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Tamed (Cherry Grove Book 2)

Page 10

by Cole Lepley

  We had a way of getting locked in our own little world where nothing else mattered but us. We didn’t take our cell phones and didn’t worry about anything daunting in those moments. It was just me and Ollie, and I can’t remember a time when I’ve been happier.

  He slows down again as we approach the archway of low-hanging trees that ends at the clearing by the pond. Ollie pulls over and cuts the engine, removing his helmet and turning his head to face me.

  “You still good back there?”

  I laugh once. “Yeah, you’re driving skills are still acceptable.”

  He grins, hopping off the quad and reaching his hand up to help me down. “I’d use a different word to describe my skills, but I’ll take it.”

  I roll my eyes, grab his hand, and climb off onto the grass. After setting my helmet on the front rack, my gaze drifts to the large tree behind us. The names we carved when we were ten are still there and it makes me smile. There are no hearts and promises of forever. Just the names of two kids who thought they could have it anyway.

  Ollie’s watching me carefully as I turn back around, gauging my reaction. Nerves tug at me hard and I wrap my arms around myself. “Do you still come here a lot?”

  He shrugs, his hands planted in the front pockets of his worn jeans. “Sometimes. If I need to be alone.”

  “So, you never brought anyone else here?”

  I ask the question even though I’m not sure I want to know the answer. I’d be lying if I said it wouldn’t bother me if he had. But he shakes his head.

  “Nah. This is our place. You’re the only person I’d ever bring here.”

  His answer makes the tension inside of me ease a little more. It’s stupid to feel jealousy over other people when we’ve been apart for so long, but I was never okay with some other girl touching what’s supposed to be mine.

  I don’t tell him that. Instead, I nod to the large bag strapped to the back of the quad. “What’s that?”

  He smiles, his smoky eyes lighting up once more. “It’s a surprise.”

  Ollie steps around me and opens the bag, pulling out a blanket and small Tupperware container. When he turns back to me, I can’t help but smile too.

  “Are we having a picnic?”

  “Something like that,” he says with a smirk. “You know I always like to have snacks available.”

  I help him lay out the blanket under the tree and then sit cross-legged on one side. He opens the lid of the container and the scents of chocolate and vanilla fill the air. “Elliot actually bakes pretty good.” He hands me a cookie before shoving an entire one in his mouth. His eyes close and he groans in satisfaction. “Mmm. So good.”

  I take small bite, nodding. “These are good.” I chew for a moment and shift my body so I can face him. “Does Elliot still dance?”

  “Um, no actually,” he says with a shake of his head. “She got serious about track sophomore year and put all of her focus into that.” He shrugs, reaching for another cookie. “She’s like that, though. Once she finds something she’s passionate about, she’s all in.”

  “Sounds familiar. I’ll bet some of your competitiveness rubbed off on her.”

  He gives a half smile before leaning on his side and stretching his legs out. “Yeah, it definitely did, but she’s a better person than me. Despite my best attempts to fuck her up, she turned out rather well.”

  I scoff. “I’m sure you wouldn’t have fucked her up. She idolizes you. She always did.”

  Ollie laughs. “Yeah, that’s what worried me. I’m not exactly the best role model.”

  I hate when he talks poorly about himself. No matter how confident he comes across on the outside, his insecurities always seem to be bubbling beneath the surface. Nobody can maintain that level of perfection all of the time. It must be exhausting.

  Without thinking, I reach my hand out and place it on top of his with a small squeeze. “That’s not true. You’re an incredible brother to her. Your heart is always good.”

  Something flashes in his eyes when he looks at me, but he turns his head quickly before I can decipher what it means. He stares toward the pond. “I try to be.”

  I pull my hand back and rest it in my lap, following his gaze. The silence that falls between us is heavy with so many things left unsaid. I’m not even sure I want us to talk about everything that went wrong. We’d be better off trying to start a new chapter instead of trying to rewrite the old one.

  But his face is still clouded with a sadness I just can’t take. With a comforting smile, I reach over and tug at the sleeve of his T-shirt. When he finally looks at me, his eyes are guarded. I think Ollie’s nervous, too.

  “You want to know what I think?”

  He nods. “Always, darlin’.”

  Heat creeps into my cheeks and I resist the urge to turn away. “I think you’re a good person, with a big heart, and you don’t give yourself enough credit. Even if it comes off wrong, you always have the best intentions.”

  When he smiles up at me, the urge to touch him again is too much, and I run my hand through the hair that falls on his forehead. He catches my wrist and tugs me to him, my hand falling to his waist.

  He wets his lips before he speaks and my stomach clenches. “You wanna know what I think?”

  “What?” My words are breathier than I intend them to be, but I always forget to fill my lungs with enough air when I get this close to him.

  “I think you give me too much credit, but I’m thankful that you do.” His finger traces my bottom lip. “And you better not kiss me right now, because if you do, I won’t be able to stop.”

  The aching in my chest is almost painful at this point, but I can’t allow myself to make the same mistake twice. I can’t fall this hard for him this fast. The momentum will shatter me into a million pieces.

  Instead, I turn my head to kiss his cheek and pull back with a smile. “Good thing one of us has self-control.”

  It’s a lie—but he doesn’t need to know that.

  Chapter 17


  Oliver - Now

  I’m not gonna lie—for the past few days, you couldn’t beat the smile off my face with a stick. That’s how much of an improvement being with Charlie has on my mood.

  Many would say I’m a high-spirited person. The one who makes jokes all the time and never takes anything seriously. Because why should I? My life is already perfect, right? There’s nothing I should have to worry about.

  Sadly, that’s not the case. Being positive all the time is harder than feeling normal, human emotions. It’s a front I put out so everything I’m afraid of doesn’t leak through. I’m far from insecure—I know I’m fucking awesome—but I also know I have a few things I still need to work on.

  Being humble is also hard.

  Hunter senses my sudden spike in energy and grins at me from across the counter in the faculty lounge. I take a sip of my coffee and reach for more sugar packets, shooting him a questioning look.

  “What’re you so smiley about?”

  He grins wider. “It’s starting.”

  I shake my head immediately. “No, it’s not.”

  “Yes it is, you fucking pussy.” He walks around the counter and punches me in the arm enthusiastically. I glare at him because not only is he wrong, but it also kind of hurt.

  I rub my bicep with my hand roughly. “It’s not funny, dick.”

  He nods. “Oh, I think it’s very funny. You’ve been hanging out with Charlie for less than a week, and you’re already losing your shit.”

  “No, I’m being smart about this.” Hunter throws his head back and laughs shamelessly and I grit my teeth. “I’m fucking serious. I’m going to do it right this time with her. I won’t lose Charlie again.”

  “Charlie, huh?”

  My head snaps to the voice and my anger hits a new level. Liam strolls casually into the lounge with a knowing smile. Eavesdropping motherfucker.

  True to form, I remain calm when he steps in front of me and pulls the
carafe from the coffee maker. He cocks his toward me while he pours. “You talking about Charlie Reed?”

  A smirk crosses my face and I lean on the edge of the counter. “I’m sorry, Nickles, but that sounds like none of your fucking business.”

  He continues to look smug although I’m not sure he has any reason to be. Or at least, I hope not.

  “I saw her last week. She said she doesn’t talk to you much.”

  I laugh once. “I do enjoy that you spend your time with her talking about me. Must seem like old times.”

  His grin morphs into a scowl and I know I’ve hit a nerve. “Speaking of old times, I see you two signed up to chaperone Fall Festival.”

  Already tired of the interrogation, I cross my arms. “So? Elliot’s passing her crown, of course I want to be there.”

  He huffs a laugh. “That explains why Hunter wants to be there.”

  I put my arm out before Hunter even takes a step. I laugh darkly. “I’d watch yourself. Make one more comment about my sister, and I’m letting him go.” I step closer to him and lower my voice to a muted growl. “And if you’re still conscious after he’s done with you, I’m taking what’s left.”

  Liam stiffens. “Well, I hope Charlie’s smarter this time around. It doesn’t appear that you’ve changed.”

  I grit my teeth and my jaw tenses. “Like I said, it’s none of your fucking business. Stay the fuck out of it.”

  There’s no point in arguing further and I think he knows that. We remain in a heated stare for several more seconds until he takes his mug and stalks out the door.

  My fist slams into the cabinet door and it springs back from the hinges, bouncing twice. “I fucking hate that guy.”

  Hunter steps toward me and places his hand on my shoulder. “Easy, there. Destruction of school property is almost as bad as hitting him.”

  “Yeah, well it doesn’t feel as good, that’s for fucking sure.” I shake out my hand and motion angrily to the door Liam just strutted out of. “I know what he’s going to do.”

  Hunter scoffs. “He’s not gonna do shit.” He gives me a small shake before releasing me. “She didn’t care about him then, and she doesn’t care about him now.”

  “What if she doesn’t care about me either?”

  “Come on, Ollie,” he says, slightly exasperated. “I know I like to complain when you act like an arrogant asshole, but I kinda want to see some of that right now.”

  I clench my teeth harder. “I know I’m better than that guy.”

  “So start acting like it. You’re always on my shit about lacking confidence and here you are walking around like you don’t know exactly what you need to do.”

  I shrug. “I don’t.”

  A short growl escapes his lips and he smacks the side of my head. I release a grunt of my own and he laughs. “Yes, you do.”

  Nope. Still nothing.

  Hunter shoots me a look. “Be yourself. Remind her of the reason she fell in love with you in the first place.”

  It’s my turn to laugh. “I was an asshole. She left because I acted like myself.”

  He shakes his head. “Be a better version of that. Don’t fuck her around and act like you don’t care when you really do. Show her you can be someone she can rely on. Someone she can trust.”

  Trust. Can I trust myself not to fuck this up? I honestly don’t know.

  My evening run does nothing to calm my nerves. I’ve been trying not to be aggressive with Charlie since she agreed to try the friendship thing again. I think most of my problem is I’ve always been a little too much. I don’t want to push her away by being too forward too soon.

  After grabbing a water from the fridge, I head down the hallway to the stairs. My father’s voice coming from his study stops me as I’m reaching for the railing.

  “Oliver. A word.”

  His tone is stern, and I take a deep breath before turning around. I start to rack my brain for anything I could have done that might have pissed him off. Honestly, I think I’ve been fairly good lately, and that makes me more nervous.

  I give him my brightest smile. “What’s up?”

  There are schematics laid out on the desk he’s standing behind and he’s wearing his reading glasses. It must be a big deal, because he rarely puts them on. He thinks they make him appear old and getting older means that you’re getting weak.

  He motions me forward with his hand. “Come in here and take a look at this.”

  My eyebrows rise. “Me?”

  I mockingly look over my shoulder to see if there’s someone else behind me, and he sighs in frustration. “Yes, you. I need your help.”

  I consider faking a small heart attack but decide that would be too much. Although my father does enjoy my twisted sense of humor, he’s actually being serious with me about something he never has before. I’m intrigued.

  “What is all this?”

  “Plans for the new addition to the resort. I want to expand into more warm weather activities than just golf.” He plants his hands on his hips, staring down at the plans strewn all over his desk. “I think it will increase occupancy.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “It’s still in the early stages of planning, but I want to build an adventure park in the vacant wooded area beside the slopes. You know, like a zip line and a rope course. Kids love shit like that.”

  I nod, a genuine smile spreading across my face. He’s absolutely right. That sounds fucking awesome.

  “Yeah, dad. That would be cool.”

  He points to the center of the resort property where the lodge is located. “Unless we also expand and build another building for lodging, all of the activities must be easily accessible from here.” He slides his glasses off and looks me in the eye. “I want you to help me do it.”

  I almost laugh but catch myself just in time. I’m not trying to be a dick, but my father doesn’t ask me to do anything I could possibly fuck up. That definitely includes his business. Instead, I take a breath before asking my next question.

  “Help you do what?”

  His atypically calm demeanor starts to crack and the lines in forehead start to get deeper. “With the addition, Oliver. I want you to help me run it.” When I don’t answer fast enough, he cocks his head and gives me a measured look. “Unless you have better things to do.”

  I shake my head quickly, unwilling to let my sarcastic ass ruin this moment. “No, I totally want to help. I want to be a part of this.”


  That’s the only response I get. He gives his attention back to his blueprints and I start to walk away. When I’m almost to the door, his voice stops me once again.

  “I look forward to working with you, son.”

  I stand motionless for a second, the gravity of his words truly hitting me. My whole life I’ve always felt like a walking disappointment. Never serious enough, never good enough to do the right things. And now I have the chance to change that. Not only for my father, but for Charlie, too.

  For the second time today, I find myself at a loss for words, but I somehow I manage to speak. “Me, too.”

  Chapter 18

  Fireworks (Part I)

  Charlotte - Then

  A loud shot goes off and I flinch. I can’t see down through the yard from my spot on the second story of the back deck, but I’ll bet Ollie is close to running out of dynamite to set off.

  I’ll never understand guys’ fascination with explosives when they’re drinking. Seems like an accident waiting to happen, if you ask me. I guess everyone is going a little hard tonight though.

  It’s the last full weekend before senior year starts, and Ollie is throwing yet another party at his parents’ lake house. He said it would be a small get together, but the three-story complex is filled to capacity, and there’s quite a few faces I’ve never seen before.

  Liam has been distant for most of the evening, and I’m thankful for that. He really dropped a bomb on me earlier, and I still haven’t given him
a response. I can tell it bothers him. I’m leaning on the railing of the deck, watching him play beer pong with a couple of the guys from the football team. Ollie won the last round and is obviously trying to distract them by blowing shit up every two seconds.

  Another startling bang explodes into the night and I turn around and grip the edge of the railing, shouting down to him. “Knock it off before you blow yourself up!”

  A laugh rings out and I see two figures slowly walking up the yard side by side. Hunter comes into view first, amusement and intoxication written all over his face. Ollie points up to me with a grin and then walks in the downstairs entrance. With a sigh, I turn back to Liam who is now glaring at me.

  It’s no secret he’s uncomfortable with the relationship Ollie and I have. I can’t really blame him, considering the things we sometimes do when we’re alone, but he doesn’t know any of that. His hatred comes from a deeper place. He’s jealous of Ollie without even knowing why.

  I’ve kissed Ollie three times since I’ve been with Liam. Once was my fault, but the other times were totally him. It makes me feel all kinds of twisted up inside. Guilty for basically cheating on my boyfriend, and ashamed for wanting Ollie too much to care. It’s a line I thought my conscience would never let me cross, but here I am.

  When Liam misses his next shot, he mutters under his breath and takes another drink. It’s his sixth beer in the past hour and I know he’s about to get out of control. Fighting with him when he’s wasted sucks, and always happens when we’re at one of Ollie’s parties. So it’s more than I’d like.

  I set my cup down on the bench and walk over to him, lightly placing my hand on his back. “You okay?”

  He doesn’t look at me. “I’m great.”


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