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Crimson Snow

Page 30

by Ina Carter

  When we came into Tanner’s house, Kevin was surrounded by reporters from ESPN trying to grab an interview with him before the official draft started. I knew this was his element, so I kissed him and went to meet with my friends, who were also here. The one person missing was Marina, who was working a double shift in the hospital today, but she promised we’d celebrate next week with her and her boyfriend Trevor. I think she was still avoiding any gathering where Liam might be present.

  Max and Tyron were in the living room chatting with some of Liam and Kevin’s gang. It was great that my old friends were now free and starting a new life of their own.

  I saw Brenda in the corner, watching her son with tears in her eyes, so I approached her. Her eyes shined when she saw me, and she embraced me in a big hug. We got close in the last six months. I didn’t see her after the day in the motel because the FBI took her into the Witness Protection Program, and until two weeks ago, she was in a safe house somewhere. But I had sent her letters through Chris Tanner and tried to give her encouragement and keep her spirit strong. She testified against my father a month ago. I didn’t go to court to watch Robert’s trial- I was done with that bastard the moment I left his house forever. The only time I went was when Brenda took the witness stand, and it was to show her my support.

  “I am so happy to see you, Lauren! Thank you for the letters, baby,” she whispered in my ear when she embraced me.

  “I am proud of you, Brenda! What you did was the bravest thing I’ve ever seen!”

  “Yes, that bastard deserved what he got. Twenty years, Lauren. You must be relieved he’ll be locked up for that long?”

  I was glad that justice was served, and the FBI uncovered Robert’s multiple crimes, especially after Annabelle Barrett started cooperating and gave up all of his dirty business. The viper bargained an easier sentence for herself, but got Robert the maximum for public corruption.

  Two weeks ago, Brenda also testified against her husband. Blowing his drug operation was only a small part of that trial. The FBI uncovered, through Marvin’s connections, a whole international drug ring, so they offered Brenda to enter the Witness Protection Program, change her identity, and relocate, because she might be a target for retaliation by some big drug lords.

  “Brenda, Max told me you didn’t want to move. Why? You are risking your life.” I whispered at her, concerned, but the woman smiled at me and patted my hand, holding hers.

  “I remembered something you said in one of your letters, honey. You said, ‘life has no meaning without love,’ so this is why I refused to go. Max forgave me for everything and we are building our relationship. I love my boy Lauren, and I would risk not just my life, but everything to be by his side. Thank you for being there for Maxi and Ty, too. Those boys need the support system and the new friends they are making.”

  I was also thankful to Kevin and Liam for being there for my old friends when they were released from prison. They helped them find jobs, and Chris Tanner represented them when they won a settlement with the state for being wrongfully convicted and serving time.

  Kevin’s whole family was amazing, and they welcomed me as part of their unit from the moment I stepped foot in this house. It was funny to watch them now, fretting over the draft of their second son.

  Liam and Richard were pacing around, their laughs a little strained, like they were more nervous than Kevin. I sat on the couch next to my boyfriend and looked at him. Kev was unusually calm, just holding onto me and stealing kisses, like nothing else mattered but us. I knew he had already talked with scouts, and he was one of the top picks, as he was considered one of the most gifted baseball players to ever enter the first-year draft for MLB. Teams had been eyeing him since he was in high school, and he told me he got invitations to team practices to try out for three Major teams last summer.

  Everyone was here; his college coach, most of his teammates, including TV reporters wanting to capture the moment that the #1 college prospect was chosen. Kevin already had a buzz around him that he was not only the most exceptional batter in a decade, but he was also an extremely versatile player. He was first baseman for USC but had amazing skills in the outfield as well.

  “Bro, any last words before they start? What are you visualizing – Minnesota winters, San Diego sunshine, or staying at home base? Not saying anything because I don’t wanna jinx it…” Liam teased when the ESPN broadcast of the first round started. Everyone quieted, all eyes were glued to the screen. I knew Kevin was not going to admit it, but I knew his dream team. He never talked about it because, like Liam, he was afraid it was a long shot.

  Kevin didn’t look at the TV or answer his brother. He looked at me “Laurie, all I visualize is you and me,” he whispered in my ear.

  “Same, babe,” I whispered, just before the MLB draft TV broadcast started.

  I looked at the screen as the first two picks were drawn. The fist teams chose a shortstop and the second - a catcher, and then came #3. The room went dead silent, as the commentators showed the Dodger’s scouting room, with all of their leadership hovering over their computers. Liam was smirking, but Richard was biting his nails nervously.

  When the announcer came to the podium, and Kevin’s name was called, the whole room exploded in cheers. They were trying to hug Kevin, Liam was doing a little dance, and all cameras were focused on my guy. He looked at me and his eyes filled with tears. I knew what this meant to him. He was again that young fourteen-year-old boy who lived in a dumpster house, alone in the world, abandoned by everyone, and found his dream in a place where he felt on top of the world. This team that he first worshiped as a fan and became a part of his family’s legacy when Liam was drafted four years ago. Kevin was afraid to dream that this might happen, but fate had a surprise for him. For me as well.

  He pulled me to him and kissed me in front of the whole world like he wanted to share with me the happiness radiating out of his eyes.

  Liam pulled a baseball hat with the Dodgers logo from somewhere and proudly placed it over his brother’s head. He was beaming. “Welcome to the family, Kev!” He hugged him, and his eyes were also moist with happy tears.

  “I didn’t want to say anything, but the buzz in the club was that you were the one consolation prize we hoped to get after the crappy season we suffered. The Dodgers management also thought it was a long shot to score the best hitter of this decade, considering they already have the best pitcher.” Liam winked.

  “Dude, the Dodgers were just afraid you’d have to play against me eventually,” Kevin teased back. Then whispered to his brother, “And to be honest, blame the crappy season you had on Lauren and her screamo sex voice. I had ulterior motives to stay in your house, you know.”

  I slapped Kevin on the shoulder because this was TMI, and there were cameras still recording him, so even in his whisper voice, someone might overhear and find our sex life bigger news than his draft deal. I knew I eventually had to deal with his fame, but being introduced to the baseball world as the screamo girlfriend was not part of the plan.

  Kevin’s phone started ringing, and I knew those were the Dodgers scouts calling to make him an offer. As a third draft pick, this was going to be a bonus in the seven figures range, which was mind-blowing, but I was happy for Kevin that he would finally achieve not only the dream to play for his favorite team, but the success of living without worry. After the years of poverty and struggle, he deserved all of it.

  I snuck out and let Liam and Richard take it from there to help Kevin negotiate. Not that my brilliant guy needed help, considering he was not only an amazing baseball player but a semester away from his degree in business.

  I went to Kevin’s old bedroom and closed the door, looking at the Dodgers poster hanging over his bed. He was really living his childhood dream, and it brought tears to my eyes. I needed to collect my thoughts and consider what this meant for the two of us. I learned enough of how things worked in the MLB, and players usually started in the minor leagues, in the so-called “farm team
s.” There was still a chance he might be placed in another state for the next year.

  The door opened, and Kevin walked in. He sat down next to me and let out a sigh, taking my hand into his. My phone buzzed, and I laughed when I read the text.

  “Grandpa Steve says he is not talking to you since you didn’t go to the Miami Marlins,” I informed him.

  “Well, he’ll come around when I pay him the $500, he ripped off me in poker. That dude is a cheat! At least I can afford it now…I accepted the offer, babe. Do you want to know?” he asked with a smile.

  “Nah, I am in for the sex with you hot thing, not for your money,” I poked him, and made him laugh.

  “Well, maybe you want to know where we’ll be having wild sex in the next year, then?” he teased me.

  That was the most important question that I worried about. I knew it might take a few weeks for the team to decide what minor team Kevin might be best fit for and where he could further develop his skill.

  “We are staying here, babe. Rancho Cucamonga Quakes, they said at least for this upcoming season. Not exactly close for you to get to Columbia Records, 40 miles away, but we can find a place somewhere in the middle. Maybe I can even manage to finish my degree during the offseason…”

  I forgot to take my next breath because this was unbelievable. I was hugging Kev, searching for his mouth to give me the air I needed. He eagerly obliged. Things got heated in a millisecond, considering how much adrenalin was rushing through both our systems, but I pulled away, and his hand froze on my back, where it was already searching the closeness of my skin.

  “Kev, do you believe in fate?” I asked in a whisper.

  “More than ever, Laurie. You are my fate! Not to mention, luck does strike twice apparently, and I got the dream girl and the dream job,” he said quietly.

  “Kev, it’s kind of serendipitous that you got your dream, and I might get mine, and all that without living apart,” I whispered.

  “I think after all the years we hurt missing each other, Lauren, fate or God, or whoever is in charge up there, wants to give us a break. Keep us together while giving us a reprieve from misfortunes. We were overdue for some good luck.”

  Yes, we both deserved all the happiness in the world!


  In the next six months, we both got to live our dreams. We found a nice apartment in Rancho Cucamonga since Kevin's schedule was way more demanding than mine, and he came home around midnight after games. He was killing it, and they were talking all over ESPN that he might be getting yet another award only in his first season. Kevin’s season with the new team was short, lasting only five months, so we didn’t have to be apart for too long.

  He insisted I hire an entertainment lawyer to negotiate my record deal with Columbia. I couldn’t believe my song impressed those executives, and they were willing to give me a lot of freedom to work on my first album. I was a fish out of water when I first got into the recording studio, but the producer on my single, Martha Skinner, was extremely encouraging, telling me my voice and talent would make me a big star.

  It was unbelievable when I heard my song on the radio for the first time. We were in the car driving home from dinner when the radio host announced my debut single. I think I pierced Kevin’s ears, and he had to pull over and jump over the dashboard to smother my screams with kisses. He was over the moon when the song climbed on the charts, hitting #1 on Billboard, only a month after it was released.

  The Record company gave me space to write, and I was close to showcasing a few more songs to them soon.

  Kevin had his last game in Dallas, Texas, and I jumped on a plane to go watch him. He always knew where I sat in the stands, and when he walked out to home plate, he turned to me and blew me a kiss. It was our thing now, and the fans loved it. The jumbotron was pointed at me, to catch that I also gave my guy a “lucky kiss.” The crowd went wild when he hit a home run on his first swing, and my heart expanded with pride. He was truly exceptional and led his team to another victory.

  The day after the game Kevin had a day off, so he said he had a surprise for me. He rented a car and, to my surprise, drove out of Dallas, and toward our old small town. When we reached Fort Heaven and drove down Main Street, there was no sadness in my heart. I was back here much happier than growing up, and the friend of my childhood was now the love of my life. The town had changed, but we still recognized some of the old buildings and the school we went to.

  Kevin didn’t stop anywhere and had some strange smile telling me he had something to show me He told me we could go visit the library and watch a movie at the theater later.

  When we got to the end of town, I expected to see the trailer park where I grew up. I gasped, when I noticed it was gone.

  “Yup, Connie came here last year and told me they tore it down. They built a brand-new neighborhood in place of the park.” Kevin smiled.

  For some reason, I wasn’t sad, but relieved. It was serendipity that those bad memories were replaced by brand new life, one way more joyous than poverty and struggle. Kids were playing in front of their nice homes, riding bikes, and their laughter saturated the air, like the sound of bells at Christmas. Kevin parked at the end of a street and came to open the door for me.

  “You know what’s still there, Laurie? Our meadow.” He smiled and took my hand.

  It was spring, and the meadow glowed with the color of his irises, and my heart started beating faster. He walked me up the hill to that tree that once was our “house.” Like our lives, it had grown even bigger, spread its crown like a shelter from all storms that once threatened us, and spread its roots as wide as the road we had to take to make it back here.

  I was silent, taken by emotions, feeling like we finally made it home.

  Kevin was looking at me with strange intensity in his eyes like he wanted to drink from my joy, merge with me, and relieve all memories we once built together in this small piece of Heaven.

  He only took my hand, opened my palm, and kissed the middle of it, reminding me to hold his heart in my palm.

  “Laurie, I…” he was choking on his words, “You know I love you, right? I always have and I always will!”

  “I love you too, babe! This place was where we found each other, remember?” I whispered.

  “Yes, and this is why I wanted to bring you here… and…” he sighed like he was struggling to find the words he wanted to say. He reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled a bunch of shreds of paper, holding them in his palm.

  “See, I tried to write something down because I knew I would choke, but then it was all too simple, and I have to say something more… I’ll try not to mess this up, so bear with me, okay?… Lauren, I love you in so many ways. As my friend, my lover, my love, but the truth is, nothing seems to satisfy my need for you. I want to experience Pragma with you – the mature love that comes after years of relationship, that is about companionship and deep understanding. I want to share with you Storge – the love for our children, that is unconditional and giving. I want to be your little birdies’ father, and love and cherish our ugly sparrows before we send them strong and free into the world. You make me so happy like a kid on Christmas, babe. So, what’s Christmas without snow?”

  Kevin threw the paper shreds above me, and they fluttered in the air, glittering like real clear frozen snowflakes. Beautiful and pure. I grabbed one and held it between my trembling fingers. I looked at the words, and my heart expanded. “Will you marry me?” it read.

  “It’s magic, remember?” Kevin smiled, but his hand holding mine was shaking.

  Then he was getting down on one knee, and pulling a velvety box from his pocket. He opened it, and the ring inside sparkled like another snowflake, pure crystal, a symbol of all the love this man had for me.

  I was not going to cry because happiness had no room for tears anymore. I kneeled down to face my love and looked into the jade eyes of the boy I always loved.

  “Life without you has no meaning, Kevin. You are
the love of my life, and I will not only marry you, but I’ll be your home. Always!” I whispered, just before he slipped the ring on my finger, and his lips found mine.

  We went full circle, and our family was starting in the same place where it all began.




  Thank you for reading CRIMSON SNOW. If you loved Kevin and Laurent’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it, I would be so grateful if you could spend a few minutes leaving a review.

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  Thanks a million and until we meet again,

  Ina Carter

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