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Scold's Claim

Page 23

by Marie Hall

  "Does it matter? The time? Perhaps we might stay abed all this day?" Io said, slipping her hand down his body.

  Xavier lifted his hands and scrubbed at his face. "I made arrangements to see if your new saddle was done correctly. I must at least see to that." He put his hands back on her and started rubbing gently. She shifted into his touch, and the sounds she made reminded him of a cat's purr.

  "I do not have any need for a saddle, Xavier."

  It wasn't the first time he'd heard the disapproval in her tone. She didn't want to ride again. Not even Wednesday. She might spend a few hours every day with the little mare, but only to pet and groom her.

  "Io, you will begin riding lessons. Now," he said, sitting up, causing Io to roll down into his lap. "Do you wish to go with me when I see to the fit of the saddle?" He set a hand on her arse and squeezed. "Or do you trust I know the shape of your… person well enough to make the decision?" He gave her a second squeeze then set to rubbing the spot.

  "I do not care to…" Io faded off, rolling to her back and picking at her nails. "I cannot…"

  Xavier sighed and lifted her up so she sat beside him. "I had the bodies cut down days ago." He'd have like to leave the corpses swinging as a reminder to any who might think ill towards her. He'd have them rot and never know the peace of the grave. But Io wouldn't leave the house because of his want, and with the cold of winter, the rot would be some time in coming.

  "Yes, but you have not…" Io shifted. She wanted the gallows taken down.

  "Very well, Io," Xavier said. He could yield to her in this. He didn't think he'd again have a reason to hang eleven people at once, and for any matter requiring such an outcome, a tree was useful enough. But he didn't want to give up without gaining something. "I will order the gallows taken down today when I see the leather smith. But," he stressed his condition, "you will ride with me when it is gone. That very day."

  She gave him such a look, a mix of concern and disbelief, but then she nodded.

  "Come, get up, you lazy woman." He laughed then gave her a little push as he slid from the bed. Io's response was a loud groan as she fell back to the bed and pulled the covers around her.

  "If I was lazy, you'd have been out of the bed at sunrise, my lord," she sassed, pulling the covers over her head.

  Xavier had to set his hands on the bed to keep upright for the laughter. When he could, he tugged the covers, leaving his wife bared and naked in the bed. "You are the most vulgar, brash and unseemly female I have ever encountered."

  Io stretched and smoothed her hands down her body, arching up to her own touch. "I am, am I not?"

  Xavier grabbed her legs and pulled her to the edge of the bed. "You are and I ask again how did I manage such great fortune?" He bent and kissed her before turning to find his clothes.

  "I asked the very same every day, Xavier," Io said, and when Xavier turned back, he caught the soft smile she wore.

  Every day they worked to rebuild what they once had. No, not what they had, for that wasn't anything more than a superficial thing. Together they were building something that would stand no matter the storm. The foundation stones were falling into place and soon they'd build upward. A structure to shelter them and keep them together, inside, safe.

  Xavier dressed, keeping his eyes on his wife as she moved about and readied for the day. He was indeed a fortunate man, and he'd remember to insure Io knew he knew this. Dressing, he made haste to get through his chores for the day. He stopped to give orders for the destruction of the gallows and then turned his horse towards home. Towards the woman who was his world.

  He was less than a mile away when five riders topped the hill and came at him full speed. The twisting in his gut made it impossible to breathe. Riding through the gates, it was anger that stole his breath.

  "You have no standing here. Please leave." Io's voice rang clear but it lacked conviction. "My lord, husband does not wish you in his house."

  "You insolent little bitch," Charlotte snarled.

  "Madam, speak again without respect for my lady and you will feel my blade," Roth's voice was not lacking conviction and Xavier lengthened his stride.

  "Sir, you speak to a noble lady." The unknown man standing with the group spoke up. Xavier took note of his dress and again his gut twisted.

  "I speak to a —"

  "Sir Roth," Xavier called before more insults could fly. All heads turned towards him and he was pleased to see how many stood shielding Io. Not only his knights but many servants and, of course, Io's maids. Xavier stepped into the fray and pushed his way between the two main players. His wife and his mother. "What happens here? Why are you again in my home?" He directed that question towards Charlotte. "You are barred from these walls." Xavier turned towards the nearest man of rank. "How did she get past the gates?"

  "My lord." Gunther stepped up. "She was concealed inside Cardinal Iconnon's coach," Gunther stated then added, "like a rat."

  "Lord Brice," the cardinal called and pulled himself to his full height, which wasn't much more than Io's. "It is customary in your house that your mother is disrespected so?"

  Not long ago the rebuke would have Xavier cowed. Today, he said, "Lady Charlotte has created the environment she finds here. Her utter disrespect and contempt for both my lady wife and myself has been a disgrace. She was set out and forbidden from returning. I would have her leave now before more is said."

  "You see I did not lie, that woman has turned him against his family," Charlotte snapped and tossed a hand towards Io who was slipping closer to Xavier.

  "You, turned me against you," Xavier countered. "You have done everything you could to destroy my marriage, my wife. But you failed. Now get out of my house and do not return."

  "Xavier," Io whispered as she pressed against his back. "Perhaps you reconcile?"

  "No," Xavier snapped. "Lady Charlotte leave my house, now. I will not have you in the presence of my wife even one more moment."

  "Well," Charlotte said as she folded her hands together and pressed them to her breast. "It is that very notion the cardinal will be dispelling. That this… girl is your wife."

  The holy man stepped forward, and Xavier felt Io pull back. He reached around and pulled her back against him. "Lady Io is my wife. It is a fact, not a notion. Leave my house, madame."

  "Now, son," the cardinal took another step forward. "God requires us to honor our parents."

  "Xavier," Io pleaded softly behind him.

  "God also requires a man to honor his wife," Xavier countered.

  The man inclined his head in acknowledgement. "If the woman is your wife then—"

  "There is no 'if.' Lady Io and I are wed and it is his Highness, my king's, will that we be so, remain so."

  "The pope," Charlotte started, Xavier heard Io gasp and felt her shaking, "has sent his grace to make the determination."

  "You wrote the pope?" Xavier honestly didn't think his mother would do it. He'd never underestimate her again. Her smug expression spoke of her victory. It was premature. "You are a traitor to the crown," Xavier shouted and without command several of his men stepped forward to seize her.

  "Lord Brice," the cardinal stepped toward Charlotte. "There is no need to declare such a dire political state. Your mother only seeks your welfare. A man takes a wife as sacrament, it needs to be done with all seriousness and—"

  "Here, here." Thomas pushed through the crowd and held a rolled parchment out. "Beg pardon, my lord, for searching your cupboard so. But he asked," Thomas pointed towards the cardinal. "I knew you had this there in the box. Only I couldn't find the key."

  Xavier took hold and unrolled the paper even as Thomas was still explaining. He handed it to the cardinal with a smug smile of his own. "Well done, Thomas," he praised and the boy beamed.

  The cardinal read the document carefully and Xavier knew the moment his eyes came to the words. While for Xavier it was the king's wishes and blessing that concerned him, that the decree also contained conformation the Holy Churc
h approved his marriage, never mattered until now. It was, in fact, the first clue that Io was someone of importance, though that never mattered either. He was already in love with his little scold by then.

  "Lady Brice, his holiness has blessed this union. There is no question to its validity. As long as the lady is who she says she is." The cardinal handed the parchment back to Xavier, who allowed Io to slip it out of his grip. She'd never seen the order.

  "Io Desmod stands before you without question." Xavier turned his attention back to Charlotte who stood sputtering in disbelief.

  "This cannot be. She is no one at all. She is not good enough for my family. We know nothing about her. There is no proof she is…" Charlotte continued seeing her argument fail. "I will not have this… this…"

  "Careful, madame," Roth warned and his blade sliding from the sheath sounded above the muttering.

  "She was given unto this union as directed by his holiness and conducted by the king," the cardinal explained what, in truth, was more common when nations, not common people, united through marriage.

  "Who is she?" Charlotte demanded to know.

  "She is the woman I love," Xavier stated loudly. "She is the woman I love, who makes me happy. Do you hate me so much you will refuse to accept this? I. Love. Io." Could Charlotte really hate him so much she would refuse to accept the facts as they stood? Facts she had no power to change.

  "Who would love you? It matters not. Love is no reason to wed. She has no ability to advance this family," Charlotte yelled back as color rose in her face. "She is no one."

  "She is my wife, and that is all that matters to me." Xavier looked around. "All that matters to everyone here."

  "Lord Brice, perhaps you will set your mother's mind at ease."

  Xavier turned his eyes on the cardinal and was pleased to see him shrink back a bit. "Set her at ease?" His bark of laughter caused his men to shift in closer. "The only ease I give is ease to leave. Now. But seeing as you are here, let me say this so it is witnessed by you." Xavier pulled himself to his full height and set his fists on his hips. "Lady Charlotte Brice. I denounce you as my kin. I denounce you as blood. I declare you enemy to me and to all my people. You will leave my lands and you will do so with all due haste. If you cross my borders again, you will be hanged. If I see you near my wife, Lady Io, I will kill you where you stand. If any acting with my authority to protect my lands see you, they will hang you. If they see you near my wife, they will strike you down with my thanks. Now. Get. From. My. Sight."

  "Xavier?" both Io and Charlotte questioned at the same time. His mother was already being dragged out, so he gave his attention to his wife. "You cannot do this. You must try to reconcile. You must not lose your mother. She cannot be replaced, and you will miss her."

  "No, Io. Had she even once in my whole life been motherly perhaps what you say would be true." Xavier kissed her cheek then moved with the crowd to watch Charlotte be dragged from the house.

  She broke free and turned to face him, clearly stunned by the turn of events and the declaration by him. He'd been supporting her for her so long he didn't even know if any of his siblings still did. That was not his concern though. She could beg in the streets to get by for all he'd care.

  "Xavier, you cannot mean this. I am your mother," Charlotte cried out.

  "Good riddance to you," Xavier said with a smile.

  "Xavier?" Io came around to stand before him. "Do not."

  "It is done," he said and pulled her closer. He missed every clue that might have announced the danger. Not until Io's eyes went wide, and she shouted his name, causing him to turn did he even realize what was happening.

  He twisted and ducked as the blade cut deep into his shoulder. Off balance, he went down on his knees even as Neville was bringing the blade down a second time.

  "You will not disrespect my lady," the man shouted. "You will not drive her from here, me."

  Xavier prepared to be struck down as the man had the advantage and there was no defense. The moment passed, though, without the fatal blow, and Xavier turned his head to look up at the man who'd served as his chamberlain for more than a decade.

  The expression on his face was complete shock, and his color was fading out. It took a moment to see what was before him, but then Xavier's eyes and mind connected, and he climbed to his feet and stepped behind his wife whose hands were still on the hilt of the blade running through Neville's middle.

  "I should have killed you the day you arrived," Neville spoke, blood seeping out of his mouth with each word. He lifted his eyes to Xavier then. "You should have died long ago on the field or in a ditch. Either would suit us." His eyes then went to Charlotte who'd appeared beside them. "My lady, you are—"

  Xavier didn't let him finish. He covered Io's hands with his own, and with a sharp twist, he lifted the sword up before shoving it the rest of the way through the man. His life extinguished before he hit the ground. Charlotte's screams echoed through the hall, but Xavier gave her no heed. Rather he took Io, who'd turned and flung herself against him, into his arms.

  "Get her from my house," Xavier commanded. He didn't owe his mother anything let alone time to grieve, for whatever reason she might, this man. Lifting Io in his arms, he carried her to the far end of the hall and set her down as people were pushing around trying to get the bleeding from the wound stopped. "Io, come here." He reached for her. She was shaking so much, she was about to fall down.

  "He would have killed…" she stammered and took a step towards him. "You almost died because I—"

  "No," Xavier shouted and grabbed her, dragging her reluctantly closer. "No. Not anything because of you. Not anything you did, are, caused this." He used his one good arm to hold her against his side and Kate and Sarah tried to staunch the bleeding. "None of it matters, Io. None of it, because you saved me. You saved me." Io leaned against him then burst into tears. "You saved me. I love you."

  The pain had him lying awake late into the night, but he was satisfied with everything that took place. Once things calmed down in the house, once he was sure his mother was being escorted from his lands, once Kate had stitched his shoulder… he felt his lips twitch up. That woman wouldn't hear of bringing in an iron. It'd have been a faster process, but everyone knew it have robbed him of some of his mobility in his fighting arm.

  After all of it, he'd condoned Garrett's orders to search Neville's quarters. That the man indeed turned out to be conducting some clandestine affair with Charlotte was a surprise only to him. Clearly it had been going on for years and the two were using Xavier's wealth to enjoy themselves. As well, Neville must have been assured of Xavier's trust, for he'd not destroyed any of the papers, notes and records of his scheme to free the house, of not only Io, but any wife so he and Charlotte could continue on as lord and lady. He'd already written out several messages directing people in the house to act against Io. Most would have gone to those Xavier already executed. The one still in the house was cut down trying to flee the house. The affair came as no surprise to many, including his wife, and Xavier chided himself for not listening and believing Io when she'd said something about such a relationship before.

  His good arm tightened around his wife, and in her sleep, she muttered several curses. Xavier could only smile and thank God the full matter was settled. Peace was sure to return to their home and, in time, he expected joy too as well.

  Leave it to his wife to wish to cause delays.

  Chapter 20

  Io looked up only momentarily from the parchment she'd received that morning, to make sure she didn't trip as she descended the stairs. Jon had finally sent her a sketch of how she might get the water to flow further from the river. She'd have to speak with some of the builders, but the adjustment to the aqueduct shouldn't be too hard.

  Rolling the parchment, she looked towards the gates at the sound of horses coming. It might be announcing Xavier's return for the day. At first glance, she did think it was her husband, but a closer look said it was not he at al
l. The large man dismounting in the portal between the inner and outer baileys bore a great resemblance to Xavier though and Io could only stare as the man approached. She did note some of the knights in the yards shouted out greetings to which the man responded with a nod or a wave.

  Io made her way down the steps and waited as he boldly stepped up to her. It took her several minutes to put together enough information to guess this man was Alexander. Xavier's eldest brother. His first words to her removed any doubt.

  "I am Lord Brice. I am here seeking Lady Brice?" His voice boomed a bit loud but held the same tenor as Xavier's. It was a little comforting.

  "I am Lady Brice," Io replied softly and with a smile. She didn't want to be rude to the man. She regretted the showing immediately as the man threw his head back and laughed long and hard.

  "You are not. You are but a little butterfly. Pretty, but not the lady I seek. I am after the lady of this house."

  "I am the lady of this house. I am Lady Brice. I am Xavier's wife," Io said, pulling back her shoulders unwilling to be set down by this man.

  Again his response was to laugh long and hard. "You are but a small butterfly. You cannot be my brother's wife. It is totally inconceivable."

  Io felt the burn of tears. Why did Xavier's kin dislike her so? She was about to open her mouth when from behind Alexander, Xavier's voice boomed. "It is not inconceivable, brother, before you stands my wife," Xavier said, stepping up to pull Io to his side.

  "You lie, little brother. You cannot be wed to this." He waved his hand up and down indicating Io's person. "Did you wed only this morning? Surely we can have it undone. You will break her. She is too small. I told you wed a cow. It was the only beast suitable for you. Nothing at all less than a sow else you would kill it with your bullish manners."


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