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Page 9

by Romy Lockhart

  I need to find that house. I think about it as I order a slice of pie and use it as an excuse to brush my finger tips against the woman’s hand again. I see where the house is, and it’s not far from here.

  I eat two bites of the pie, pay up, and get up.

  The woman stares as I get moving. She has a blank look in her eyes again, but her tone is ominous.

  “Don’t go up there alone in the dark. You’ll be cut into ribbons.”

  I ignore the warning. I can’t really be hurt by anyone. I’ve already died twice. What difference would a third time make?

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Someone needs to get me out of this dress.” Those are the first words out of my mouth as we get inside the hotel room. I glance back when I’m not immediately manhandled from behind. Eli glances at Logan before moving toward me. I breathe out a relieved sigh as the corseted part is loosened off.

  “You okay?” he keeps his voice low and that timbre to it sends waves of desire crashing over me.

  “I just need a shower,” I tell him. Probably a cold one, considering nothing sexy is likely to happen right now. Not while Logan’s still so agitated over what happened at the gig.

  “You want dinner ordered?”

  The moment he mentions food my stomach decides to remember I skipped a meal before the concert. I’m suddenly starving. “That would be nice.”

  “Chinese food maybe?”

  I nod. “Sounds good.”

  I step out of the dress when he finishes helping me, and let it fall to the ground. I’m never wearing the damned thing again. I kick off my heels and head for the bathroom without another word.

  Once I’m behind that locked door, I listen for a few minutes. Waiting to hear if Eli brings up what happened. I know it worried him, but I’m not sure he’d be too blatant about questioning Logan. When all is silent, I decide world war three isn’t about to go down in the other room. I run my shower and inspect my make-up in the bathroom mirror as it begins to steam up.

  I haven’t sweated my face off, but I know my skin will thank me later if I remove the make-up now. I take my time. The concert was amazing, even if I was just the warm-up act. Performing to that crowd invigorated me. It was almost like the first time all over again. The nerves beforehand, the skyscraper-high feeling when I felt myself connecting with the audience, the pure joy of singing every word from the heart. Knowing this is the real me, that this is what I was born to do.

  I loved every second of it, and this is just the beginning. The tour is just around the corner. I can hardly wait.

  The buzz I started to lose when Logan rushed us out of The Snake Pit comes back as I wash the sweat from my body, and the hairspray from my hair. Tension gone, I’m bright-eyed and ready to take on the world. Or two muscular, demanding men.

  Bad girl, Eden. Don’t even go thinking down that track. Logan’s not ready.

  I towel dry and head straight into the bedroom to find something to wear. One night left in town and I’m struggling for clothes. I know I was distracted while I was packing, but why couldn’t I have accidentally brought more than I needed?

  I haul on a vest top and panties before wasting some time drying my hair. I glance out into the lounge and see Eli and Logan virtually at opposite ends of the room. Eli’s at the window, his expression pensive. While Logan sits on one of the couches, gazing blankly at the screen of Nick’s laptop.

  “Dinner isn’t here yet?” I ask as my eyes scour the room for any sign of a room service tray.

  “Not yet,” Eli murmurs as he turns my way.

  His dark eyes are smouldering as his gaze drifts down to the hemline of my vest. He looks hungrier than I feel, though I doubt he’s craving kung po chicken and sticky ribs in quite the same way. Damn. I’m going to give those thick fingers of his a good licking if these rising appetites of mine decide to combine.

  “Damn,” I murmur, eyeballing him back. I take in the casual bodyguard style look he’s wearing; dark T-shirt and jeans. The shirt is tight-fitting enough to show off his well muscled upper body and my gaze can’t help lingering on those strong arms. Hell and damn. It’s almost as sexy as the sheriff’s uniform. My gaze slides to Logan on the couch. Dressed in a similar outfit but in lighter colours, he’s kind of like an angel to Eli’s dark and sultry devil.

  The knock on the door snaps me out of my thoughts just as they’re starting to really heat up.

  “I’ll get it,” Logan says, getting to his feet.

  “I hate to even suggest it, but you should probably put on more clothes if we’re going to eat.”

  Eli’s words have a teasing lilt to them, and it makes me smile. He’s on exactly the same page as I am right now.

  “Then maybe we shouldn’t eat.” The suggestion brings a warm smile out, erasing the slightly sullen thoughtfulness from his expression completely.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t.” It’s always best to save a big meal for after a performance, after all.

  The door closes, but I don’t get a chance to wonder how Logan’s feeling about this. He simply wraps his arms around me from behind while I’m pulling up the front of Eli’s shirt to stroke his washboard stomach. Eli steps back and removes the shirt, before moving back in close and raising my chin to kiss me on the lips. Logan’s hands caress my breasts while Eli’s tongue slicks over mine.

  Heat blossoms at my core, my desire ignited by their joint efforts to seduce me. I run my hands over Eli’s hard chest before my fingers stroke over the bulge in his pants and become eager to free his erection. I can feel Logan’s hard cock grinding against my ass as he holds me close and works my nipples into hardened points. I’m wet and ready by the time Eli tugs at the sides of my panties. He shoves them to the ground just as Logan moves his right hand down from my breast to the fine hair of my pussy.

  Eli’s kiss ends abruptly as two hands reach my soaked lips all at once.

  I gasp out a breath, tensing as I wait for Logan’s response. I gaze into Eli’s eyes as he glances behind me.

  “I dreamt of this,” Logan whispers, his voice husky, full of need.

  “You did?” I ask and get the memory of his dream flashing through my head instantly. He was working with Eli to bring me to climax, no boundaries in sight. Holy hell.

  Eli moves, so he’s at my side, his face close to mine and to Logan’s. My heart begins to race over what’s about to happen. Eli’s right hand covers Logan’s. He slowly pushes downwards until they’re both plunging their fingers inside of me.

  “This?” Eli asks in a low voice.

  “More,” Logan tells him.

  Eli bends his head and Logan pulls my vest down, ripping the material slightly to expose my left breast. Logan’s hand cups my breast as Eli’s lips brush over the tip of my nipple before he sucks it into his mouth. Logan’s grinding becomes intense behind me as they continue fucking my pussy with their eager hands. I almost wish he would pull his cock from his jeans and put it to better use, but I’m starting to feel swollen from the work they’re doing with their hands and I’m getting close to the edge already. Part of Logan’s palm is rubbing against my clit with every movement and it just takes a slight increase in pressure from Eli to tip me over the edge. Then I’m freefalling into ecstasy, lost in the moment of euphoria two of my men have induced. Logan’s lips press to my shoulder as I come, and he continues to pepper kisses along my collar and neck while I moan out my pleasure locked in their joint embrace.

  I hold Eli’s head to my breast and Logan’s head to my neck as my pussy clenches on their fingers. I’m ready for so much more, and I can tell they are too. How did I get so lucky? I’m afraid to even ask out loud. Logan wanted this as much as I did. More, even. I can hardly believe it. He’s changed so much in such a short space of time.

  I release them from my grasp. They don’t release me quite so quickly. Their reluctance to stop only further fuels my already insatiable desire. I could have them all night and still be desperate and begging for
more. Oh. These two are going to be a potent combination.

  When they back away, I watch them strip, and my hands wander to my throbbing cunt.

  Eli gazes at me, stroking his shaft. “You haven’t gotten naked, Eden.”

  My vest is still exposing my left breast. I run my left hand over my skin, shivering as my sensitive nipple sends a jolt of pleasure through my body. “This shirt is ruined. I was hoping you both might finish the job of shredding it to pieces.”

  Four hands willingly grab at the thin material and it pulls apart as if it were made to be torn to shreds. The ruined shirt falls to the floor and my men move toward me, desire in their gazes.

  Neither seems to be taking the lead. My heart-rate quickens as I release they’re running on instinct here. Logan reaches me first and kisses me greedily, hands tangling in my hair. I feel Eli’s fingers stroke my ass before cupping and squeezing. Both hands. Pressing me tightly against them both.

  Eli’s thigh is pressed against my side, which means his cock is digging in to Logan’s hip right now. I reach down two well-muscled backs and grope a little at their asses. Logan’s lips leave mine and Eli tilts my head toward his, kissing me slowly as Logan’s hands move to my breasts.

  I’m gasping when that second kiss breaks, heady with anticipation for what’s coming next.

  Eli moves to let Logan lift me into his arms. A few swift steps forward and I’m being laid down on the big, soft bed. They stare down at me before climbing on, to lay down at either side of me.

  “What now?” Eli asks, his voice soft.

  I glance at Logan and he shakes his head. “This is about what you want, Eden. So tell us.”

  I feel their eyes on me, waiting for my answer. “I just want you both to keep kissing me and touching me. I just want you both.”

  My gaze moves from Logan to Eli. Neither of them are looking at me, they’re staring at each other. It only lasts a few seconds but when they break gazes the air in the room electrifies instantly. Logan’s lips brush mine softly before he moves down to suck one swollen nipple into his mouth. Eli’s kiss is harder, more demanding, but it’s just as quick before he moves to lick languorous circles around the peak of my right breast. I lay back and close my eyes, and my arms are pushed up over my head in unison, pressed into the pillow. They don’t need to pin me to keep me in place. They don’t try.

  Two hands move down my stomach toward the aching mound of flesh between my legs. I gasp in a breath as Eli’s hand parts my lips and Logan’s fingers push inside. Eli moves his hand upwards and strokes my clit while Logan fucks my cunt with his fingers. Their movements are so in tune that I wonder if I’m dreaming. It can’t be real, it’s too perfect. They work me into a frenzy with their hands and mouths, and when I’m gasping and tensing to hit my climax beneath them, they each encircle one of my wrists to keep me pinned to the bed while I come for them.

  “Is she ready?” Logan asks as his head moves from my breast.

  Eli’s fingers move from my throbbing clit into my soaked pussy, pushing in before Logan’s. I gasp in a breath, still sensitive, as Eli tests me with his thick fingers.

  “She’s ready,” Eli tells him, glancing up at me.

  I nod. Hell yes, I’m ready. I bite my lip as they remove their hands. One glance at Logan’s monster cock and my pussy clenches. Eli’s huge dick is almost as big. Oh, this is a deadly combination. I’ll be lucky if these two don’t rip me apart.

  “Take it slow,” I tell them.

  “Move to the edge of the bed,” Eli orders.

  I oblige willingly. He produces lube and smears it over his dick. I watch him make himself slick and wet for me and I get all shuddery in a good way. He directs me to sit on him, reverse cowgirl style. I impale myself on his dick and resist the urge to rock on it, my greedy gaze on Logan as he takes his turn with the lube. He passes it to me and I pour the cool liquid on one hand and slide my fingers into my pussy in front of Eli’s dick. It should be a squeeze, but they opened me up pretty well with their big, rough man-hands.

  “Ready?” Logan asks, moving toward us.

  I nod slowly as I remove my hand and wipe my fingers on the sheets.

  “Lay down, Eden,” Logan tells me, helping as Eli eases us back until he’s lying down on the bed.

  It gets a little awkward while Logan works out the best position to enter, but the second he pushes inside, I’m seeing a whole freaking galaxy of stars all around me. Logan’s grin as he watches me struggle to take his cock on top of Eli’s is just damned evil.

  I love it. I love him, and Eli, and everything they’ve done to me tonight.

  “More,” I whisper, groaning as he gives it. I’m so full I can hardly stand it.

  “More?” He pushes inside deeper, forcing a low moan from my throat.

  “More,” I insist, thrusting my hips a little in invitation.

  He laughs before he goes harder, deeper. Then he’s pounding into me and suddenly Eli’s moaning is close to matching my own. I tense between them, an orgasm building as my entire body begins to tremble uncontrollably. Logan slows his thrusts just as I hit my peak.

  “More!” I cry out.

  He pushes harder and the room begins to swirl around us.

  “Oh, Eden,” Logan breathes out as he spills his seed inside of me.

  He pulls out and Eli thrusts a little harder on his own before his climax hits. Then he helps me move as Logan lies down at my other side. I’m completely, utterly spent. Ready to crash out until morning.

  “Eden, keep those beautiful eyes open,” Eli tells me in a soft voice. “You need to eat.”

  He’s right, though I’m not sure my body cares about that right at this moment. I stifle a yawn.

  “I promise not to fall asleep,” I say, rubbing my face against the pillow. I’m so relaxed I could just about slip into a coma.

  Logan’s hand touches my waist. “I can think of ways to keep you awake while we feed you.”

  He demonstrates his meaning by dipping his hand lower. I groan as his fingers stroke through the fine hair of my pussy, so close to where they completely destroyed me tonight. I’m going to be raw for a week, I can just tell.

  “I’ll stay awake, I promise.”

  “She really must be tired,” Eli says, with a snort. “I’ll be right back.”

  Logan helps to push back the sheets. Then I realise I’m soaked and I don’t want to wind up lying in a wet patch all damn night.

  “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  He helps me up, and I stagger into the ensuite as if I’ve been drinking my weight in cocktails all night. Nope. Just a performance in heels followed by a couple of hours of sexy time with my guys.

  I clean up and find a T-shirt to throw on. It smells like Nick. I figure he’s bringing more clothes over anyway. I step back into the room and find both my guys in their underwear, and the tray of food by the side of the bed.

  “Should Nick be back by now?” I’m not worried, exactly, but considering a dark forces Goddess just might be coming back in a different body to attack me and considering she tried to do that through my men already, I’m starting to wonder how long he’s been gone.

  “He sent me a text,” Eli tells me, settling my worries almost instantly. “He’s on his way back.”

  I inhale just as they’re lifting the lids on the food and my stomach gurgles instantly. Suddenly it feels like I haven’t eaten in a week. I pick up a fork and spear a piece of chicken. It tastes amazing. I demolish half the plateful just standing there stabbing away with my cutlery and devouring every bite as if I’ve been starved for weeks.

  Eli shakes his head at me when I come up for air, but he’s smiling in a way that makes me raise an eyebrow in his direction.


  He just keeps smiling, but his lips part when he realises I’m actually waiting for an answer.

  “You’re cute when you’re hungry, Princess.”

  Logan snorts. “Princess?”

  My cheeks burn. Logan k
nows I despise cutesy pet-names so he’s probably wondering why I’m not going mad at Eli for calling me that. I don’t want Eli to know I kind of like it when he calls me that, but I need to say something, or my head might explode in mortification. Ugh. This Goddess thing is so complicated.

  “Don’t even try to steal it,” Eli tells him, smirking a little. “You’re not suave enough to get away with it.”

  Oh, Eli. Now I love you even more.

  “I wouldn’t attempt it,” Logan says. “Eden would bite my head off.”

  Eli laughs. “She did try that the first time I used it.”

  They start to eat and I put my fork down, ready to relax into a coma now. Well, almost. I would kind of like to see Nick’s face before then. Put my mind at rest that he’s safe.

  I lie down while my guys talk. They switch on the TV and settle in at either side of me. I’m warm and comfortable and my eyes refuse to stay open for a second longer.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Tanya’s blowing up my phone while I rush up to my apartment. The club is jumping, which I should be happy about. I never realised how annoying it was to have to plough through a crowd before. I guess I’m never usually in this kind of hurry. One of my managers attempts to get my attention but I signal that I’m busy as I pass and she nods easily.

  This has to be the way Elise got in. Through the club. I’m not sure how she kept getting in and out, but if she’s anything like Eli, she found a way without too much hassle.

  I let out a breath once the elevator doors close on the night club. I’ll be faced with my problem in less than a minute and I haven’t even considered how I’m going to deal with this. My stomach rolls a little queasily. I don’t like this. Elise and I have been friends for a long time now, to the point where I thought of her as family.

  I get that siblings can be sneaky, but this doesn’t just feel like she’s trying to pull one over on me. This feels like something worse, something I don’t really want to know about.

  Why would she tell anyone I’m her husband?


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