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Love and Magic

Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  "His brother is not a child he's fourteen, and you are that small." He held his hands up in surrender when Daniel looked like he was going to lose it. "Whoa, I'm just stating a fact and there is nothing wrong with being small. People come in all shapes and sizes and none better or worse than another. Besides, his little brother is quite fashionable, I think you will be pleased." He smiled trying to endear the prickly little man to him.

  Daniel shook his head and could not hold back the answering half grin he gave the sheriff. The attractive man was getting under Daniel’s skin and he didn’t like it but couldn’t resist either. Something about his laid-back easy-going manner and that sexy Cajun accent became a balm to Daniels frayed nerves.

  “You are so full of shit, but I am too tired and miserable to fight you on it right now.” Daniel rubbed the palm of his hands vigorously against his face trying to stay alert and then drug his fingers through his already disheveled hair.

  “Why don’t you lay down for a little while Daniel and rest. This couch is easy to sleep on, I can vouch for its comfort. If I get any information regarding your missing property, I will wake you I promise.” Sheriff Thibodaux moved to help Daniel to his feet and guide him carefully to the couch. Daniel sat but remained unsure as he gradually made himself comfortable while keeping his eyes on Leroy.

  “Let me take those boots off, you’ll be more comfortable.” The Sheriff bent to unfasten the laces and Daniel pulled back. He didn’t want to be barefoot again. The boots were big, but they gave him security in that he could run if he needed to.

  "No, I'll leave them on." He stated and pulled his feet back and away from the Sheriff who looked a little taken aback by the move. He held Daniel's gaze for a moment before straightening up and taking one-half step back.

  "Do you trust me, Daniel?" The Sheriff asked, and it seemed out of left field but was easy for Daniel to answer.

  No, Sheriff, I don't. I have no reason to trust anyone in this town." Daniel thought he saw the man flinch, but that was ridiculous. Nothing he had to say would ever touch this man. He was the Sheriff here and probably condoned everything that took place tonight. It would not surprise Daniel in the least to discover that the man was in the pocket of Crimson Corp.

  "Fair enough and call me Leroy." He glanced at the floor and then back up at Daniel. He looked sad, but that had to be an illusion or a ploy, could be either. "If I were in your situation, I'd probably not trust me either." He smiled again, but it didn't touch his eyes this time. "Now rest and I'll be back to check on you in a few."

  “Thank you.” Daniel felt bad for being curt with Leroy, but it was the truth and Leroy presented himself as a truth teller, so he should expect the same. He stretched out with his feet hanging off the side. The boots were a bit uncomfortable, but he would die rather than admit it.

  He was in that twilight level of sleep when he felt a blanket being tucked around him and his boots being loosened and removed, and his bare feet were then tucked under the warm wool blanket. He sunk deep into the cushions and snuggled up in the blanket and fell back to sleep. He was too exhausted to complain.


  Leroy went to the bathroom located in the outer office and splashed a goodly amount of cold water on his face and brought his arousal under manageable control. Being so close to his chosen and having to keep his distance was brutal. But not as brutal as the words, ‘I don’t trust you,’ those were lethal. He pulled it together and then went out and checked on the status of the investigation.

  “Did Jarod check in yet?” He asked at the desk.

  "No, but Silas dropped of this bag of clothes for the crazy doc." The officer didn't mean to offend but offend he did. Leroy stopped in his tracks and turned back to address the officer.

  “Dr. Culpepper is in distress and it is not your place to make light of his misfortunes. Do not speak of him in those terms again.” Leroy laid down the law and the officer nodded and apologized.

  “I’m sorry sir, I really didn’t mean to be disrespectful.” Leroy nodded and grabbed the bag of clothes and headed back to his office. The officer at the desk wasn’t aware that Daniel was Leroy’s chosen so he couldn’t come down on him too hard although he wanted to grab him by the throat.

  He would have to get Daniel out of here soon and take him somewhere that they could truly be alone. Somehow, he needed to convince this little hell raiser that it would be a good idea to go home with him.

  When he returned to the office Daniel was asleep, so he took the wool blanket from behind his desk and spread it out to cover him. He didn't want him to catch a chill, and it felt good to take care of the little guy and damn he was small. He couldn't be more than five feet two inches and at best a hundred maybe a hundred and ten pounds. He would have to be careful how he drew attention to that fact though because obviously, it was a sore spot with Daniel.

  He crouched down and made the decision to remove the boots. With Daniel’s legs hanging over the side of the couch like they were he’d wake up with a sore back at the very least. He slipped them off and moved Daniel’s lovely soft feet under the blanket. Leroy stayed like that, crouched down at the side of the couch, for a few moments just taking in the quiet beauty of his chosen and counting his blessings. It was time to call the coven and announce his good news.

  Leroy moved to the interview room for privacy and made his call. It was early morning, so he spoke with Talbot Yates who was handling the Master’s business for the night. “Congratulations Leroy.” Talbot extolled. “I’ll put out the word that the chosen has been claimed. You’re going to make a lot of men jealous, from what I’ve heard Dr. Culpepper is quite the catch.” Talbot liked to tease.

  “That he is.” Leroy agreed. “He is a real stunner and I’m a lucky man.” Leroy went on to explain the burglary of Daniel’s room and his current level of distrust and agitation related to this event. Talbot would relay the information and he would probably hear from someone later in the day.

  Leroy returned to his office to catch up on paperwork and keep an eye on his chosen, his destiny. He was deliriously happy with the outcome of this day and looked forward to getting to know Daniel and working his way into the little historian’s life.

  Jarod and the others returned just after three to file their report on the break-in and burglary of Daniel's hotel room. Daniel was still fast asleep, and Leroy didn't want to wake him. He would relay the information later after he woke. Leroy met the men in the main room of the station.

  “It was a team from Crimson Corporation on the orders of Cullen Volakis. They took everything, even the lint by the looks of it.” Jarod looked pained and apologetic. “Dr. Culpepper must have really pissed off Cullen Volakis.”

  Leroy rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he glanced back down the hallway towards his office. The need to get Daniel someplace safe rocketed to first in order of importance. If he angered Cullen as it appears, his life could still be in danger. He recalled the report he filed yesterday regarding their clash on Main Street and how near Daniel had come to not being present here today. The thought chilled him to his soul.

  "I know his research has threatened the Coven, and our secrecy is all that really protects us, but did they have to take everything? I don't think his toothbrush or his underwear are a threat to our existence." Jarod sat down at his desk and began the report on the incident which would erase all evidence of Coven involvement. "I don't think he realizes it yet, but they took his car too."

  "Finish your reports and forward them to the plantation," Leroy said and turned back towards his office. "I'll message the Master and see if I can reclaim any of his property." The thought of Cullen having a grudge against his chosen was very upsetting. He would have to remain vigilant in his protection, Daniel must stay safe. No one not even Cullen Volakis himself is getting near Daniel as long as Leroy continues to draw breath.

  When he walked into his office, he noticed Daniel beginning to rouse. “It’s still early, love just lay there and relax.” He said an
d wondered if Daniel noticed the slip. He couldn’t help it the man just demanded endearments and who was Leroy to resist such a siren’s call.

  "No, I should try to pull it together. I need to figure this out. God, what am I going to do Sheriff?" Daniel sat up but kept the wool blanket wrapped around him as he stared down at his bare feet and let out a deep heartfelt sigh.

  “Call me Leroy.” He pulled a metal straight back chair over and sat down directly in front of where Daniel was seated on the couch. Leroy leaned forward and rested his forearms on his thighs. He took a deep breath and tasted the pure scent of his chosen and felt the lustful sensations rocket through his system. Everything about this man called to him on every level of his being.

  "I'd like you to make a list of everything that is missing. Jarod said the room was cleaned out just as you'd said. There is no evidence as to who took your things, and I can't promise you that I will get them back. But I can promise you that I will try." Leroy chose his words very carefully so as to not lie to his chosen.

  “It was Crimson, I have no doubt that they directly or indirectly orchestrated this entire incident. Specifically, Cullen Volakis, the hammer of Crimson Corp.” He stated the last with heavy sarcasm. “I hate that guy.”

  Leroy gave him a soft, sympathetic smile. "Yeah, he has that effect on a lot of people." He reached over and patted Daniel's hand to get his attention, and when he trained those lovely hazel eyes on him, Leroy melted all over again. He reached over and retrieved the bag of clothing and handed it to him.

  “Silas brought some of Anton’s things for you.”

  "Wow, Anton is it." Daniel winked, and Leroy died. "With a name like Anton he'd be required to be stylish." Daniel stood up, and Leroy followed. "Thank you, Leroy." Daniel held tight to the bag and dropped his gaze to the floor suddenly looking embarrassed. "Is there somewhere I can get dressed?"

  Oh fuck, this sweet and subdued side of Daniel was killing him. Leroy wanted to gather him up and take him home and never let him leave. "There's a bathroom across the hall," Leroy told him and walked with him to the door. He continued to watch him as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him.


  Daniel leaned on the sink and stared at himself in the mirror. He still looked like shit, his hair was a mass of tangles, and he was dressed in a heavy fleece robe. What a picture he must have made rushing into the sheriff's office demanding justice. He dropped his head and closed his eyes for a moment.

  He’d managed to fall asleep for a couple of hours on the Sheriff’s couch, but he was still dead tired. He wasn’t sure where he was going to go after he got dressed and left here. He didn’t feel safe going back to the hotel, but the thieves also took his keys and his car, so he had no way of going too far.

  Daniel took the bag and emptied it on the small counter. Silas's brother had been generous. The clothes were nice and looked like they would fit well. Jeans, white t-shirt, plaid button-up cotton shirt, socks, and shoes. There was no underwear but then who wants to borrow underwear? Also included was a thin black jacket.

  The weather had been rather mild. It was still chilly but not as cold as it often got back in Philadelphia in December. The jacket would do fine, and he was very grateful for the loan.

  Daniel washed up before changing and managed to get his hair to lay down. He was beginning to look like a respectable human. The clothes did fit perfectly apart from the pants being a bit on the long side. He bent to fold the bottoms under and stepped back but misjudged how close the toilet was behind him.

  Daniel could not believe how bad his luck had gotten until he felt himself losing his balance and tumbling backward over the slippery porcelain toilet bowl to bounce his head off the edge of the tile shower situated behind it. Could his life get any fucking worse was his final thought before being rendered unconscious while pinned awkwardly between the toilet and the shower.


  Leroy positioned himself right outside the bathroom. He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed on his chest and waited for Daniel to finish. The need to keep an eye on him had Leroy closely watching everyone coming and going. He knew there was nothing to worry about here in the station, but his instincts drove him to take no chances. You only got one chosen, and he was not about to let his get harmed.

  He heard the crash and didn’t wait for an invitation to enter, he burst into the room to find Daniel wedged between the toilet and the shower with his foot caught up in the pipes under the sink. “What the hell happened.” Leroy released Daniel’s foot and then tried to turn him so as to pick him up without twisting or straining his joints.

  When he didn't get an answer to his question, he moved quickly to Daniel's head and noticed a large goose egg forming on the side of his forehead. He was out cold, but he was breathing, and his heartbeat was steady. He was okay, he'd just knocked himself out.

  “Oh, mon cher. What did you do to yourself?” Leroy tried to soothe him as he began to come around.

  Leroy lifted him from the floor while easing Daniel’s hip to the left and getting his legs over his forearm. Finally, he was out and cradled in Leroy’s arms.

  “I’m going to carry you to my office, sit you on the couch and help you put your shoes on.” He spoke clearly and with enough authority that Daniel did not balk at being carried or having his shoes put on for him.

  "I fell backward over the toilet and hit my head. Shit, can my life get any more fucked up?" Daniel rolled his head and pressed his face into Leroy's shoulder. Leroy kicked his office door shut before sitting Daniel down on the couch. He hated letting go of the little guy, but he didn't have a good reason to keep carrying him. He weighed no more than a feather, and from the feel of his bones jutting out on his hips and ribs, the man does not eat right. Leroy made a mental note to start keeping track of Daniel's calorie intake.

  Leroy smoothed the hair back from Daniel’s forehead and looked at the lump forming there. “You’ll be okay, but you might end up with a black eye.”

  "Won't be my first." Daniel offered offhandedly. That statement did not sit well with Leroy who pressed a cold compress to the side of Daniel's head

  “Who gave you a black eye?” He tried to sound casual, but it came out with an edge to it. Daniel looked embarrassed but answered the question.

  "I average a punch in the face about once a year now, but back in high school it was about once a week." Leroy had Daniel keep the compress in place and began putting Daniel's shoes on him. He was having a hard time staying calm and not blowing up at the fact his chosen had been brutalized for most of his existence and seemed to simply accept it as a part of life.

  "I don't agree with it, but I can understand the fighting in high school but who would punch you in the face now. You are a well-regarded historian, a scholar, who the hell is punching you in the face?" Whoever the fuck they were they were damn well going to stop, and Leroy was going to make sure they stopped.

  "Give me a name, and I will make sure they never punch you again." Leroy was shocked that he put words to his thoughts, but he didn't regret it. Daniel looked at him and smiled and everything was worth that bright and weightless look in his eyes.

  “There have been too many to give you names, Leroy. Although I do appreciate the offer. I can be a bit of a smartass and can rub people the wrong way, just like I did with Cullen Volakis. I push buttons when faced with a bully. I don’t know when to shut up and walk away. They trigger me, and I do stupid things that inspire them to punch me in the face.” Daniel went on about his abuse as if it meant nothing and it was tearing Leroy apart. The anger was building into a rage at the fact anyone thought they had a right to touch what belonged to him.

  He focused on tying the shoes and then moved to take a seat next to Daniel on the couch. “I just want you to know that if anyone lays a hand on you that I will likewise lay a hand on them. I will keep you safe.”

  "Do I need protection, Leroy?" Daniel asked.

  Leroy turned Daniel's head towards
him with a hand on the side of his face cupping his cheek. "I need to protect you." Leroy rubbed the pad of his thumb across Daniel's cheekbone and stared into his eyes trying to read what he was thinking. The moment was electric.

  “Are we getting intimate here Leroy because I’d really like it if we were.” Daniel’s breath whispered softly against Leroy’s lips.

  "Yeah, yeah we are," Leroy mumbled just before taking Daniel's lips in a searing hot kiss. The experience was explosive, and the need to devour this man became too much to resist, and he didn't even try.

  They naturally moved towards one another as the kiss increased in pressure and intensity. Daniel was clutching at Leroy's shirt and the desire to give him everything that grip was asking for led Leroy to turn him slightly and pin him against the back cushions of the couch. From this position, he plundered Daniel's soft lips and plunged deep inside his tender and delicious mouth. Nothing in his long life has ever tasted as good as his chosen. To compare it to anything else in this world would be absurd.

  He threaded his fingers through Daniel’s soft hair and cupped the back of his head giving him more leverage and additional control. He explored and devoured as he sunk deeper and deeper under the spell of his chosen.

  Daniel felt powerless to stop, and he didn't want to stop. It had been several years since he experienced a romantic kiss and never did one ever feel like this. Leroy Thibodaux was commanding without being demanding if that made any kind of sense. Daniel followed his lead and gave what he sought but did not feel pushed or forced in any way. This was a mutual desire and a mutual embrace, and it was fantastic.

  Leroy lightly nipped the side of Daniel’s plump bottom lip in order to get a small taste of his predestined lover and life partner. The flavor exploded in his mouth and heated every molecule of his body. No more donors, dates, or bagged blood, Leroy would soon know the ecstasy and comfort of feeding only from his chosen love.


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