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Always Crew (Crew Series Book 3)

Page 31

by Tijan

  And they were here, knowing I’d been called to the police station and they went the distance to clear out any witnesses.

  I had nothing.

  I had nothing to bargain with them, no way out, no escape plan, no way of fighting. They were a force I’d never even knew existed, but they were here and my dad was one of them.




  All three of those were held in high regard with them.

  I had all three on my side, which was why I was even getting this sit-down.

  That realization hit me hard, and I had to blink back some tears because it wasn’t until just now that I thought I’d been about to be killed by their hands, because I recognized one of them.

  I looked at my father, though my words were for his President. “I never visited you in prison, and I’m sorry about that.”

  He sucked in his breath, an audible sound to it, and his head jerked as if I slapped him.

  I kept on, needing both men to hear what I had to say. “I knew Channing was worried about you coming to see me. It was a whole big thing. And my employers were worried because you were connected to the Red Demons, but in all of that when you actually did come, I didn’t know how to feel about it. I didn’t know how to feel about any of it because there are not good memories between you and me. Not in that house. Not when Mom died. Not when you fought with Chan so much. But I think, now after having some time to process because I know I snapped a little, but you killed the guy so easily in front of me. And you did it for me, but you also did it because he touched your daughter. And you were kind in that moment to me, gentle even, and it was like that one thing wiped out all the bad and I didn’t know how to think about any of it. But, Dad, you left me alone so much of the time.” I closed my eyes, taking a moment for myself.

  The years. The memories. Mom laughing. Channing yelling.

  The door being slammed shut.

  The quiet after.

  Always the quiet after.

  “When you went away, a part of me thought you just wanted a way to get away from me.”

  “Bren, honey.” His voice didn’t sound familiar to me, not anymore. That was a stranger, but he sounded regretful. He sounded kind.

  “I thought that I didn’t deserve a family, and that’s why Channing left, why Mom died, and why you went to prison. Then I had the guys, but it took a long time before I let them in. But, Dad. They’re in. I’ve let them. I’ve let Channing back, and I’ve slowly started to believe that I am worthy to have people love me.”

  “Sweetheart.” A chair was pulled out, scraping over the patio floor. He reached for me, but paused, remembering the last time I was touched. His eyes closed. He was struggling. A battle of emotions played out over his face before those eyes opened once more, and I saw the same haunting there that I’d felt for so many years. “I’d like to hold your hand. Can I do that, Bren?”

  I stared back. Steadily. Then I shook my head. “No, but it means a lot that you asked, and it means more that you want to.”

  His head hung down, and he nodded before pulling his hand back. It fell to his lap, and he stared at me across the table. “I wasn’t a good enough father to you, and I killed that man because I thought, ‘Finally, there was something right I could do for my girl.’ I never knew you thought any of that, or felt that way. I’m so sorry, Bren. I’m truly so sorry. I’m a… a broken man and there are no excuses I got for you. Just, I don’t know.” He glanced to Maxwell before grimacing. “They need to know you won’t say anything.”

  I glanced at the man, deciding before turning back to my dad. “I think that’s a given. I never told anyone that you killed that guy to finish what I started until last year. Kept that to myself, and I’m not stupid.” I looked and spoke straight to Raith now. “I don’t know what I can do to reassure you, your men, but I won’t say anything. I don’t want to battle with you guys. I do want to be a bounty hunter. It makes sense to me. I grew up from violence and it’s ingrained in me. I need it, but I can channel it so it’s good that way. I won’t hunt any of your men. I’ll excuse myself from the team every time, but other than that, I don’t know what I can do or give you to make you feel safe with me.”

  “There’s nothing you can do now, but there could be in the future.”

  I waited, my heart pounding.

  Without showing any emotion, he said, “You could name your firstborn child after me.”

  Then, nothing.

  I sat there.

  He sat there.

  I didn’t look at Derrick.

  “You’re shitting me?’


  A wide smile broke over Maxwell’s face and his shoulders shook in laughter. “Yeah. I’m fucking with you.” He stood, his chair scraping over the patio. At his movement, the other men were all on high alert and began to come toward us. Maxwell motioned to them, saying to me, “I know you ain’t going to say shit because if you did,” his tone turned dangerous, “you know we’d come back and we’d kill that boyfriend of yours.”

  I felt all eyes on me, weighing my reaction.

  I showed them my teeth. “My dad touched my arm and I stabbed him. Did it without even thinking. It was instinct. What do you think I’ll do if you threaten my loved one again? Or if you did do something to hurt him?”

  The guys didn’t say a word. They were waiting for their leader.

  And judging me, observing me, Maxwell Raith gave me one small nod. “I know. That’s why I know you’ll keep your mouth shut, but listen to me on this. The feral little wolf thing you got going on, it won’t last. You’ll get married. You’ll have kids. You’ll be happy, and that’ll soften you up. Speaking on behalf of your pops here, I hope you get that life and that’s where I’m hoping our two paths never merge. As long as you keep quiet, you and I will never see each other again. And I say that with the best intentions if you get me?”

  I got him.

  And I was stunned that I got him.

  He left, his men moving behind him.

  I heard the sound of motorcycle engines starting up later, and my dad stayed throughout the whole while. I looked up now, and once the sound of them faded, I asked, “So what do you want now?”

  His eyes flashed, and it struck me deep inside. Sadness. Emptiness. I felt it from him because that’s what I used to feel, before Cross, before Zellman, before Jordan, before Channing, before Heather, before my life right now.

  A part of me pitied him, but he said, “I want everything from you, everything you’ll give me, but I’ll ask for nothing.” He stood, moving around the table, and he bent. He went slow, making sure I was okay with it, and I remained until I felt him kiss my forehead.

  I closed my eyes.

  He whispered there, “Be happy, Bren.”

  I waited.

  My eyes still closed.

  I never heard him leave, but I knew he did and I knew after that day, that I’d only see my dad if I sought him out.


  It was twelve minutes after Derrick left when I heard the first screech of brakes.

  Car doors slammed.

  Feet were pounding on the sidewalk.

  There was shouting.

  The doorbell was ringing. Someone was punching it over and over again.

  Pounding on it, fists were hitting it and I heard from the back of the house, “BREN! ARE YOU OKAY?!”

  Then, not a moment of silence where I could respond, I heard, “Dude! Check the back of the house. Maybe that’s unlocked.”

  Zeke came barreling around the back side of the house, and seeing me sitting there, he braked to a sudden halt. His eyes were wide, alarmed, and his jaw tense, but then he cupped a hand by his mouth and hollered, “SHE’S BACK HERE!” He frowned at me. “You okay?” His head tilted to the side. “You look weird, Monroe.”


  That was it.

  That was all I had in me, because hella shock syndrome here. Maxwell Raith left with a threat to
my loved ones and I’m pretty sure I might never see my father again, so yeah… There weren’t words to summarize that, not that I would because this was Zeke.

  And speaking of Zeke—I frowned and asked at the same time Blaise came running around the house, “What the hell are you doing here?”

  He scoffed, but Blaise stopped next to him, raking me over, and he’s the one who answered. “Cross called, said he got a message from your brother that you were in trouble.” He looked around, scanning the backyard. “What the fuck? What happened?”


  There was that whole situation where I couldn’t tell any of them about.

  I shrugged. “I’m fine. I mean, there were people here, but they’re not and I’m good.”

  I waited.

  They didn’t leave.

  “I mean, thanks for coming, but I’m good.”

  They still didn’t leave.

  They shared a look.

  Zeke raised an eyebrow.

  Blaise grunted. “Me too.”

  Both looked at me—eerie.

  Blaise said, “Sorry, but no fucking way. My brother called me for help. I’m not moving till his ass gets back and he can grovel in thanks at my feet.”

  Zeke grinned, but he had the graciousness to glance at the ground. His shoulders were shaking.

  “Knock it off,” I snapped at him. He didn’t, and I had to add, “Why aren’t you in a counselor’s office or something? Shouldn’t you be permanently scarred? Your frat frenemy was kidnapped last night.”

  His shoulder stopped and his head snapped back up. “Thanks for the reminder, and you’re welcome. We came to help your ass.”

  Like they could’ve done anything. I shook my head. “Whatever. I’m fine. I’ll send Cross to ‘grovel’ at your feet later.”

  Except as soon as I finished speaking, another set of car tires were heard, pulling up on the driveway and slamming to a stop. More car doors.

  More running.

  This time female voices.

  “That’s Blaise’s Wagon—BLAISE!”

  “It’s locked.”

  More doorbell ringing.

  A dull-sounding knock on the door. My guess, someone was hitting it with the bottom of their palm.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I just got my nails done. I like Bren, but no way am I ruining my manicure.”

  Someone snorted. “Priorities, man.”

  Zeke snorted/laughed, and elbowed Blaise in the ribs.

  Blaise groaned, his head falling back. “What the fuck?” He started walking around to the front of the house. “WE’RE BACK HERE! And what the hell are you doing here?”

  They came from the other side of the house, and Blaise turned around, looking past me.

  Frustration evident on his face as he started walking toward me. “Aspen, I told you—”

  The body hit me first before thin arms wrapped around my stomach. A head buried into my shoulder blades. Another body hit me from the side. More arms around me.

  “Scootch over. I want in here, too.” And I got a hug from the other side.

  A fourth person walked around, and I eyed Jade with nearing alarm.

  She grinned, shaking her head. “No worries. I’m glad you’re obviously okay, but I’m not a huggy person.”

  The person behind me gave me an extra squeeze before letting go, and walked around, too. “Not true. She hugs me.” Aspen shot me a grin before turning to her boyfriend. “And if you think I hear you say, ‘Oh shit, something’s wrong with Bren. Gotta go,’ and I’m not coming to be here for her, you’re a moron. I’m not dating a moron, so I know you’re not going to question me again about why I came to make sure my friend is okay.”

  Blaise glowered at her, but after a moment of both sharing a look, he sighed and held open his arms. Aspen walked right into them, tipping her head back and smiling at him.

  The two girls let go, stepping back.

  Angeline was blushing. I’m not sure why.

  Veronica was half-glaring at Zeke, half-looking like she was eye-fucking him.

  He was doing the same, except a lot less of the ‘eye-fucking’ and his hostility level was amped way higher. “What do you want, Nut Kicker?”

  She smiled, and it looked like pure evil for a moment. “Look at you. All foreplay, Allen.”

  Jade snorted, laughing. “Oh my God, you two. I don’t understand. I don’t understand at all.” She asked me, “But you’re okay, right? You look fine.”


  A third vehicle roared up, slamming to a stop. This one was louder and bigger, and I knew that engine.

  Good Lord, I could only guess who had called them?

  These guys were quiet, and I knew that so I was still watching for them. The others had stilled, but didn’t look back. They were waiting for the sounds of running, doorbell, and pounding. Nope. Not these guys. It took only a second before Brock turned the corner, his Taser gun raised and ready.

  He wasn’t alone, and they were all in their bounty hunting gear, all black, vests, everything.

  Hawk was right behind him, sweeping out beside him.

  They saw me, saw the others, but they didn’t stop running.

  The weapons were checked and then Brock ran past everyone and picked me up. His arms wound around me tight. I watched over his shoulder as Hawk waited, a faint grin showing. She looked especially Vikings badass today. Her hair was pulled up on both sides of her face and wound into a high French braid that had volume to it. She had a couple feathers clipped into it, too, and her makeup looked even warrior-esque.

  “Holy cripes.”

  That was Veronica. She got a look at Hawk.

  “Whoa.” Then, a smarmy, “What’s your name?” That was Zeke. He noticed Hawk, too.

  But Brock was putting me back down, and I heard the rest of the cavalry arrive behind him.

  He stepped back, his hands on my shoulders. “You’re okay?”

  I nodded. “My brother?” That was the only guess I had.

  He nodded back, grim. “He called. Said you were on the phone and heard you. He said the Reds might be here.” His eyes glanced around, ignoring how now Veronica, Jade, and Angeline were all checking him out and gawking. He settled back on me, taking a step backwards and letting go of my shoulders. “I’m seeing they’re gone.”

  Shetland stepped up next to him.

  I glanced down, still making sure I noticed his hands, but they were hitched to the sides of his vest. He tipped his chin up to me. “See you’re still in one piece, Ball Buster.”

  I frowned. That was a new name from him. I spoke to him and Brock, and for Hawk because I knew she was listening, “I’m fine. Yes, they were here, but I’m okay. Everything’s okay.” I held my hands up. “I promise.”

  Big and Burly ambled up, and Veronica’s eyes got huge. “Whoa! Who are these gigantic Magic Mikes?” She went back to looking at Brock. “You look like that guy from Outlander. Bren, where have you been hiding all the delicious people? And who else do you know?”

  “What’s up, Little Monroe? Nice to see you’re still standing.”

  I hid a grin. “I’m good, and… I can’t say anything else.”

  Brock nodded. “Got it.” His face shuttered closed, though. He wasn’t happy.

  “Sucks all those warrants went away like that? All disappearing in the wind like ash.” Shetland was eyeing Brock, the end of his mouth curved down.

  Brock growled. “Can’t do anything about that.” He found me again. “You’re going to get another slew of arrivals in a couple hours. Your brother was on the way here, and he set the call in to your boyfriend. They shared notes. Neither was happy about how your crew got called away.”

  Crap. I had called Cross as soon Derrick left, but only hearing a savage exclamation from him that he was glad I was okay, he hung up and I knew they were heading back right away. They’d been on the road for a full hour by the time I called.

  But I hadn’t had time to process the Red De
mons trick to get them away either.

  “Shit.” From me.

  “Yeah.” From Brock.

  “It sounds wicked, though.” Hawk was looking at Brock. “Something maybe we could use in the future, if we got our hands on whatever they designed.”

  Brock sent her a look saying ‘yeah right.’ And I agreed. “I doubt the Red Demons are going to hand that over.”

  I became aware of a body sidling up next to me, then Veronica’s elbow nudged my arm. She said in a hushed voice, openly trying to eye-fuck Brock now, “Um. Introductions? Don’t be rude here.” She winked at me. Twice.

  Right. Subtle.

  But I did the introductions.

  “Hey, there.” Zeke was now sounding like Joey from Friends.

  Hawk was eyeing him back, but with disdain. “Don’t. I eat little boys like you for breakfast. I am not the one to hit on.”

  “Oh.” He eased back.

  Aspen had turned so her back was to Blaise’s chest. His arms were hugging her, locked around the front of her chest and her hands were resting on them. She gave me a small smile, a whole dreamy look in her eyes. “I don’t know what happened before we all got here, but we’re all here and I’m thinking none of us are leaving until we’re all reassured you’re okay. Even though you obviously are. Bear with us and our anxieties here.”

  Veronica snorted. “Speak for yourself. I want to know what other hotties are showing up—”

  And like clockwork, as if Veronica had summoned them, another screeching sound happened. This time from farther away, so I was guessing they had to park on the street.

  We heard the sounds of swift sprinting, but they were quieted.

  I was primed. I was ready.

  I knew who was coming.

  They were coming in from the grass, and I turned around, knowing they weren’t going to come through the driveway’s entrance. And then there they were.

  Cross was first. He was always the fastest, and the few who were in the way stepped back. He had a clear path, and then he was in front of me, he was sweeping me up, and he was walking me away from the group. His head was buried in my neck, but he just kept going.


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