gently, Duncan wanted to rub it and feel where his baby grew.

  Her hand was wearing his engagement ring. She hadn’t given up on them yet and Duncan hadn’t either. He loved her. Duncan just had to remind her, that was all.

  For hours, he drove. As the soon peaked out behind the trees, Sasha began to stir beside him. She moaned, with parted lips. Off in the distance the cabin came into view and it was surrounded by a shimmering lake. The place was stuff dreams were made of and would mask the baby Sasha carried, at least for a little while.

  Sasha blinked her eyes and stared at him before turning her attention out the window. Squinting from the sunlight she rubbed her eyes.

  “Good morning,” Duncan said with a lick of his lips. His heart pounded to have her this close and have her be conscious again. “I hope you feel better after your sleep.”

  She nodded, but then her attention was drawn to her belly. Her breath was sharp as she gingerly touched it with both hands. Caressing it in long strokes, Sasha sighed. A sob caught in her throat. “My God, what’s happened to me? What’ve you done?” Tears glistened in her eyes as her knees fell outward and she just held her belly.

  Duncan wanted to ravage it along with her, right in the family lake. He pulled the truck up the gravel road and parked right in front of the three story house. Windows lined the upper level and then sun radiated in rainbows shooting out.

  “Let’s get you inside. I promise to explain everything.”

  Sasha stared out the window, her hand on the glass, but didn’t say anything.

  “Town is over a half hour drive away. You’ll never get there without me, Sasha.”

  “What a way to threaten the woman you said you loved.” Sasha’s voice is laced with pure malice. “What about the demons? Can we…are we safe?”

  So she did believe him about the demons. Good, that was progress. Duncan nodded. “This cabin and this lake, it will protect us. I promise you. I have your suitcase in the back. A few surprises in the house. Just give me a few hours, right now that’s all I ask.”

  Sasha nodded. “If you have some milk and some burgers, I’ll stay. For now. I’m famished.” Her cheeks turned pink as she admitted it. Truth was, she had nowhere else to go, but she couldn’t admit it. Duncan saw the realization play out on her face.

  Duncan popped the doors open, surprised she could smell what was in the back so easily. “Go inside and make yourself comfortable and I’ll grab everything.” He exited the truck and watched Sasha do the same. Groggy, it wasn’t easy for her and she still was without pants. Her sexy ass was plumper than ever as she made her way to the front door and from how firm and round her baby mound was now, Duncan didn’t think he could wait another moment to mount her.

  But he didn’t have a choice. Sasha needed to be talked to. Reasoned with. He loved her more than he needed to screw her. At least for now, he needed to shelf his base instincts and show Sasha how much he loved her. How much he needed her and their unborn.

  Duncan thought he might not survive without touching her again, but if what he needed to do was restrain himself, that’s what he was going to do. Maybe after a quick jerk off, he could convince Sasha they were meant to be.


  Burgers were nearly done and fruit was laid out on the table. Duncan poured Sasha a glass of milk and set it at the table by the window. Flipping the burgers he added cheese. The sound of her coming down th
e stairs, pulled his attention. Immediately he had a hard on. She wasn’t just beautiful. She was breath taking.

  Couldn’t touch her, but his hands quivered to do so. Her long black hair cascaded down her back and she was dressed in a pair of tight yoga pants. It curved her ass perfectly so he could make out the dimples on her cheeks. The blue t-shirt she wore was stretched over her rounded, pregnant stomach. The way it stretched over her pull breasts, made her hard nipples very apparent. She moved slow and like she might be thrown off balance at any moment.

  “Come eat,” Duncan said and turned back to the stove. He put a burger onto a bun and slide it over to the table. He tried not to look at her, but couldn’t help himself but to take a glance. Sitting in a chair by the window, Sasha cradled her belly and gave it a gentle stroke. She wasn’t looking at it or him, but gazing out the window.

  Purity. Simple purity and Duncan wanted her. He wanted to ravage her body and show her how meant to be they were, but…baby steps. He exhaled deep as he turned off the stove. He tried to control himself, but to see her swelling with his heir, the one thing he had always wanted, it just heightened the lust in his heart. Sasha was his, would be again, she just needed to see that.

  He’d convince her. One way or another.

  Sasha bit into her burger and moaned. She licked her lips and Duncan thought he might lose control. He watched her eat. Blood rushing into his cock every time she swallowed or adjusted herself in the chair. If Sasha realized the effect he had on her, she didn’t show it.

  She laughed and wiped some ketchup off her lip. “I know there’s a lot we need to talk about. I’m sorry. I’m so hungry.” She picked up her milk and gulped some of it down.

  Duncan nodded as he sat across from her. He tried not to look at her two closely. “A succubus pregnancy hasn’t happened in a thousand years. No one knows what it’s like anymore , but from the sight of you, I’d say it’s moving faster than a human pregnancy.”


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