Darkness Born: Paranormal Vampire Romance (Immortal Desire Series Book 1.5)

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Darkness Born: Paranormal Vampire Romance (Immortal Desire Series Book 1.5) Page 12

by Scarlett West

  While another intense orgasm tore through her core, her mind blanked. If she were standing, her legs would have collapsed beneath her. Reinis didn’t just weaken her. He brought her to her knees.

  He moaned against her shoulder like he needed to finish too. His shaft pounded between her legs and twitched as he came with her. But his cock didn’t soften, and he didn’t let up. Instead, as they indulged in each other, he became harder than she ever experienced with him. As if their feeding revived him, bringing her to peak after peak.

  When he came a final time, he licked her wound closed, and she followed him. He collapsed, sliding to her side, then spooning her against his damp body.

  Panting in her ear, he asked, “Do you still feel like a monster?”

  Out of breath with his blood mingling in her veins and the heat of their exchange lingering throughout her body, she turned and looked into his eyes. She had no doubt about what her answer would be. No doubt how she felt.

  “Paldies, Reinis. I should have done this sooner. To wipe away the suffering and see myself through your eyes.” Her chest heaved, her body floating on a cloud, tingling with the blast of pleasure he’d gifted her. “I see how special we are now. I’ve lived in both worlds, and as a human, I could have never experienced such an amazing gift. I’ll never see myself as horrible again. You were right, this is what I needed.”

  His arms slid around her waist, and he buried his nose in her hair. “That’s my girl. That’s what I’ve been waiting to hear. Glad we can finally drop that conversation. We finally agree. Now we need to move on and help Auseklis. Next time, don’t doubt me.”

  A grin spread across his lips, and he leaned in close, kissing her, tasting her once more. When they’d met, she found a home in him. Now she’d found a second home—within herself. But her heart still ached. Someone in the other room needed her help. Someone who was scrawny and ill. Her son.

  ~ * ~

  Reinis cradled Sarma in his arms. Exhausted, she’d fallen asleep with her cheek resting on his chest. Her brow was smooth and her mouth relaxed. Finally, she’d let go of her guilt and he didn’t want to wake her sleeping so peacefully. And thank the gods. Today was her last day before Aivars would come, drag her into the coven infirmary, and strap her down. If she hadn’t let go and agreed, he would not have objected to Aivars taking Sarma down to retrieve her blood. Of course, he hated the idea. But his son’s welfare came first.

  He covered Sarma’s bare breasts, then shifted the pillow around. She needed to recuperate her energy to feed their son. He hoped they hadn’t waited too long to heal Auseklis, that the child’s mother’s blood would still bring him back from the dangerous edge he teetered on. At least, he’d finally convinced Sarma to try the best thing about being a vampire—feeding while having sex. His instincts had told him that was the key to her getting over the whole monster thing.

  Deep down he didn’t blame her. He couldn’t imagine becoming a vampire, and through a violent method, even worse. Yet, he longed to hold his baby in his arms, but with rosy cheeks, and a gurgling smile the way he should be. And he longed for Sarma to find relief from her guilt, the way she had tonight. Not wanting to pressure her further, he hadn’t told her how much he missed their intimacy. By the looks of this evening, she did too. She took him aback, throwing herself into their love making in a way he did not expect at all.

  Before his heartmate, duty, the obligation to reproduce their species with humans, had been his life. Other vampires had told him how incredible blood exchange felt, and he couldn’t wait to do it. They warned him how addictive it could become, and they weren’t kidding. The rush that overcame him when she bit down, their bodies intertwined, the imprint vibrating in their chests. The whole thing made him tingle with need just remembering it, and he had to push the thoughts aside and force his hard-on to die down.

  Having to wake her soon made him sad, but Auseklis waited. Needed her. Laima would help Sarma in the Healing Room attached to the sauna cabin outside. She’d healed a ton of vampires there over the years. She had him worried. Sometimes Laima stayed in there when she wanted to get away from everyone and everything.

  Since Auseklis was born sick, she’d spent more and more time away from everyone. Something wasn’t right with her. She’d never overcome the murder of her husband, his father, and now secretly, she carried something bad around inside her. Why didn’t she talk about it with him? She often had a tight jaw and forehead, and some days didn’t brush her hair. Normally, she finessed stressful situations and wore her hair and clothes in manicured style. Something left over from her days from the Renaissance when people dressed so fancily.

  Reinis jolted. Someone knocked on the door. He’d been so lost in his worries, he didn’t sense his mother coming. His son’s cries woke Sarma through the wall.

  Laima exclaimed, “Reinis, Sarma, come quick! Auseklis needs you!”

  Chapter 23

  Gunita blinked at the computer screen, her head pounding, her mind hazy. Her hand trembled as she purchased a ticket home. She’d gone to Latvia to take back her daughter and her life. Instead, she almost lost her own. What in the seventh layer of hell was she thinking coming here?

  Besides, she failed her mission. To get rid of Imants. She didn’t get anything back either. If anything, her life turned a hundred times worse, exposing herself to vampire beasts worse than Imants ever acted. Dita threatened her. Told her if she ever breathed a word to anyone, she’d hunt Gunita down and kill her with her own bare hands. Gunita believed everything she said. Dita let her go for only one reason. She’d been so rip-roaring drunk, she could barely stand, let alone come after Gunita. She hoped Dita would forget about her, and never try to find her again.

  After she paid for her ticket, she packed her bags and sank down on the bed. When she got home, she was going to move away from San Francisco to a place no one knew her. She needed to start over. Coming to Latvia confirmed her worst nightmare. She’d lost everything.

  ~ * ~

  Sarma focused on her finger and glanced back at Auseklis who blinked his green eyes at her as if he anticipated what was coming. She expected the nervousness to return, for her stomach to sour, and to not want to do this. Instead, warmth from a sense of relief flushed her cheeks and chest. Her son needed her, and for the first time, pride filled her that she could help him. She held the key to healing him in her hands, in her blood.

  Reinis and Laima stood by her and her father sat on the couch in case she got the jitters.

  “So, how do I do this?” Sarma stared down at her son, holding the edge of his bouncy seat he sat in.

  “Will your teeth to grow, prick your index finger, and drip three drops into his mouth,” Laima instructed.

  She pricked her finger, held it over Auseklis’ mouth, and squeezed the tip. He sniffed the air and opened his tiny mouth to receive the morsels that fell. His cheeks turned red and he lurched forward to grasp her finger. She allowed his lips to close around it and suck for a few seconds. Within several minutes, his skin’s gray hue faded, replaced by a healthy, pink tone. A glow filled his eyes, and he wiggled around in his baby seat.

  Reinis stood and wrapped his arms around her. “Congratulations. I’m proud of you. I know it wasn’t easy for you to overcome the situation, but you did it.”

  Laima examined Auseklis, checking his heartrate and looking into his eyes. “You did a great job, Sarma. I’m surprised at the change in your confidence.”

  Sarma peeked at Reinis with a knowing look but left the smile off. She didn’t want to reveal anything regarding their intimate exchange to her father and mother-in-law. Reinis squeezed her arm in reassurance.

  Her mother-in-law continued, “You’ll need to give him daily infusions for several weeks to help him thrive, but this is a great start. His pulse is steady and strong, and his color has returned. You see the difference? When we gave him our blood, it sustained him. But yours turned him around. Mothers are special, and we vampires have the gift of healing in our bl

  Imants joined them and grasped Sarma’s shoulder. “Finally, I’ll get a chance to hold my grandson. He’s been so out of sorts, I haven’t wanted to ask.”

  Sarma unbuckled the strap, removed her son, and nestled him in her arms. She snuggled her nose into his neck and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you, my Morning Star. Grandpa wants to hold you. And we better enjoy him, because I thought you would never have a grandfather, so we are very lucky.”

  A warm smile spread on Imants’ face as he received the little baby. Auseklis peered at his mom, then reached up at his grandpa’s nose. Imants chuckled and bounced him in his arms. “Do you mean that, Sarma? That I’m his grandpa?”

  She leaned her head on his shoulder. “All my life I wanted a better relationship with my mother and to have a father. She lost that chance when she tried to kill you, and she made me see her for who she’s always been—the destroyer she made you out to be. Of course, it will take time to get over that, but I would be beyond stupid not to take advantage of this opportunity with you. Reinis, Laima, and you have shown me what a gift it is to be a vampire. And what family truly is. I couldn’t ask for a better father or grandfather in my life.”

  Imants’ eyes misted over. “Paldies, Sarma. Thank you. You don’t know how much that means to me. I’ve always had five children, but only four of them have been in my life. And you’re the first to give me a grandchild, though your sister Jana is due in a few months. You beat her to it. I think she’s a bit jealous.”

  She dropped her head down and stared at the floor. “I can’t wait for Auseklis to have cousins, but I feel bad. I don’t want my siblings to feel like I stole their father. They’ve already been through too much.”

  Imants shifted Auseklis in his arms and lifted her head. “Don’t be sad, Sarma. It’s going to take some time for them to accept and get to know you. I don’t blame them. You’re a complete surprise and shock to them. They had no clue you existed, but I know once they get to know you, things will be different.”

  Reinis stole away and into the adjacent kitchen while the three of them sat around on the couches. Laima clasped her hands, pressing her fingers until her knuckles turned white. Her shoulders drooped as though something tugged them toward the floor. She stared at the woodstove where Imants had built a steady fire.

  Like the wood, something burned her, leaving her energy in ashes. Her mindguards were so strong, Sarma didn’t have a chance to read her mind to find out. And Laima was a notoriously tight-lipped when it came to her problems. Always helping others but not herself.

  Reinis popped out of the kitchen, with a bottle of champagne and several glasses on a tray. “I bought this several weeks ago, Sarma. I knew you would come through.”

  He filled four flutes and passed them out. Sarma received hers and glanced at him.

  “I can’t drink this. I’m Auseklis’ food source in multiple ways,” she balked while eyeing the glass. She did want to down the chilly, bubbly, but her son would always be first.

  Laima, Reinis, and Imants burst out laughing. They all looked at her.

  “Sarma, you’re a vampire now. Alcohol does not affect your blood at all and will not pass on to your son. This is just for fun!” Reinis explained.

  “Oh!” She grinned. “That’s a relief!”

  “Let’s toast to a healthy Auseklis, a loving family, and to the gift of being a vampire! And to my lovely heartmate, mother and female of my dreams. Prieka!” Reinis lifted his glass, and they all followed him, taking sips. “See, there are multiple benefits to being one of us.”

  Sarma giggled and took a swig.

  “Here, here!” Imants responded. “To my lovely daughter, grandson, and son-in-law. To new beginnings and united families.”

  “Prieka,” Laima mumbled, smiling tightly.

  “Mammu, what’s wrong?” Reinis grasped her arm.

  Her head sank down. Her voice cracked as she said, “I just…wish both my children were here. And I miss…your father. I know he would have been happy to have a grandson. And maybe if he hadn’t been killed, Velta would be here as well.”

  Sarma took her mother-in-law’s hand and squeezed it. She didn’t know what to say. Despite the fact that Velta had attacked and hurt her, she couldn’t help but feel bad for Laima. The sting of losing her husband to humans murdering him and losing her daughter to exile would be so hard to shoulder. She wished she could do something for her, but those wounds seemed too big to heal.

  Imants handed Auseklis to her. “No one here can fix that or take the pain away. But here’s a lovely grandson who adores you.”

  Auseklis settled in her arms, tugging her braid and cooing at her. A huge, delighted smile spread across her alabaster face, and her emerald eyes lit up. “He’s such a joy. His name is perfect for him. Even with his sickness, he has brought us so much light. It’s true. We need to focus on what we have now.”

  “He does love you something special, mammu,” Reinis said, cocking his head to one side.

  She tickled his little cheek and allowed him to grasp his finger. “And I am so happy to see his color returned, to hear his giggle, and know he is gaining strength.”

  Sarma looked at her heartmate, at her father, and son. Laima, the goddess of fate, brought her the most special presents in the world. On becoming a vampire, she lost one world, but discovered another. An indescribable warmth filled her heart. Her life overflowed with beauty, happiness, and love. She was so lucky have become a vampire. She gained the most loving, supportive heartmate, an incredible son, found the mother she’d always wanted, and the father she thought she’d lost.

  Reinis peered at her. “Your mindguards have improved. What are you thinking, Sarma?”

  She rolled the neck of the flute between her fingers. “That I love you all. That coming to Latvia was the best thing I ever did. And that I couldn’t have asked for a better life.”

  Imants gave her a hug, Laima snuggled Auseklis, and Reinis pulled her into his arms.

  “This is the best life.” He kissed Sarma on the top of her head.

  Sarma sighed and exchanged a sweet, heated kiss with Reinis. She couldn’t wait for their next blood exchange. Couldn’t wait to share his home and bed, for all eternity.

  Thank you so much for reading Darkness Born!

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  Thank you to my family, friends, and fans, for your support and for believing in me. There are too many names to write down, but you are in my heart.

  A very special thanks to my husband, for his humor, patience, and love. His support means everything to me and I couldn't have done this without him.

  And finally, without the readers and the people who believe in me, I might not have made it to this day. I appreciate everything from my heart.

  About the Author

  Scarlett West writes steamy, paranormal romance featuring sexy vampires. Deep characters and hot romance are her thing. An avid reader and writer who will never stop dreaming, Scarlett has traveled to many countries and been on tons of adventures. She draws her stories from these places, life experiences, and her grand imagination.

  Besides writing, she’s a hobby herbalist and a dancer. If she’s not by the computer typing these things up, she can be found in a forest, on a mountain, or by the ocean.

  She would like to thank her three F’s: Fans, Family and Friends.

  Thank y
ou forever for your support.




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