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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse c1-705

Page 47

by Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Game


  The [Emperor Penguin] screamed again as it looked at this losing battle and the strikes that were not very effective, its entire body shining a silver light that formed into the shape of a blooming flower which exploded between us.


  The impact occurred around the same time as the moving corpses of the first two killed beasts wrapped themselves around the [Arctic Wolf] and [Wood Frog], the explosion of the EPIC beasts taking the already injured ones to their deaths.

  The snowy battlefield was silent as the [Emperor Penguin] appeared above the skies where the poisonous explosion occurred. It was the only one left.

  Various injuries sn.a.k.e.d across its body as my large incarnation floated in the skies towards it. My incarnation that was filled with fur and looked like some sort of ferocious beast was leaving behind a trail of cold air as it moved.

  There was no place for the [Emperor Penguin] to go to as it looked to my coming figure unwillingly. Its body glowed with that silvery light as it dashed towards me at full speed. The destructive storm of ice around me raged as I unequipped the shield and held the long blade with both of my hands.

  The [Dark Slayer Sword Style] that came with the incarnation was active as I held the blade in a beautiful drawing stance. The poisonous summon appeared beside me as well as multiple rifts opening up behind me. The spears of bones filled with malevolent energies also appeared in mass, fully prepared for the silvery figure of the rushing [Emperor Penguin].

  It was but an instant, but the impact let out a blinding light all around.


  Chapter 107 - Something Phenomenal!

  Silence pervaded the surroundings as calm returned. The battle of one versus five came to a stop with the death of the [Emperor Penguin]. Wild energies flew about as rumblings ensued, golden light beginning to manifest in front of me as something began forming.

  Besides this golden light, I began feeling a connection forming between me and something that I didn't yet understand. When the connection was on the process of being established, an extravagant amount of information was squeezed into my mind as a scene similar to when I cleared a dungeon for the first time in this world repeated itself.

  The dense amount of information was quickly transformed into something legible, becoming a skill that appeared in my panel soon after. The skill read, {Spiritual Land Management}.

  Too many things were happening all at once as the connection I felt intensified, the essence around me that was flaring up gradually settling itself down. When everything finished, I found myself breathing hard as I realized the identity of the connection.

  I could...feel a pulse of something spectacular resonating with me. This was...the Spiritual Land?!

  My shock only continued to increase as the golden light that was shining in front of me finished forming into an ancient-looking golden stone. It had a few crevices and cracks, but it floated imposingly in the air. This was the largest core I had ever seen, and my heart rate increased as I confirmed its identity

  [Aged LEGENDARY Core]

  I wasted no time as I quickly grabbed onto this huge core, watching the blinding light flow into my storage pouch and transform into a golden skill book, and a few smaller cores.

  Besides these cores and golden skill book, there were a few other skill books and items that I received from the deaths of the five beasts. I was planning on taking a look at them right then and there when I received a signal that I would be getting transported from this trial space in the next few seconds.

  The scene changed again as I appeared back into the flat frozen landscape where the transparent woman and the EPIC beasts were in. I observed the golden door I had previously touched to start the trial gradually fade away, as snowy white plants began to sprout out of our surroundings, the landscape changing yet again.

  The only difference this time is that I knew why it was happening. A sonorous voice rang out right then and there.

  "Haha! The first human to ever own a Spiritual Land has appeared through my hands. Good!"

  Her words confirmed the things happening were real as I thought to the connection I felt between myself and this floating landmass. It seemed like I had a tremendous amount of influence on everything on here, making me entirely shaken and surprised.

  I looked towards the many EPIC beasts in the surroundings, the [Emperor Penguin] and others appearing once again, although their faces were ashen and showing extreme weakness. The trial space really was something similar to a dungeon, with our origins being the ones sent in. So these beasts did not face true death when they died there. I smiled at this as many thoughts sprung around in my head.

  The beasts, seeing my gaze towards them, slumped down to their knees unwillingly as they bowed, their dense voices rushing out.

  "We greet the Spiritual Land Master!"

  I had a bright smile on my face as I continued to wrap my head around this fantastic situation. I placed my attention to the figure of the woman and said,

  "Thank you for all the help."

  "It was all you really. You passed the trial that many of the beasts in this generation couldn't and showed how you excelled for people of the same stage. I'm curious to see how you will fare when you fully step into the LEGENDARY rank. As for this Spiritual Land, it is very complex and should take you a few weeks to get a handle on how to properly manage it. I'll tell you now that if you use it correctly, the benefits you will have will be boundless."

  The figure of the woman was gradually fading as her words rang out.

  "If you successfully pass the battle with the Demon King moving in the North, head towards the Mythical Phoenix Kingdom. We could use a powerhouse of that level against the war with the demon forces there."

  As soon as her words finished, her figure popped away into nothingness, but not before I heard one last thing.

  "Oh, and treat these beasts kindly. They are one of the keys to upgrading your Spiritual Land."

  Her presence was fully gone as I looked around the changing surroundings where the colorful white grass had spread all around as light began to illuminate the center of the Spiritual Land we were in.

  I was excited to check the skills I gained from the death of the EPIC beasts and the LEGENDARY core, but the skill that took most of my attention after the figure that never told me their identity disappeared was the skill about managing the Spiritual Land. I looked for the skill that seemed to hold the most surprises this time, as a large panel appeared right when I focused on it.

  {Spiritual Land Management}

  [Frozen Plateau-2]

  Beasts: F-XXX, E-XXX, D-19,430, C-6943, B-2876, A-341, S-68, EPIC-15

  Plants- Whitefall Trees. Available for planting(Snow Vine, Sacred Rye…)

  Features- Size Regulation(Unlocked), Movement(Unlocked), Anchor(Unlocked), Boost Surroundings(Locked), Architecture(Locked), Frozen Barrier(Locked), Offensive Maneuvers(Locked), @#[email protected]%(Locked), Time Dilation(Locked), [email protected]##$(Locked)...

  Upgrade- Conditions not met. @%%^#$

  This...I didn't even know where to begin as I looked through this skill. It was actually classified as a Unique Skill, but that wasn't the biggest surprise. I was looking through all the functions below the skill that seemed too amazing to even fathom.

  I confirmed the name of this tier 2 Spiritual Land to be the Frozen Plateau, and the things I saw below it made my heart go wild. A multitude of beasts were shown in large numbers, as well as many other functions I would have to spend some time to get used to.

  The powerful woman that just left had mentioned that managing the Spiritual Land would be a strenuous task, but as I looked towards the things I could do with this newly gained unique skill...the possibilities and things I had yet to learn about endlessly opened up in front of me. But, they would have to wait as I had to hurry to a battlefield that would decide the fate of the Frozen Kingdom.


  A stream of consciousness was rapidly tearing thro
ugh the skies, returning to its main body thousands of miles away. It pierced through the clouds and neared a fantastical floating land that seemed like a paradise.

  The stream of consciousness was quickly absorbed into the main body of an enormous individual that floated in an expanse of red clouds.

  A magnificent golden beak shone dangerously as the yellow eyes of the beast flew open. Long and slender fiery wings were stretched outright powerfully as the beast rose. The body seemed to wreath with sparkling golden flames as a majestic [Imperial Phoenix] made its appearance.

  It looked to the North where something interesting had just occurred before its attention soon moved away to other matters. It had done all that was needed, and now everything was left to their own devices. The large body disappeared in a blink as it dove down from the paradisical floating Spiritual Land towards another much lager floating landmass below it, where exquisite architecture became visible to the n.a.k.e.d eye.

  The mind of the powerful [Imperial Phoenix] was now occupied with the messages of the movements of multiple Demon Legions in the surroundings of the Mythical Phoenix Kingdom. The only thought that now passed in this hegemony's mind was,

  'A holder of an Ultimate Skill of the Seven Deadly Sins in the lead? Hmph. Let's see how you will fare against my neverending flames.'

  Time continued to move, with many pieces moving with it. Multiple hegemonies were fighting their own wars that stretched across the lands. The radiance of their battles, tragic struggles, and bountiful victories continued as something none of them expected was rising in the dark.

  Chapter 108 - [Sigil of Hegemony]

  I forcefully turned my attention from the newly appeared unique skill and looked through the loot of the recent battle, especially the reward of clearing the trial that also granted me ownership of a Spiritual Land.

  The first thing looked at were the EPIC skills and items that dropped at the last stage of the trial, adding to my collection 3 new skills and 2 items.

  The items were a resplendent armor called [Unshattered Charity] and exquisitely inlaid boots called [Tigereye's Roots]. The skills were even more spectacular.

  [Teleport] :: Space begins opening up to your control. Can set up 3 Teleport Points (0/3). Can teleport yourself or others to any visible location or previously set up Teleport Point.

  This skill came from the source of the [Emperor Penguin], and it was a skill that I knew would be my all-time favorite from how I had been moving around so much. The other two were just as amazing.

  [Life Steal] :: Your health is restored based on a portion of the damage dealt to your enemies.

  [Arctic Breath] :: Chilled bodies are left in the wake of the icy breath that freezes all that it touches.

  All of the newly gained EPIC skills were so fantastic looking that I could not wait to test them in the field. Especially [Teleport] and [Arctic Breath], it looked like I would have a tremendous amount of fun with these two.

  Next up was one of the main treasures of this whole event, the huge core that broke down into a legendary skill book and a few cores. I looked through the description of the skill, and it left me dumbfounded.

  [Sigil of Hegemony] :: A highly protective sigil establishes itself as far as 30 meters around you, empowering you and your allies while hindering your foes for 30 seconds. Another 30 seconds are required before the runic forces can be activated again. Absorbs half of all damage dealt while active. +200% Casting and Attack Speed. +200% damage to enemies in sigil. +200% Speed. -50% Enemy Elemental Resistances. -50% Enemy Speed.


  I reread the skill description a couple of times as I learned the skill in stupefaction. This was a LEGENDARY skill that provided heavy damage boosts, absorbed more than half of all dealt damage, and even acted to weaken the enemy at the same time. It was such a killer skill that it made me want to test it on the weakened beasts still kneeling in front of me. The only thing that was a slight downside seemed to be that it couldn't be kept active all the time.

  After the pleasant shock from the skill passed, I looked through the connection with the Spiritual Land and how I would move from now on. There was a dense amount of information for me to sort through just to understand a percentage of everything to do with this treasure, but one of the few things I could make out was the obedience that the beasts in here would show to the Master who gained control of the Spirit Land they were born in.

  Everything else would require me to spend a significant amount of time to sort through, so I pulled up the unique skill, {Spiritual Land Management} instead as I prepared to move back towards the Frozen Kingdom.

  {Spiritual Land Management}

  [Frozen Plateau-2]

  Beasts: F-XXX, E-XXX, D-19,430, C-6943, B-2876, A-341, S-68, EPIC-15

  Plants- Whitefall Trees. Available for planting(Snow Vine, Sacred Rye…)

  Features- Size Regulation(Unlocked), Movement(Unlocked), Anchor(Unlocked), Boost Surroundings(Locked), Architecture(Locked), Frozen Barrier(Locked), Offensive Maneuvers(Locked), @#[email protected]%(Locked), Time Dilation(Locked), [email protected]##$(Locked)...

  Upgrade- Conditions not met. @%%^#$

  It showed all the large numbers of beasts currently on the Spiritual Land that was called the Frozen Plateau, as well the tall white trees I continued to observe on the surface of this land. I honed in on the section of [Features]

  [Size Regulation(Unlocked)] :: The size of the Spiritual Land can change as long as a large cost is paid.

  [Movement(Unlocked)] :: Defy common laws and allow for the movement of the Spiritual Land to your desired location.

  [Anchor(Unlocked)] :: The spiritual land will hold firm wherever you decide to put it.

  The three features that were currently unlocked were crazy enough, and I couldn't wait to see how I could unlock the next ones after that. I looked at the kneeling EPIC beasts as my figure equipped all the new EPIC items on my body. The used to be arrogant [Emperor Penguin] was still kneeling unwillingly on the forefront as I asked,

  "How much power can you all currently exhibit?"

  "For the ones that participated in the trial, we have less than half of our power remaining. We will need at least a few weeks before we can return to our peak."

  The [Emperor Penguin] took the lead, answering with a heavy voice as he kept his sleek shining beak down. I looked at the large numbers of beasts that showed up on the panel of the {Spiritual Land Management} as many ideas passed through me.

  If I so chose, it looks like I have gained a constant supply of skills that I can select from. The other side was that I had gained a powerful force of many beasts that I could grow and cultivate. More EPIC beasts could continue to be born in this Spiritual Land, as well as possibilities of upgrading the current beasts to LEGENDARY rank or even further beyond in the future once I learn more about the tiers of Spiritual Lands and how to upgrade them.

  My figure disappeared from the underground space where the strongest beasts were in as I appeared in the skies of the outside world, with the Frozen Plateau floating grandly below me. The many grand [Whitefall Trees] were visible all around as the lower ranking beasts on the land looked up to my figure in the skies.


  Sounds of many beasts rang out as they felt the new owner of the Spiritual Land appear in the air. I looked at the grand sight of the glimmering snowy land beneath me as I concentrated and used [Size Regulation] for the first time.

  The floating landmass trembled as a blue light spread out to cover it, and I watched as it visibly shrank down from its large size and became smaller and smaller. I could feel a tremendous amount of essence multiple times than what I usually used to cast EPIC skills constantly going towards the activated feature of [Size Regulation].

  The reserves of energy that continued to condense towards the center continued to be used for the maintenance and growth of the Spiritual Land, with me providing the required mana to use the features listed under the unique skill to affect it.

I recalled the powerful woman's words about how complex a tax of taking care of a Spiritual Land would be and smiled while I watched the continued shrinking of the land below me through a feature of the skill, {Spiritual Land Management}. It looks like I might have just found another crazy skill that in no way fits the norms.

  While watching it shrink, I also activated the function of [Movement] and watched as the land continued to shrink, until it eventually fit in the palm of my hands. The Spiritual Land that was larger than an entire in the palm of my hand. I continued to be astounded by the fantastical things I never would have thought to be possible. What else would this amazing Beast World have in store for me?

  Chapter 109 - Unexpected Combination

  After being amazed at the small floating landmass that I held in my hands, I used the third function that was also unlocked. [Anchor] was used as I sent a command again, spending an exorbitant amount of mana and watched as the Spiritual Land attached itself to the right side of my EPIC armor. I moved around in the skies and watched as no movements or issues occurred to the Spiritual Land.

  I even went as far as using [Teleport] for the first time, watching as a silvery light quickly spread all around me, my figure disappearing and appearing a few miles away right after. Still, no problems had occurred.

  I laughed at this amazing sight as I carried the shrunken Spiritual Land with me towards the Frozen Kingdom while testing out [Teleport]. The forces of the kingdom should have already moved out, and I didn't know if they had clashed with the Demon Legion or not. I flashed across the frozen plains at high speed until the heavily armed fortress walls of the kingdoms appeared in front of me.

  Not too long after, I arrived on the snowy peak with my usual covert skills activated, as well as the [Rat King's Mask] that provided another function of hiding my aura and figure. There were significantly more guards on the Snowy Peak as mostly humans and a few beastmen moved around.


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