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Scold's Claim

Page 4

by Marie Hall

  Turning his head to look at the woman nearly naked in his bed, he considered going back and finding one of his truer blades and ending her where she sat. She'd an easy look on her face and she'd moved one leg from beneath the covers. "I did not hear the call you returned," she leaned back against the cushions. Not bothering to adjust the sleeves of the short thin shift to cover her body. "Perhaps now you might acquiesce to Lady Charlotte's wishes? I am willing to give you until spring if you feel the need to show as a grieving husband. But I will not be set back as I wait for you to make our union official. As well, I should think you will find enough… pleasure in the arrangement that—"

  "Shut your mouth," Xavier growled as he headed towards the blathering, oblivious bitch. "I am back, as is my wife, well and fit." He reached the bedside and watched her face grow red, heard her outraged sputtering. "You have no status; you will never have any here." He grabbed her arm and jerked her from the bed. Hard enough she couldn't get her legs under her. Sabrina hit the floor with a cry. She pulled free but stayed kneeling on the floor. Xavier set his foot against her arse and shoved her forward. Sprawled on the floor, Sabrina began to kick and scream.

  "I am to be lady here. I am to be a countess. She is a pig, a whore. She will never be as good as me."

  As Xavier reached for her, his eye caught sight of the lash lying on the bed. The one she likely use to beat his people. The multiple thongs were a mix of thick and narrow stiff leather. A wicked implement. One he knew from his own collection. Not one he'd ever shown Io. It was a weapon to be used on a criminal, not on a misbehaving wife. He hesitated a moment more as Sabrina continued to scream and flail on the floor.

  "I want her out. I want her gone. She should be dead."

  The whip was in his hand and her next words were cut off by a scream of true pain as he brought it down on her naked arse. Welts appeared almost instantly and she stopped failing to try and crawl away. He took a fistful of her hair and pulled her back, to her knees then her feet as he swung the flogger again, catching her in the fullest part of her arse. She screamed, stumbled then tried to run. Only he still had her hair in his fist.

  "You tread dangerously," Xavier said in her ear as he began to drive her forward, out the bedchamber and through to the main room. From the corner of his eye he spotted Landon standing against a far wall, but he remained focused on the woman who threatened Io. He could deal with his squire later.

  "She is not good enough for you," Sabrina yelled, clutching the door frame and digging in her heels to be kept from being shoved out the door. "She is weak. A coward. You need a lady who will be strong, who will control those beneath you and make your equals bend to your will. She is not capable."

  Xavier pulled her back from the door, tightening his grip on the hair until her head bent back. "You have no concept of how very capable Lady Io is," he said then sent her through the portal with a hard shove. She stumbled and slammed against the wall opposite the room, and he stalked her out.

  To his surprise she turned to face him even as she pressed back. He watched her lick her lips and saw the way her eyes traveled his form. Her hands came up, he thought to adjust the shift, cover her nakedness. Only when her hand reached her breast she squeezed it. Hard enough she left nail imprints in the flesh. "She is weak. She will never be your equal. I am your equal." Xavier had to leap back when she set her other hand on his cock and rubbed. The triumphant smile that crossed her face twisted his stomach. "She will never be suitable. She is rubbish and should be treated as such." She stepped towards him and Xavier knew the predatory look she gave him. She saw him only as a way to advance herself, and he'd no doubt once she did, she'd find a way to be rid of him. "Strength, power, are what you need in a wife. I am the best you could have. You will choose me."

  She was almost as frightening as his mother. Almost, and he was no longer afraid of Charlotte. He shoved her back against the wall, only to hear her moan like a woman about to reach rapture. He leaned in close, saw her eyes close, anticipating his kiss perhaps. At the last moment, he shifted to the side. "It takes more strength to be kind than it takes to be cruel. It takes more power to surrender power to another than to hold it all. You are not good enough for a dog. You will never be the goddess my wife is. You will never be as capable, as powerful, as perfect as Io. You will never stand as high should you climb on the shoulders of kings. You, madame, are weak, useless and ugly."

  He heard her gasp but didn't know if it was because she was insulted or because he again grabbed the hair at the nape of her neck and forced her to move. She went forward, stumbling. Every time they passed a doorway or alcove she reached out and tried to stay their progress. Each time Xavier drew back his arm and let the whip fly. By the time they reached the hall, her flesh was crisscrossed with puffy, red welts he could make out through the shift. He'd yet to break her flesh and she'd yet to shed a tear.

  "What are you doing?" she protested as he continued to head toward the door. "What are you doing?" For the first time, he heard the fear in her voice. "Mother. Mother, Lady Charlotte. Stop."

  Xavier held on as she twisted wildly to get away. Compared to Io, her struggle was nothing, Xavier had no trouble keeping a grip. She tried to dig her heels, he pulled at her hair making her bend forward. She tried to go down to her knees, he pulled her up and wondered if she'd be bald before she went out.

  "Charlotte," she screamed and the sound echoed around the empty hall.

  "She is gone, as is your mother. Gone as you will be," Xavier said, and when she tried a second time to get down on her knees, he aimed the lash low, catching her at the top of her thighs. She rushed forward to avoid the pain, unlike with the strokes that came before. Those she seemed to enjoy. He landed another stroke to the back of her thighs as they left the house.

  The sun was near set, a bitter wind kicked up and snow fell again. Looking out towards the gates, he saw what had to be every single man from this house marching in. A few servants too. The men at the head of the procession stopped dead to stare in his direction, several from behind crashed into those who stopped.

  "Move through," came the shouts from the back. "Move through everyone inside before the gates are closed. Move thro—" The man on the horse stopped issuing the order and now, too, stared. A moment later, he spurred the animal through to the inner bailey and right up to the steps. "My lord, you are back. Thank God." Seth breathed then looked to Sabrina who shivered in the cold and finally tried to cover her body with the little material she wore. "Lady Io?"

  Xavier knew it was an evil sneer on his face when he pulled Sabrina around to look her in the eye. "See no one wants you here. No one can stand the sight of you," he told her as he moved to the edge of the landing. "Lady Io is inside. Well and happy. Enjoying herself in the company of her maids."

  "Thank God, thank God," Seth said, blowing out a breath. He turned to look back at the mass of soldiers and knights filing in. "He has returned her," he shouted. "He has returned her well."

  The cheers were wild. Men laughed, shouted, slapped each other on the back, and if Xavier was seeing correctly, some wept. He again looked at Sabrina who didn't look to understand their joy. "No one wants you here," he said one last time. "Get out of my house and do not ever return." With that, he flung her forward. She tripped down the steps and landed in the mud and snow at the bottom. His men looked surprised but not disapproving. "Get out," he yelled at her and pointed to the gates.

  She rolled over and glared at him. Her fine pampered skin now covered in cold mud looked sickly. "You cannot put me out. I demand--"

  "You are no one to demand a damn thing," Seth said as he dismounted and grabbed Sabrina from the ground. "My liege has told you go. Go." He dragged her to her feet then shoved her towards the gates.

  Several men in the crowd reached out and took hold of her arm to fling her further from the house. Hands settled on her back and shoved. Someone in the crowd did pass her a cloak and Xavier made a mental note to find out whom and deal with the man. No one
else, though, gave her any peace. She was put out the main gates and they were pushed closed even while she screamed at him he couldn't treat her like that and she'd be lady of the house.

  He turned to go inside, but the sight of an axe in the chopping block to the side of the house had him headed down the steps. He took hold the heavy tool and hurried back up the steps, inside and back to his chambers. The rooms were empty; Landon wasn't anywhere to be seen which at the moment was best for him. Gripping the axe a bit firmer he went straight to the bedchamber.

  The first solid swing split the footboard near in half. A second swing sent the first tall post crashing to the bed's center pulling down most of the canopy. He set his foot on the thick frame and brought the axe down in three quick, succinct blows. The side he once slept on was left in splinters as he took aim at the head board.

  This bed, this place he use to lay Io in, make love to her in, dream of his future with her in, was more than tarnished. He knew now it was a lie. Maybe not a complete lie, but not the place he once believed it to be. He'd put his wife in this bed thinking she believed in him, trusted him. And maybe she did in some manner. More than she ever allowed herself to trust anyone. But she'd never really given him her whole trust. She'd held back a portion, a small portion. And maybe he'd not deserved it all. Maybe he'd not deserved any of it given what they'd been through. Finding Sabrina in this bed, knowing she'd violated the sanctuary, the refuge he wanted this to be for Io, he couldn't allow any of it to remain.

  Feathers floating down on his nose finally brought the swing of the axe to a halt. Splinters, shredded material and feathers were left scattered across the room by the time he stopped to survey the wreckage. Setting the axe on its head, he leaned over, using the handle as support. A bead of sweat rolled down his brow and dripped to the floor.

  "Io is truly home… and well?" Seth asked from where he leaned in the doorway.

  "She is," Xavier confirmed.

  "And this…" Seth pushed off the frame and stepped in.

  Xavier only shook his head and turned to face the knight he left behind and in charge of the house. He wasn't thinking much of how he presented himself as he smashed the costly and necessary piece of furniture until he noticed Thomas standing in the main room looking in at the destruction. His second and younger squire looked… terrified. "Thomas," Xavier barked at the boy and pointed to the spot on the floor in front of him. Thomas came, but hesitantly. "What was that?" He turned his attention back to Seth. "Were we under attack that every man was out?"

  "I wish every man," Seth said then sighed. "No, we were not under attack. We have been at training. Every man that could physically leave…" Seth turned to look at Thomas then back at Xavier. "And who would not be used by…" He stopped and looked around like he just noticed something. "Charlotte has not shown herself yet?"

  "Because she was set out with Lady Claire," Xavier said, then pulled back his shoulders and faced his squire. "Lift your shirt, Thomas, and turn around."

  "Master," Thomas sputtered, giving a quick sideways glance to Seth.

  "My lord," Seth moaned and frowned. "The boy did nothing wrong, he—"

  "Show me," Xavier commanded and scowled at the knight for interfering. Thomas's lip trembled, but he turned and worked the edge of his rough wool shirt as high as mid back. Xavier's sharp intake of breath was audible and Thomas dropped his head and whimpered. "Who did this?"

  "I am sorry, my lord, I will do better next time I wi…" Thomas started to blubber. The boy was only thirteen and was still mostly knees and elbows. But he was clever and conscientious in his actions. Xavier never told him to do anything twice.

  "Who did this?" Xavier repeated as he pushed the back of the shirt higher. The marks, some still open wounds, went from the back of his neck to below his waist. They would scar, but he was young enough they may not impact him much as he grew.

  "Sabrina," Seth snapped and pulled Thomas away and a little behind him.

  "I will do better next time, my lord," Thomas repeated as he let the shirt fall and turned to face him.

  "Do better? Thomas, you do your best always. This was undeserved and I am sorry I was not here to stop it. It will not happen again," Xavier told the wide eyed squire.

  "Are you going to send me away?" Thomas's eyes shone with tears he tried hard to hold back. "Lady Charlotte said I was going to be sent to Ordfords. They have oubliettes there."

  Both men groaned. To tell anyone, let alone a child, they'd be imprisoned in one of those deep, dark, small holes was cruel. Xavier wondered over the strange obsession his mother had with wanting people to be forgotten, and to know they were so? She'd made a point to let Io know she'd be forgotten too.

  "You are not going anywhere," Seth said, but Thomas continued to look at Xavier for the confirmation.

  "You are not going anywhere, Thomas," Xavier said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

  "Lady Claire said—"

  "Lady Claire is gone. They are all gone." Xavier squeezed his eyes shut. An ache started in his shoulders and tightened his neck.

  "They will be back," Thomas said quietly.

  "No, they are gone." Xavier rolled his head side to side.

  "They always come back," Thomas muttered. This boy clearly shared his wife's opinion of how matters were handled before.

  "I have banned them, Thomas. I do not want them here. I will not allow them here."

  The boy's eyes went to the room behind Xavier. "What about my lady?"

  Xavier opened his mouth to answer, but Sarah calling from the other room, stopped him. "Lord Brice?" She stopped when she saw them, and clearly seeing them made her unhappy. "Thomas," she started. "Why are you not yet with Gail?" She stepped up and took the boy by the arm. "Do you want an infection to grow? Have your skin fall off? Get on your way before I change my mind and not let you train."

  "Oh, mistress," Thomas whined.

  "Sarah," Seth said, and Xavier didn't miss the warning in his tone.

  "You want the boy healed?" Sarah's tone was a bit chilly as she spoke. "Thomas, go."

  "Ah, mistress," Thomas sulked but headed out. "I am better; I do not need to be treated like an infant. And our lord is home I have duties to…"

  "He is healing, Sarah, you do not need to coddle him so." Seth almost sounded like he was scolding. Sarah, for her part, glared at the man before turning to face Xavier.

  "You have not shaved," Sarah stated. "Or changed. Io is asking for you to return. What happened in here?" She pushed past to examine the bedchambers. "Who broke the bed? And where is that bi—"

  "Sarah," Seth yelled before she could finish the insult.

  "She is gone, Sarah. I put her out." Xavier looked between the two people before him now. There was some tension between them different than what Xavier usually noticed. He spoke hoping now to break it up. "Please tell Io I will be with her as soon as I have settled some matters."

  "All right," she said, then looking around once more before turning, shaking her head and walking out without saying a word to Seth.

  "What has gone on here? I spoke with Sarah and…" he faded off when he noticed Seth's scowl. "There is a problem with what Mistress Sarah might have told me?"

  "I would not think so, but perhaps with what she did not mention," the man said, then went red in the face. "Maybe this would be better discussed between Sir Lucas and I."

  Xavier gave the man a hard look. He knew Seth and Sarah were once on the verge of a romance, but Seth didn't have Lucas's permission to formally court the woman, and if he'd done something to dishonor either Sarah or Lucas, Xavier knew he might have to release Seth from service. "Perhaps you should speak with me first that I can prepare for your funeral when Lucas hears."

  "My lord," Seth sounded appalled at the insinuation, but then he flushed. "He would not kill me. Would he?"

  "Over what?"

  "Sarah was being impossible. I was not sure when you would return or if Io would be…" Seth colored up even more. "I did not want Sarah
and the others stirring trouble with those women, but she would not stop and so I put a stop to her."

  "How?" Xavier folded his arms over his chest.

  Seth dropped his head. "Perhaps in a manner more appropriate for her brother to attend." When Xavier lifted a brow at him, he sighed and said, "The same way you settle lady Io." He muttered so much Xavier wasn't sure he'd heard correctly.

  "You thrashed her?" Xavier scoffed. Not Seth. Seth was a mediator. He talked people into doing his bidding.

  "Twice," Seth confessed. "But not on the bare. I did not lift her skirts, I swear." He rushed to say.

  Xavier let the words settle on him before he started to chuckle. He chuckled more and finally burst out in laughter so full and hard it doubled him. It took a moment before he could stop, but all it took was one look at his man to start him laughing again.

  "My lord? Xavier?" Seth whined, waiting for the laugher to die away. "You do not believe Lucas will hate me do you?"

  Xavier slapped his hand on the man's shoulder, fighting off another bout of laughter. "Hate you? I think he might demand the bans be read today, but it could be this will all be in your favor."

  "I do not think Sarah wants that… now," Seth grumped.

  "I would wager this house she does. No worries, Seth, you will have that saucy wench in good time. Now, go tell the men, others are trying to sleep after three straight days of travel in hard weather. Make sure they do not disrupt anyone, then come greet your lady. I am sure she will be much pleased to see you." Turning on his heels, Xavier headed out of the room in search of his bags so he could shave and change clothes before rejoining his wife. The house, now free of the terrible influence of Charlotte Brice, felt brighter and safer, so did he. Not even the knowledge a murderer might be among them could weigh him down at the moment. But like most things in his life with Io, the moment was short lived.


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