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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse c1-705

Page 113

by Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Game

The Celestial continued to ponder when he felt a slight tremble from one the two golden circles still floating on the board, and he watched expressionlessly as his own disciple, Drax, met his death. His expression did not remain bland for long though, as finally, with the death of this disciple, a new signal was sent back!

  The grandmaster's aura captured this signal as he finally glanced upon the being that reaped the life of his own disciple, his expression changing as he came across the blurry image of a ferocious Infernal.

  The image gradually cleared as the Grandmaster used various abilities to lock on to the target which should have been caught by a technique the moment he killed his disciple, and his expression turned grim as he used his expansive experience when looking at the image of the Infernal in front of him.

  His experience was wide and vast, quickly coming to an understanding that an Aberrant had risen in the First Hell!

  Aberrants were powerful Infernals that later on went on to become Generals or Scions of the Infernal Lords, with the most powerful Aberrants actually gaining the title of Infernal Lord itself if they grew powerful enough.

  A dangerous light passed through the Grandmaster's eyes as he wondered.

  'Was this the plot of the one interfering with fate? Allowing this Aberrant to rise into an Infernal Lord in the future?"

  A few thoughts passed through the Grandmaster's mind as he stared at a single golden circle, the largest one that represented the most powerful Athena, that continued to shine brilliantly.

  The rapid set of events nailed the decision the Celestial did not want to carry out as his aura blazed outwards from the Monastery.


  "I'll be going out briefly."

  A few words spread out from him and into an unknown location in the Celestial Star as his body shot out of the monastery surrounded by resplendent medicinal herbs, and he tore through the atmosphere of the star before he quickly appeared above in space.

  He gave a brief glance to the shining star below him as his aura grew even larger, his gaze one of calmness as a golden aura wrapped around him, and he streaked across space in an unbelievable speed towards one location- The First Realm of Hell!

  This was something extremely shocking as Celestials such as himself never moved personally when it came to issues, using their mysterious skills and abilities to manipulate the workings of fate behind the scenes, occasionally sending out their Celestial Disciples to act on their behalf.

  Even if they had to personally accompany them, like in the case of a Grandmaster accompanying Athena to closely watch her mission that concerned a certain destroyed world, they would not personally act!

  This was because they were very proficient in the Law of Fate, and knew the immense effects that came with every action that beings like them took. For the sake of maintaining Order, they enjoyed using proxies as they could keep their hands free of karma and continue to conduct things behind the scene.

  The action of this Grandmaster to move out personally was heavily considered in his mind as he knew it could have unintended consequences for the future, but he still made the decision to go.

  He had expected one or two of the disciples he sent out to possibly face their deaths, but never four of them, and never had the thought that he would not even be able to find out the identity of the killer until only a single disciple remained alive.

  This killer...was actually an Aberration in the First Hell, a being that held the qualifications of becoming an Infernal Lord in the future!

  He could not let this Aberration continue to grow, and even more so, he could not let the vibrant Athena face death in its hands. Others could be sacrificed. Others could die. But not her. To achieve the goal of destroying this Aberration early while also ensuring Athena's life, he would have to personally move this time.

  His gaze was determined as his vigorous power that was multiple levels above the Void Rank streaked across space at speeds much faster than even light itself.

  Chapter 273 - A Prelude

  The festive aura that had colored the atmosphere of the various powers that were gathered in sh.i.p.s around the door of the First Hell slowly began to dwindle as more and more powers knew of the deaths of their disciples or trainees.

  Many of these powers had various ways to keep track of the status of their disciple, the number of those facing death quickly becoming known as murmurs began to spread throughout. They could all feel it- something was different about the Infernal Hunt currently taking place!

  "Too many of our disciples are losing their lives, and too quickly at that!"

  "Something is wrong, our Core Disciples would never be taken down this easily. We need to send others in to investigate."

  Various interstellar sh.i.p.s were sending communications back and forth as disorder continued to increase, with no answers in sight as the being responsible, the Infernal Aberration, reaped the lives of trainees and disciples so fast that not a single one had been able to come out alive from the encounter.

  This was true, until just recently!

  A distraught disciple from a Sect in the World of Cultivation was teleported back to their ship, and they returned with great fear in their faces, their body being greatly injured.

  After they were healed, terrifying words came out of their mouths that allowed for the observers around to finally get a grasp of what changes had occurred in the First Realm of Hell.

  "A-...An Infernal with power much higher than the Void Fimmerment realm is in the First Hell!"



  Unbelievable shouts were released from those that heard the words from the distraught disciple, as they directly violated the one rule all of them understood about the Infernal Hell- the fact that any being higher than the Void Fimmerment rank would be rejected from the First Realm of Hell.

  The Saint Realm disciple shook their head despondently as they released defeated words.

  "I- I watched my fellow disciple ripped apart in less than a second, the only reason it did not get to me too was because I cowardly activated my medallion the moment Senior Sister Judy died in front of me."

  The Void Realm Elders of this organization listened to the account of their disciple as their gazes hardened, sharing this information with the other powers surrounding them as they quickly began to move.

  Though it seemed unbelievable and against established knowledge they knew, they quickly acted as the organizations that could contact their disciples through unique ways sent messages for them to use their teleportation tools to quickly return.

  Those that did not have ways could only look on anxiously as they felt the lives of more and more disciples quickly snuffed out. Unease began to spread amongst the various powers gathered around the door of the First Hell as they did not know exactly what to do!

  If the information was true, this meant that even if the Elders of the various powers at the Void Firmament Realm entered to try and save their disciples, they would be facing a similar situation of battling a terrible infernal that was a rank above them. Hesitation filled their faces as they did not know how to proceed, but this did not last long as an oppressive aura could suddenly be felt rushing towards them from a certain direction.

  The various powers turned to a particular direction as they felt the aura of a ridiculous level of power they normally never came across rush towards them. Only a second passed before this aura became visible to the n.a.k.e.d eye, arriving with grandiose fashion it shimmered gold.

  It felt like a blazing being had torn through space and arrived near the door leading to the First Hell as they stood valiantly in space, their aura wildly pulsating out and making many of those nearby feel and oppressive force pushing down on them.

  The light slightly dimmed as those watching finally saw the image of a wizened old man serenely standing in space. The gaze of the old man glanced at the door of hell briefly before it turned towards the Interstellar Sh.i.p.s around it, peering through all the layers as it honed in o
n the figureheads of the powerful forces lying within.

  Soon after, multiple figures at the Void Rank could be seen coming from their sh.i.p.s as they gathered around this powerful old man. Their gazes were those of tension and slight fear as they came closer and closer to him, hearing a resounding voice traveling through space and into their ears.

  "An Aberration has appeared in this Infernal Realm, one that the disciples will not be able to handle."

  The tense gazes of the Void Rank finally gained some understanding as they connected the dots with the words of the frightened disciples, with one of the Void Rank figures, Elder Spacewarp of the Profound Astral Sect, taking the initiative to ask.

  "What can we do?"

  The gaze of the powerful Celestial Grandmaster landed on him as he craned back, hearing a reply soon after.

  "The Aberration cannot be left alive, while the disciples still in the First Hell need to be saved. You all…"

  His gaze pointed towards each of the Void Rank figureheads as he continued.

  "...will be going in personally to help take down this Aberration."

  The expressions of the powerful beings became tenser as they heard this, one of them voicing out with a low tone,

  "Esteemed Sir, we would sadly just be fuel for this Aberration to grow stronger. Our power isn't-"


  A simple word caused utter silence in the surroundings as the Celestial Grandmaster raised his hands, multiple golden lights releasing from his fingers as they descended into the bodies of the Void Rank Elders and Leaders of various powers.


  A holy golden light descended onto the bodies of the figureheads as golden runes became etched into their bodies, feeling an overflowing abundance of strength overflowing through them as they looked at their own bodies in shock.

  "You are now acting as my Incarnations, capable of descending into the First Realm of Hell because of your levels of power, yet being able to use much more with your temporary status."

  The figureheads at the Void Realm felt tremendous strength flowing through them as they looked towards the Celestial Grandmaster with shaking hearts.

  "Quickly go in and meet up with Athena. She will guide you all as you face the Aberration. Failure will not be an option."

  The figureheads of multiple powers nodded their heads as they became accustomed to this new feeling of strength, their figures turning into streaks of light as the golden light covering them pulled them towards a certain direction.

  A slight wrinkle appeared on the Celestial Grandmaster after he used a tremendous amount of essence to descend some of his will and power to create the Incarnations, but this wrinkle was quickly wiped away as his body returned to its vigorous power in less than a second.

  His gaze now went back towards the doorway leading to the First Hell as it peered through the various layers and tried to discern what was happening inside.


  In the Infernal Realm that was the First Hell, Noah had his eyes closed in the Spiritual Land as he was actively using [Insight] once again. Working in conjunction with the Vampyre Prince, they had successfully taken down another two Celestial Disciples, which would only leave two more, Athena and Drax.

  He wanted to see if he could decipher their location by observing multiple possible pathways when he came across a particular pathway that made him open his eyes in shock.

  The Skeleton Knight that was conversing with the Vampyre Prince about their next direction adopted a difficult expression as the golden flames danced in its eye sockets, the undead surrounding it coming to a halt as Prince Cassius peeked out of his blood bubble and asked.

  "What's wrong?"

  His question was only met with a rapid movement of essence as he spread out his senses to discover the Undead Legion around him slowly fading away as the Abhorred Lich Emperor waved its golden Skull Staff and sucked them into an unseen space.

  Noah's voice contained a tone of somberness as it rang out again while this process was occurring.

  "Huge change of plans. Multiple Void Realm beings are soon entering the First Hell, and each of their bodies holds a sort of power that resembles a technique of Celestials."


  Prince Cassius asked with surprise as the Undead around him all but disappeared as if they never existed, with the Lich turning into a streak of light and disappearing soon after, only the bloody bubble that he was in remaining in the air.

  His senses perked up as in the next instant, the figure of a being that was somewhat famous in the World of Cultivation, the well known wastrel of the Profound Astral Sect, Crixus, appeared in the air next to him.



  Chapter 274 - Skill Trees and Resets

  The Vampyre Prince looked at Crixus with unfamiliarity as stern words came out of the newly appearing figure.

  "Come on, we have to move fast."

  "What have you found out exactly?"

  Many thoughts and calculations were passing through Noah's mind as he began shooting towards a particular direction, the Vampyre Prince easily keeping up with him. Noah looked at his stat panel as he replied.

  "I am not completely sure, but because of our actions and something else in this Infernal Realm, an actual bonafide Celestial is most likely pulling the strings and watching what is happening in here."

  Their figures streaked through the fiery skies at high speeds as they ignored the maddened infernals below them, Noah continuing.

  "We now have to keep in mind our identities, and how we should be acting if something had gone wrong in this Infernal Hunt that forced multiple Void Realm beings carrying the stench of Celestials to enter."

  A gaze of understanding passed through Prince Cassius as he was about to speak, when both he and Noah felt the aura of a tremendously powerful being exploding out quite a distance away from them, but towards the direction that they were heading into.

  Their gazes slightly changed as they looked at one another. The more knowledgeable Prince Cassius voiced out.

  "That aura can only be from an extremely powerful Infernal, one that should have already ascended to the Second Realm of Hell, but somehow it is still here. That should be the reason for the Celestial's intrusion."

  Noah nodded his head as he pieced everything together while recalling the golden aura that appeared above the Blood World that Cassius had cast when they had killed two Celestial Disciples. He watched how this aura had descended the moment the two disciples faced their death, and yet it wasn't able to locate them because of the unique feature of the Vampyre Prince's skill, it faded soon after.

  The only two Celestial Disciples that he and the Prince had not come across were Athena and Drax, and it was highly likely that the latter, Drax, had faced death in the hands of this powerful Infernal whose aura they could feel from a tremendous distance away. Following this thought process, it meant that the Celestial who was intruding currently had this Infernal as the target, and they thought that this single Infernal was the culprit for the deaths of all the other disciples that had occurred in this Infernal Hunt!

  Noah continued to ponder, his mind focused on the mentality of Celestials as he asked the Prince,

  "From what you know about Athena, how likely is she to survive the encounter with this powerful Infernal?"

  Prince Cassius looked at Noah closely as his expression became somber.

  "The reason I believed you when you told me I would meet Athena and it would not end well for was because of the few pieces of information that we had managed to uncover about her over the years. From what we have gathered, in the Void Realm, she has no opponents."

  His silver hair shone as he gazed towards the direction they were flying in and continued to speak.

  "If she were to be matched with the powerful aura of the Infernal that we are sensing all the way out here, then I would give her chances of least 50%"

  Noah listened with a thoughtful expression as he replied.<
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  "Well, it seems the intruding Celestial doesn't even like those fifty-fifty odds, and will be sending in multiple powerhouses whose powers feel like the peak of Void Realm towards that same direction."

  "...Her life would then pretty much be guaranteed."

  Noah nodded as he continued to think before he replied.

  "Let's go see how the situation develops. With the arrival of all of these forces though, it seems we will only be acting in the capacity of helpful disciples from other powers at this rate."

  Noah was explaining his thoughts to Prince Cassius as they continued to shoot forth in a particular direction, with more than half of his attention placed on the next Saint+ skill he had been preserving some of the Infernal Skill Points for.

  He was currently Crixus, a disciple of the Profound Astral Sect, and he could not be seen using Necromancy by the multiple powerful Elders and Sect Masters that would be entering the First Realm of Hell under the watch of an Unkown Celestial.

  He held the skills of the dead Crixus and could imitate him fully, but even better yet was the one space related ability he had raised from Saint to Saint+ with the combination of [Aberrant Saint] and a skill he gained from the Magus called Black Serpent, the [Progenitor Transformation].

  The product of these two skills was something that he had already maxed the proficiency of during his 8-day 'cultivation' period when he acted as Crixus in the Profound Astral Sect, where he was actually in the Time Space of the Spiritual Land raising the power and proficiencies of many of the skills he collected for more than two months.

  The product was a skill that had come a long way. From the bases of [Dictatorial Kaiju- Hydra], to the [Calamitous Leviathan], to the [Aberrant Saint], the more offensive space related ability he wanted to play with next using the Skill Points was called [Amorphous Space Beast].

  SAINT+ [Amorphous Space Beast] (0/15):: A unique creature in the Universe that was synthesized from a variety of abilities. Because of its characteristic, it sometimes appears as a calamitous dragon, and other times as a leviathan with an uncountable number of tentacles. Abilities include Spatial Cage, Destabilize, Shattered Star, and Miniature Space.


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