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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse c1-705

Page 40

by Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Game

  Chapter 90 - A Journal Entry


  This will be Night's #786 entry. A perplexing event has occurred recently that deserves to be recorded.

  My gracious Lady gave me a command that allowed her to connect to a man we just recently observed. It was a peculiar man based on the details we collected. He seemed to have popped out from nowhere and landed in our kingdom, showing an average level of power, and yet catching the eye of the Princess.

  We were still matching his characteristics with those of beings across the continent. As for why he caught the eyes of the Princess, I have yet to find out.

  It is the continued behavior of the Princess towards this man that continued to make me observe them even more though. Not to even mention how close she seems to be getting to him and allowing him to be that frank with her, lets just take a look at the past few days we spent in the Shadow Dukedom.

  After another one of my sisters informed her of another plot hatched by the Royal Wanker, the first thing she did was head to inform that man. She didn't discuss with us or with the Royal Guards on our plan of action.

  The plot currently afoot could be potentially dangerous for all of us, so I expected the Princess to come up with one of her grand plans that would allow us to outwit the enemies and arrive back to our castle unharmed. But no such thing occurred. She simply went to discuss it with that man and came out, informing us to continue monitoring from a distance and to be sure that they do not catch on, that we will continue to spend our time in this place for a few days.

  This wholly surprised me and made me question the power of that man that made the Princess disregard the power of an EPIC ranked individual. It also made me somewhat down. Did the Lady not need us anymore?

  The morning after we found out about the news of the impending attack that was waiting for us as soon as we left this Dukedom, the man disappeared from my detection and didn't appear until the end of the day. I was happy to be back to spending time alone with the Lady as she went about her work here, but was also curious about this man who could escape the perception of someone like me that was trained in this art.

  When he reappeared in the evening, he seemed to be in a good mood, and even went as far as to ask the Princess to bring him some ingredients for food he wanted to cook. This was something I never expected, but I acted as instructed and brought in a variety of raw meats and vegetables to work with.

  He began cooking while seeming like a complete beginner, but the results were something completely unexpected. There was an appetizing smell in the air stemming from the food he made that I've never come across before. I couldn't help but overstep my boundaries when I saw the Lady enjoy the delicacies, and shamefully accepted the offered food.

  The conclusion? Maybe this man wasn't too bad after all.

  A significant amount of time was still spent with the Lady and the Sir talking. I never knew what the two of them spent so much time discussing, as the Lady had already asked me not to snoop in when she was alone with him.

  I still had many questions, but I knew the princess was careful in who she confided in, so I will wait until she can come to me again. On our second and third day in the Shadow Dukedom, the same pattern continued to repeat where he disappeared and reappeared, each time he came back seeming much more calm and confident.

  I wasn't dumb, and inferred a posible activity that this man was doing everyday was most likely going down the famous [Waterworks] dungeon by himself. I was shocked when I came to this conclusion, as the only people powerful enough to delve into S ranked dungeons alone were either powerful Heroes with Unique Skills or powerful adventures of the next rank

  But maybe this would explain some of the many mysteries surrounding him, as well as the unexplainable savory food he has routinely been making. It was now the evening of the third day, and I can already smell that same aroma from before. I'll see if I can continue to overstep my boundaries and receive some more of those delicacies.

  Until then.


  A few days had passed while I continued to dive into my now favorite dungeon, [Waterworks]. The abundant amount of monsters and many floors allowed me to go all out testing the new skills that were already rising nicely. Both the newly combined rank S+ skills had reached the 30s in proficiency, and were taking their time even after I constantly spammed them these past 3 days.

  Maybe getting an EPIC ranked skill in a few days was too far fetched, and I might need another week or two as higher ranked skills took their time to rise. The one thing that I found to be helpful to my psyche after the constant grind of skills and killing monsters for so many hours was the new hobby I found myself doing.

  I count it as a blessing that I began doing this, as I felt like the only words passing through my mind was just this skill or that skill and which ones were next to combine. This new hobby was me using the skill [Cook] to put a few things together. I wasn't doing anything special, only using my barely passable cooking that I had to learn when I was on my own. Yet the results were exceptional. Well, it was basically the skill doing what it described.

  I could confidently say that the things I made while [Cook] was active was one of the best foods I had ever eaten. It beat the food I had when I first arrived in this world by a mile. This made me curious to try out the [Budding Farmer] skill too, as it probably holds even greater surprises.

  Aside from finding myself respite from the monotonous grinding so that I don't go crazy, I made new additions with [Skill Combination] and received another 6 rank S skills as well as 3 items after continuously clearing the [Waterworks] dungeon.

  The new rank S skills were [Flash- High speed movement that allows you body to automatically evade enemy attacks], [Phoenix Arrow- Your bow momentarily releases inflamed arrows that carry the aura of a phoenix], [Enfeeble- A terrible curse strikes your enemy, reducing their speed, damage, defense, and resistance], [Aura of Belligerence- An aura of war surrounds you and your allies. +200% damage], [Shield Slam- Your shield comes to life, targeting any enemies around you in a flurry of attacks], [Obfuscation- Your presence continues to thin out until the best detection skills cannot observe you]

  It was a great addition of powerful skills, where even ones that I doubted I would use like [Shield Slam] and [Phoenix Arrow], I still learnt them anyways.

  The newly obtained rank S items were [Viridian Boots], [Legion Armor], and [Dulled Trident]. Besides the trident, I could wear everything else. The new [Legion Armor] went on top of the rank S Veiled Suit with no issues, and the [Viridian Boots] vastly increased my speed. All of these new additions and skills made me confident to stand against the power of an EPIC ranked skill without my life being snuffed in the next second. I would give myself another day before going out to clash with the mercenaries still waiting in ambush outside the snowy roads.

  Chapter 91 - EPIC I

  It was now the morning of the fourth day in the Shadow Dukedom. Even with most of my time cooped up in the [Waterworks] dungeon, I was still able to spend some time watching the mundane and sometimes extraordinary lives of the people living here.

  They weren't too different from the masses that I was used to in the Frozen Kingdom, only looking slightly more impoverished as they had access to less food.

  I was standing next to a frozen field in one of the designated plots of land that were usually heavily protected. They treated the source of their food with this much importance.

  Princess Adelaide had mentioned that the vegetables growing in these fields were called [White Radishes]. They were a strong plant that grew in the extremely cold conditions very well. But the soil of this Dukedom and a few others around the Frozen Kingdom had been seeing reduced crop yield on lands that were normally fertile.

  I wanted to test the usefulness of [Budding Farmer] after the surprise that [Cook] brought me, so I would try the skill before I head out to clash with the strong attackers waiting for us.

  A lone Princess was standing far behind me in another lig
ht blue dress, the cold winds not bothering her one bit. I could also feel the presence of Night that I had recently felt like she was watching me just a tad bit too much.

  I raised my hand towards the small field that had a few hundred [White Radishes] growing and casted [Budding Farmer]. Rough winds roiled about as the essence around the field condensed and visibly changed to a tinge of green that landed on the field.

  The green color shone for just a few seconds as changes on the plants began occurring. The somewhat dried [White Radishes] had their white leaves begin to extend and grow, with them sprouting from the ground so quickly that half of the body of the radishes could now be seen bunched together fighting for space.

  In the next minute, the field I casted the skill on had undergone a complete change, becoming vastly different from the surrounding fields. Sparkling and robust [White Radishes] now valiantly stood in the fields.

  The Princess that couldn't contain her shocked expression even with her cold face went forward to pick one up as she continued to be surprised. It turns out the new vegetable that rapidly grew under the effect of [Budding Farmer] was twice as large as normal ones. Gears were turning in the mind of the Princess as she began walking back and forth rapidly.

  This skill, just like the previous [Cook], had shown extravagant effects. Especially the amazing economic use that [Budding Farmer] had. The Princess had already started to look at me with her shining dark eyes as she realised the possible impact of something like this in these frozen lands.

  I casted the skill on a few more fields before leaving, with the Princess letting me know she would come up with an excuse of being blessed with a unique skill that raised the land's fertility and increased the growth rate of produce. She would use this opportunity to expand her influence even further in this Dukedom.

  This aligned with my current thoughts of remaining in the shadows while moving around, and the fact that whatever influence the Princess continued to amass in the future would also become mine. I confirmed this as I continued to spend my time with her, affirming her claims of her providing me with whatever I wanted. The time for me to take what I really wanted would come soon enough.

  With the testing of the non standard skills I received from the first clears of this world's dungeon done, I moved on to the next phase that I was excited about. A collection of mercenaries with an EPIC ranked powerhouse in their midst had been patiently waiting for us in snowy lands. I didn't want them to wait much longer as the last combination of skills met the standards I set for myself before.

  These past 4 days, after the constant activation of the skills, I was able to combine the rank A+ defensive skills of [Man of Steel] and [Protection of the Earth] to bring out the S ranked [Rune of Defense- An archaic rune spreads throughout your body. +200% Defense]. [Dual Element Armor] and [Beastial Hide] produced [Dragon Scales- Your body is surrounded by defenses that are meant for the highest beings].

  In addition to the defensive skills, the covert rank A skills were also able to become A+, with [Obscure] and [Shadow Escape] becoming [Abstruse Cover]. [Illusory] and [Chameleon's Skin] came together to produce [Barrier of Illusion].

  With the increased confidence of these new skills, I would move out today to see the power of someone of the next level once again. The previous time I was matched against two beings of a higher level, with me becoming gravely injured where even a limb was lost. I was going to be careful enough that even with confidence in the many skills I had active, such a scene would not make its appearance again.

  The information we continued to receive from the Shadow Guards keeping track of the mercenaries set to ambush us was that they were camped near the only pathway leading out of the Shadow Dukedom. They wanted to corner the caravan the Princess was leading on the only path that could be taken.

  This also meant that I knew where they were, and they had no idea I would be coming. A smile crept on to my lips as I observed the procession of carriages and wagons ready to move out of the dukedom. I would be making the move first, and meeting the attackers before this procession even reached that position.

  The Princess was staring in the air with an expectant expression on her frozen face as she waited for me to return. I flew out of the dukedom with vigor, looking forward to the clash that would undoubtedly provide me with an amazing skill of the next rank.


  In a cold and blistering environment with heavy snow falling, a group of people were angrily fanning the flames in a small makeshift hideout they created. Their bodies were extremely powerful, with most of them at rank S and one even being EPIC ranked. But after constantly facing the cold these past few days with their targets not appearing, their defenses continued to wane.

  A group was cl.u.s.tered together as they talked in hushed tones while looking towards a figure that stood in the stormy cold outside with heavy armor plastered over her body. The cold didn't seem to bother her in the least as her body emanated a level of power that kept the ice elements at bay

  "Hey, do you think we can at least tear the veil off after we capture her?"

  "Hah, only if you wanna spend the rest of life being tortured. Keep to the assignment details, our task is to handle the guards and destroy the wagons. We leave the main target to the Commander."

  "Aaah, I know I know. It's just hard not to think about it after you've seen her face once you know?"

  "Tsk, focus on the mission. Visit a brothel after this if you need to, but don't let your stupidity cause your death. We act as soon as we see that woman's caravan."

  Flames crackled as the snow fell. Not too far from this group, a flying figure was meeting with someone that was keeping watch of these rowdy mercenaries without their knowledge. The figure's eyes honed in at the location of the collection of mercenaries, his presence so thin that even the falling snow passed through him.

  A hunter had found its prey.

  [Noah Osmont][Occupation: Hunter]

  [Vitality: 370]

  [Focus: - ]

  [Strength: 380]

  [Skill(s): [F][E][D][C][B][A: Flight-100, Guardian's Light-100, Instant Transfer-100, Infernal Purge-100, Arc Lightning-100, Area Expansion-22, Pain Resistance-100, Recorder-100, Language Comprehension-100,Healing Light-100, Lion's Roar-23,Water Barrier-100, Pierce-100, Executor's Speed-100, Sense Heat Source-100, Silent Communication-55, Regal Archer's Eyes-66, Cook-33]

  [A+: Arctic Zone-100, Relegator's Spear-23, Immutable Regeneration-100, Abstruse Cover-2, Barrier of Illusion-2]

  [S: Protection of the Wounded-100, Flash-11, Aura of Belligerence-23, Enfeeble-11, Phoenix Arrow-1, Shield Slam-1, Obfuscation-33, Rune of Defense-2, Dragon Scales-2, Budding Farmer-8]

  [S+: Saint's Return-41, Devastation-45, Plague Bearer-39]

  [Equipment: (3x B-Ring of Storage)(A-Ring of Storage)(S-Storage Pouch)(S-Veiled Suit)(S-Legion Armor)(S-Viridian Boots)]

  Chapter 92 - EPIC II

  I enjoyed the winter storm that further obscured the view as my figure silently stood in the air. I looked down towards an individual who was blatantly releasing their dangerous aura without care. A few tents were cl.u.s.tered under the shade of trees, with this figure standing alone outside and staring blankly towards the path leading to the Shadow Dukedom.

  I focused as I prepared to move against this power of the next rank. I put everything aside as I looked to these people I would be embroiled in a battle with. I didn't know them, and they didn't know me. But they wanted to harm someone I had plans for, so I would steel my heart and fight.

  My figure was fully hidden with multiple skills as well as the Veiled Suit, making sure nobody could see me coming. Even though I was confident in the defensive skills, it didn't mean I would have to be reckless. I would attack while still hidden in the dark.

  I counted one EPIC ranked mercenary and 9 S ranks. My focus would mostly be placed on the most powerful one. I breathed out as I prepared for the on coming battle.

  I started off with a small welcome of multiple casts of [Devast
ation]. Rifts in space opened up as wriggling destructive pillars of lightning and molten flames sn.a.k.e.d their way towards the enemy.

  Barely a second passed before the mercenary reacted and took up a stance. A wild look appeared on the mercenary's face the moment she saw the rifts opening up as her body began to shine golden.


  With a shout, a golden bell formed the moment the skills sn.a.k.e.d towards her.


  Pandemonium ensued as the attacks connected, the golden light shining strongly and holding on as the nearby rank S mercenaries were blown away. The EPIC ranked mercenary looked around the ensuing destruction to find her attacker, but she was met with a dark aura plaguing her body as [Enfeeble] was casted. The spell ignored her defenses as it struck her and weakened the golden bell she had erected, causing the attacks from [Devastation] to connect.


  I began feeling the exhilaration of conducting the battle in the dark as the essence around the mercenary roiled. A spectacular skill was being casted from her. The damage from [Devastation] was pushed away as a transparent figure began forming around the mercenary.

  The rank S that were flung back were about to jump to block the incoming attacks when they stood back stupefied at the sight of their leader. The transparent figure of the skill she had casted held a long sword, its body boasting an incredible size of more than 8 meters.


  The essence around us roiled as the being was fully formed. The figure of the EPIC ranked mercenary could now be seen in the transparent belly of the incarnation she had casted, each of her movements being duplicated to perfection as sharp winds came out from the large transparent thing holding a long sword. The roiling snakes of flames and lightning were all blocked as the figure stood imposingly to meet my next attack as I remained in the dark.

  So this was an EPIC ranked individual. The power it let off was definitely higher than my S+ summon or the [Devastation] skill. But since I could cast them multiple times without reservation, I would make up for the lack of power in quantity! This wasn't to mention powerful support skills like [Aura of Belligerence] that further increased my damage, making me confident if my skills weren't already packing firepower equal to EPIC, they were nearing.


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