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Always Crew (Crew Series Book 3)

Page 22

by Tijan

  We saw it happen.

  Cross clenched his jaw. I tightened my grip on my knife.

  And then, in slow motion, Blaise tapped the side of Harper’s head with his finger. And his trademark smirk appeared. “Get it?”

  I checked.

  Zeke looked shocked, his eyes wide and his mouth opened a small bit, then his gaze snapped forward to Harper.

  I felt Jordan moving in behind me.


  Cross’ brother was going to force a fight. It was a different matter if Cross, Jordan, Zellman, or I did it, but someone not crew? Our hand was getting played without our permission. That would not fly, but we were here. We were in this situation. We’d do what we needed to do.

  A primal sound came from Harper, but he only jerked forward and shoved Blaise back. “What is your issue with me, man?! Because of what I said about your girl? I was complimenting yo—”

  He hadn’t noticed that absolute raw rage that was coming over Blaise.


  We all stopped for a second, because it hadn’t been Blaise who hit Harper. Or Zeke.

  Standing at the side, the same twin-like, murderous look on his face was Cross.

  His face was grim, his jaw set in stone, and as Harper fell down, Cross stepped forward, his foot coming down on Harper’s hand. He ground his heel over it.

  Screams filled the air, sending chills down my spine as it mixed with the techno and rap music.

  There was a pocket of silence and a snapping sound was heard.

  I cringed. That was a bone being broken.

  Some of Harper’s frat brothers started to move in, but Zeke threw his hands out. “No!”

  The guys held back, but they weren’t happy. One snapped at Zeke, “What the hell, man?”

  Blaise looked at his brother, a vein sticking out from his neck, and he shoved Cross back. “I don’t need you to do my work.”

  Oh, hell no. Now he didn’t need us to do his work?

  I moved in. Jordan was at my back, but Blaise bent down and scooped Harper up. He threw an arm around his shoulder and scanned the crowd. Ignoring the phones and cameras recording us, he kept looking, jerking Harper with him as if he were a rag doll. That told me Blaise’s adrenaline levels were off the charts. He might look like as if he’s tightly controlled right now, but he wasn’t. He was every bit as wild as Harper was looking, though Harper was starting to look green in the face. His hand was flapping in the air, too.

  Spotting someone, Blaise pointed into the crowd. “Jessinda. Come here.”

  A girl moved forward, stepping into our circle, and I recognized the handprint girl.

  Unlike a lot of the other girls, she was wearing a dress. Strapless. White. As she moved forward, it shimmered. Her hair was styled so it looked natural, but hair like that was never natural. Diamonds were dangling from her ears, matching the diamonds on her sandals and around her wrists. She looked very classy, and annoyed, judging by the pinch of her nose.

  “What do you want, Blaise?”

  He pulled Harper tight against him, looking as if he were jerking around a friend. The hard look in his eyes didn’t match his grin, and the sight was a little unhinged. “You know this boy and your girl Tab dated, right?”

  Her eyes were narrowed, her mouth flat. “Yeah. Why?”

  A bunch of girls came in, crowding behind her. They were all dressed similarly, in white dresses with diamonds hanging from their ears. A few looked nervous. Some were annoyed. Some were intrigued, casting glances at Jordan and Cross, then the rest of the other guys. More than a couple were fixing their hair, but Jessinda kept on point, staring hard at Blaise.

  “Did she tell you it was against her will?”

  Jessinda’s eyes went flat—wait. What?

  I jerked around to Blaise. “What are you doing?”

  That was my narrative to say. Well, mine because I was the one who handed out the beatdown the first time, but also Tab’s and Jordan’s.

  “What are you saying?”

  Harper was still cringing, cradling his broken hand against his chest. He didn’t seem to hear what Blaise was saying.

  Blaise raised his eyebrows at Jessinda’s question. “I’m saying your girl Tab was with this douche because his dad,” he shook Harper a little, “owned a bad loan over her dad. She was with this dick because he told her if she spread her legs, he’d get his dad to back off the loan.”



  I shared a look with Cross, but Jordan was at our backside. He was rushing in. “The fuck you’re saying?!”

  This was different from what he’d been told. Tab said she went to Harper, not Harper extorting her. That flipped everything on its head, again.

  Blaise’s grin was still cool, scanning over us as he went back to Tabatha’s sorority sister. “I bet you didn’t know that about your girl.” He was looking over at the rest of the girls. “I know your house is connected to theirs. You guys cool with keeping a guy like that in Zeke’s frat?”

  I chanced a look at Zeke. His eyes were closed, and his head was hanging. His mouth was pressed tight. Then his lips moved, and I saw he was counting down under his breath. Ten, nine, eight, and so forth.

  Jessinda looked at the other fraternity guys. “That true?”

  They all shared a look, all shifting on their feet.

  Zeke opened his eyes now, giving his best friend a hard look before turning his eyes to her. “Yes. We had a house meeting last night. He admitted it to us.”

  Jessinda’s mouth hung open. A startled laugh came from her, but it was harsh sounding. “He did that to one of my sisters?”

  “She was one of yours for two months. She’s gone—”

  She snapped at the fraternity guy who had stepped forward, “She took the pledge. She’s one of ours. That makes her one of mine.” Her eyes were fierce, her whole face tightening up and rigid. “You all know who my father is. My mother.”

  I studied the sorority sisters and then Zeke’s fraternity brothers. Not one of them spoke up. Acceptance and resignation seemed to hang over the guys, and one by one, they looked at Zeke and gave him a small nod. As they did, they turned and left until it was just Zeke standing. He looked at Blaise, who was still holding Harper upright.

  Zeke’s hands were still in fists at his side, but he cocked his head to the side and his arms jerked. He forced his fists open, his palms pressing against his sides before he took a large breath. “Let him go, dude. We got him from here.”

  Blaise shoved him at Zeke, who caught him, and Zeke and Harper took off, too.

  Jessinda cast us a shrewd look before addressing Blaise. “Kinda shitty you did that in front of witnesses.”

  Blaise shrugged. “Did that for my boy and my girl. I keep my promises.”

  Her head lifted back, and she was taking him in in a whole new manner. Want and lust flared for a brief second before she stamped it back down. “Too bad you and your brother are taken.” She looked at me. “I know you’re friends with Tab. I’ll tell her myself, but maybe it’d be good if she heard from you as well. She’s welcome back anytime. We’ll all have her back. There’ll be no judgment or shame in our house, not when it comes to one of our sisters.”

  I nodded.

  She dipped her head down before turning. She and her sisters left after that.

  Then it was Blaise and the rest of us.

  Cross and I had been holding Jordan back. He’d been moving in, closer and closer as that whole conversation happened, and sharing one look, both Cross and I stepped aside.

  Jordan was through in a flash, and he punched Blaise, a clear hit across the face.

  “What the hell?”

  Jordan stood over him, seething. “You knew that shit for twenty-four hours and didn’t tell me? Fuck. You.” With that said, he left.

  Cross and I followed.

  From: Tazsters

  To: Cain Group, Blaise DeVroe, Aspen Monson


pen called me and told me the truth. The dirtbag was never Zach, or Zeke (who I thought it was), but Tim Harper. I hate all y’all. I’m kidding. I think Tabatha told me the real name, but I kept thinking it was Zeke that we were all hating. Okay. I feel like I’m there with you guys now.

  By the way, Bren texted me that you’re all going bowling. I’m sending my twin a gift.

  Payback’s a twin, hmmm?



  We went bowling.

  The lanes were packed, which I noted to Brock as he checked us in. Trundle was there, but helping someone else.

  He handed over our shoes, saying, “Yeah. Some pics of your group got on social media. It’s been a slow trickle since then, but you’re right. We’re doing good in the bowling business again.” He gave a short laugh. “Should probably think about fixing the sign outside and repaving the parking lot.”

  I grinned, taking my shoes and handing out the rest. “I kinda like the Coug r Lanes, myself.”

  He chuckled, then nodded to the guys as they moved to where we’d be bowling. “You doing okay? Your head. Ready for tomorrow?”

  I was supposed to go out in the field tomorrow. I knew they were planning on tracking down two jumps.

  I nodded now, everything inside of me getting tight, but solid tight. Like I was finally ready tight. “I’ll be fine. I’ve had concussions before. That guy knocked me from behind. I’ll watch my back from now on, better.”

  Brock’s grin turned grim. “You and me both. We shouldn’t have left you alone. That’s half on us, too.”

  The door opened, and I looked over my shoulder, then did a double take. Blaise was coming in, his arm around Aspen, and the rest of Aspen’s friends were filing in, too. Her roommate, whom I’d met a couple times now, Jade. Then the floormates: Veronica and Angeline.

  Jade’s gaze went right to where Jordan was picking up a bowling ball. She swallowed, taking a tiny breath.

  Blaise came over, his arm lifting from Aspen’s shoulders as she and her friends went right over to where Cross and Jordan were.

  Cross saw them and looked at me. His eyebrow raised. He was noting where his brother was, and I shook my head at him. I didn’t need him at my side, not for this one.

  Blaise noticed the little exchange and laughed under his breath as he moved in next to me. But he didn’t say anything.

  Not me. I started right in. “Your brother punched him because he worried you were going to start in and not be able to stop. He did that for you, ya know.”

  “I know.”

  He sounded cool and calm now, but my pulse was spiking. “Why shove him? Why throw that in his face?”

  Glancing at Brock, who was standing there, Blaise sighed and turned back to me. “My relationship with your boy is complicated. You know that.”

  “I know you’re a dick. That’s what I do know.”

  He shrugged, saying to Brock, “We’ll do a lane by them. Five of us, six, maybe. Maybe three games?”

  “Zeke?” I asked.

  He skimmed a look at me before handing over his card to pay, telling Brock the shoe sizes that were needed. “Can I ask you for a favor?”

  I should’ve been surprised, but I wasn’t. Not at this point, not with this guy.


  “Aspen doesn’t know that Harper did something. I kept that under wraps from her.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Aren’t you Mr. Honesty? That’s holding the truth from your girl.”

  He flinched, his eyes going over my shoulder for a moment. “I know. I don’t like it, but Aspen’s been through enough shit.”

  “What’s the favor you want?”

  “Aspen and her girls are doing a girls’ night next weekend since this one didn’t pan out. Jade’s cool. She’s got her eye on your boy, so they might ask you to join them. I know your history with female friends is spotty, but could you join them? I have a feeling Veronica is going to take them to a party, and I’m still worried about Aspen. Harper was pushed out tonight, but I don’t know if it’ll stick. He’s got some loyal friends in the house. They might push to get him back in, and if Veronica takes the girls to one of their parties, I won’t be there. You get what I’m saying?”

  Fuck. “Payback?”

  He nodded, his eyes flaring for a second. “Yeah.”

  I already knew what I was going to say, but sighed and nodded. I knew I’d say yes the instant he mentioned Aspen’s name. Soft spot and all. “You know I will.”

  He grinned, taking his card back and gathering up the shoes. “I know, but I wanted to give you a heads-up about what you might be walking into.”

  I gave him a hard look back. “Right. Thanks for that. How’d you know we were here?”

  “I have my ways.” That was it.

  He laughed before giving me a nod and going to join the group.

  I watched, noting that Blaise sat across the two lanes from Cross. Neither looked at the other, and neither spoke to the other. Jade and Veronica, on the other hand, totally talking to Jordan.

  “Do I even ask?”

  I turned back to my boss and shook my head. “No. We’re kinda stuck with him.”


  The words had been rolling in my gut since my brother shoved his way through the crowd, and especially since everything that went down earlier today.

  I didn’t like it. Not a bit.

  And I needed to let him know, but it hadn’t been the time then.

  It hadn’t been right when we got to the bowling alley, either, when Blaise showed up with his friends. Jade got Jordan’s number and asked where we were, so I knew he’d be showing up.

  The girls were enjoying themselves. Jordan was enjoying them, too.

  So, for them, for Jordan, I kept quiet. I waited.

  But now, seeing my brother take a phone call and dart outside, I was done waiting.

  Cool, calm, smooth, I took my bowling shoes off and put on my regular ones.

  The only person who noticed was Bren, and when I looked up, her eyes were speculative. She looked at the door, and I gave her a small nod. She raised an eyebrow, and this time I was the one signaling to her that I didn’t need her help.

  She nodded, settling farther back in the chair to keep score. Zellman wasn’t here, so she filled in. Jordan was too busy flirting. Me and Bren, though, we were good bowling, enjoying each other’s company, grazing arms and hands as we moved to go bowl and come back. Blaise noted the touches, his eyes darkening as he watched his own woman, but Aspen was having fun. She was laughing at Jordan, and her face was glowing being around her friends.

  I knew it was killing him to see how I was touching my woman, and he had to refrain from touching his.

  I enjoyed the torture, but it was time to stick another knife in his gut, metaphorically speaking, and I moved across the lobby, keeping to the shadows to not draw attention to me.

  Jordan’s laugh cut out behind me.

  I looked back. He was watching me, but Bren moved. She said a few words and he nodded to her, then to me.

  I ducked out through the door.

  My brother had moved out into the parking lot, but I saw his phone’s light and he was saying in a quiet voice, “Yeah, Mom. No. We’re good.” A pause. “I promise. Yeah.”

  I could hear Marie saying her goodbye. Blaise reciprocated, then hung up, stuffing his phone into his pocket as he started back to the front door.

  I moved back against the building, just shy of the front entryway.

  He came across me, moving forward when I moved.

  I grabbed his arm, throwing him back against the wall, and I shoved him the rest of the way, jamming an arm up against his neck.

  My brother stilled, then snapped alive. He was fighting, trying to shove me off, but I was ready. I knew Blaise could fight, so I was prepared. He tried to kick me out away from him, but I shoved harder against his throat until he stopped, and now he was gagging.

  “It’s me, asshole.”

  He f
roze again, then sagged back. “What the fuck? This because of tonight? I’m sorry for not showing more appreciation that you punched Harper for me. So many thanks.” He was being sarcastic.

  I shoved harder, enjoying hearing him choke before I relaxed my hold. “You’re dangerous.”

  He snorted, half-laughing. “Right. You? You are actually saying that to me?”

  I kept my tone low, calm, and cold. Two could be like that. “As of tonight, you are going to stop pulling my group into your personal vendettas. You are going to stop pushing the boundary, and…” when he tried to speak again, I spoke over him, “you know you’re doing it. You outed Tabatha, which outed Jordan, which could’ve outed Bren. Everything connects, and you know that. You knew what you were doing tonight.”

  “I had to. Jessinda Hinckley’s father is a senator. She’s got family connections that out-connect Harper’s family. Harper’s a legacy. That means he’s going to be a bitch to actually get removed from the house, and no, tonight didn’t actually do it. It just put a dent in his campaign to stay and get Zeke removed instead. I’m doing this for him, too, and yeah, I’m sorry that I outed Tab and your boy since she was his girl, but I had to. It was a calculated move. Getting Harper kicked out helps you guys, too, because he’s a cancer. He’ll grow and fester and he’ll be toxic the longer we’re all here at Cain together.”


  I got what he was saying, but I wasn’t okay that he was using my group to further his agenda.

  “If you want to go rogue against Harper, do it on your time. Stop saying anything that connects to my crew. Got it?”

  There was a little bit of light, and some of the red from the neon sign shining down on us. We could see each other clearly, and he studied me for a moment. He was measuring me.

  I was done. Our family shit aside, I wasn’t going to stand anymore and let him play roulette with my crew, with Bren.

  Finally, he dipped his head down. “Fine, but I did ask your girl if she’d hang out with Aspen next weekend. I don’t know where Aspen’s friends will take her, so I can’t be there to protect her.”


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