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Jessie’s Dusty Dreams

Page 10

by Kat Carrington

  Brady got up and yelled, "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." He turned to his mom and sister and winked at them before he left the room.

  Chapter 10

  Jessie showed Red Holloway around and left him to the chores. When he finished, he checked in with her and told her what he had done, making sure that he hadn't missed anything. After he left, Jessie went out to check everything over and found no reason to criticize him at all. Pleased, she went on about her day. Red was conscientious and the weekend went well. On Sunday, she fixed lasagna, one of Brady's favorites, and made a salad, putting it in the refrigerator to wait for dinner. She had a fresh loaf of French bread and she baked an apple pie, another favorite of Brady's. As the hours dragged on, her anticipation grew. Finally, she heard the familiar sound of his truck pulling into the driveway.

  With a huge smile, she said breathlessly, "Indy, he's here."

  Brady came in the back door, pulling his boots off in the mudroom and hauling his bag with him. When he caught sight of Jessie, his heart turned over once again. Indy was wriggling with excitement and he laughed and had to stop and pet her. Jessie's smile mesmerized him and he dropped his bag on the floor. He crossed the distance to her in two long strides. His arms were around her before he could think about it and they melted together in a long, breathless kiss.

  Brady stroked her hair and kissed her a second time. "Miss me?" he murmured, nibbling at her lower lip.

  "Mmm. I did." Jessie's voice was husky.

  He literally swept her off her feet and carried her to the couch, where he sat down with Jessie in his lap. "Tell me about your weekend."

  Jessie told him all about her Thanksgiving and how she had done handling all the chores. She told him how well Red had taken care of things and about Kayla's dad showing up for Thanksgiving. "Now tell me about your weekend. Did your mom make you hang the Christmas lights?"

  Brady chuckled. "She sure did but, for a change, the weather wasn't too bad. With Becca's husband and Dad and Uncle Chase helping, it wasn't bad at all. We had a good, noisy Thanksgiving, watched football and drank a few beers. Then we had a big pot of Mom's Hunter's Stew on Saturday when we did the lights. Mom and Becca decorated the house and we put up the tree."

  "I have lasagna in the oven."

  Brady was toying with her hair while he talked. "That's what I smelled when I walked in. This place always smells amazing with something you're cooking. And was that an apple pie I saw on the counter?"

  "It is. I took three pies to Kayla's, but I figured you'd be ready for something other than the traditional Thanksgiving pies so I made apple."

  "You're amazing."

  "So did you miss me?"

  "Jessie, are you looking for a compliment?"

  Jessie pouted and he laughed. "I did miss you. Even with all the chaos we always have on a holiday, I missed you."

  "So what is Hunter's Stew?"

  Brady said, "It's a tradition at our house. Mom makes a gigantic pot of stew with venison, squirrel, rabbit, whatever we've hunted and all the vegetables that go in a stew and she bakes cornbread to go with it. It's delicious."

  Jessie was impressed. "I bet it is."

  Brady nuzzled her neck. "When is that lasagna going to be done?"

  "It has another hour to go."

  Brady turned her head to him to kiss her again. The kiss deepened and Jessie gave a little moan of pleasure as he stroked her throat. His fingers trailed down to the vee of her soft cotton shirt and he gently brushed his hand over her breast, making her catch her breath in surprised pleasure. He drew back his head and looked searchingly into her eyes. They were dark with desire and she took his hand and drew it back to her breast. He gently undid the buttons on her shirt and sucked in a breath at the sight of her soft, creamy bare skin. His fingers stroked her, slipping into her bra to touch her more intimately.

  Jessie moaned and moved against his hand as he reached around and unfastened her bra. Looking for her assent once again, he slid her shirt down and off her shoulders and then pulled off her bra to leave her lovely breasts naked. He touched her and stroked her, cupping her breasts in his hands and rubbing his thumbs over the rosy tips. Jessie's eyes were closed and her head tipped back, every nerve ending tingling with desire. Brady couldn't get enough of the sight of her and he lowered his head to kiss and nuzzle the line of her throat.

  "Jessie, you're so beautiful," he whispered.

  "Brady. I want your shirt off too." She was fumbling with his buttons, and he was glad to help her.

  Brady pulled his shirt free of his jeans and gasped when she laid her hands on his bare chest, stroking him and leaning forward to plant a kiss on his broad chest. She stroked the hard muscles of his belly and he let out a moan of his own, lightly pinching her nipples and rolling them between finger and thumb. Jessie moaned and pulled his head down to her breasts, gasping when he closed his mouth over one tender, swollen nipple and sucking at it gently while he teased it with his tongue. Jessie begged for more when he drew his head away and moved to the other breast. He played with her breasts until she was panting with desire, her hands gripping the back of his head.

  In one quick movement, Brady got to his feet, holding her in his arms. He looked questioningly into her eyes, and Jessie gasped, "Please, yes."

  He carried her into her bedroom and gently undressed her, gazing in awe at her naked loveliness. She stood before him without a trace of shyness and he drank in the sight of her. Without taking his eyes off her, Brady undressed and then wrapped his arms around her, his nakedness pressing against hers. She could feel his enormous erection pressing against her, and she hesitated then reached for him. She gasped in wonder at the size of him when she wrapped her fingers around him. She explored his length with her fingers, stroking the velvety softness of the head of his manhood.

  "It's so soft," she whispered.

  A little chill crept over him and he tipped her head up to look at him. "Jessie, have you ever—"

  She shook her head and smiled peacefully at him. "It's all right. I never wanted anything so much."

  He groaned and lowered his mouth to hers, devouring her with his kiss. He picked her up and laid her gently on the bed and then explored her with his hands and mouth, taking all the time in the world to pleasure her. Jessie gave a shocked gasp when he lowered his head between her legs and tasted her sweet center. Brady licked the hard little bud and darted his tongue inside her and didn't stop until she was moaning and begging him for more. When he finally lowered himself over her, she was swollen and wet and as ready as she could be.

  Brady forced himself to move slowly and gently, easing into her and gently pushing at the barrier he found there. Finally, there was a moment of pain as he entered her fully and he was still so that she could get used to the feeling. She moved underneath him and he began to move, slow and easy at first, then deeper as she rose to meet him. Their passion grew and grew until they were rocking with the force of his thrusts. Jessie felt her pleasure building and building until she was rocked with an orgasm she had never imagined. She shuddered with the spasms that rocked her and Brady exploded with his own climax a moment later. The two of them lay gasping in the aftermath of their lovemaking as the pounding of their hearts gradually slowed.

  Brady moved to get his weight off of Jessie, but she protested, so he rolled over, keeping her with him so she rested on top of him.

  "Jessie," he finally said. "Are you all right?"

  "No," she answered, making his head shoot up in alarm. "I'm so much better than all right; I don't even know how to describe it."

  "Lord, woman, you scared me. Why didn't you tell me? That you'd never done it before, I mean."

  "It never came up." Jessie laughed gently at him.

  He was quiet for a moment and then he said, "My mom told me to sweep you off your feet."

  "Kayla told me to jump your bones."

  That made him laugh. "You talked to Kayla about us?"

  "You talked to your mom about us?"

"I did. That was the personal stuff I needed to take care of. I figured I needed a woman's point of view, and who better than Mom and Becca?"

  "So may I ask what it was you needed the woman's point of view about?"

  "Well, I really needed to know if it was bad for me to feel this way about you. You know, Jake was a brother to me and I didn't know if I should be thinking of you as a sister. Because the way I feel about you sure isn't the way you should feel about your sister."

  Jessie had lifted her head and was staring at him. "I've been wondering all this time if I was weird to be feeling attracted to you, if I should be thinking of you as a brother. So what did your mom and Becca say?"

  Brady grinned. "Becca said she didn't know how she ever got me as a brother and I should stop being an idiot. And Mom said I should come back and sweep you off your feet. And she also said I should tell you how I feel and I should make you happy. So," with a deep breath, he said, "Jessie Mills, I love you. I really do."

  Jessie's eyes filled with tears. "Oh, Brady, Brady, I—"

  He held up a hand and said, "You don't have to say anything. I don't want you to say it just because I did. But, believe me, Jessie, I'm going to make you fall in love with me. I won't give up until you feel just as strongly about me as I do about you."

  Jessie smiled at him through her tears. "I believe you. Are you hungry?"

  "I'm starved, especially with all these delicious smells wafting through the house."

  "Let's eat."

  Jessie slipped into the bathroom to freshen up and came out dressed in a ragged old baseball jersey and a pair of thick socks. She smiled when Brady wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck.

  "You look good enough to eat," he murmured in her ear.

  Jessie laughed and said, "Well, thank you, but I think eating the lasagna is a better idea."

  They talked and laughed while they ate dinner and both agreed that dessert had to wait for a little while. They curled up on the couch and watched an old Christmas movie that made them laugh and Jessie cry. Brady laughed at her but obligingly handed her a tissue.

  "My mom does the same thing. She's seen this movie every year for as long as I can remember, and she still cries over it every year."

  "Sometimes you just need to have a good cry," Jessie told him.

  Brady looked mystified. "Why?"

  "Because, well, that's just the way it is. It lets out a lot of emotional pressure that gets built up and it feels great to get it all out."

  Skeptically, Brady said, "Well, I know a couple of other ways to do that."

  Jessie started to ask him what they were then thought better of it and kept her mouth shut. But Brady was more than happy to share with her.

  "One of them, we did a little earlier." He gave her a lascivious wink. "And the other one is for when the pressure shows itself in bratty behavior and temper tantrums."

  Jessie thought that over for a minute. "I'm not sure about that. Although, I did feel like a load was lifted off me after you spanked me. I guess it's a good thing I'm not a brat, huh?"

  "I think you're perfectly capable of being a brat. And you're definitely capable of a temper tantrum."

  Jessie had the sudden urge to push his buttons and see just how much bratty behavior she could get away with. She felt a thrill of anticipation at the thought. But she told herself that she'd better think it over before she tried it. She realized that her nipples were hard and her panties were damp. A little flustered, she asked Brady if he was ready for pie.

  "Sure." Brady followed her to the kitchen, but before she could cut the pie, he grabbed her and pulled her against him, kissing her until her head was swimming.

  Already aroused, Jessie kissed him back and couldn't keep her hands from wandering over him. She slipped them up under his shirt and he pulled up her jersey to take her breasts in his hands. Brady was immediately erect and he cupped her buttocks in his hands and pulled her against him. He moved back a little so he could slip his hand into her panties and between her legs. Jessie's knees went weak when he stroked her swollen, wet center and she cried out with the intensity of the sensation that shot through her.

  Without stopping, Brady said, "Are you okay? Are you sore?"

  "Y-yes, I'm fine. Please, don't stop. Oh God, Brady, that feels so good." Jessie was gasping as she spoke.

  Brady drove her to an earth shattering orgasm with his fingers, holding her up when her whole body was wracked with the spasms of her climax. When her ragged breathing calmed a little, he carried her back to the bed. Jessie held up her arms like a little girl as he pulled the jersey over her head and she kicked off her panties. Brady chuckled at her and laid her on the bed before he stripped off his clothes. Jessie's eyes widened as she took a good look at his hard, erect manhood.

  "Oh, my God, Brady. You're beautiful!"

  The expression on his face was comical. "Jessie, I am not beautiful. You are beautiful. I am handsome."

  Jessie laughed. "I'm sorry, Mr. Macho, but that body is beautiful."

  Brady gave a little growl and jumped onto the bed, making her squeal as he tickled her ribs.

  "Stop! Brady, stop!" Jessie was squirming and giggling, begging for mercy.

  "Say I'm handsome, not beautiful."

  "You're…you're beautiful!" She dissolved into helpless laughter and he continued to tickle her.

  "Say it. Say I'm handsome."

  "Okay! Okay, you're handsome. Now stop!"

  He stopped tickling and began kissing her face, throat, breasts, his hands roaming over her body. Jessie moaned and arched her back as he spread her legs and drifted his fingers lightly between them. This time, their passion was fiery and demanding, and when Brady made sure he wasn't hurting her, he thrust deep inside her. She rose to meet him, gasping with the feelings that swept over her. When her orgasm came, it was in long, rolling waves of pleasure. Brady came as her spasms shook her, and they shuddered together, hearts pounding.

  Gradually, their breathing and heartbeats slowed and they cuddled together for a while until Jessie said softly, "How about that pie?"

  Brady smiled. "Sounds good; I think I just worked up an appetite again."

  They climbed off the bed, stopping for a long, sweet kiss. As Jessie turned away, she said over her shoulder with an impish smile, "But you're beautiful."

  Brady swatted her on the behind and she squealed and scampered down the hall to the bathroom, giggling as she went. He shook his head with a grin.

  "Definitely capable of being a brat."

  Chapter 11

  Jessie and Brady were busy with work and with Christmas preparations. They put up the Christmas tree and hung a wreath on the mailbox. Jessie shopped, baked, and made Christmas treats for little gifts. Red worked a couple of days a week, and Brady found that he was hardworking and conscientious and they worked well together. He would go to six days a week when spring came. Jessie spent at least a couple days a week working along with the two men, learning more every day about taking care of the ranch.

  Brady watched as Jessie blossomed, finally at peace with her loss of Jake. The grief was always there, but she was no longer tortured every day. It no longer dominated her life. It was something she would always live with, but now she was able to smile and remember her brother with joy. She was hardworking and serious about running the ranch, but at the same time, her little girl side seemed to blossom, too. She was mischievous and feisty and loved nothing better than to spring little surprises on Brady.

  Jessie had discovered that arguing with Brady would drive him a little crazy and she tormented him with endless arguments about the slightest little things until he would finally realize that she was doing it on purpose.

  In the middle of one such argument, Brady said, "Someday you're going to push this a little too far, and I'm going to put you over my knee and put a stop to it."

  Jessie gave him a haughty look and scoffed, "Promises, promises! You don't scare me."

  The gleam in his eye made her suddenly
alarmed and she backed away from him quickly. "Now, Brady, I was just giving you a hard time. You know that. Don't overreact."

  He chuckled. "Is that what you think this is? Overreacting? I'd say it's more giving a little brat what she has coming."

  Still backing away, Jessie said, "I did not agree to this."

  He laughed at the spooked look on her face. "You really think I don't know what you've been up to? These arguments of yours aren't for any purpose but to drive me crazy and push my buttons. So I'd say you've been heading for this little session with full awareness of what could happen."

  She flushed a little and then gave him a saucy grin. "It worked, didn't it? I've been driving you completely crazy."

  "Yep, and now you get what I promised you."

  "No! Brady, I'm done arguing with you, I promise. I won't ever do it again." She had an earnest look on her face and her fingers crossed behind her back.

  "Jessie, Jessie. You've been a naughty girl." Brady was advancing toward her.

  She was laughing even as she begged him for mercy. "I'll be good from now on. Promise."

  He reached out and pulled her against him. "You'll have to pardon me if I don't quite believe you. You've been enjoying this way too much."

  Brady stroked her hair as he kissed her neck. His mouth found its way to hers, nipping at her lower lip and tracing her lips with his tongue. His hands cupped her buttocks, and before she could stop him, he had her jeans unfastened and was pushing them down over her hips. Jessie's eyes widened in shock as he carried her over to the couch and sat down, pulling her across his lap. He pulled her panties down and laid a big hand on her butt.

  Jessie was arguing and protesting, ordering him to stop. He just laughed and squeezed one cheek in his hand before he raised that hand and swatted her bottom. He gave her another little squeeze and then swatted the other cheek. The next couple of swats made her relax, thinking that this wasn't going to be so bad. In fact, it was actually pretty stimulating. The next smack made her squeal and jump. It was followed by several more stinging smacks in random different spots on her bottom, making her wriggle and kick.


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