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Queen of Ragnarok

Page 19

by Dylan Keefer

  I get up but get hit instantly. When I hit the ground, I roll up quick and hug the wall. The club swings and Medpack dodges with two knives in hand, she twists upside down, throws one in the top of the head, and slice down its back. Next movement, the two Ogres rush her and she backsteps as the son surges through the damaged opening hitting over the Ogre Medpack killed.

  The son sees me, I draw the Axel Sword, it growls and plunges its Chaos Sword.


  Swerving right, I throw the sword straight at it. The Axel Sword hits against his Chaos Sword and twirls due to a flying piece of wood, probably from a club it rebounds and hits the son in his head.

  Damn even when I throw it bad, it still does not miss. I love these gloves. It squeals as green goo shoots out of it’s temple. Medpack slices up and throws the dagger in the neck falling the last of the two. I ran to her, as the son bellows and chases me.

  Taking off my Breach Gloves I threw them, she grabs them slides under the son, grabs, and drags herself up around its neck. I run in circles. But those fast swipes are hard to dodge.

  “Moonlight,” I duck, crushing all the furniture, cascading shards of wood and shattered glass, around me. Medpack swings and grabs the sword.

  She lost her footing, she almost fell off but she drags it out rolling she stands rooted with it pointing up as the son roars shaking the ground, I fall over onto the busted lamp shade.

  Its eyes were red now, I gesture to Medpack, “it is going berserk!”

  Medpack rounded the sword to her side and smiled.

  “I know,” She says confidently. The son swings down, she merely shifts to the right. She twirls the Demon Sword and it glows, the growth moves like a wild Beast being awoken on the hilt.

  She hops up and swings at the neck disappearing at the instant the son’s fist punches. What I see next, I did not see, I see a glint of a wide gash across the son’s chest that opens up, showing the obvious shear in the armor.

  Medpack had made a critical hit but the son still lifted its huge sword. Medpack readied herself, the son swung ferociously caving in the wall I could barely see because of the dust created.

  A resounding boom, the son staggers back I see Medpack slip out of nowhere as the dust shook off her sliding body now standing she walks towards me and the son falls on his back.

  Medpack gave me the sword and the gloves.

  “Forever Flair I am glad I have you.” I tell her.

  She smiled brightly but twists her wrist in angst.

  She utters, “I’m not used to heavy weapons, my fatigue is worse now.”

  “Yeah same here.” I reply. I bring up a blurb of the map. Breathing out I grab her arm, “Come on,”

  We walked, our eyes twitching slightly to the passing destruction laid and blemished in mass appeal. My sight hovered over the very scope of the damage done. Sooner than that I would see a sight, that goaded me enough to make me vomit, it was Mata King.

  Around him were three Mages, one Mulu, down in front was Alice on bended knees. On her hand was a sign seal, one Mage rushed her.

  “Rolling arrraggh!”

  The sword I threw sent him back onto the ground without an ounce of grace.

  “The sword!”

  The next Mage rushed forward, I see a ball of fire hit him in the side. The Mage shakes it off as Alvain came from a corridor.

  Medpack moved but the Mage had already back stepped from Ron’s swing and Victor’s claws. They had slipped out the shadows hugging the walls. Medpack appeared next to them and hunched over in exhaustion, Victor pulled her up.

  “Thanks,” Medpack said her eyes closed and now she was sleeping. Victor laid her down as the Mage slid back. I came closer now.

  I called Identify on them and gathered as much info on these guys. Mata King looked quite fine and yet that body behind him. Yes, the body of the Ogre boss, next to it, Mother. I stop.

  Breathe, just calm down, I start walking again. This man killed them. I would expect no less.

  He utters with a snarl, “I won’t even say anything to you, you missed your chance.”

  By the time I reach Alice, I hold onto her shoulder like she was my student. She looked up releasing the spell, she dusted herself off in her rise. We nod at each other.

  I sigh, “Oh shut up and come at me!”

  A crash behind him, “Oy!”

  That voice, “Valush?”

  I see her, Joshua, Xavier, Deabush, Killon and Neil.

  Killon speaks, “Sorry we’re late, took a while to navigate them through the Ogres.”

  I laugh.

  Mata King growled, “What are you laughing for, you think you can beat me!”

  “Of course, hell, I do not even need everyone to charge at you. Killon, Alvain, Opa, Victor and me alone, the rest surround and prevent them escaping! Killon you know what to do, go for the legs!”

  They did as commanded. Me and Alvain run at each other, casting, Burndideath, Alvain casts Hellfire. Burndideath hits Opa as Victor pushes back the Mulu. Mata King rushes around and tries to flank.

  He backsteps as he gets caught in the initial explosion of Hellfire, I throw the sword into the air randomly and cast Seraph and hold against the damage. Victor jumps out of the fanning flames and rage kills the Yellow Mage.


  A Ruin Rain, and Raven, are hurled at me. The Black Mage falls over suddenly, Killon speeds by as Victor kills the Black Mage. I cast Casnova Aftershadow knocking me out of Seraph as the light from the Ruin Rain rocks me.

  I cast back Seraph.

  Valush kicks the Mulu back into the ring, Victor cuts him down, Killon trips the White Mage, Victor sends him flying as Mata King appears on my right.

  So does Opa. They rush each other.

  Alvain releases the blast, hitting Opa as he swings sending Mata King flying into the wall collapsing it completely, but he surges up sending rocks flying sporadically as he swings his great sword, Joshua parries as we back away wide of him.

  He rages, “You,”

  The sword drops slicing him, he drops, dust rose in his slumber.

  I fall on my knees as everyone came around me.

  “You alright?” Neil inquires.

  “It must be the fatigue.” I say.

  “Sorry we took so long to come.”

  “Don’t worry I have a potion for,”

  A ping and a blurb appears, I read it.

  You gained the prestige of a Joke of a Jester, you gained, twelve percent to throwing accuracy, Five percent to catching chance, two percent chance of lucky accuracy. You can throw any knife, bomb, and light magical weapons to a basic level.

  I shout, “Guys!” No sound was ever so quiet, yes I like that. I look up at my right hand smiling whole, rolling my head, “What can I say, it never misses.”

  Chapter 40

  Waking up, I did not shiver I just smiled. It was the first time in weeks since I had a good night’s sleep. What was I doing so much, oh yes trying to run a business.

  Well, I ran it straight into the ground and then I revived it. Seems like a fitting end to all of this. I would call Bain or Chester to gloat but he might hate me for that.

  But every day he checks on me so I guess I do not mind.

  Funny that I was thinking of him now, even Joshua and the others were asking about him. I could not blame them it was not like we scorned him he did fool two big dogs in Everscape and destroyed one for us.

  Gwendolyn I heard was so ashamed she went into hiding. Mata King was another issue all together. Taking my time I raise out of the bed, then I readied myself for school.

  There I met up with Vanessa, I already received my morning joke from Chester that was how he liked to wake me up nowadays.

  “Girl you look big as hell.”

  I glower at her.

  “You don’t love your life, do you?” I had to ask.

  She laughed, “Stop it, I am just joking.”

  “Vanessa, leave my weight out of your mouth.”
  I need to start exercising. All that game playing slumped on my back has just made things worse. We met up with Jody and Fiona then ate.

  Jody I heard joined Black Carnage, a group dedicated to only recruiting the best of the best. Medpack told me she was once asked to join but she refused mostly because each member has to stick to a tight and high quota in bringing in Gold for the group. Nowadays they have better ways of making that Gold, they do it in the Ranked battles.

  These Ranked battles happen in the stadium on the continent of Norurt. It is where groups can send their best warriors and bet Gold on them. It was newly introduced and has since become very popular with the players.

  I also heard Marric joined them, Cathory and Marric on the same team, frightening.

  Fiona had still refused to talk about it. Vanessa was not as tactful as me however.

  “So how is Golden Blaze nowadays?” Vanessa asked with an innocent smile.

  I shoot a glance at Vanessa.

  Fiona almost laughed, “You do not give up do you?”

  Vanessa pushed her body over the table, almost having Fiona drift back from taking up the dumpling on the plate.

  “Now come on, we are friends aren’t we?”

  Fiona retorts smartly, “Funny, you tell me nothing of Ragnarok’s comings and goings, why should I tell you a damn thing about my business?”

  Vanessa groaned at her, I snickered lightly.

  “It is good to hear of your deeds though, Celina you really turned into quite the leader.”

  A bit taken aback, I look at her with squinted eyes.

  Fiona continued, “Crushing the Kingdom of Pain and the Witches of Light you pretty much ended the monopoly in the video game.”

  I blink at her, Vanessa nudged me. But that felt so much not like me. I knew the aftereffects of what occurred, but I was not really the type to take credit for it. Much less say that we… Ragnarok… was aiming to do that.

  We were not, it just happened that without those two big forces. Independent players could now freely roam and sell without the Kingdom of Pain and Witches of Light setting the price by hoarding materials and controlling areas that would give them.

  We replaced them, but we were not that selfish or cutthroat so things felt liberated. In a way I suppose it was good to get recognized for being a good person, a good company. I guess this is what they call a business with a social mission.

  Still…“Well I learned from the best so…”

  Everyone looked at me as Fiona’s blank face melted into a tender smile.

  Then she went off, “Of course you did, I mean after being with me for so long it would be expected honey!” With gestures and waves of her fork to emphasize my compliment, the moment I realized I am surrounded by narcissists.

  Guess it comes with the territory.

  Vanessa lapped it up, “But she has surpassed you now.”

  “At least she did, unlike some White Mages…” Fiona’s voice trailed off but we could clearly hear it, the look Valush gave her could kill.

  Later in the afternoon was the moment, standing in front of the class to give this presentation was something else. But I have to thank Wata.

  I brought out this board that had pictures I took of the game pasted on, Wata took the screenshots of maps and helped me organized the statistics and financial data I got from Neil.

  “Class, today I will do my presentation showing you how I used Everscape the video game to start a business currently earning me two thousand dollars per month as a salary. The business makes a gross profit of two hundred and eighty thousand dollars, net profit is fifty thousand, and we are currently still growing and are in the process of cutting our costs using innovative methods within the rules of the video game.”

  Murmurs and whispering a plenty buzzed around the room, even the teacher was eyeing me like I lost my marbles. A raised hand, I point at it.


  “What is the name of this business?” The girl reluctantly asks.

  I straightened and proudly proclaimed.



  “A minus?!”

  Medpack swirled the drink in her glass. Neil passed by and slapped me on my shoulder, I stick my tongue out at him.

  Joshua continued bawling, “We created a empire and all we get is an A minus? I demand a recount!”

  “Isn’t a A minus really good? What you complaining about?” Alvain told him.

  Bourne was behind the counter, “better yet it is not even his grade.”

  “That too,” Alvain agreed.

  “Hey,” Joshua says, then he shifts in the middle of the room with arms open wide.

  “We worked hard, we deserve an A plus.” Joshua finished.

  Valush’s voice, “Joshua shut up.”

  Joshua looked her way and scoffed, “Make me.”

  “Boy, do not make me drag you to Norurt and make that wish come true.” She retorted.

  Joshua comes closer, “What if I want you to?”

  Valush scoffs, twirling away from him.

  The rest of us laugh, Valush gestured towards me. Guess that was our cue, I leave with Medpack. We run into Ron at the entrance, which was bigger with thicker Nonpath reinforcement.

  “Ron you ok?”

  “Yes I am fine, do you need anything?” he said quickly and pertly.

  I shake my head, “No, continue your rounds. I will be here until four.”

  “Yes Celina,” He said brightly the two chaos weapon wielding Ogres bowed at me before following him. Me and Medpack went outside. Far above the leveled forest, Valush and Mom were there. Made of brick, it was twenty feet tall with a little window for far viewing. This was an outpost we created.

  Sometimes we girls like to come out here because we just like to. That and we are supposed to. The outpost needs to be manned from time to time after all.

  “Dear you should be proud, you will be graduating soon.”

  I groan, “not like I did very well.”

  “You got a average of B plus, stop being so depressive.” She replied.

  “You forget my father expects A pluses and honors with a cherry on top, I did not get close to that.”

  “So wait who was top in your class?”

  “This madwoman,” My hand was pointing at Valush. Medpack and Mom looked at her, then me, and then her. The incredulous look on their face would almost make me laugh, almost.

  “What… is that surprising?” Valush asked nonchalantly.

  “Yes,” we said in unison. She waves us off.

  “Still, what do you want to do when you leave school Valush?” Mom asked.

  “Not sure, I do modeling already, so I could continue that.” Valush responded flatly.

  “That is good, what about you Forever Flair?”

  “Not even sure, I do not have anything much going on in my life, actually I do not like real life. I do not have any friends outside of this, so I like being here more. Right now I want to become powerful, you know like Celina, and you Valush. Seeing Gwendolyn made me realize I can go further.”

  That explains why she is online so often. Valush gloats, “That’s a tall order there girl.”

  “True, but I want to achieve it.”

  Mom inquires, “What’s your name outside this and where do you live?”

  “Shana Altitone, Japan.”

  I stand up, “Japan huh? You have a webcam, we can talk outside this. You are one of us now, so you are never alone.”

  She nodded neatly and Mom mouthed something.

  “Hmm?” I made towards Mom, she stared and laughed. Now I am curious.

  “I would ask you, what you want to do but you probably would not know,” Mom utters looking out.

  “Business,” I reply.

  Mom shoots me a look.

  “What is that surprising? I kind of like it, sometimes you never realize how good you are at something until you try it. You know.”

  Mom smiled at me, “I feel the same way, Rio
introduced me to this game. Told me it would help me kick the boredom when I am not writing. But wow, I am inspired. I now have a story in mind.”

  “Let me guess you planning to use characters like us?” I ask playfully.

  She rocked her head from side to side.


  “What? Miss Alison, I’ll have you know I can sue you if you do that without my permission.” Valush asserts in a regal fashion.

  “Valush get out of here!” I utter.

  Medpack and Mom were laughing, as me and Valush went at it again like we always do.


  “Valush said what? That girl is crazy…”

  “And you aren’t?”

  Chester twisted the ice cream and probed it into my face. I stare at him and walk around him.

  “I do not like strawberry.” Showing my chocolate ice cream prominently, he still tries to make me eat it.

  “You are annoying,” I say.

  “Take a taste,”

  “You have not answered my question.”

  “Always with the questions I do not want to answer.”

  “You love to hide things.”

  Chester whips his head away and licks off a portion of his cone.

  “Sometimes it protects you.”

  “I rather be hurt than close myself off from people. That is how I see it. The pain, it gives me more than if I stayed safe and sound in the crib. You have to adventure out you know.”

  “You talking Ragnarok right?”

  “Everyone misses you, you know?”

  He scoffs, “Doubt that,”

  “They miss your complaining.”

  “Nevas will be dealing with my complaining, so you should be happy,”

  “So you joined Shadow’s Grace?”

  “No, I joined his second group Buju of the Water.”

  “He has a second?”

  “Yup the Shadow’s Grace his solely his, Buju of the Water was cofounded by him. It has a different leader. But he is considered the boss of both. Oh, guess who I saw there?”


  “Fiona, I was like, she didn’t recognize me though.”

  “Is that so…” Wait until Valush hears about this.

  I smirk at him, “Well you are graduating next year, any plans for the future.”


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