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Warriors of Phaeton: Hix

Page 7

by Leora Gonzales

  With a growl, Hix pounced. His hot open mouth met her wet creamy center framed by the sharp teeth that did nothing but turn her on the more she saw them. Licking up and down with the flat of his tongue, he applied just the right amount of pressure to take her right to the edge. When he reached her clit, Maggie’s eyes popped open at the firm taps of his tongue as it danced around the pearl.

  Looking between her legs, Maggie soaked in the sight of such a virile man eating her as if he were starving. Long licks up followed by even longer licks down…over and over again until her toes curled, and she was covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

  It was sloppy, it was relentless and it was hot.

  With one hand clutching his hair, Maggie pulled him away. She loved the feel of his mouth but she craved the thickness of his dick. Maggie watched as Hix moved up her body, barely managing to hold back a moan when he gripped his heavy cock. Holding it steady, Hix rubbed the leaking tip over the top of her mound. Skimming the curls, he left droplets of sticky wetness in his wake before working the head between her nether-lips.

  When the hot spongy head contacted Maggie’s clit, she almost shot off the bed. Gripping the sheets, she had no choice but to spread her legs as wide as possible in offering.

  “I want you inside me,” Maggie groaned, her breath hitching as he rubbed back and forth over her opening. “Please don’t tease me. I need you.”

  “I need you too, Maggie-mine.” Hix positioned himself above her, his thighs holding her own open as he wedged himself into the cradle of her body. “Are you ready for me?”

  “Yes, always.” Maggie arched into the pillow underneath her, trying to get as close to him as physically possible.

  “Then have me,” Hix said as he thrust his hips forward.

  Maggie let out a long groan at the feel of his body entering her own. The long slide of his rod took her breath away as he plunged further than anyone before him. It wasn’t until he was flush against her, her pubic hair cushioning his hips, that he stopped.

  “How does that feel?”

  The pleasure was so intense Maggie’s eyes were permanently rolled to the back of head. “Ahhh-mazing.”

  “Not too tight?”

  “No,” Maggie answered honestly, amazed that her body had accepted Hix so easily. “It feels good.”

  “Simply good?” Hix pulled his hips back, withdrawing slowly before punching forward much faster. “I think we can do better than that.”

  “Ohmygod.” Maggie gasped as his balls slapped against the curve of her ass. “That’s amazing.”

  “Amazing is much better.” Hix grinned as he began pumping back and forth with a steady beat.

  Maggie’s bed squeaked a corresponding rhythm to his thrusts as she lay there an accepted the pleasure he heaped upon her body. Dragging her nails up and down his back, she traced the muscles as they moved in an erotic dance. Gripping his tight rounded ass, she kicked against the back of his legs to get him to go faster.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged.

  She was so close she could almost taste it…

  Chapter Ten

  Hix braced himself as Chander landed the shuttle. Casting a glance to his left, he eyed Traeger who sat strapped into his seat.

  Traeger looked over at Hix with a bored look on his face. “The part we are picking up is only a few clicks away. This mission will not take long at all.”

  “We will still have time to pick up supplies in the market, correct?” Granger asked, worry clouding his voice.

  “Of course. We will need to refuel, which leaves us time for the short excursion,” Hix confirmed. “How much yaffa root will you require, Chander?”

  Unbuckling from the pilot’s seat, Chander rose to move toward the back of the shuttle. “At least four bundles. I should have enough credits so long as we receive a good deal at the market.”

  “I have no problem using my contact to secure a better price if needed, Chander,” Hix assured the pilot.

  From there, he and Maggie would visit some of the contacts he had made over the years. Hopefully, one of them would be willing to help him get to Phaeton One, or at least contact a member of his previous brotherhood.

  “I will go with you to the market,” Traeger insisted.

  “Actually, Granger will assist me in the market.” When it looked as though Traeger would argue, Hix cut him off. “I need Chander to refuel while you locate the part we have been ordered to retrieve. Plus, Granger is familiar with the meds needed on this trip, so it would be more efficient for him to accompany me.”

  “I see,” Traeger said with a sour look.

  “We will be back momentarily. Send me a message once you take possession of the part.” Pulling out the thumb-sized remote tucked in his tunic, Hix maneuvered the small hover cart down the ramp.

  Hix didn’t share that he would be monitoring the actions of Traeger using a tracker he had dropped into the man’s pocket. The small device was programmed to automatically download the coordinates Traeger visited to his Verge-issued com-tab once he was back at the shuttle. If he were lucky, his old friend would not only go and pick up the part needed but also lead him to where the women were being stored.

  Although Hix’s main concern was Maggie, his second was the still crated humans awaiting pick up somewhere on this planet. He knew that Kell trusted Traeger more than anyone else on this shuttle and Hix was prepared to use that information to his advantage. If Kell had instructed Traeger to check on the goods waiting to be received by their buyers, Hix was going to find out about it.

  “Does your contact know where to meet us?” Granger asked as he looked around excitedly. Hix would almost think this was his first trip to the Pleasure Sector with the way the young warrior practically bounced on his toes as they left the landing field.

  “Yes, I sent a wave down before we left Verge Prime,” Hix relayed, the truth coming out easily. He had arranged for one of his contacts to assist them in the marketplace to get medical supplies, but that hadn’t been the only message Hix had sent. Using an older outdated com-tab that he had purchased in the market years ago, Hix had also sent messages to a few others he hoped to bribe into helping him and Maggie. The old com-unit had limited range but worked as long as the intended destination for his transmissions were on Euphoria. Another bonus of using the old tech was that the signal couldn’t be traced by the Verge.

  The contact he had arranged for Granger’s market purchases was happy to meet them in one of the plazas surrounding the open-air market. Hix wasn’t surprised as he had promised a hefty purse for any aid that could be given.

  “Rafu will take you to the vendors he knows.” Hix steered the hover cart into a dark but familiar corner of an alley. He was more than aware of the small storeroom door not far down the dim corridor. The door would be unlocked so long as the arrangements he made before liftoff had been carried out as he had requested.

  “Where will you be?” Granger asked with a confused look.

  “I will be here guarding the crate. It would not be smart to leave the bottles of kurra here without protection,” Hix said as if it made perfect sense. “It will bring unwanted attention if we proceed through the market driving a crate on a hover cart. There are many street thieves that would waste no time in separating us from our purchases without pause. And, it would slow our progress.”

  When Granger simply stared at him, Hix continued, “Rafu will take you to the sellers and once you have completed your purchases you will bring them back here to load. That way, we will be able to avoid prying eyes trying to get a look at what we have bought. The value of the yaffa root alone is enough to provoke an attack.”

  Granger nodded. “Understood, sir.”

  “Go and find a man with a blue turban decorated with a large pin on the front of a ramu. Do you know what that is?”

  Granger shook his head.

  “It is similar to the Earth animal called a bison. Do you recall seeing that creature on the vids?” Hix referred to the films of Ear
th that many Phaetons had watched to prepare for their future brides. Familiarizing themselves with different places and animals on the planet had been just one of the small tasks his brothers had completed in effort to make their future human females more comfortable.

  “Yes, I do. Blue turban with a ramu pin,” Granger mumbled. “Anything else, sir?”

  “No.” Hix jerked his head in the direction Granger needed to go in. “Hurry back. Prime Kell does not wish for us to linger.”


  Hix waited until the warrior left the alley before kneeling down to check the readings on the biocrate. Pressing the buttons to initiate its opening, he waited impatiently for it to beep its readiness. Hearing the seal disengage on the lid, Hix took one quick look around to make sure they were still alone. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, he hit the release valve.

  With a loud hiss, the seam cracked expelling the cloying smell of the sleeping agent. Opening the lid fully, Hix held his breath in anticipation of seeing Maggie again. It had only been a few short hours since she had been sealed inside, but it seemed like much longer.

  When he looked inside, he couldn’t hold back a smile. Even sleeping, Maggie exuded a vibrancy he had never before witnessed. Her light-colored hair had almost completely fallen out of the strange band she had wrapped around it. Her lips, puffy and pink, were a temptation he would be unable to resist for long. Not that he wanted to resist. It was with sadness that he noted her fingers still clung to the leash of her lost pet.

  “Maggie,” he said softly, hoping to wake her gently. “Wake up, Maggie.”

  With eyelids blinking, Maggie scrunched up her face adorably. The look almost earning a chuckle from his chest before he realized they didn’t have time for him to sit and stare at her.

  “Jushalittleonger. Issogood,” Maggie moaned. She turned onto her side in the small space and curled into a fetal position. Her legs knocked over two of the bottles, sending a loud clinking noise to echo down the alleyway. “Don’t stop... please don’t stop.”

  “There is no time, Maggie. I need you to wake up, now,” Hix instructed in a firm voice, and frowned when she harrumphed with a shake of her head. “Maggie!” he hissed and shook her shoulder.

  “Jesus Christ!” Maggie yelled, bolting upright in one swift move.

  Hix barely had time to duck and catch the fist she’d shot out in the direction of his face. “It is just me.”

  Maggie blinked at him, her eyes growing larger with every second that passed. Looking around the alley, her mouth dropped open. “Where are we?”

  “We are on Euphoria in the Pleasure Sector.” Hix held the hand she’d swung at him and ran his fingers over the back of it. “I have arranged somewhere for you to hide while I try to uncover where the other human women have been taken.”

  Maggie shook her head at him looking as if she would protest.

  “Maggie…I need you to do as I say for just a bit longer.” Hix pulled out his Verge com-tab and double-checked the screen for notifications from the shuttle or Traeger. “Once I get back to the shuttle I will know for sure if Kell ordered Traeger to check on the shipment.”

  “Can we not call them that?” Hix looked up from the video feed to find Maggie’s face twisted in disgust.

  “I apologize,” Hix said quickly, knowing his reaction at hearing his brothers referred to as a simple shipment would not have sat well with him either. Dropping a quick kiss on Maggie’s forehead, he hoped she understood how sincere he was with his words.

  Maggie rubbed her temples with hands that were visibly shaking.

  “Are you feeling well?” Hix glanced down at the bio readings still displayed on the side of the crate. As far as he could tell, everything looked normal although her heart rate still read as slightly elevated.

  “Ummm…my head is pounding,” Maggie answered without meeting his gaze, her voice shaking with obvious strain. “Do you have anything to eat? I’m so hungry that I feel sick.”

  Hix cursed his stupidity as he dug into the bag of supplies he had packed back on Verge Prime. He knew that humans needed to eat yet had not even thought about getting his own the food she required. And, he did consider her his own. She was his human, his female and before long she would be his bride. Maggie just didn’t know it yet.

  “Here, Maggie-mine.” Hix passed her a small bag containing various breads and dried meats he had the foresight to grab before they left. “Take as much as you need but eat it slowly.”

  Maggie took a large bite of bread before holding out a piece for him. “What’s the plan?”

  Hix waved away the offering. “That is for you. Do not worry about me—I will eat once we are safe. I sent Granger into the market to retrieve the meds he needed while Chander and Traeger stayed with the ship.”

  “Wouldn’t it have been smarter if you had gotten them off the shuttle so we could steal it instead?”

  Hix couldn’t help but be impressed with the way her mind worked. Even while feeling ill, she was showing her intellect. “The shuttle is equipped with trackers. I did not have enough time to learn how to disable them before we had to leave.”

  “Well…damn.” Maggie took another large bite of bread and chewed ferociously at the news.

  “Do not worry. I have arranged for a safe place to hide until the shuttle takes off. Once they have left, we will locate my Phaeton brothers and go home.”

  “Home,” Maggie whispered with a shaky voice.

  Hix realized he needed to correct Maggie before she got excited about the idea of going back to Earth. “Maggie…I want you to stay.”


  “Yes, I want you to stay…with me.” Hix held his breath and waited for her reply, more uncertain than he had felt since he was a young warrior in the training house. “As my bride,” he added.

  Hix watched as Maggie swallowed hard. Her throat worked around the large bite of bread she had finished chewing.

  “But I never planned—”

  “Neither did I, but can you deny the attraction between us?” Hix gestured to the space between their bodies. “It is something I never expected to feel but I welcome it just the same.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Hix.” Maggie gave him a lost look, and her expression twisted something deep in his guts.

  Hix bit back the feeling of self-disgust that swept over him at bringing this up now. This was the last thing she needed on her mind. “Do not say anything. I should not have brought it up just yet.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Yet?” Maggie coughed out.

  The bread she was trying to swallow was getting stuck. Maggie felt as if she were seconds away from choking as she tried to work the bread down her dry throat. Within the last five minutes, she had been woken up after being stuffed in a storage bin, given food after being starved for the last two days, and was told that the alien helping her escape now wanted to keep her.

  She needed time to process…everything.

  Maggie couldn’t believe they had made it off the ship in one piece. “So, what happens now?” Digging in the bag he had handed her, she saw what looked like a piece of jerky. Plucking it from the pile, Maggie sniffed it before stuffing it into her mouth. When Hix gave her a look at her hungry humming noises, Maggie simply gave him a thumbs up.

  “First, you hide over there.” Hix tilted his head to a door she had managed to overlook in her previous perusal of the alley. “Once Granger returns with the supplies, I will head back to the shuttle with him and the cart. Unfortunately, I have to be within a certain distance to the tracker for it to sync to the program on my com-tab. Once I get close enough it will automatically download the coordinates he traveled to today.”

  “Wait, you’re going to leave me here…alone?” Maggie whispered and hated that her voice sounded all breathy and helpless as she spoke. “I mean, what if you can’t get back to me?”

  “I will always get back to you,” Hix vowed, his voice deadly serious. “If there is one thing that I c
an promise you, it is that I will always be there for you when you need me.”

  Maggie sat back, stunned by his impassioned speech.

  “We need you hidden before Granger arrives back.” Without warning, Hix leaned forward and scooped her up and out of the crate. Maggie held back a shriek at the sudden lift and barely managed to grab the sack of food that had almost tumbled off her lap. “Once the download is complete, I will make an excuse to walk back into the market and blend into the crowd. It should only take a few minutes for me to transfer the data before I can make my way back to you.”

  When Hix set her down carefully, Maggie was grateful for his continued support for her shaky legs. “Thank you.”

  “You never have to give thanks to me, Maggie. I am always here to give assistance.” Hix’s hands lingered on her hips where he steadied her. “If you are now stable, I will show you where you will be secured.”

  “Secured?” Maggie didn’t like the sound of that one bit.

  “Yes,” Hix answered. “You will need to lock the door behind me and stay quiet.”

  Maggie followed Hix on shaky legs, feeling unsteady from having not used them for such a long period of time. “Damn, my legs feel like spaghetti.”

  “Is that not a food item?” Hix asked, and his face clouded with confusion at her comparison.

  Maggie snorted. Her mind was beyond trying to figure out a way to explain what she meant with her words. “How long do you think it will be before you’re back?”

  “I am unsure.” Hix patted the tablet that was again hidden in his tunic. “My hope is that Traeger traveled to check on the crates while we have been gone. Of course, I will not know that for sure until the coordinates have been downloaded. If he only traveled to pick up the part needed, we will be out of options and unable to waste time tracking them down.”

  Maggie stopped dead in her tracks. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “I do not understand. Kidding is another word for joke, correct? Why would I tell you a joke?”

  “Because you’ve got to be fucking kidding me if you think I’m going to not try to help those women!” Maggie hissed, barely managing to keep her voice low enough not to call attention to them.


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