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Emily Lakdawalla

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by The Design

  Yard showed that wheels were robust to punctures at these forces. It takes 800 newtons for

  a sharp metal cone to puncture wheel skin, and 1500 newtons for sharp rocks collected

  from the Mojave Desert to do so.

  How could such high forces on wheel surfaces be generated? Earth tests revealed that

  the answer lay in kinematics of the full rocker-bogie suspension system. The motors drive

  all six wheels at fixed rotation rates. When one wheel encounters an obstacle that does not move aside or press into the ground under the weight of the rover, that wheel must travel

  a longer distance than the other wheels as it rolls over the obstacle. But its motor drives it at the same fixed rate as the other wheels. So the wheel encountering the obstacle is

  dragged as it travels.

  Additionally, when the rover drives forward, four of its six wheels are on forward-

  projecting legs. If one of these wheels climbs an obstacle, some of its rotation rate goes

  toward vertical motion, and its horizontal motion is slowed. The remaining wheels con-

  tinue moving horizontally at full speed, shoving the blocked wheel on its forward-

  projecting leg toward the obstacle with considerable force. If the obstacle is strongly

  cemented into the ground and pointy, it can open a hole. Consider a rolling suitcase: when

  you drag it behind you, you exert an upward force as you pull on the wheels, helping it to

  climb an obstacle. When you push it in front of you, you exert a downward force as you

  push, and the suitcase’s motion is easily and often stopped by small obstacles, jarring your arm. In tests in the Mars Yard of driving forward over sharp cones, the front and middle

  wheels punctured easily, while the rear wheels remained whole.

  The mission dramatically reduced the rate of damage by:

  • Picking local drive paths carefully among potentially damaging rock, consequently

  ending the use of autonav (which would blithely drive the rover over pointy rock


  • Mapping the terrain ahead using orbital data (including HiRISE images and

  Odyssey THEMIS thermal inertia maps) and seeking out less “pointy” terrain dur-

  ing long-term traverse planning.

  • Avoiding turns on sharp terrain.

  • Sometimes driving backwards.

  After sol 660, the engineers decided that the turns-in-place required at the ends of back-

  wards drives in order to do drive-direction imaging held more potential for wheel damage

  than was saved through backwards driving.

  4.6 Mobility System 177

  As of the mission’s second landing anniversary, when the rover had driven about

  8 kilometers, the engineers estimated the following remaining lifetime for the


  • Bedrock with lots of rocks: 8 kilometers.

  • Lots of rocks, not on bedrock: 13–14 kilometers.

  • Bedrock with few rocks (like flagstones): 30–40 kilometers or more.

  • Smooth or sandy, with few or no rocks: indeterminate (causes no damage).

  Furthermore, Mars Yard testing suggests that, on average, once three grousers have

  broken on a wheel, about 60% of its life has been consumed.40 The rover’s wheels are now expected to survive as long as the mission does, although they may look much the

  worse for wear by the time the mission ends. Curiosity should be able to achieve at

  least 28 kilometers total mission odometry unless there is a dramatic change in the


  On sol 1646, in response to the observation of broken grousers on sol 1641, the mission

  tested new traction control ability for the first time.41 Traction control was turned on by default on sol 1678. The rover senses when a wheel is climbing an obstacle by monitoring

  tilts of rockers and bogies. The rover responds by slowing the turn rate of the wheels that are not climbing obstacles, allowing the climbing wheel to rotate faster, thereby reducing

  the likelihood of punctures and widening cracks.

  Even with “failed” wheels the rover may continue to be able to drive. The wheels fail

  when all the grousers have snapped, leaving the inner two-thirds of the wheel diameter

  flapping, connected to the rest of the wheel only at the locations of the asymmetric

  tread features (Figure 4.23). This is hazardous to the rover, because sharp edges on the broken wheels can scrape against the cable that runs to the wheel motors. Slicing into

  a cable could not only jeopardize the functioning of that wheel’s motors, it could also

  potentially cause a short circuit that would risk the motor controller – which also con-

  trols the motion of all other moving parts on the rover. Driving the rover with a wheel

  in this condition on Mars could be hazardous, but it would still be better than not driv-

  ing at all. In the Mars Yard, driving on such wheels has been tested; eventually the inner

  two-thirds of the wheel snaps off completely, and the rover is able to drive quite effec-

  tively on the remaining third of the wheel surface that is still attached to the inner

  stiffening ring. 42

  39 Lakdawalla (2014)

  40 Steve Lee, personal communication, review dated August 13, 2017

  41 Herkenhoff (2017)

  42 James Erickson, personal communication, interview dated September 18, 2014

  178 How the Rover Works

  Figure 4.23. Wheel tested to failure. The rover can still drive effectively on this wheel, but the sharp edges of the broken grousers and webbing present a hazard. Photo taken in the JPL

  Mars Yard on October 13, 2014 by Emily Lakdawalla.


  4.7.1 The Mars Yard

  A rover as large as Curiosity requires a large area for testing purposes. The JPL Mars Yard is 66-by-36 meters in size, located at the top of the steep Pasadena campus (Figure 4.24).43

  Most of it is flat and level, with the surface material made of beach sand, decomposed

  granite, brick dust, and volcanic cinders. There are also lots of basalt rocks of different sizes that engineers can move around to simulate different driving conditions. One side of

  43 JPL (2008)

  4.7 Testbeds 179

  Figure 4.24. Panoramic view of the Mars Yard at JPL. NASA/JPL-Caltech.

  the Mars Yard is sloped at a range of angles for testing driving and arm operations on sloping surfaces. At one end is a small building that garages test rovers, associated equipment, and engineers (Figure 4.25).

  4.7.2 The Vehicle System Testbed

  The Vehicle System Testbed (VSTB), also known as “Maggie,” is the highest-fidelity copy

  of the rover and is housed in the shed at JPL’s Mars Yard.44 It is used for testing driving, arm movements, and drilling using the same software and electronics that are on Mars, on

  a suspension system that will put the rover in similar positions as experienced on Mars.45

  It has the same body, suspension system, arm, sample handling system, mast, and other

  motorized elements as the flight rover. Initially, it had the same wheels as the flight rover, but after degradation they were eventually replaced with wheels twice as thick as those on

  Mars. (Their rapid degradation resulted in part from bearing nearly the full Earth weight

  of the full-scale rover.)

  The Vehicle System Testbed’s avionics are similar to those of the flight rover, but are

  housed on a rack outside the rover’s body and connected to the rover’s body with an

  umbilical to facilitate testing. There is no RTG, so the same umbilical carries power. The

  umbilical is long enough to stretch the entire length of the Mars Yard. Like the flight rover, there are two complete main computer
systems. While there is a cooling system, it is different from the one used on Mars. Because it’s on Earth, there is flexibility to reconfigure the VSTB as needed to accommodate tests. For example, prior to landing, the arm was

  removed and operated separately on a tiltable stand to allow engineers to do driving and

  arm testing simultaneously.

  44 A sign in the Mars Yard shed states that MAGGIE stands for “Mars Automated Giant Gizmo for Integrated Engineering,” but that is likely a backronym for the name, the original source of which is lost to history

  45 Vandi Verma, personal communication, email dated February 9, 2017

  180 How the Rover Works

  The VSTB has a full complement of engineering cameras, but does not have many

  flight-like science instruments. There is a flight-like MAHLI, which took the self-portrait in Figure 4.25. The APXS instrument is similar to the flight one but does not usually have its radioactive source (though the APXS team did once install a source for testing).

  Figure 4.25. MAHLI self-portrait of the vehicle system testbed taken inside the Mars Yard shed, August 1, 2012. NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS.

  4.7 Testbeds 181

  Substitutes take the place of the ChemCam imager and Mastcams. There is no MARDI or

  CheMin. SAM electronics are present, but not the rest of the instrument. However, there

  are functioning SAM and CheMin inlet covers, and the engineers can collect sample mate-

  rial dropped through them in order to measure volume.

  4.7.3 Scarecrow

  Scarecrow is a second engineering model of the rover. It consists of a full-scale mobility

  system connected to a small body containing batteries and electronics. The whole model

  has a mass of 340 kilograms, or 3/8th of the mass of the flight rover, so that it exerts the same ground pressure on Earth that Curiosity does on Mars. Its name derives from the

  character in The Wizard of Oz: Scarecrow doesn’t have a brain. It does have force and torque sensors in its axles to measure wheel loading under Mars gravity. It can report motor current as well as roll, pitch, and yaw using onboard inertial measurement unit, much as the actual rover can. It has ultrasonic range finders on each wheel to measure sinkage.46 It is used primarily to test how well the rover traverses different types of terrain (Figure 4.26).

  Figure 4.26. Scarecrow descending a slope in the Mars Yard, October 2007. NASA/JPL-Caltech image release PIA10014.

  46 Heverly et al (2013)

  182 How the Rover Works

  4.7.4 The Qualification Model Dirty Testbed

  Before and shortly after landing, the tricky operations of drilling and sample preparation

  were worked out in the Qualification Model Dirty Testbed (QMDT). This had a non- flight-

  like arm with a high-fidelity duplicate of drill and sampling system. It was operated in a

  thermal vacuum chamber to mimic the Mars environment.


  Arvidson R et al (2017) Relating geologic units and mobility system kinematics contribut-

  ing to Curiosity wheel damage at Gale crater, Mars. J. Terramechanics 73:73–93, DOI:


  Bagla P (2017) India eyes a return to Mars and a first run at Venus. Science DOI: 10.1126/


  Cucullu G et al (2014) A curious year on Mars – Long-term thermal trends for Mars

  Science Laboratory rover’s first Martian year. Paper presented to the 44th International

  Conference on Environmental Systems, Tucson, Arizona, 13–17 Jul 2014

  Davis J (2012) Curiosity sol 4: EDL updates, rover ready for software upgrade http://

  updates.html Article dated 10 Aug 2012, accessed 26 Feb 2016

  Edwards C et al (2013a) Relay support for the Mars Science Laboratory Mission. Paper

  presented to the 2013 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2–9 Mar 2013, Big Sky, Montana,

  USA, DOI: 10.1109/AERO.2013.6497325

  Edwards C et al (2013b) Replenishing the Mars relay network. Paper presented to the 2013

  IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2–9 Mar 2013, Big Sky, Montana, USA, DOI: 10.1109/


  Gross M and G Cardell (2011) An overview of NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory. Paper

  presented at the 9th European Space Power Conference, Saint Raphael, France, 6 Jun


  Haggart S and J Waydo (2008) The mobility system wheel design for

  NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory Mission. Paper presented at the 11th European

  Conference of the International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems, Nov 2008, Torino,


  Heverly M (2012) Introduction to mobility for MSL. General Release for MSL Science

  Community and General Public, Sep 2012, Pasadena, California, USA

  Heverly M et al (2013) Traverse performance characterization for the Mars Science

  Laboratory rover. J Field Robotics 30:835–836, DOI: 10.1002/rob.21481

  Jones L, Moreno V, and Zimmerman R (2013). The F1 multi-mission radioisotope thermo-

  electric generator (MMRTG): A power system enabler for the Mars Science Laboratory

  (MSL) mission. Presentation to Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space, 25–28

  Feb 2013, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

  JPL (2008) The MarsYard III.

  cfm?Facility=14 accessed 21 Jun 2017

  4.8 References 183

  JPL (2013a) Rover Team Working to Diagnose Electrical Issue.

  msl/news/whatsnew/index.cfm?FuseAction=ShowNews&NewsID=1559 Status report dated 20 Nov 2013, accessed 15 Aug 2016

  JPL (2013b) Curiosity Resumes Science After Analysis of Voltage Issue, http://mars.nasa.

  gov/msl/news/whatsnew/index.cfm?FuseAction=ShowNews&NewsID=1560 Status

  report dated 25 Nov 2013, accessed 15 Aug 2016

  JPL (2014) Lesson learned: MSL sol-200 anomaly

  Article dated 29 Apr 2014, accessed 14 Oct 2015

  Lakdawalla E (2014) Curiosity wheel damage: The problem and solutions. http://www.

  Article dated 30 Jun 2014, accessed 11 Jan 2017

  Lakdawalla E (2015) Curiosity update, sols 978–1011: Into Marias Pass; ChemCam back in

  action; solar conjunction

  curiosity-update-sols-978-1011.html Article dated 10 Jun 2015, accessed 30 Jan 2017

  Lakdawalla E (2016) A new angle on Mars for Mars Odyssey. http://www.planetary.


  Article dated 19 Apr 2016, retrieved 9 Jun 2016

  Lee D (2012) The Mission Loads Environment and Structural Design of the Mars

  Science Laboratory Spacecraft. Presentation to University of California Irvine, 17

  Feb 2012.

  Lee G and J Donaldson (2013) Dreaming on Mars: How Curiosity performs actua-

  tor warm-up while sleeping. Paper presented to the 8th International Conference on

  System of Systems Engineering, Maui, Hawaii, 2–6 Jun 2013

  Makovsky A et al (2009) Mars Science Laboratory telecommunications system design.

  Article in Deep Space Communications and Navigation Systems Center of Excellence

  (DESCANSO) Design and Performance Summary Series

  Manning R and Simon W (2014) Mars Rover Curiosity: An Inside Account from

  Curiosity’s Chief Engineer. Smithsonian Books, Washington DC

  NASA (2003) NASA Facts: Multi-mission radioisotope thermoelectic generator

  (MMRTG). Fact sheet published online October 2013.

ience Mission Directorate (2006) Final Environmental Impact Statement for the

  Mars Science Laboratory Mission.

  Novak K et al (2013) Thermal performance of the Mars Science Laboratory rover dur-

  ing Mars surface operations. Paper presented at the 43rd International Conference on

  Environmental Systems, International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES),

  Vail, Colorado, 14–18 Jul 2013

  Voosen P (2016) Deep Space Network glitches worry scientists. Science DOI: 10.1126/


  Welch R et al (2013) Systems Engineering the Curiosity Rover: A Retrospective. Paper

  presented at the 8th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering,

  Maui, Hawaii, 2–6 Jun 2013

  Woerner D et al (2012) The Mars Science Laboratory’s MMRTG: A mission’s perspective.

  Presentation to AISS/ASME/SAE/ASEE 48th Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit

  and 10th International Energy Convers, Atlanta, Georgia, 29 Jul-Aug 1, 2012

  184 How the Rover Works

  Woerner D et al (2013) The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) MMRTG in-flight: A power

  update. Paper presented to Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space 2013,

  Albuquerque, New Mexico, 25–28 Feb 2013

  Woerner D (2014) An enhanced MMRTG for Exploration of the Outer Planets. Poster

  presented at the July 2014 Outer Planets Assessment Group meeting, Bethesda, MD,

  23–24 Jul 2014


  SA/SPaH: Sample Acquisition, Processing,

  and Handling


  Curiosity has unprecedented capability for interacting with the Martian surface using a

  collection of hardware called the Sample Acquisition, Processing, and Handling (SA/

  SPaH, pronounced “saw-spaw”) system (Figure 5.1). SA/SPaH includes the robotic arm and turret, the drill, and the sample scooping/sieving/portioning apparatus called Collection and Handling for In situ Martian Rock Analysis (CHIMRA, pronounced “chimera”). Also

  included in SA/SPaH are the Dust Removal Tool (DRT, but usually just called the “brush”),

  a variety of immobile hardware bolted to the front of the rover that supports sampling and


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