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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse c1-705

Page 25

by Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Game

  [Frigid Impermanence] was not hitting the target in front of me as it moved too fast, the moment the skill was casted it would be at another position.

  My arm finally finished regenerating as I felt the movements of my fingers again, and my full focus was placed on the fast moving enemy while evading the poisonous green blasts coming from below.

  Multiple dark spears surrounded me as I casted [Spear of Destiny] multiple times and [Miniature Tornado]es appeared all around me to reduce the movements of this beast. The rough winds affected its flight as it relentlessly tried to get near me, and the game of cat mouse while dodging poisonous lasers resumed in the skies


  Lightning Hand was putting his entire focus onto the enemies around him as he faced two rank B TITANs. He was swinging a large war hammer that danced with lightning, each swing causing tendrils of blue electricity to smash onto nearby enemies and push them back

  He swung his hammer onto the head of one of the two TITANs as his face looked to the skies where a deadly battle was taking place.

  The forces of the beast horde on the ground was in all out war with hunters, with Admirals and those in high positions screaming out commands for the hunters every second

  Large groups of hunters holding tower shields were holding back the onslaught of beasts while powerful skills were casted towards them. Balls of fire, sharp wind blades, and flaming rocks flew towards the ranks of monsters trying to break through the defenses

  The rank A hunters were in charge of holding back any TITANs that appeared so the defense line does not get broken through. Their job was crucial as even one position that was lost would cause tons of casualties.

  He swung his war hammer to the remaining TITAN near him as its head burst in the shock of lightning and he moved towards an even bigger BOSS that was making its way to the defense line

  A huge black eagle got to this large beast first, its sharp talons shredding the defenses of the beast as it used its feathers as sharp swords to wound it.

  A roar came out of Lightning Hand's mouth as [Herald of Lightning] was casted, his hammer emanating wild power as balls of lightning flew forward with his swing, smashing onto the chest of the TITAN and knocking it back. The black eagle swooped in with its wide wings and dealt the killing blow, decapitating the head of the injured beast

  Lightning Hand breathed roughly as he nodded at the figure of the golden haired woman on this eagle as they both moved towards other locations on the battlefield, their eyes occasionally looking up to the terrifying sight of tornadoes, beams of green light, and dark spears that were being thrown around in the skies.

  Their fights were dangerous, but nothing as brutal as what the man in the center of attacks of two beasts higher than rank A was facing


  Steel Mikhail was about to enter a bright orange monolith that represented a rank A dungeon in a neighboring city near the Empire's capital. His team was waiting for him when he turned around and looked to the south.

  There were only clear blue skies, but he felt that something of great significance had begun over there.

  His heart began pounding when he thought of the beast surpassing rank A that hunters might now be facing.

  He wanted to be at the center himself, but his strength was better suited to prevent dungeon breaks across the Empire. This dungeon was already their third one today that they were called to. If they weren't here, then they didn't have to wait for the beasts to come from the outside to reap the lives of their people.

  He reaffirmed his belief as he wished the best of the fight occuring in the south as he and his team placed their hands on the glowing monolith and disappeared.


  The game of chase continued in the air as the grotesque mosquito continued to dodge the rushing spears and explosive blasts of cold elements as it maneuvered around the rapidly rotating winds of [Miniature Tornado]

  I had to evade and dodge the strikes of the enemy in the air while also avoiding the poisonous blasts from the TITAN of a beast on the ground. My energy was still just as boundless though, my spells continuing to be thrown out while the speed the grotesque mosquito was slowing down


  It let out a grating howl as its frustration reached the peak and its body began glowing in a green light.

  My skills continued to rain down on the beast to prevent whatever it was trying to do. The green light surrounding its body became denser as it became faster and came at me with much more vigor. I thought about how I could get an attack to hit this beast as I watched it speed towards me

  The only time it stopped moving even for an instant was when it attacked my body for the first time. My heart raced as a wild idea spread and I recklessly implemented it as I saw the stinger come towards me again.

  Time seemed to slow down as I shifted my body sideways but did not dodge completely, the stinger piercing through the right side of my stomach as my hands reached out to grab a hold of the beast which had its needle-like appendage lodged in my body briefly.

  Three dark pulsating spears penetrated the body of the insect in front of me as a destructive blast of ice elements bloomed between us and blew both of us apart


  I was prepared for the shock, [Guardian's Light] and [Ultra Regeneration] already being casted multiple times as I looked at the injured insect that leaked green puss all over its body. It was wobbling in the air as it began to pull itself down towards the humongous spiked turtle below, which seemed to have become enraged as more then three blasts of poisonous green beams were shot towards me

  Chapter 52 - The Sword Master

  Kazuhiko looked at the opposing hunters before him as his katana thirsted for more blood. The inherent skill that gave him the strength to be where he was today, {SWORD MASTER}, seemed to be calling out for more bloodshed.

  Yet, he saw the faces of terrified hunters that were putting their lives on the line and hesitated. These were the hunters whose countries fell under the tyranny of the Black Dragon and were forced to fight on the front lines of the war that continued to be waged

  He looked down on the weak wills of these hunters and wanted to go back to the simpler times when he would cut down monsters without batting an eye. But it was human beings standing opposite him this time, making his blade hesitate. He didn't like this feeling. He understood their reasons, but that still wouldn't stop him from looking down on them.

  He was frustrated as he thought about what he should do while he watched the messy fight playing out, and the reptiles standing on two feet in the far back of the battle field.

  They looked like a mixture of humans and lizards, having the humanoid figure with scaly skin and a thick tail coming out from behind. They held jagged blades on their hands as they struck down deserters and any hunters standing against them

  The excited smile returned to Kazuhiko's face as he looked at these monsters that looked strong, especially the larger dragon-man hybrid commanding them in the back.

  His katana was pulsating, ready to go, and he made his choice. He would strike down anything that stood against him, but he'll be softer on the enemies from the same species as him.

  He would try his best not to make critical strikes that would take their lives, and at most incapacitate them. But as for those beasts...his mouth curved up delightfully as his blade vibrated and he disappeared

  A nearby hunter was knocked out cold and fell down with a thump, and a lizard man's head flew off as [Blade Dance] was activated.

  This was a rank A skill he had come across months back, and was one that he loved using the most. His figure moved across the battlefield as he carried out a dance between a man and a sword. He felt the rush as his body moved in an elegant fashion while serrating the necks of his enemies. Everywhere he passed, blood flowed

  The lizardmen only saw a flash before their heads left their bodies and the hunters felt a deep impact that knocked them out cold.

  In the chaotic battlefield, a sur
prising scene unfolded where an entire field of more than 10 meters went silent, blood was gushing in the air as only a single man stood in the middle, rejoicing as the [Blade Dance] finished

  The unexpected emptiness caught the eyes of one of the beasts' commander, a huge lizard that looked closer to a komodo dragon as it moved across.

  A long forked tongue slid out of its mouth as it sensed everything around it, it's blazing eyes honing in on the only human smiling joyfully where his brethren lay dead. Someone dared to stand against them?!

  Its thick legs smacked the ground as the jaws that could tear the skies snapped towards Kazuhiko.

  Kazuhiko looked at this large figure barreling down on him as his blood pumped. 'Yes! Yes! Yes!!!" This was what he wanted! This was a fight! Dark light enveloped him as his body expanded more than twice his size, the katana he was holding now looking more like a knife.

  With a wicked smile, [Dominator's Sword Wave] was casted as his katana became enveloped in a dark light and he collided with the large beast


  An uncomfortable sound reverberated throughout the battlefield as Kazuhiko appeared behind the sizable beast and his figure began reducing to normal. The beast wasn't making a sound as its body was separated cleanly in half, all that it left behind being a corpse, cl.u.s.ters of sparkling cores, and a skill book

  The ecstatic hunter put the loot away as he found himself the center of attention in the huge battle field where forces of the United Federation were going against the army of the Black Dragon and its subjugated hunters.

  With the reinforcement of forces from the Blessed Empire, they pushed back the opposing hunters and made the beasts, their true enemies, join the fight.

  The consensus among the hunters in the battle field was to target the beasts and not each other, as they were all fighting for the same thing.

  One side didn't want the deaths of their countrymen that were under the rule of the Black Dragon, the others wanted to save their people from the terror of the same beast. Yet, there were no good options! Uness the Black Dragon was killed, they had to fight. But who can take down such a terrifying beast?

  Kazuhiko wasn't phased by the attention, and wanted more of it in fact from the upper ranks of these beasts. He looked to the infuriated lizards that were rushing towards him as he thought, 'Just how many of your kin do I have to kill before you come out?'

  He wanted to face off against the beast that hunters found themselves hopeless against. He wanted a fight with that winged lizard that kept on flaunting its authority. He might meet his death, but so what? A man has to live a thrilling life!

  The reckless Kazuhiko continued his onslaught of the beasts, only wishing for the main event to come sooner...


  The war continued on multiple fronts. In the chaotic battlefield with the horde of beasts led by not just one, but two monsters surpassing rank A, a deadly fight continued.

  A retreating and heavily injured beast was rushing from the skies and heading to a lower altitude while trying to evade the onslaught of dark spears and lightning.

  It's wings had taken injuries that affected its speed, causing more attacks to land on its body. The problem was, these attacks were endless!

  The oversized mosquito looked at the terrifying man above it as it grew enraged at the state it was in. She was a queen that had many subjects bowing their heads to. She was someone that held tremendous power and ruled over millions. Now she was forced to come down to some unknown world and be thrashed around like this?!

  She had no time to think as she continued evading the damaging attacks and focused on regaining her mobility.

  She went down towards the stupid Mephitic Turtle to gain some respite from the enemy's attacks, but she didn't know if she would make it there in time.

  She hated the situation she was in, she hated those bastards that were forcing her to do this. As for this human, just how could someone this powerful exist in such a small world?

  Her fear reached an all time high as she saw the enemy continue to evade the venomous blasts and rush towards her with endlessly dangerous attacks. She gritted her maxillae as her innate power activated once again and she rushed towards the coming enemy. It will either be my death, or yours.

  Chapter 53 - Interminable Energy

  The air around me trembled from the amount of skills that continued to rush down towards the retreating beast. Dark spears filled the air and arcs of lightning were dancing about, just waiting to jump on the figure of the grotesque mosquito the moment it faltered

  It's injuries increased as more and more attacks were able to land, and it screamed indignantly before stopping its retreat and coming towards me, its body emanating a dangerous light. Good, come!

  I accounted for many possibilities as I continued to cast [Spear of Destiny] and [Arc Lightning] towards the beast. The moment the impact was about to occur, I activated [Instant Transfer] and disappeared from its sight, materializing right behind it where I released multiple [Frigid Impermanence] casts


  The impact rocked the skies as I continued to cast more skills towards the insect. Not a second was given though, as I felt the full impact of the poisonous green light smash into me, dying my entire body a dark shade of green as blisters began to form on my skin. The turtle had aimed for the moment I let out killer blows against the insect to throw its poisonous attacks

  My rapidly decaying skin started to become normal again as [Guardian's Light] and [Ultra Regeneration] were activated multiple times.

  I continued to dodge the remaining incoming pillars of poison as I looked at the body of the insect. Only a thin exoskeleton was left, but it was still hanging on!

  I let out a furious howl at this immense vitality of the beast and rained more dark spears down on it. The spears rushed into the emaciated figure and stabbed in every possible position, turning the insect into a porcupine.

  I finished it all off with a [Frigid Impermanence] that blasted apart any muscle or bones still holding its body together, causing an explosion of [Core]s and a golden glowing [Skill Book] to appear in the skies.

  The cores quickly disappeared into one of my storage rings as I grabbed the skill book and brought it to my chest. The attacks from below had increased in frequency and took all of my attention in order not to get blasted again.

  The skill book whose name I couldn't even get a chance to read transformed into particles of light that flew inside my body, something new appearing among the skills in the panel


  The huge beast below was fully enraged after seeing the death of its compatriot and let out a thundering roar that stopped the movements of the many beasts in the battle field.

  The beasts, whether grounded or on the skies, all turned their eyes in my location with heavy bloodl.u.s.t apparent. The flying beasts abandoned any hunters they were fighting against and swooped towards me in the skies

  Some hunters got a brief respite and looked at my figure worryingly, but could not even get near me unless they wanted to be blasted to death by the neverending pillars of green light still flying toward me.

  I could see an injured black eagle heading towards my direction that I sternly shook my head to. I had countless spells I could continue casting and was nowhere close to being done. The addition of a few hundred beasts around me would only delay the death of this remaining TITAN

  I looked to the enormous green turtle in the distance while evading the attacks it sent my way and used [Instant Transfer] to a position right above it. The transfer gave me a few seconds where I checked my panel to see what the new skill entailed

  [Noah Osmont][Occupation: Hunter]

  [Vitality: 300+30]

  [Focus: - ]

  [Strength: 300+40]

  [Skill(s): [F][E][D](C-Arcanist's Sphere of Protection-100) (C-Camouflage-100) (C-Aura of Haste-100)(C-Explosive Rune-100)(C-Life Essence-100) (C-Increased Penetration-100) (C-Regeneration-100) (C-Whirlwind-95) (C-Smite-1
00) (C-Gracefulness-100) (C-Precision-100) (C-Adamant-100) (C-Sharpen-100)(C-War Cry-100) (C-Retaliation-100)(C-Kings Rage-100)(C-Military Tactics-100) (C-Unpredictable-100) (C-Elemental Damage-100)(B-Giant's Strength-100) (B-Stealth-100) (B-Miniature Tornado-100)(B-Golden Halo-100)(B-Doom Bolt-100) (B-Lightfoot-88)(B-Windrider-88)(B-Rigorous-88)(B-Shadow Veil-87)(B-Wild Heart-87)(B-Emboldened Ferocity-68)(B-Eagle Eyes-56)(B-Greater Cold Penetration-55)(B-Cold Fire-55)(B-Greater Flame Penetration-34)(B-Burning Soul-34)(B-Elementalist-34)(B-HardBody-34) (B-Diamond Skin-34)(B-Elemental Mirror-34)(A-Flight-71)(A-Frigid Impermanence-88)(A-Instant Transfer-55)(A-Infernal Purge-64)(A-Ultra Regeneration-29)(A-Spear of Destiny-37)(A-Arc Lightning-23) (A-Expansion-3)(A-Pain Resistance-11)(S-Volcanic Eruption-1)]

  [Equipment: (6x C-Ring of Storage)(3x B-Ring of Storage) (B-Adept Staff)(B-Dual Coated Boots)(B-Striking Cap)(A-Fairy's Wings)(A-Armament of the Commander)(A-Emperor's Boots)(A-Ring of Storage)]

  [Volcanic Eruption], S rank...I looked at the details of the terrifying skill as my heart palpitated at the thought of it. My figure evaded the venomous blasts that had found my position once more as I looked at the beast below me.

  Its large figure soon absconded my sight as crowds of flying beasts neared me. I looked to the darkening skies of the beasts as a devilish smile couldn't help but appear on my face, you all are f.u.c.k.i.e.d.


  A worrying scene was carrying itself out in the eyes of Elizabeth. A single man was moving through the skies dodging dangerous blasts of green light while thousands of beasts flocked towards him

  White wings of light were outstretched from his back as he stood in the air, the picture imprinting itself on the minds of all the people here for years to come.

  An eccentric painter could spend a lifetime making a piece of art that wouldn't be able to describe what they were seeing

  The picture of the converging beasts in the air and the noxious turtle blasting attacks from the ground was coming to a stand still as the man rose his hands and winds of erratic energy began to leak out


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