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Queen of Ragnarok

Page 14

by Dylan Keefer

  “Tell the guys to heal themselves before they finish the quest. All of us can camp nearby as well. So make sure you stay in contact with them Neil.”

  “All of us?” Neil asked incredulously.

  “Of course, that bastard has time to plan and gather people. I am sure it will be a large group he will bring. We have to be ready for that.”

  Chapter 28

  “What do you mean the ship got blown out of the water! How are they going to reach there?!”

  “Hmm hold on…” Victor moved out of the camera. I shake my head at the grimacing stress that this was causing me. It seemed Gallivant Gang, their four bases are near the sea we found out. It could map out like a square. It covers almost all of the Fallista Sea. That is how they can swiftly attack ships constantly. Since those bases are in cities, it would be hard to escape them.

  Getting rid of the Gallivant Gang meant we had to secretly storm their base and subvert it. That might take long, real long. So I could not think of that now.

  Victor surfaced, a messy black haired skinny young man with bright jade like earrings.

  “Listen Victor who is there on Backa right now?”

  “Medpack, your Mom, Bain…that is it,”

  “Victor you need to go over there now!”

  His face frowned, “I can swim but…”

  “Ya, I know too long, buy a teleport scroll. What about Valush, where is Neil and why is he not answering?”

  “His status shows…he is dead.”

  “What?!” I bring up the party screen and check, yup Victor was right. But how, I swore it was full just a little while ago. Valush was off line.

  My phone was ringing. It was Brian, he had been calling for a while now. Should be around three missed calls, I gesture towards Victor.

  “I am sending you some gold, buy one. I already have one, I am logging in and going over there soon. I will try to get any others to join in.”

  “Alright,” He nods and the chat window closes.

  I call Brian as I try to connect with Alvain at least.

  “Hello Celina,”


  “What’s up?”

  “Nothing much, just…a lot of stuff really, how is the journalist life treating you?”

  “Not too bad, I got an affinity for these type of things.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yeah, even now not even Luna can hide under the rug.”


  “Yeah I found some links between them and political forces trying to use the game to control the youth.”

  No contact, I click on his status.

  “Sounds like an conspiracy theory,”

  Half his life was gone, he was logged out. I get a notification that Valush is online.

  “Maybe but think about it, so much people play this game. Any fashion in the game becomes the trend in the outside world. You have restaurants promoting their own in game food inside the video game. Trust me a lot of money is being made.”

  I try to connect to her.

  “I can imagine. I am trying to earn some money myself right now.”


  “Yeah, we are trying to run our own business in the game, but it is harder than it looks.”

  “I would suspect, the demand exceeds the supply when you study it.”

  It connects, I type, Idiot where are you!

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nearly one billion players, a few studies show not many get their items cheaply. The cheap gear is usually weak and terrible. Good gear sells for a high price even if they can sell it cheaper but guess why? It’s all about the monopoly. If there was suitable competition, the major groups making custom weapons would have to hit low to get customers.”

  She responds, Some idiots attacked me…

  I glower at those words.

  “Like a price war?”

  “Yeah, but that is unlikely.”

  “The game has so many independent Enchanters and Weapon Forgers, I find that hard to believe.”

  “Most of them operate like spirited freelance, it is done without that competitive edge. You do not have those individuals literally pumping out the goods to subvert their competition. They do it just enough to make a living. Besides they are not that many, few get the available stalls in the game, others operate outside the game’s protection and are considered risky. Most get hired by groups. So no legitimate competition exists really.”

  I can attest to that, Alice and Bourne got hired by us. I wonder? I look at the next message.

  To Backa, grab your healing, I will scorch them!

  Some burning eye emojis, so artistic this madwoman, “Hey Brian, I got to go but thanks for telling me that.”

  “Hey, anytime and tell the others I said hi.”

  “Will do,”

  Chapter 29

  Stepping across from the glossy shine of the rock that nestled the uprising hills to the side, I shiver in the wind. The bushes chatter and whisper loudly as the others moved in crouched positions.

  I did not crouch, with only the thick overgrowth shielding me there was nothing I could see at this distance except the purple tinted earth through the leaves.

  “They are close.” The words slide off my tongue. Valush, Victor, Bain, Mother, Medpack, and me are all under the glorious plateau on which rested, a stadium.

  Its walls broken and battered, and it has seen many battles. It might see a greater one today. What the history books will sing of this battle is still to be discovered.

  The four appeared as specks in the swirling dust flowing by. Before us, we saw no one. They were not gaming out, they were now moving west along the outside wall of the stadium.

  I bring up the party screen, I almost shout but holding my tongue I notice the accompanying map showing a large number of dots moving towards us.

  Too late, Bain and Victor moved forward, arms flexed and faces tight they were ready for anything. I step behind Medpack as a fireball drops close. The blazing flames shoot outward, I hop and weather the sparks with high steps.

  “Black Wonderful!”

  Like a swaying swarm, a clash of steel, Victor rushes through ten people. Bain shoots lighting into one clambering knight, around that lump of armor I see him.

  Moving smooth like butter, shiny metal great sword in hand, the Mata King. Valush casted, a four sign seal, her hands slowly moved back as electricity arcs between the two of them lifting the chemise under her Plate Armor in wild jubilation.

  “Basthion…” It empowers her.

  The Mata King pushes over Bain and tries to step past Valush, she jumped and was level with him.

  “Believer Axe!”

  “Move Vanessa!”

  They clash, as a bright light shines out.

  I cast, “Black Wonderful!” They guys were not doing well at fighting off the horde of players Mata King brought. This was not looking good.

  No, three players leaked through and were coming towards us now. Mata King is being pushed back as she and him exchange sword for thunder.

  Medpack threw knives hitting one player, and completely stopping another, one player, a Flamorish avoided all of them. Medpack threw the knives, the Flamorish spun sending Medpack’s knife wide.

  The Flamorish reached ground, drew a staff, and hit Medpack sending her flying. I backtrack, the Flamorish swings towards me.

  I duck, she trips me, a riveting clang. I hit earth and roll up instantly to see Xavier holding onto the Flamorish’s staff.

  “Sorry for being late.” Xavier said with a thumbs up and a smile.

  I stagger, but nod at him. I cast, “Black Wonderful!”

  “Celina, Victor is dead, we need another Tank!” Bain shouted through gritted teeth. Damn so close, I look far ahead, “Joshua is coming!” I tell him.

  “Joshua!? Joshua can’t Tank!” Bain shouted back.

  I check party status, the life bars were way too low. I cast “Black Wonderful!”

  I will need a quiet p
lace to cast Seraph. I cast again, “Blac…” Joshua died, how?

  Xavier was pushing back at least three players well but more were coming. The map showed us too scattered… this was not good.

  “Guys I need a place to cast Seraph, either that or some more people to cover me.”

  A vast blast of light rose into the sky, the ground shook for a moment. My feet dug into the thin lines of fissure as I cast, “Black Wonderful.”

  Valush and the others were still alive, just barely.

  Bain’s voice, “Hey Celina, I know a place. We passed it on the way here, I think it was a cave. It should be in range of the spell to cover us.”

  “Mark it on my map, everybody else stall, Opa and everyone else help Bain Tank. Go!”

  I ran back and weave my body around the growing bushes, sliding down the incline I reached a valley with a darker tint of purple, the rocks black and rugged.

  Gasping it echoed, I turned. Shooting my head upward, I see nothing. No, got to focus on moving on to that place. The guys are counting on me.

  I continue running and make a wide angle turn around a light grey boulder. Mata King was there, his hair disheveled, I saw sparks of current arcing between the strands.

  He lifted his greatsword with a smile.

  “Now where are you going dear little girl?”

  I clutch my fist, I have to pass this idiot. Before that though, “Black Wonderful, ok lets,”

  Mata King is kicked in the face from Bain, who dropped onto the ground rolling ungracefully. Bain got up first, “Celina go, I will stall here!”

  “You little pest, what the hell you think you doing?”

  I see an arm on fire radiate in Bain’s palm, “Let us find out then, Demode!”

  He hits Mata King’s swinging sword releasing a rushing cloud of flames and ash. The dust lifted in a tall wave as I jump behind Bain and swerve wide of the escaping blaze. I kept running, watching the map and my progress to the spot in mind.

  Corner of my eye I saw the cave, I turn and swiftly rush down seeing my dot over the exact spot. It was pitch black, I could still see the glimmer of light just to my left.

  I breathed in, “Seraph!”

  The spell activated and I could see the effect. Yes, with this it was an even fight.

  The ground shook, a creaking bashing resonated as I tried to focus. The ground shook even more but it was darker now.

  Looking left I saw nothing but complete darkness. Whipping my head around, I shuddered in anxiety. A low growl, I stiffened, what was that I wondered?

  A pressure hit my side, but I had no time to think, it was consistent, continuous and my life was too low. I tried to shake it, my voice found no moment as my vision blurred white.

  Shivering slightly as I rose, this endearing white surrounding I have not seen in so long, fantastic, I was dead.

  Chapter 30

  Tapping my fingers on the side arm of the chair, the eyes waver at me and around me. Everyone just had nothing to say, well I cannot blame them. I supposed this would be the exact feeling that occurs if I was right.

  The feeling of dishevelment and devastation that comes with knowing you lost. Yes, I was used to losing. But I was not used to losing so close to my goal. Well, maybe that is the ethos of true competition, that only the strong win.

  If such is the case, I have one question, how can Bain win? Is it because I let him?

  “Yo Celina?”

  I turn to Xavier.

  “We need to go out and find that traitor.”

  “Xavier, he gamed out, how the hell are we going to rob him?”

  Xavier flexed his face in frustration. Bain told me to go there, I had no thoughts on betrayal. Actually the worst part about it, I had a forewarning that should have alerted me.

  The way Mata King called out to him, it should have alerted me. But here I am without a staff. I am such an idiot. I cannot believe I fell for that.

  It was clear Bain had it. Otherwise the Kingdom of Pain would not be in such a state of uproar but that is another day in the life of a powerful group.

  I begin, “Right now, I want to hit something.”

  Joshua chips in, “you aren’t the only one.”

  I snort, Neil stands turning to me with that morbid face.

  “So what are we going to do now?” Neil asked.

  I groan, “Neil, I do not know.”

  Valush gestured with wiggling arms, “You better figure out something, we are literally sitting here staring into space girl.”

  “You are telling me…you see me here trying to…not get so angry I throw my body off a cliff and become dead again.”

  Valush countered, “Celina, do not say such depressing thoughts right now.”

  I groan and threw my body sideways, rolling my arms in a makeshift pillow. Neil said, “Celina we still…we mean we are still here. We can fight.”

  “Fight what hmm?”

  Neil struggles to speak, I interrupt him, “we lost the only significant power tool we had!”

  “At least the groups will give us less attention.”

  “Ah, good analysis, what about the current group as it is? Do you think anyone here joined us just for the sake of joining us, no they joined us because we had the staff.”

  All of them looked up at me, standing somewhat unsteadily.

  “I expect half of you to leave today, since we are not destined for the great glory we sought.”

  Joshua laughed, “Celina? You are too negative…”

  I frown, “How am I?”

  Xavier stands up instantly, “Never, you guys I would never leave like this,” Xavier then turned to the others, “I like this group.”

  Medpack nodded, “Me too, I joined because I thought you guys would be fun, it has been fun so far, more wins than losses, even though we got wiped out at Backa.”

  Deabush closed his fist and hit his chest nodding towards me. Bourne nodded in my direction with a smile, then added, “us too.”

  Killon walked below me, he tapped me on the feet and said resoundingly, “me too, we are not defeated yet. Your mom allowed me and Xavier to escape with the God equipment so we still have those.”

  Valush grabbed onto my left shoulder.

  “Everyone here does not give up easy. I owe that lizard a whooping from back then, and I am definitely going to deliver it before I ever leave.”

  Joshua gestured with his outstretched hand, “See, everyone here is ready to fight, think more positive,” He stood up and breathed out, his big arms showing the strength and confidence, “it is not over yet.”

  I nod, a slight smile appeared across my face if even for a moment. I look at Victor, ”So tell us Victor, since Bain is such a friend of yours?”

  Victor shuddered from all the eyes aimed at him. He threw his palm up and waved it in discontent.

  “No, no, no, I had nothing to do with any of this.”

  “So you say,”

  “No, wait seriously… I don’t. I know nothing. Honestly I am surprised he did this, I mean Bain complains a lot but he seemed rather happy with things as they were.”

  “I thought the same thing, but lo and behold, he stabs me in the back again.”

  Victor pursed his lips, Xavier interceded, “Thinking on it, Bain talked with me a lot.”

  I forgot, Xavier was about to tell me something about Bain back then.

  Xavier continued, “Bain was always talking about leaving, saying this was not what he pictured or wanted. You know. I was thinking he wanted an escape.”

  “With my staff?”

  “Pretty much,”

  Alice mused to herself, “Well he has been acting strange for a while now…”

  Joshua remarked, “…actually he has not left the party right?”

  I respond, “Nope, but that being said…I would kick him but that might be a mistake on his part, we can track him because of that.”

  Alice wavered her hands, I look at her, “He did ask me something weird, I did do it for him but I am n
ot sure why he would need one.”

  “What is that, a replica staff?”

  I get this deep throbbing feeling in my throat as I speak, “A replica of my staff?”

  “Yeah, I would make such stuff for people to use in basic trickery. They would need to shadow it though since a simple Identify can reveal the staff’s a fake.”

  Medpack surged up, we stare at her, she struggles to speak, “That is why…”

  I step forward, “What?”

  Medpack spoke more slowly, “He asked me to give him a band that could wrap around something. A band, that when it shadows the object it reads the same information as your staff. He said he wanted to use it like if someone tries to rob you he could make them believe he had it.”

  “But he has my real staff, why have a fa…he gave Mata King the fake. No wonder The Kingdom of Pain is causing a major uproar.”

  Neil interrupted, “Wait, we already assumed Bain was the one that has been selling info on us, but could it be that he used this opportunity to protect the staff?”

  “That is extremely good foresight though.” I say but in a way I was still pissed. What was Bain really planning? Why did he not include me in all of this, I wish I knew more.

  No, I need to call him, I have to get in contact with him and find out for myself.

  Chapter 31

  Sitting in my room gives me time to think, but for some reason I only wanted to hit the wall. I guess this was pretty much decompression time for me in a way. It was enough and naturally I would need to time to study. But my hands just could not reach for a book.

  There was another pain as well.

  “Celina where is Mom?”

  I look at her through the slit in my eyelashes, convulsing slightly I roll off the bed and stand. She flexed slightly on her end, where she was on the further end to the right.

  As my eyes drifted towards her I could not help feeling this tinge of disdain that comes with having an annoying sibling but Watalia always had that trait and still found herself useful in my life.


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