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Pound of Flesh

Page 5

by Jessa Kane

  I set Delilah down on edge of a table, shoving up her dress and snatching her panties off in an impatient fist. “Thank you.” Words I rarely have reason to say rumble low in my chest, and I’m unable to look her in the eye. “For…touching me. Showing them you’re not afraid of me. I wouldn’t be able to stand it if you were scared of me, doll. I’ll never, ever hurt you.”

  “I-I think I know that now,” she breathes, eyes wide.

  Those comforting hands settling on my shoulders, trail down my chest and stomach to unfasten my jeans. Soon as she’s got my zipper lowered, I guide my cock to her tiny, wet hole and cram myself inside. I’m already regretful over the way I shove into her so roughly, forcing my flesh inside her with a rude fist, my harsh grunts punctuating the air between us. Because she’s a miracle—my miracle—though, she only spreads her thighs wider. “Tell me again it’s all for Daddy.”

  “It is. All of me.” She unbuttons the top of her dress with a shy expression, letting me see her bare tits. “Everywhere we go, I’ll sit on your lap and kiss your mouth until everyone knows only Daddy gets to touch.”

  My control snaps. I’m lost in her promise, her acceptance, her touch. Fuck. The tight clench of her pussy as I finally get seated, as much as I can. My balls are being strangled, my stomach tightening as I begin to fuck my beautiful doll, the legs of the table scraping back and forth on the ground.

  “Anyone thinks they can lay a finger on Daddy’s tight little fuck, I’ll kill them,” I grit out, my ears filled with the perfect sound of wet, joining flesh, courtesy of my balls swinging up to spank her gorgeous ass every time I pound into her. “I’m going to slap a collar on this neck of yours, Delilah. Going to let everyone know the key’s in my pocket where no one can touch it.” I close my grip around the smooth, slender column, pressing my thumb right to her erratic pulse. “I’m going to wear a collar, too, so everyone knows I have the privilege of being led around by the dick by such a sweet fuck-doll.”

  Beneath her, the table comes apart from the force of my thrusts, legs falling every which way, cheap wood hitting the ground. So I jerk Delilah up against me and bounce her on my cock, holding her head steady so the impact doesn’t break her fragile neck. “Hurts so good.” Her teeth chatter. “Don’t stop.”

  “Can’t. Christ. Dressed like the girl next door, calling me Daddy in front of all those men. Couldn’t pull my cock out of you if the world was on fire.” My spine tightens at the base, my abdomen clenching with rabid lust. Her legs are trying to stay up around my hips, but I’m shaking them loose with every ram of my dick, poor little thing. Giving me everything. Letting me take her exactly as I need. “Shit, here it comes.”

  My mouth aches for something to bite down on, and at first I resist, knowing I could hurt her. No one hurts my doll. Not even me. But she must sense what I need, because she grabs the back of my head, yanking my mouth down into the crook of her shoulder. And I don’t stop to second guess the offer, sinking my teeth into the smooth skin and giving a guttural shout of release, my cock jerking and draining inside her. Without realizing I’m moving, I suddenly have her up against a wall, her knees stretched wide by the press of my hips, grinding deep into her hot cunt so she takes every drop of my need for her.

  “Mine,” I growl at her lips. “My fuck. My life.”

  “Yes.” Her head tilts to the side as if she’s having trouble staying awake. “Yours.”

  I lower Delilah to the floor, using my body to keep her steady against the wall while I fasten my pants with one hand. Finished with the task, I rebutton her dress and straighten it out, grunting with satisfaction over my task. She’s swaying, eyelids drooped to half-mast, so I turn, crouch down and signal for her to hop on my back. When we walk into the main section of the restaurant again, every head in the place is turned in our direction, but they’re not looking at me with fear anymore. No, it’s blatant envy and respect in their eyes, especially the men.

  More confident than I’ve ever felt in my life, I stride to the bar and toss a few bills from my wallet onto the bar. “For the damage,” I say. “Make those burgers to go. Quickly.”

  As if they’d already anticipated my request, the bug-eyed bartender sets a plastic bag on the bar, easing it toward me with a single finger. “T-take it.”

  I leave the cash, take the bag and walk out of the bar with a smile on my face.



  We decide to rent the motel room for a few extra hours.

  Okay fine, I fell asleep after being banged into another dimension, and Raider no longer seems content to keep me in the back of his van. I don’t question him. I’m having too much fun cradled against his huge body, eating soggy French fries and watching Lockup on the grainy motel television.

  His thick, hairy legs are stretched out on either side of mine, his feet hanging over the edge of the bed. He’s wearing boxers that could literally double as a boat sail. His lack of shirt means I’m surrounded by heat and the smell of satisfied male. Every few minutes, I turn my face to run my cheek in his ample chest hair, making him hum with contentment. There’s a heavy rod tucked between the cheeks of my bottom, but he seems happy to stroke my hair and straighten my dress, popping French fries into my mouth whenever I forget to eat.

  I love the glowing knowledge that I’ve been possessed. I’m Raider’s girl. And he’s my big, brash, bully man. If it were possible to take an extended vacation on this bed and forget every worry in the world, I would consider it. But there are things we need to discuss before I can truly let my guard down, let myself enjoy everything this man has to offer. Something tells me I need to approach the subject of my reservations with caution, though, so we don’t lose this comfort we’ve gained from each other. I don’t want to lose it.

  “So…” I turn off the television and scoot around, laying my head on one of his thighs. “Why don’t we just hang out here for a couple days?”

  A rumble vibrates his king-sized frame. “Want to get you home. I can keep you safer there.”

  “But…it’s not my home yet.” I play with the hem of my dress. “We haven’t even talked about it.”

  He pinches my chin between two fingers, tilting my head back. “Your home is with me, Delilah.”

  Dang. Is a decent conversation about this too much to hope for? I want to stay with Raider, but there needs to be an understanding. I’m not going to be cut off forever from the only remaining family I have left. Furthermore, if Raider is expecting me to leave my home and job, the least he can do is ask me nicely. I’m an independent woman with my own hopes and dreams, goddammit. He needs to fit into my life, same as I’d fit into his. “You were only supposed to keep me for two days,” I gently remind him. “I’m collateral, remember?”

  Dark clouds roll into his expression, his scars turning white, looking like lightning slashing across his face. That giant chest begins to shudder up and down, the thigh muscles under my head clenching. “No one is taking you away from me.”

  “Well, what’s your plan if my brother shows up with the money?”

  “He won’t.”

  “You don’t know that.” Irritation shoots me into a sitting position. “Look. It’s obvious you think my brother is a piece of shit, but I love him. He’s my piece of shit.” My throat tightens up. “You can’t just expect me to drop my entire life, Raider. Not after you’ve only known me such a short time. I don’t know a lot about relationships, but I think there should be compromises. Don’t you?”

  His scars have deepened to a murderous red. “You might already be carrying my child in your belly. You’re damn well going to stay put where you’ll be safest.”

  “Safe from whom?” I sass. “Men who kick my door down?”

  My voice is raised now and there’s no help for it. His reminder that I could be pregnant makes me nervous, because I don’t know a damn thing about having or raising babies. And now I might be doing so with a man who doesn’t respect the life I’ve built or my family. Doesn’t even
respect me enough to have a reasonable discussion about the expectations of our relationship.

  “I’m done talking about this!” Raider bellows, smashing a fist down on the flimsy side table, making the receiver fly off the phone. “No more.”

  I push off his chest and bound off the bed. “I’m done, too! And I’m not leaving this motel until my brother’s two days is up.” Stomping toward the bathroom, I throw fury at Raider over my shoulder. “You know what? I’m starting to think you don’t want your money at all. If we keep driving farther and farther away, he definitely won’t be able to make the deadline. Have you thought of that?”

  He gives me an evasive look, his shoulders hunching. Well. I have no idea what that means and I don’t give a rat’s behind. My fury is catapulting around in my stomach; my skin is burning. Dammit, being angry is twice as awful when you’re scared, apparently. I’m not scared of Raider. Just scared of the unknown. Having my free will taken away. Never being surrounded ever again by familiar faces and walls. Worse, I’m afraid of what happens if Raider won’t ever compromise. Do I lose him?

  “I’m not budging,” I try to say in a firm voice, but it cracks, right before I slam the bathroom door. A minute later, I step naked into the scalding shower, forcing myself to take long, calming breaths. I scrub my face with both hands and remind myself to be patient. Raider probably has as much experience with relationships as I do. In other words, he doesn’t have any experience. Over time, we’ll earn each other’s trust and he’ll understand that keeping in touch with my family or making decisions for myself won’t take me away from him.

  My palm glides down my damp belly, resting on the flat surface. Was he right? Could I really be pregnant?

  The possibility softens me. Makes the fight we’ve just had seem irrelevant in the face of something much more important. Determined to solve things with Raider—in other words, force him to communicate in something other than caveman language—I step out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. I’m almost to the door when Raider’s deep timbre reaches me from the other room.

  “I changed my mind,” he says. “I’m ready to get rid of her.” A pause. “Yeah. As soon as possible.”

  White noise blows in my ears. Get rid of…me? Oh God. Shit. My fingers are shaking and bloodless where they clutch the thin, white towel to my chest. I was right to hold on to a thread of caution, wasn’t I? The men in my life never stay with one woman for long, shuffling them aside when they get bored. A man like Raider simply doesn’t do breakups, it seems. How could I develop feelings for a man who could be so callous? There’s a large part of me that still doesn’t believe I heard him correctly. I couldn’t have. But…what if Raider wanted a meek, accepting woman and my stubbornness turned him off? Made him change his mind?

  Or what if he’s so sure my brother isn’t going to deliver the money, killing me is his way of punishing Roger? No…it can’t be. But what if?

  I can’t take the chance. Even if there’s been some mistake, he’s all but confirmed I’m going to be the one in this relationship to give up their life without looking back. He’s demanding I do it without a second thought. What else is he going to demand that I don’t want to give?

  Tears are streaming down my cheeks as I crouch down on the floor, riffling through my discarded clothes to find my cell phone. I’m surprised and relieved to see a message from Roger on the screen, and my numb fingers hurry to retrieve it.

  Came up with the $

  Tracked you north

  Where the hell are you?

  I cover my mouth to muffle my sob. Am I relieved or disappointed? My head hurts too much to tell. Right now, the man who crawled under my skin is an unknown, much as my heart screams the contrary. Insists I misunderstood what I heard. But Roger is familiar and safe. There’s no decision except to leave.

  After punching in the name of the motel and finding out Roger is only twenty minutes away, I instruct him to pull around back when he arrives. Then I don my clothes in record time and climb out the tiny window, an ache already forming in the dead center of my chest.



  My beautiful doll has been in the bathroom too long.

  I heard her sniffling in the shower, and it made me crazy. She confuses me as much as she entices. One moment, she’s snuggling into my chest, the next her little nose is red and she’s upset. I don’t think I handled it well, either. No, if I had, I think she would still be tucked into my lap. Right where I need her. Or maybe she’d be spreading her legs again, offering up her cunt for more seed.

  My cock throbs, the length of it tenting the front of my boxers. I reach in and start to stroke myself, but the pain and guilt I’m feeling over making Delilah cry forces me to stop and I slump myself down onto the bed. I continue to stare at the bathroom door, willing it to open so I can try speaking to her in a quieter voice.

  What will I say, though? She nearly called me on my deception. It’s only a matter of time before she realizes her guess was correct. I don’t give a shit about the money Roger owes me. I never expected him to have it ready. Hell, I was counting on him being an irresponsible asshole so I would have an excuse to take Delilah instead. The sweet blonde I’d been burning for since watching her ride in circles on her bike three years ago. God knows I never could have charmed her into coming with me willingly. I don’t have an ounce of charm in my body.

  Then again…I could be wrong. Delilah didn’t say she wants to leave me, right? Only that she wanted to see her brother from time to time. A conversation is what she asked me for. And I panicked. I panicked because I don’t know the right words to make her understand I’ve been waiting to be with her so long, I want to run down anyone who might remind her I’m not worthy.

  Only, Delilah thinks I’m worthy. Maybe I need to trust her, because that’s the only way she’ll trust me in return.

  When is she going to come out of the bathroom? I miss her. She felt so good sitting between my legs, and now I’m just empty. Regret over shouting at her and slamming the table is making it so I can’t even sit up straight. I need to cuddle her.


  No answer.

  My throat burns.

  We need to leave the motel soon so I can meet the buyer I just spoke to on the phone about my Pontiac. I’ve got important things to worry about now, like making Delilah happy. Providing for her and our child, when the time comes. Until the garage is running and cash is coming in, I need the money the sale of my classic car will bank. After putting this particular buyer off for years, I’m finally going to let him take her—my Pontiac—off my hands.

  Too restless to sit still and wait anymore, I stand up and knock on the bathroom door. “Delilah?” I swallow hard. “I’m sorry.”

  Again, there’s no answer. A buzzsaw starts spinning inside my skull. The silent treatment doesn’t really seem like her style. No, she’s a passionate little thing. More the type to continue the argument or come flying out of the bathroom into my arms. Quietly moping doesn’t fit.

  As soon as the certainty occurs, I raise my fist and bash it down on the doorknob, ripping the brass piece of shit clear out of both sides. When the door sways open to reveal an empty bathroom, I can barely believe what I’m seeing. She…ran away? No. NO. I-I didn’t mean to yell. The whole argument started and ended so fast…I can’t. I lost her? She left me?

  A savage pain slices into my chest, stealing my breath and doubling me over. My knees threaten to lose power and send me crashing to the ground, but fear keeps me standing. My beautiful doll is out there somewhere on her own. Last time she ran away, a man tried to do something despicable to her. What if I’m not there to save her this time? She’ll be hurt or worse. Oh fuck. My vision goes black, clears, goes black again. Clears. She’s gone. She’s gone.


  My stomping feet carry me into the bathroom, my hands wrenching the open window right out of the frame, tossing it onto the floor. Stooping down to peer out into the
daylight, the scene in front of me is a nightmare.

  Delilah is mere yards away, looking at me worriedly over her shoulder. Her brother is idling at the curb in his tricked-out Mercedes, flipping me the bird. Two of his bonehead friends are sitting in the back, one of them helping my doll into the car—and I memorize their faces so I can find and kill them for touching what’s mine.

  “Delilah, no!” I roar, bashing my hand into the bathroom wall, sending plaster spraying everywhere. “Come back.”

  But the car door is already closing behind her. An unholy sound rips through my teeth when she presses her hand to the window, a sad expression on her face. Like she doesn’t want to leave…but I’ve given her no choice because I’m a selfish monster who didn’t listen or understand. Until it was too late.

  No, it’s not too late. I’ll move mountains to get my beautiful doll back in my arms. Three years behind bars didn’t keep me away from her. Nothing and no one can.

  I don’t even bother putting on clothes, walking out of the motel in my boxers in peeling out of the parking lot in my van, groaning in pain when Delilah’s smell drifts toward me from every corner.

  It only takes me five minutes to catch up with the Mercedes.

  * * *


  I don’t feel so hot.

  Mostly because I have a serious need to burst into tears, but I’m surrounded by my brother’s asshat friends and they’re all bragging about putting one over on Raider. If I broke down and sobbed in front of them, they would rib me about it the rest of my life. And I’m going to be seeing them the rest of my life, aren’t I? I’m headed right back to the beginning. Pretending I didn’t get kidnapped and claimed by a giant who may or may not want me dead.

  “How did you come up with the money?” I ask Roger, to distract myself.

  “We did a GoFundMe,” one of his friends jokes.

  Roger snickers and shakes his head. “Ah, you let me worry about that, sis.”


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