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Matched: A Galactic Battle Series, Book 1

Page 19

by L H Whitlock

  Emotion welled up and she forced herself to speak through the lump in her throat. “Aray is the planet he relocated them to?”

  “No. He relocated them to a small moon only a few hundred thousand light years from Hilia. He wanted us to see the star system that once housed Hilia and to be reminded of what he could do.”

  “So, why aren’t they there anymore?”

  “The sickness came. Hilians were dying off rapidly. It started out as a common cold then suddenly people were collapsing in the streets. It nearly wiped out the camp. Purfincia, a mineral that is very poisonous to most Hilians, was discovered in the drinking supply. Only the ones that were immune survived. I slowly had them relocated to Aray.”

  “Where is Aray? I have never heard of it.” Lily tucked her feet under her to keep from fidgeting.

  “Aray is not technically a planet. The Developers engineered it. They designed it so it could not be detected by Golan’s Synthnic locators. It is able to drift idly, much like your Base.”

  “What did the Developers want in exchange?” Lily asked. The Developers were not known to be charitable.

  “They agreed on a set amount of harvested Synthnic for their services, and then an additional amount so they would not tell Golan. It may seem harsh, but it is fair. They risk a lot protecting us.”

  “Wow, I never expected to find an entire colony of Hilians. I thought there were only a few left.”

  “That’s what we wanted everyone to think. If word got out of a hidden camp, Golan would wage war against them.”

  “Why would Golan poison the Hilians when he saved them in the first place?” Lily asked.

  “He is scared of our power, of our strength. Hilians are raised in battle and can wield their bio-energy without a converting device. We are the fear of many civilizations.”

  “I never imagined I would meet another Hilian.” Her heart jumped at the thought of being reunited with people of her own race and not be considered an outsider.

  “Golan has become suspicious. He may not know it is the Hilians, but he is actively searching and will eventually find us. Besides the threat of being found, the planet is hardly habitable. It is made entirely of metals. Everything has to be provided to us. Our people are growing restless. We need to destroy Golan and his army. The death toll continues to rise, and we are the only force strong enough to take him out.”

  Lily sat in a stunned silence. Every story she had been told of Ulrick raced through her head. How could everyone be so far off about him? How had she not known, how did the Renegade not know?

  “The only way the plan works is if no one knows,” he answered, seeing her betrayed look. “We will arrive at Aray in a few hours. You may rest in my room until then. I will not disturb you.”

  Lily raised an eyebrow at him, but was too tired to argue. She followed Ulrick through the threshold of his bedroom. He watched her as she climbed into the silky pewter sheets. Ulrick pressed a button on the wall before closing the doors and leaving the room. The ceiling above the bed slowly opened to reveal a window overlooking the vastness of space. Stars gleamed in the distance, dust from a nearby galaxy stretched across the black canvas in an eerily still dust storm. The splash of an orange and red nebula hung hauntingly in the distance, its gasses flaring out.

  Ulrick’s powerful image flashed through her mind—his handsome face, roped muscles and calm demeanor. Her body grew hot and antsy with his image. Her markings stopped moving, signaling that Ulrick was out of range and she felt like a part of her was missing. She found herself unable to push down the feelings of longing and desire. She took a deep breath and was enveloped in Ulrick’s scent of ripe wood, salty seas, and a hint of the metallic smell of deep space. She sighed, curled around his pillow, and fell asleep, feeling as though she had never been so comfortable.


  Ulrick leaned forward in an oversized chair in the common room, rested his elbows on his knees, and looked into the picture of space. A sea of stars filled the floor-length windows. The orange and red of a nebula marked the sky, splashing out like the wings of a schmetter.

  He rubbed his hands over his face and grumbled. He had imagined his conversation with Lily going differently, but could see now that he was a fool to think she would blindly fall in love with him and jump into his arms. In hindsight, he would have approached the situation differently, but some unexpected complications had made the situation even more difficult then he anticipated. It felt good to tell her who he really was, only a few people knew his story, but it left her confused and overwhelmed. Seeing Aray and meeting with the Developers would only strengthen his credibility and he knew she would come around.

  A smile tugged at his lips. He could hardly believe that his mate was asleep in his bed, unfortunately without him, but she was still in his bed and he would take that as an improvement in their current relationship.

  He looked over his shoulder as the door slid open. Gloria leaned in the doorway rubbing her eyes. She took a step into the room, then, realizing she was not alone, came to an abrupt halt.

  Ulrick raised an eyebrow and couldn’t help but be amused by the look on the girl’s face. He had honestly forgotten about her. It seems she had forgotten about him as well.

  The girl’s eyes widened. “What did you do to Lily? Where is she?” Despite her demand, her voice shook with fear.

  “She is resting in my room.”

  Gloria’s jaw dropped open. “What did you do to her?” she screeched.

  “Nothing. We are currently on our way to Aray, a colony of Hilians.”

  “Oh, you mean that planet from the letters?” Gloria ran her fingers through her golden hair, using the rainbow-colored points of her nails as a comb.

  “The letters? Where did you get them? Who else knows about them?” Though Ulrick’s voice remained calm, his heart nearly stopped. If Aray was discovered the entire mission could fail.

  Gloria took a seat a few chairs away from where Ulrick sat. “Lily has them. She only showed me because she wanted me to translate them. She made me swear not to tell anyone.”

  “Were you able to translate the material?”

  “Yes, I specialize in language and culture. I know a lot about Hilians.”

  Ulrick raised an eyebrow. “Where are the documents now?”

  “Lily has them.”

  Ulrick nodded, remembering that he put Lily’s cargo pants in the washroom. He would check them to make sure she still had the letter from the Developers.

  “So, it’s true that she’s your Ja’ Kelp Grua?” Gloria leaned forward, her eyes hungry as though she required the information for survival.

  Ulrick paused for a moment, the linguist had completely butchered the ancient term. No wonder she was of no assistance describing Hilian culture to Lily. “It is pronounced Ja’ Keo Gruna.” He took time to enunciate each word separately. “Yes, she is matched to me.”

  “Wow.” Gloria’s voice trailed off.

  Ulrick could only guess at the thoughts that were racing through her head.

  Gloria took a tormented breath. “But you are in alliance with Golan. Lily will never switch sides.”

  He nodded. “I would never expect her to turn on the Renegade. Golan is a common enemy to us both. We would be more powerful if we joined forces. May I get you a cup of hot tea? I will fill you in on what is happening.”

  Gloria’s lavender eyes narrowed. “What kind of tea?”

  “Whichever kind you prefer.”

  “I want lemon-root with a splash of leunet.” Gloria crossed her legs and gazed out the window.

  “I am unsure if I have leunet available,” Ulrick replied, wondering if she was cracking a joke.

  He was answered with a chuckle from Gloria. “All right, I guess I can do without the leunet. Tell me what’s going on.” Ulrick began to explain his story. It would be nice to have someone Lily trusted on his side.


  Lily’s mind was foggy, having just been pulled from a dream. A soft kiss was
placed on her wrist, quickly followed by another just above it. Opening her eyes she found Ulrick hovering over her, his dark eyes glazed with passion. Without breaking eye-contact, he gingerly lifted her arm and placed soft kisses up along the length. Her markings moved so wildly she thought they would race off her arm. She opened her mouth to protest, but found that she had none to give.

  Desire filled her, curiosity and passion fueled her need for more. She felt as though she had been given something that she had been craving all her life. What’s wrong with a kiss anyway? It’s actually nice to be woken up by a man’s affections. Ulrick’s kisses traveled up to her shoulder then, after placing a delicate kiss on her collarbone, he paused, his eyes flicking to hers. His mouth was parted slightly, his breath ragged.

  Lily’s face flushed as she tried to fight the burning desire to reach for his kiss. She eventually gave up and pushed herself onto her elbows, seeking his lips, he dipped his head, meeting her half way. They collided in passion and raw heat and yearning spread through her until she was drowning in desire.

  The instant she parted her lips he slipped his tongue between them, taking complete control. His lips were surprisingly soft. Scruff from a day without shaving tickled her face. His tongue teased her until she gave in and matched his intensity.

  Ulrick positioned himself above her, trapping her between the softness of the bed and a wall of powerful muscle. While she expected to feel uncomfortable she found the contrast erotic and exhilarating and couldn’t help but feel safe when she was surrounded by him. Her markings danced over her body, her nipples hardened and heat pooled in her core. She ran a curious hand over his chest and found herself disappointed that his shirt was in the way. As though he sensed her frustration he removed it, revealing a broad, defined chest. Her hands explored the grooves of his abs and the valleys of hardened muscles, reveling as they tightened beneath her fingers. She traced the symbols that moved across his chest and shoulders. She had heard that only the most powerful and distinguished Hilians had markings that developed past their arms.

  Ulrick trembled as he fought for control. He positioned a knee between her thighs and leaned into her, cutting off her adventure to start one of his own. His lips followed the curve of her neck until he reached her shoulder. Trailing his hand down her side, he followed the arch to her hips. She gasped as she felt his hardened member press against her thigh. Her markings danced wildly, jumping to blend with his. Black reached to blend with brown until she couldn’t tell which part of the erotic dance was hers.

  Suddenly, she was overwhelmed. Her heart raced, her skin was hot with passion, and her breath staggered. Ulrick locked his gaze with hers, his eyes blazing with primal need. Lily knew, without a doubt, that her look matched his. Unable to stay locked in his lust-filled gaze, she glanced over, her RAB catching her eye. Anxiety choked her and panic had her scrambling away from Ulrick’s affections.

  His voice brought her back to reality. “Good rising, A’ Kilini.” Though Ulrick’s voice was thick with need he pulled away from her as though he understood her every fear.

  Lily’s heart fluttered. He was ignoring his own needs to make sure he did not push her, even if she was willing. Though she was grateful, she was also irritated that he stopped his advances. “Good rising,” she replied, her voice just above a whisper.

  “Do you feel it?” Ulrick murmured. His eyes were half-lidded, showing only slivers of a blue that matched the depths of an ocean.

  Lily remained silent. She did feel it. No matter how hard she tried to push the feelings down she hadn’t been able to think of anything but him since the first time she saw the warrior on Alvernon. She longed to tell him so, but what would her team think? They would call her a traitor. They would banish her. Though her body and heart ached for him, she had to verify that he was not aligned with Golan and that his story was true.

  Ulrick bent to kiss her one last time before retreating, his eyes twinkling as though he could read the unspoken answer on her face. “I know I will not earn your trust easily, A’ Kilini. Once you see Aray, and meet with the Developers, you will know that I speak truth.”

  Not knowing what else to say, Lily answered the only way she could. “I look forward to seeing that.”

  Ulrick pressed his fingers to his forehead, his frustration evident in the wrinkles feathering around his eyes. “We will land on Aray in one hour. I will see you in the control room.” He turned and left the room, not bothering to put his shirt back on.

  Lily watched him leave, unable to take her eyes off the rippling muscles of his back. What was that phrase Gloria always says ‘hate to see you leave, but love to watch you go?’ Now I understand the meaning.

  Lily lay silent for a while, gazing up at the picture of space. Gone was the painting of a nebula. The rhythmic flashing of a pulsar replaced it. Like a search light guiding a lost pilot. Surrounding the spinning ball was a ring of dust and gas, the remnants of the once thriving star. Small planets floated around the cloud, still devoted to their once life-providing sun, though all it provided for them now was death.

  She really hoped Aray would provide the answers she needed, because if they didn’t she wasn’t sure how she could stay loyal to the Renegade and deny Ulrick’s lure.


  Ulrick was preparing for landing when Lily walked into the navigation room. Her light blonde hair hung in carefree waves past her shoulders and her cheeks pinkened from a hot shower. The tank he had provided her seemed to be a size too small, but that worked in his favor as it clung to the curves of her breasts. He took a steadying breath. Just seeing her made his heart race and his pants feel somewhat tighter then they had before. She glanced at him, her cheeks brightened to a soft red and she quickly diverted her gaze. A smile tugged at his lips. She seemed to be as affected by their kiss as he was.

  “So, what’s up with you two?” Gloria asked, leaning in the doorway.

  Lily jumped and spun around to face her. “Uh…I am not sure what you mean.”

  Ulrick suppressed a laugh. “Please, sit and buckle for landing.

  Gloria sat in the back of the room, her gaze locked on the window. Lily sat next to him and gazed out at Aray. Her lush lips parted and her eyes widened with wonder. He could only imagine what seeing the engineered planet for the first time was like. For him it felt like lifetimes ago.

  Starlight basked the metal orb of Aray in a soft, golden glow. Surrounding the planet was the faded blue edges of the atmosphere bubble, and fitted to each pole was a giant spike that managed polarity, gravity, and projected a magnetic field. The Developers estimated only another twenty cycles until the atmosphere could no longer protect the planet from radiation and would start to lose its life providing air. This made it even more critical to get his people off this cold, mechanical world.

  Off to the side of the planet hung A’ Gonen. The pink planet was once the only life-providing world in the star system, but when the Developers built Aray the planet was pulled from its original orbit and into a new one around Aray.

  He glanced at Lily. He could practically see the questions racing around her head. “Please secure yourself in your seat and I will answer your questions.” Lily immediately obeyed and locked the belt around her waist. She leaned forward expectantly. Ulrick chuckled. He knew his curious little nymph would take the bait. “What is it you want to know?”

  “What are those? Mountains? Wow, it is a lot smaller then I imagined.”

  Ulrick followed her gaze. The ‘mountains’ were in fact continuous cities of sky scrapers. The metal buildings varied in height, with some rising over a hundred stories. Lights from within the buildings were visible even from this far out. They twinkled like dying stars as the light passed through the atmosphere.

  “Those are buildings and people’s homes,” he explained.

  Lily pointed to one of the many golden holes in the planet. “What is that? Some sort of water supply?”

  “Unfortunately not. All of our water comes from Ha’Wera. Wh
at you are seeing is a hole in the surface, and the glow of the planets core.”

  “A core?” Gloria questioned.

  Ulrick looked over his shoulder and nodded at her. “It is electro-magnetic and holds the surface panels together. It has a mantel of Synthnic, which acts as the planet’s energy source. That is the yellow glow you see.”

  “I did not know Synthnic could be used on this scale,” Lily remarked.

  “The Developers have a method to convert a planet’s life source into useable energy. This is just one of the ways it can be used.”

  “That is the same technology the Developers sold to Golan, they enabled him to harvest and use a planet’s Synthnic. Those damn bastards. They just sell their technology to the highest bidder, they don’t give a damn about the consequences.”

  Her voice was thick with hatred. Ulrick could understand why. It was true that the Developers designed the Detonator, the weapon that was able to draw out Synthnic from a planet. It was also true that they provided the conversion method to Golan. But that was a long time ago, and in good faith. It was Golan who perverted the technology.

  “It wasn’t meant to be like this,” Ulrick said softly, not bothering to argue any further. He had enough he had to convince her of already, he wasn’t going to take on the Developer’s burden.

  Lily crossed her arms over her chest and stared out the window. As they got closer she shifted restlessly, always keeping one hand on the buckle, ready to leap off as soon as they landed.

  Ulrick chuckled. She was more excited than a youngling on their first day of training. Though he had seen Aray many times before, her excitement was contagious and he felt himself tense with anticipation. He guided the ship down into a flattened valley and toward the orange landing pad.

  The landing field was huge, going as far as the eye could see. It was full of ships ranging from fighters to complex warships. Skyscrapers surrounded the landing field, dwarfing the fighter ships. Other, larger ships were being assembled in orbit around the planet. From the surface they looked like looming asteroids.


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