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A Queen's Fate

Page 5

by Nattie Kate Mason

  “Antoinette, can you please assess me as quickly as possible? I am feeling a little lightheaded. I suspect it is just anxiety. I hate being in here, but I would like to go and lie down if that is ok?” Anastasia asked, suddenly slurring her words.

  ‘Whatever was in that tea is a lot stronger than I am used to,’ Anastasia thought drowsily to herself with a slight tinge of concern. However, the soothing properties of the tea quickly wiped away any trace of anxiety she had.

  “In fact, I might just lie down for a moment, if you don’t mind…” Anastasia slurred as she crumpled onto her bed, falling into a deep sleep.



  A mixture of guilt and hope fought a battle in Antoinette’s mind. The sedative had acted far more quickly than the healer had anticipated but she had brewed the tonic much stronger than usual to bide her some more time.

  “Guard,” Antoinette called out calmly.

  The guard posted beside the door came quickly over to the Princess’s bedside.

  “Is everything alright Healer?” The guard asked uncertainly as he beheld the unconscious Princess lying in front of him.

  “Everything is just fine,” Antoinette warmly reassured the guard. “The Princess was merely having another one of her anxious turns, so I gave her a sedative with her permission, and she is now in a restorative sleep. Can you please carry the Princess to her room? She needs a long rest and she will be much more comfortable in her own bed. I will monitor her while she sleeps,” the healer directed the guard.

  With a flash of apprehension crossing his face, he quickly schooled his features into neutrality. “Very well Healer, but once she is safely in her bed, I will remain outside her bedroom suite at all times. My number one priority is the Princess’s safety and she is at her most vulnerable whilst asleep,” the guard firmly concluded.

  “Of course, Sir! The health, wellbeing and safety of the Princess comes first. That is why I will remain by her side.”

  “Very well,” the guard responded, leaning over and gently scooping the sleeping Princess into his arms and carrying her gallantly to her suite.

  ‘Goddess forgive me for what I must do.’

  ~ ◊ ~


  Princess Annalyse – Heir of Alearia

  Annalyse’s examination had been conducted quickly. The young Heir had made a remarkable recovery since her recent incident. The Matron confirmed to Annie that she had in fact aged approximately 10-15 years through saving her twin’s life. A sacrifice she would willingly make again. For her twin, there is nothing she wouldn’t do. Having family had brought a new depth of fulfillment to her life. Having been raised as an orphan, Annalyse counted every new day with her family as a blessing.

  After the examination was complete, Annie walked back into the main royal infirmary room to re-join her twin, only to find the room empty.

  ‘Anastasia must have completed her assessment earlier than anticipated. How strange that she did not wait for me… Though she probably didn’t want to be in here one moment longer than absolutely necessary.’ Annie sighed and reluctantly made her way up to the war council room.

  The war council chamber was a secluded room, hidden down a secret passageway leading from the throne room. It was the beating heart of the castle, and maps of the Alearian Kingdom and surrounding Kingdoms were hung around the brick walls. Alearia had been at peace for many years now, but since Annalyse had been crowned Heir, uncertainty was plaguing the Kingdom, and with uncertainty often comes unrest.

  King Titian, as always, sat at the head of the war room table on his throne. Queen Amealiana sat calmly to his left and Annalyse assumed her newly appointed place to his right. The room was typically cold as there was no hearth, however, King Titian suspended multiple small flames around the room, blissfully warming the chamber to a cosy temperature. Unfortunately, on days where the conversation became more heated, his flames would often reflect his mood and flare up in response. Once, the General lost his eyebrows when he questioned the King’s decision on a matter of security protocol… An accident of course, but the King had only recently resumed suspending his flames around the room during meetings.

  “Thank you for meeting today everyone,” the King said.

  Annie looked around the room. All the usual members of the council were present except for Anastasia, though Annalyse suspected that she had likely gone to rest after her examination. Annie knew the infirmary made her twin anxious and cursed herself for not going to check on her sister before attending the meeting.

  “As you all know, there was a recent attack on the castle. We highly suspect the traitor, Agnes, was behind it. I have city guards combing through the city proper, searching door by door for any information on her possible whereabouts. Unfortunately, as we were unable to question the intruder prior to his justified death, we cannot yet confirm a link to Agnes. We are still unable to identify the man. However, the palace guards are also showing a sketch of the intruder in the hopes that we can glean more information from the public,” the King continued. “Alecia, as future General of the Alearian Legion, how do you propose we speed up the process of finding the traitor, and what new security measures do you propose we put in place to ensure everyone’s safety?”

  “My King,” Princess Alecia said, “I have begun planning the new training schedule for the Kingdom’s people with Your Majesty’s permission. The Alearian people will be offered up to two training session per week in their gifting. The schedule will be posted on the city notice boards, and citizens may attend as they are able. Sessions will begin at the end of Spring. More training translates to stronger giftings and better defense of our Kingdom. For those particularly gifted in defensive and offensive magic, they will be offered the opportunity to join the Alearian Legion. However, many citizens with elemental giftings, such as water mages and fire-wielders, are already valued members of the community contributing to crop growth, fire management and emergency services, and they will need to remain in those valued roles. Those not blessed with offensive or defensive magic, such as the sage gifted, healers, and non-magically gifted community, will be offered combat training instead so that they too will be able to defend themselves. Thankfully, as mind-conqueror giftings are no longer a threat to the people now that Agnes’s mind conqueror gifting has been eliminated — thanks to the brave Quillencian King’s sacrifice — we do not need to train the people to defend themselves against mind attacks,” Alecia spoke confidently.

  “As you all are no doubt aware,” Alecia continued, “based on recent reports that have come in from our under-cover palace guards, discord is stirring among the Goddess’s temples around the Kingdom. It seems that the High Priestess, despite her supportive front at the Crowning Ceremony, has been whispering treasonous gossip in her subjects’ ears. The church does not seem convinced that Annalyse’s appointment was the will of the Goddess, and its acolytes are trying to garner public support to their side. It is in my opinion that we will need to monitor the temples more closely. I feel that it is in the Kingdom’s best interest that we squash this problem before it becomes a real issue. Therefore,” Alecia declared, turning to face the entrance sentries, “guards, can you please show our guest in?”

  Confusion filled the King and Queen’s faces, which they attempted to mask with little success as High Priestess Elizabeth was escorted into the room and directed into the remaining spare chair around the table beside Princess Annalyse. Annie shifted uncomfortably in her place at the turn of events. She had never been fond of the High Priestess and her uncanny ability to stir trouble during the Crowning Ceremony rituals. The personal attacks she had launched upon each of the Princesses during their final ritual revealed the Priestess’s true nature, and the young Heir did not trust her in the slightest.

  “Your Majesties,” High Priestess Elizabeth said, dropping into a shallow curtsy before taking her seat. “What a pleasure it is to have received your invitation to the war council meeting. There are many issues I wou
ld like to raise, and I am grateful to be given this opportunity.”

  The King and Queen of Alearia briefly made knowing eye contact with each other before masking their faces and posture into the picture of authority.

  “Greetings, High Priestess,” King Titian stoically replied.

  “Welcome High Priestess Elizabeth, what a pleasure it is to have you with us today,” Queen Amealiana attempted to welcome her subject more sincerely.

  “Thank you for accepting my invitation, High Priestess,” Princess Alecia interjected, standing from her seat and taking the lead in the conversation. Alecia directed her attention towards the religious matriarch, who was now seated across from her. Inhaling deeply and drawing herself to her full height, head held high, the future Alearian Legion leader began. “Prior to your arrival, High Priestess, I was detailing to the council my plans to introduce gifting training for our people, with the additional option to undertake combat training for those with non-defensive type giftings, and for the non-gifted. I feel this training regime will encourage our people to reach their full potential and allow them to defend themselves, which is a valuable skill for anyone to possess,” Princess Alecia summarized.

  “Quite right Princess Alecia. It is important that our people are trained to defend themselves. It is becoming evident that our leaders may not be as capable of protecting our people as they once were,” High Priestess Elizabeth spoke boldly.

  The King stood from his chair and slammed his fists on the table before reigning in his temper. Through clenched teeth, he seethed, “excuse me if I did not hear you correctly, but are you accusing your rulers of failing to protect their people? Because surely a member of the church would not question her Goddess appointed rulers?”

  The High Priestess mocked shock, raising her hand to her chest, “of course I would never question you, Your Majesty. However, I am merely communicating the concerns of your people. Given the recent ‘Magical Disease’ caused by the traitorous former Princess, and then the war council’s failure to capture the escapee, the people are beginning to question their rulers’ abilities to protect them. Particularly the future Queen, given her lack of experience in the area.”

  Queen Amealiana laid a gentle hand upon her King’s arm in reassurance, before standing beside him as a sign of unity.

  “Our people,” Queen Amealiana strongly and sincerely voiced, “are as always, our number one priority. We have palace guards searching every inch of this city for any sign of Agnes, and sooner or later we will find her, and she will be held accountable for her actions. As for the risk to safety that she poses to the Kingdom, without her powers we will not see a repeat of the Magical Disease, you can be assured.”

  “With all due respect Your Majesties, surely the recent attempted abduction of our potential future Queen demonstrates ongoing safety concerns. Perhaps it was Agnes or perhaps it is the people’s way of showing their disapproval of the recently appointed Heir... Either way, the people need a leader who can protect them. If Princess Annalyse cannot even protect herself from an intruder, what hope does she have of protecting her Kingdom’s people?” the High Priestess alleged.

  “There is nothing potential about Annalyse’s future ascension to the throne,” the King declared. “She will be crowned our next Queen and you, High Priestess, will need to fall in line and support her, or I will have no choice but to charge you with treason. As for her inability to protect herself, Princess Annalyse has been progressing well in her combat training as well as her mind-conqueror training. The trespasser caught our Heir off guard and rendered her unconscious before she was able to defend herself. Princess Anastasia was able to save our Heir’s life and Annie in turn saved Anastasia’s,” the King concluded assertively.

  The High Priestess smiled sweetly in response as she continued to spit her poisonous accusations. “How fortunate we are that Princess Anastasia, even with her challenges, was able to rescue her twin.”

  Princess Alecia and the King glared at the High Priestess’s sly criticism.

  “Even more fortunate,” Elizabeth continued, “is the newly awakened second gifting of Princess Anastasia. Perhaps her newfound confidence and newly awakened gifting suggests that the Goddess may not agree with the newly appointed Heir?”

  “So, this is the rubbish you have been spreading among my people,” the King stated. “You openly admit that you do not agree with Princess Annalyse being crowned Heir!”

  “I have said no such thing, Your Highness,” the High Priestess meekly replied, a small smirk across her face. “I am merely pointing out that the evidence suggests the Goddess may disagree with the Princess’s appointment to the role and as High Priestess, I am entrusted to intercede for the Goddess. I would not be performing my duty if I did not raise these concerns on the Goddess’s behalf.”

  ‘Goddess above, this is the last thing we need right now. I am finding it hard enough to learn my duties as future Queen. How am I meant to win over the temple as well… Think Annie, think… What can I do to help ensure the High Priestess’s support? Ah ha!’ Annie snapped her fingers in delight.

  Annie straightened in her chair and turned to face the woman sitting beside her. “High Priestess, thank you for raising your concerns,” Annie responded. “My greatest desire is to serve the Goddess and our people. You are wise in all matters. I have learned much from our current rulers, the King and Queen of Alearia, in terms of what is involved in the day to day running of our Kingdom. In order to better understand my peoples’ needs and the views of our sacred Goddess, I wish to work with you over the coming months, in regular weekly meetings so I may receive feedback from yourself and the temple. At such meetings we may discuss the best interests of our people and make the first steps in strengthening the relationship between the royal family and the temple. How would you feel about this working partnership High Priestess Elizabeth?” The Alearian Heir confidently proposed. The High Priestess’s smirk grew wider, triumph burning in her stark green eyes.

  “Very well,” the High Priestess replied coyly, “we shall trial this partnership, as you call it, and see where it leads. I look forward to working with you Princess Annalyse.”

  “Then it is settled,” Princess Alecia voiced. “Thank you for your attendance today, High Priestess, we look forward to working more closely with you in the future. We do not wish to hold you up any longer from your important temple business. Farewell High Priestess,” she said, abruptly dismissing Elizabeth from the meeting.

  “As you wish. Thank you for your time Your Majesties,” the High Priestess replied before escorting herself from the War Chamber; a palace guard following closely behind to escort the matriarch from the castle grounds.

  “For Goddess’s sake!” The King roared once the door was shut securely after the High Priestess’s exit. “I cannot stand that woman. She seeks to undermine our family at every turn. Only the Goddess knows what her true intentions are behind spreading such treasonous slander.”

  “You are quite right my King,” Princess Alecia voiced. “You cannot trust her Annalyse. Only the Goddess knows what schemes she is busy concocting. Let us hope and pray that we at least find Agnes soon so we will have one less threat to worry about.”

  Annalyse nodded her head in acknowledgment of her sister’s warning. “If that concludes our meeting, I will take your warning under advisement. For now, I think a training session is in order, don’t you Alecia?” Annalyse winked at her sister across the table. “I’m sure we could all use a workout after this meeting. I will attend Anastasia’s rooms and see if she would like to join us.”

  “Very well,” the King agreed. “Enjoy your training session. Please Alecia, keep me up to date on the search for Agnes. As soon as you hear any news, I want to know straight away.”

  “Very well my King.”

  ~ ◊ ~



  Sunset was approaching with no sign of Antoinette or her prize. Agnes sat by the hearth, glass of wine in hand. Antoinette�
��s ten-year-old son, Arthur, was sitting in the opposite chair trying to make himself appear as small as possible as he trembled in fear. The room felt toasty and warm, thanks to the roaring hearth, which was quite a feat considering the limited remaining firewood in the cottage. Agnes knew that the wood stocks were likely meant to have seen the family out until the end of winter, but she did not care. By the end of today, the family would either be on the run, or dead. Neither option required firewood stores, so she frivolously threw another log on the fire.

  ‘I think I might actually miss my time in this quaint little cottage, teasing and torturing these miserable peasants. But after tonight I will be a mind conqueror once more and I will overthrow my pitiful excuse of a family and claim my rightful place as Queen of Alearia. Assuming the damned healer does not fail me… Though what better motivation than to have her son held hostage. Arthur, no doubt the light of this woman’s world. Without him, she would have no reason to live, so for her sake, I hope that motivates her to move quickly as I am growing impatient of these babysitting duties. The boy needs to go. I can smell the urine of his soiled pants from over here. What a poor excuse for a young man, shaking like a leaf and saturating himself from fright like an infant. When I was his age, I was already taking up combat training. This boy needs to grow up fast or he will not survive the coming years ahead. That is, if he lives out the night,’ Agnes wickedly thought to herself, whilst indulgently sipping on her wine.

  ‘At least the wine stores have not yet run out…’

  “Please Miss,” Arthur squeaked. “Can I have something to eat or drink? I haven’t eaten more than a small bowl of broth in days and my stomach aches.”

  Agnes lifted her eyes from her glass of wine to slowly assess her prey. Like an Alearian mountain cat sizing up its next meal.


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