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FEARLESS: Alien Sci fi Romance (Invasive Species Control Unit Book 2)

Page 3

by Kelly Goode

  ‘Put me down you bastard,’ she cursed.

  ‘You called me that already.’

  ‘And I’ll call you it again and again until you release me. Bastard, bastard, bastard.’

  She heard him chuckle. ‘Keep your voice down. What if my children heard you?’

  ‘You don’t have any damn children.’

  ‘I should’ve taped your mouth shut too.’


  ‘Quit struggling or you’ll hurt yourself.’

  Helen refused to make it easy for him, but no matter how much she wriggled and protested, he barely broke his stride. He carried her as if she was a roll of carpet and it hit her just how strong he was and how much trouble she was in.

  ‘Where are you taking me?’

  ‘The less you know about that, the better.’

  ‘Did you kill Doctor Malone?’

  She’d wanted her voice to sound strong, but there was an undeniable wobble to her tone.

  ‘I don’t know Doctor Malone and I certainly don’t kill humans.’

  He’d spoken with such venom that she believed him, but she also found it strange that he’d singled out humans. Did that mean he killed other things?

  ‘What do you want with me?’

  ‘I just want to talk, doc.’

  ‘Talk about what?’

  He didn’t answer and she inhaled sharply against the need to vomit. All the bumping around was making her nauseous. Her captor transferred her from one shoulder to the other and because she was still upside down, the sack slipped even further down her face.

  ‘Please let me go.’

  Helen tried begging one last time and when he slowed to a stop, she actually thought he might consider it. He rummaged around in what she assumed was his pocket and then she heard a door open.

  ‘I can’t let you go,’ he said. ‘Not yet.’

  ‘At least take this sack off my head. I’m suffocating.’

  ‘If you were suffocating, you wouldn’t be talking so much. I have never known anyone to make so much noise. Now settle down and I’ll make things more comfortable for you.’

  She resisted the urge to reply.

  ‘Good girl,’ he said. ‘Firstly, I’m going to put you in the backseat of my car.’

  Helen felt as if she was flying for a few seconds, as he lifted her from his shoulder, but then she made contact with something soft and the scent of polished leather tickled her nose.

  ‘If you give me any trouble, you’ll travel in the boot,’ he whispered against her ear. ‘Understand?’

  ‘I understand, just please, help me, I can’t breathe.’

  He rolled the bottom of the sack up as far as her nose and she inhaled deeply.

  ‘I’m keeping your eyes covered,’ the man growled. ‘It’s safer if you don’t see where I take you.’

  The logical part of Helen’s brain argued that she’d already seen his face, which was probably enough to get her killed anyway.

  ‘How about loosening these ties?’ she asked, raising her bound hands towards the direction of his voice.

  ‘Don’t push it,’ he replied, and she felt him tug her seatbelt into place. As he leaned across to plug it in, she felt his cheek skim across her lips and a plan began to formulate. It was a futile plan considering the odds were not in her favour, but she reminded herself that she was all those things Philip said earlier. She was dependable, determined, and fearless, and she wasn’t going down without a fight.


  As Viktor leaned across to secure the seatbelt, he felt the woman’s soft lips graze his cheek. He closed his eyes and breathed in her scent. It was those damn flowers again, messing with his mind. He snapped the lock into place and made sure it was secure by tugging on the belt.

  ‘Don’t want you escaping before we’ve had a chance to talk.’

  He thought he saw the ghost of a smile play across her mouth. The same damn mouth that had spewed insults at him for the past ten minutes. The same damn mouth that he couldn’t stop staring at and now wondered what it tasted like.

  ‘Are you scared?’ he asked softly.

  ‘What the hell do you think? You kidnapped me, tied me up, and shoved a sack over my head. Yes, I’m bloody well scared.’

  Viktor watched her chest rise and fall with each short, sharp breath. She fascinated him, which was a concern. He claimed not to like humans, but this one had captivated his attention like a Siren. He predicted the doctor would end up being just as dangerous for his health as those beauties that lured fishermen to their death against the ragged rocks.

  ‘I would’ve expected a doctor that works for the Invasive Species Control Unit to know better than to wander off with strangers.’

  ‘I don’t work for ISCU.’

  ‘You’ll have to try harder than that. What’s your cover story?’

  ‘I don’t have a cover story. Maybe you snatched the wrong girl.’

  The irony of her words was not lost on Viktor. He did have the wrong girl. He’d wanted to interrogate Carson, but for some strange reason he was glad it was the redhead sitting in the back of the car. He pulled the sack fully off her head.

  ‘Who do you work for?’

  The woman blinked rapidly, as she adjusted to being able to see again. Some of her long red hair had escaped the confines of her hair clips and was now matted to her face with sweat. Her cheeks were flushed which made him think of ripe peaches.

  ‘I work for the government.’

  ‘Doing what?’

  ‘Usually I sit in an office and review medical reports, but I was asked to cover a position within the ISCU as a favour for a friend.’

  ‘What friend?’

  ‘Just a friend.’

  ‘Where does this friend work?’

  ‘The ministry of defence.’

  ‘Does he know what the ISCU agents do?’

  ‘Not entirely.’

  ‘Do you?’

  She stayed silent, working her bottom lip through her teeth.

  ‘What do they do, doc?’ he repeated, firmer this time, which made her flinch. Her pale blue eyes never left his and his heart rate spiked as their connection seemed to crackle like electricity in the confines of the car.

  ‘I don’t know,’ she finally replied.


  ‘I can’t tell you what I don’t know,’ she snapped. ‘I told you I’m only covering the position.’

  Viktor couched down so his face was only centimetres from hers and her eyes widened in fear. He didn’t like that reaction. Surprisingly, he preferred it when she argued with him.

  ‘Did this Doctor Malone that you mentioned earlier work at ISCU too?’

  She nodded.

  ‘And he’s dead?’

  She nodded again and Viktor felt his skin start to prickle. Usually he didn’t maintain a human form for this long and it was taking its toll. He needed to find a way to release his tension.

  He wanted to kiss this woman.

  Viktor swallowed deeply. Where had that thought come from? He barely tolerated humans, but this redhead sparked something inside him. Something pure and primal.

  ‘You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time,’ he said, as he gently stroked his finger down the side of her face. Her pink tongue snaked out and licked her dry lips.

  ‘Story of my life,’ she started to say, but Viktor suppressed the rest of her words with his mouth. A burst of electricity shot through him. Her lips were as full and sweet as he’d imagined, but no sooner had he started, he forced himself to pull away.

  ‘Why did you do that?’ she whispered.

  ‘I’m not sure.’

  Her blue eyes no longer showed fear, but confusion.

  ‘Are you going to let me go?’

  ‘No, I’m sorry.’

  ‘I’m sorry too.’

  ‘For what?’

  ‘For this?’

  She lifted her head and kissed him so gently that he felt his heart thump stupidly inside his chest at the in
timacy. She raised her arms and cupped his face with her bound hands. Viktor opened his mouth and deepened the kiss, which she returned with enthusiasm. His body vibrated from the need to claim this woman and he growled when she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. He felt as if he’d spent his entire life waiting for this moment, but then without warning, she sank her teeth into his lip while simultaneously pushing her nails into the soft flesh beneath his eyes.

  Viktor roared and fell backwards, momentarily blinded. Blood trickled down his cheek from the scratches and he heard her trying to free herself from the confines of the car. She’d forgotten about the seatbelt, as he heard her yanking at the strap and cursing while she tried to unfasten it with her hands still tied.

  Viktor wiped his eyes and spat the blood from inside his mouth onto the floor. His lip throbbed, but he was so angry that he severed the seatbelt with his teeth. She screamed and tried to claw at his face again, but he held her arms together as he dragged her from the car. He snarled as he opened the boot and threw her none-too-gently inside the small space. Her head hit the interior with a thud and she fell silent.


  Blake punched in his security code and entered HQ. The rage churning inside his stomach felt like a volcano threatening to erupt. He almost wished for another desquamater attack, just so he could crack a few necks. Chief Melman was playing dirty by using his authority to keep him away from Carson. There was no need for them to be separated. Security had been tripled since Ted’s death, so forcing him to confirm that HQ was safe was a waste of time. Whatever Blake found, Carson was going to spend the night here without him, just as the chief planned. He needed to think of a way to steal some of her time in secret.

  Blake took the stairs two at a time and settled behind his desk. Another pressing matter was finding a way to access the data that Doctor Malone had hidden inside his head. Blake was in no doubt it contained something pertinent to the alien’s plans, but he feared it also contained information about the jaktten – about him.

  His phone beeped for an incoming call and he answered without checking the caller display.


  ‘Did you get the list?’

  Jonah’s voice was loud in Blake’s ear. They’d been comrades on Jakttera, some might say friends, but now he was in the other man’s debt. Blake held his phone further away from his head, predicting the tirade that would come once he replied.


  He was not disappointed, as Jonah growled and cursed Blake’s lack of effort.

  ‘I gave you a simple instruction, Blake. Get me that list.’

  ‘It wasn’t in Chief Melman’s office. I hacked into his computer and it wasn’t in his personal folders either. Where else am I supposed to look?’

  ‘I warned you what would happen if you failed. I said I’d blow your fucking world apart. Your bitch won’t take kindly to hearing your secret from the very thing she despises – another alien.’

  Blake clenched his teeth. ‘Don’t call her a bitch.’

  ‘You’re not in a position to tell me what to do. I could kill her and she wouldn’t even see me coming.’

  ‘If you think you’re a match for her, then you don’t know Carson.’

  Jonah laughed. ‘I know her. I know her better than you think.’

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

  ‘I recently came into possession of some sensitive information on your girlfriend’s history. If you want it, you can pay for it like everyone else. Until then, you still owe me a debt and I still need that list.’

  Blake rubbed his chin, realising for the first time that he hadn’t shaved in a few days and that he was wearing an almost full beard. It was black, which was in direct contrast with the long dark blond hair on his head. He needed to shower, shave, and change his clothes.

  ‘I’ll get the list,’ Blake said. ‘And then we’re done. If you call me after that, I’ll hunt you down and kill you.’

  Jonah laughed. ‘You can pretend this is my fault, but if you’d come clean earlier about your dirty little secret, then I wouldn’t have anything to blackmail you with. No fear, no mercy. How many times have you heard that mantra at the Invasive Species Control Unit? You brought this on yourself when you allowed your fear to manifest and now you’re running scared; scared of being ousted as a monster.’

  Blake heard enough. His body shook with rage as the skin on his hands ripped. His fingers cracked open and claws sprouted from his nailbeds. He desperately tried to reverse the effects of the change, as he didn’t want his transformation captured on security camera, but it was impossible.

  ‘I’ll find the list and clear my debt,’ Blake growled. ‘After that, I’m going to kill you anyway.’

  ‘Good luck.’

  Blake slammed his phone on the desk and ran to the bathroom so he could shift forms. There was no way he could stop the change now. He hated feeling powerless. He’d led the jaktten army back on his home planet and could tear Jonah apart, yet he was the one being held to ransom. The only way to break free was to tell Carson the truth.

  Blake tore at his clothes, as he crouched on the tiled floor. He allowed his muscles to contort, as his beast rose from within. He let out a strangled howl as all logical thoughts slid from his mind. The jaktten was in control and it wanted its mate.

  It wanted Carson.

  And it was going to have her.


  Helen sat rigid on a wooden high-back chair. Ropes secured her feet, waist, and neck. If she tried to move even the slightest bit, the rope squeezed her windpipe and she choked. She knew this because she’d tried it five times before the pain became too much and she almost fainted. She could not turn her head, but sensed her captor pacing the room behind her, as he shouted into his mobile phone in a strange language.

  She did not recall arriving at this place or being bound to the chair, as she’d hit her head and blacked out during the journey in the boot of the car. She guessed she was in a mansion or stately home, as the fire place was large and ornate and there were thick red floor-length curtains on the tall windows. The furniture appeared antique and although she was no art expert, the instantly recognisable paintings from Van Gogh, Monet, and Picasso on the walls looked authentic.

  Helen tensed whenever her captor ventured too close. She could feel his body heat and was convinced that at any moment he was going to snap her neck or shoot her in the head, but after a few seconds, he’d growl and start pacing again.

  She trembled, as she slowly came to the realisation that she might die in this house. She’d misread the situation and angered him. She should have played along a little longer and fully gained his trust. He obviously found her attractive. She should have used it to her advantage in order to escape.

  If only that damn kiss hadn’t unsettled her so much.

  Helen hadn’t liked the way her body had reacted so easily to him. She closed her eyes, but that just caused her to replay their kiss over and over again like a scene from a movie. He was just her type - tall, dark, handsome, and tormented. She had a thing for broken men. Philip had hidden his debts when they first got together, but she’d eventually discovered his secret drug and gambling addiction. She’d helped him through rehab, but as with all her relationships, once he was clean and back in employment, he dumped her and moved on.

  She’d been single for a few months now, but still jumped whenever he asked for help. It was Philip’s fault she was working with ISCU, his fault she was now at a madman’s mercy. A madman she felt an acute attraction towards even though she knew it was wrong.

  Helen could still feel his lips against hers, as if he’d branded her with a hot iron. Could a man who’d kissed her with such passion really hurt her? She knew the answer to that was yes. The absolute fury in his eyes when she’d bit his lip reminded her of a savage predator. She wasn’t safe with him, physically or mentally, but there was no escape. She took some small comfort in knowing she had his blood beneath her long fingernails, so if the po
lice ever found her body, at least there would be trace evidence to work with.

  Helen opened her eyes and found the object of her thoughts standing right in front of her and she inhaled sharply in surprise. Her eyes met his, which were the brightest blue and reminded her of glistening sapphires. He radiated rage, as he scowled down at her. He ended his call and slammed his phone against the wall, before throwing his head back and roaring at the ceiling. His beautiful face twisted in fury and Helen cowered. The sound was truly inhuman and once again had her shaking with fear.

  He was a lunatic.

  A lunatic trapped inside the body of a god. She held her breath, worried about what he would do next, but he hung his head and allowed his long, dark hair to cover his face. His broad shoulders shuddered and she exhaled in relief that he wasn’t taking his anger out on her.

  ‘Are you ok?’ she asked softly and it was his turn to look surprised. His blue eyes met hers again and heat crept onto her cheeks.

  ‘I suggest you focus on your welfare rather than mine,’ he replied. ‘I’m not the one tied up.’

  ‘Force of habit from my profession; I guess it’s in my nature to care.’

  He moved towards her and cupped her under the chin. He pulled her face closer to his, which made the rope pinch around her throat and restrict her air supply.

  ‘And it’s in my nature to punish those that dare strike out at me.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she wheezed, even though that wasn’t exactly true. She knew deep down she would do the same thing again given the opportunity.

  ‘I don’t blame you for taking advantage of my complacency. What happened is as much my fault as yours, which is why your pretty head is still attached to your shoulders and not rolling around in a ditch.’

  Helen clenched her teeth together to stop them from chattering. The rope was burning into her skin and she struggled to breathe.

  ‘Once bitten, twice shy, doc. If you fuck with me again, I will kill you.’

  The conviction in his tone told her he would follow through on that threat. His lip was swollen purple and she could clearly see where her teeth had punctured the delicate skin. The scratches under his eyes were starting to scab and looked harsh against his pale skin.


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