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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse c1-705

Page 222

by Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Game

  It was the being known as the Destroyer, the one that brought dread to the minds of many defenders of the Dark Expanse after they watched his overpowering show of strength at the Witches Layer- it was Crixus!

  A golden light of mercy seemed to be erupting from the face of this golden-robed being as he appeared a few miles away from the figures of the 9th Infernal Lord and the two Star Forging Commanders besieging him.

  The face of Crixus seemed to be full of sympathy as he waved his hands forth and uttered the lines that brought chills into the hearts of many.

  "I am here to save you."


  With a wave of his hands, [Blades of Liberation] that were tens of meters long thundered down gloriously, rushing towards enemy commanders, Mages, and even Vampyres as any caught within them were 'evaporated' in a matter of seconds.

  Of course in reality, they were all sent into Noah's Infinite Realm as he moved them from a hellish battlefield and into a paradisiacal landscape, but the terror a few others felt was real as he raised his hand and caused the appearance of a glowing golden star.

  [Golden Decree].

  The dreadful light this Crixus released was another focal point of the ongoing battle as even Athena who was overseeing the battle in the Realm Dreadnaught wondered what exactly this Crixus aimed to do.

  In this chaotic battlefield occurring across miles of the starry expanse of space, too many figures were moving with their own show of power and strength, but the show revolved around a specific few!

  The light of Authorities continued to shine as strongly as ever as bountiful attacks were released from the two Star Forging Celestial Commanders facing the 9th Infernal Lord.

  "Wicked creature, die for me!"


  Chapter 566 - A F***ing Star!

  "Wicked creature!"

  Commander Verdant's voice rumbled out as numerous sharp [Blades of Liberation] flew out from him as freely as they could, their number easily towering over a few hundreds. On top of this, the sharp blades seemed to be layered with a tinge of green light as they were reinforced by the law of earth as they barreled towards the Infernal Lord who actually released two Authorities.

  He was using the authorities of laws that were lesser than Fate to withstand the Authority of two Fate Lords, his body obviously feeling the strain as the power of the Supreme Law dominated!

  Even though the Authorities of Fire and Water offset some of the oppressive air, many could see that the Celestial Fate Lords actually had the upper hand as they seamlessly threw off the 9th Infernal Lord's attacks while they continued to throw out even more that actually landed.

  Many beings adopted heavy expressions as they did not observe the dominance that they always saw the 9th Infernal Lord showing!

  When he released the terrifying black ray of light which could chain between enemies and cause the eruption of dreadful portals that released destructive lights, these rays of chaotic light would actually not reach the bodies of Commander Verdant and Lylle as they weren't able to find any targets.

  The oppression of two Fate Lord's Authorities was this much that even the wondrous abilities many beings observed from the 9th Infernal Lord actually seemed to be bearable against beings that had achieved similar law comprehensions, especially in a Supreme Law at that.


  Commander Verdant observed the scene as he saw that while the Infernal Lord was receiving their attacks, their damage did not even seem to be acc.u.mulating because of his horrendous defense. But since he and Lylle were pinning the Infernal Lord down with their authorities, he sent messages out to the remaining three Star Forging Celestial Commanders to finally enter the fray so they could all work together to bring this aberrant Infernal Lord down.

  "Janus, Ogda, Xander! Now is the time!"

  His message reached the Star Forgers hiding in the dark as in the ongoing battle involving millions, those involved felt the vibrant appearance of three more Star Forging auras as they looked towards a certain direction in shock.

  At this moment, Athena's eyes were also scanning the battlefield and continuing as she would with her job as a Celestial Commander, still not having received any large commands from Crixus all this time!

  When Commander Verdant called for the appearance of the other three Star Forgers to join hands in defeating the 9th Infernal Lord though, she finally received a command that made her tremble.


  Many being watched with shocked stupor as they saw three more Celestial Star Forgers go towards the ongoing battle between the Infernal Lord and 2 Celestial Fate Lords, their minds reeling from the fact that just for a single 9th Infernal Lord, the celestials had actually prepared 5 beings at the same rank as him just to take him down!




  Those not in the loop watched this scene with disgust as many defenders of the Dark Expanse prepared to throw their lives away to lend help to the Infernal Lord that would soon be surrounded, but their enemy Celestials used this opportunity to further strengthen their defense as they knew the fact that once this powerful Infernal Lord was defeated, they would effectively win this battle!


  The figures of the three Celestial Star Forgers were streaking towards the area of overlayed authorities when at this moment, all the commanders as well as Verdant and Lylle heard the voice of Athena ringing out in their minds, this time revealing shocking information.

  "Stop! It is a trap from the Infernal Lord to lure you all in! He has a third Authority!"


  The three rushing Celestial Star Forgers came to a screeching halt as their essence even exploded to push themselves further back, their hearts trembling as in the next instant, they heard shocking words be released from the Infernal Lord as he actually also had a surprised look with the instant retreat of three beings who should have fallen into his newly expanded authority.

  {{Fate Lord's Authority}}.


  Commander Verdant and Lylle watched on with sinking faces as they saw the spread of a golden light much similar to the one they released begin to rapidly spread out and cover the both of them, only the other three Commanders being out of its bounds because of the quick words Athena!

  Shockingly, this Infernal Lord was somehow also extremely proficient in fate, being so proficient in fact, that he was actually also a Fate Lord!

  "Defiling the law of fate!"

  The three Commanders not under the bounds of the Authority were happy with the timely words of Athena, because they saw the surprised expression on the Infernal Lord because of reactions they should not have been able to make, and they could now safely release long range attacks outside of the influence of the layered authorities to reinforce Commanders Verdant and Lylle.

  They called the use of the law of fate under an Infernal as defilment while they strategized how to reinforce Commanders Verdant and Lylle that were now matched with the three Authorities of this Infernal Lord when they received another message from Athena, and this time it was as frantic as the one before!

  "Commanders Janus, Ogda, and Xander, move to Commander Crixus's position quickly!"

  After having just received the words of Athena with her {Precognition} ability that allowed them to escape the trap of the terrifying Infernal Lord with three Authorities, they acted instantly without question once more as they located the figure of Crixus a few tens of miles away, their bodies streaking towards him at the speed of light as they soon flashed to surround him protectively.

  Commander Verdant and Lylle who had begun casting many defensive skills as they prepared for the reinforcements of the other three Commanders were left alone for a moment as they wondered why they had suddenly pulled back to a position tens of miles away, the two of them not receiving Athena's telepathic message this time around!

  The three Commanders that had swiftly followed Athena's words vigilantly spread out their senses as they expected a
nother shocking show of power from the Infernal Lord or a hidden enemy targeting the genius Crixus, but nothing occurred for a second as they sent a questioning message to Athena. Even though the situation seemed urgent, they did not hear anything back as the next voice they heard actually came from the Crixus they protectively circled to protect!

  "Well then, let us properly start this battle."


  World shaking might erupted out at this moment as the three Celestial Commanders felt a foreboding feeling descending, a shocking set of words being released from the mouth of the one they knew as Commander Crixus, the Destroyer.

  [Aether Star Form].





  Chapter 567: A F***ing Star! II

  In the vastness of space, one could come across varying sizes and shapes of stars, with the smallest Neutron Stars being 10-50 miles long, and you could even have supergiants that reached hundreds of thousands of miles.

  So when an ability existed that talked about the size of a star, it was hard to know exactly what size such a star would take.


  Space cracked and folded as an immense sound of something shattering erupted out, a massive gravitational force appearing thereafter that pushed everything near the area where Crixus and the three Star Forging Celestial Commanders were located away.

  This gravitational force had truly affected too many because the cause of it- the appearance of the terrifying form of a being that was much too large- had actually went on to instantly enlarge to 100 miles, and then continued to expand thereafter in a grotesque fashion!


  It felt like complete and utter silence had descended on the battlefield as everything came to a stop with the appearance of this massive entity, its size being larger than the smallest stars, but still nowhere near as large as the most enormous ones.

  It wasn't even close to the size of the enormous Verittas Fortress that boasted thousands of miles in diameter, but its appearance had a tremendous shocking factor because those watching knew...that it was an ability from a being that had allowed for this form of an actual star!

  An actual. Fucking. Star.



  The shock and horror only became more apparent as the form of this star became clearer, those watching observing the appearance of crackling purple blue Aether that surrounded grotesque tentacles that were miles long and stretched in every direction.

  These tentacles had terrifying feelers and spikes that threatened to wrap around anyone and disintegrate them whole, especially the baleful aura of Aether that had begun permeating outwards a few tens of miles close to this newly appearing grotesque star!

  "Is that…"

  "It can't be…!"


  The color drained from the face of many Celestials as they saw distinct similarities of this grotesque form of a being that had appeared as wriggling masses of tentacles, their fears only being ascertained as in the next moment, the enormously red eyes of this creature in the form of a star opened.


  These glistening red eyes drew in the gazes of many as they contained a brilliant golden and blue hue, seeming like irresistible sinks of light that drew everything in.




  Cries of dismay and shock rang out as even though it was much smaller than the last seen Terror more than a thousand years ago, its form very much resembled the particularly monstrous Terror that had ended the War of the Righteous more than a thousand years ago.

  With a size multiple times smaller, this star-sized Terror of Aether-Cthulhu(Young), made a grand appearance in front of the eyes of many!

  For those that were paying even more attention before everything went down, they would be having a hard time understanding how this terror had appeared between four celestials- Crixus the Destroyer, as well as three Star Forging Realm Celestial Commanders that had rushed towards his location right before the appearance of this creature.

  Where were they all now?!

  For the answer to this, one would have to look at the very center of Noah's star-sized form, where three Star Forgers were panicking evading the massive tentacles that swarmed all around them with the power of Aether, each tentacle trying to wrap around them and strangle them into nothingness the moment they let their guard down!

  Noah's current Star Form was comprised mostly of these massive tentacle feelers that rumbled outwards terrifyingly, these tentacles being his hands and feet as the rest of his body was a round grotesque mass of muscles with his extremely red eyes opening at the very top.

  His entire gaze and awareness of his surroundings were breathtaking as he took the form of something that had now grown to close to 200 miles, multiple times larger than the smallest star that one could find in a galaxy!

  His awareness felt wide and massive, his feeling of strength as his tentacles wriggled grotesquely all around being something he could not even describe.

  Most of all, he felt an astounding sense of freedom that he had not come across before, a freedom in this expansive space that made him just want to float around in this humongous form for years!


  He released a satisfying sigh that reverberated in the ears of every single being in the hundreds of miles around him, this sigh seeming like a terrifying bellow that gave many beings fright.


  He then turned his awareness towards the three Star Forgers trapped within his body, numerous of his tentacles swarming around them as they used powerful skills to cut off any that neared, but even more replaced them as the circular area they were in began closing tighter and tighter!

  It was akin to being in a very tight space, and this space only shrank down more and more every passing second as it aimed to suffocate you into nothingness.

  When you added the grotesque look of massive tentacles and the destructive energies of Aether swarming around them, maybe then you could begin to understand the terror that these three Star Forging Realm Celestial Commanders felt!

  On another side of the battle field, the gravitational push of the newly appearing star affected nearly the entire battle as the forces were scrambled and strewn around.

  Only the three beings using Authorities remained relatively stable, Commanders Verdant and Lylle looking over where three of their brothers should be as they looked with dumbfoundedness towards the appearance of a being that seemed very much like a terror!

  Their brief lapse would be a deadly thing as during this time, the attacks that Noah was holding back thundered towards them in full as destructive rays of aether rained down, his own body beginning to be wrapped in the Light of Fate as he used Fate Lord's Authority to wrap a unique armament around himself.

  His clone had trapped three Star Forgers on one end, his main body trapping 2 more that had more than halfway completed comprehension of the law of fate.

  He was ecstatic as he felt the immense strength on both bodies, but he was more ecstatic for what was to come as he looked at the enemies in front of him. This was because he wanted all the shimmering Fate Lines they had, and he wanted them all for himself!

  Chapter 568: A Grand Show

  In the Realm Dreadnaught, Athena stood with an agape expression as she did not even know how to react.

  She had made multiple predictions and hypotheses in her mind on exactly what Crixus had up his sleeve.

  She had thought about how he could have been a genius operative of the Dark Expanse or someone with a connection to the Infernal Lords.

  She had thought of many other possible scenarios, but never something like what she was seeing right now!

  In front of her eyes and the eyes of many, a monstrous figure of tens of miles had appeared, trapping the three Celestial Commanders that she had sent to that location herself. She looked at this figure as she asked herself-
was this really Crixus?!

  Vredral was also standing by the side as he looked at the chaotic battlefield in shock, him being one of the few that were keeping attention on Crixus, and he had observed the events that happened before this huge change came to be!

  Thus, he was among the many that were so shocked they could not even speak! Grandmaster Vredral turned to Athena with an ashen face as he asked with panic.

  "Athena, what's going on?!"

  Athena was the one in charge of the Realm Dreadnaught currently, and she was the one who should have her {Precognition} ability active at all times to foresee events like these. Yet, Vredral's mind moved rapidly as he thought about how the three Star Forging Celestial Commanders had stopped their movements to rapidly go to Crixus's location, this being very similar to the prior time when they evaded the erupting third Authority of the Infernal Lord.

  Thus, Vredral's mind was in turmoil as he thought about a terrible possibility while he watched the body of Crixus erupt into a star-sized monstrosity!

  The shocked Athena turned towards Vredral at this point, the entire battlefield being placed into a lul because of the appearance of the young form of Terror. Her gaze contained shock and melancholy and she glanced at Vredral and the many surrounding Celestials in the expansive Command Room. Only a few hundred Celestials remained within, two World Rank Celestials apart from Athena staying behind to monitor the changes of the battlefield as well.

  The rest were lower ranked Celestials with power less than the World Realm, thus when Athena received her next command from Noah, none of them could have foreseen what happened!


  The brilliant light of fate glimmered in the command room as numerous golden spears ruptured the body of the two World Rank Celestials first, targeting the lesser Celestials thereafter as blood freely flowed from the unexpected attack within the Command Room.

  Vredral was the only one remaining untouched as everyone but him and Athena fell to the ground at this dreadful sneak attack, the strengthened Athena who had the boosts of two Supreme Laws because of Noah's Guider Type Abilities utterly decimating two World Rank experts and the rest of the remaining Celestials in the Command Room.


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