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Inter Galactic Peacemakers

Page 2

by Yathansh Sharma

“You still don’t know how to make an acquaintance with a girl”

  “Well it will be pleased if you will teach me…”

  “Where are you going?”


  “Catch up with me there.”


  And she stepped forward towards me asked for a pen by the girl besides the counter, and wrote her cell phone number on my hand.

  “Let me tell you don’t ask for the phone no like this to any girl, I just know you that’s why… you know”.

  “Well thanks…”

  She turned again and I called her again “Kanika. You still didn’t give me your number”

  “But I just did…” she gave me a puzzled look.

  “I was asking for your seat no.”

  “You are a very clever boy” she replied.

  “Am I?”

  “Find out if you can” she turned again and walked away still having that smile on her face (I must say that was at least 7 out of 10).

  I turned towards the girl and started “Hey, senorita can I ask you for a favor…”

  “Yes please sir…”

  “I just want a seat beside that girl and my friends a bit away from us, you can understand” and I showed her my tickets.

  “Yes sir but…”

  “Don’t worry, there is some money in the right pocket of my shirt as soon as I will bend to keep my luggage over there pick it up, are we clear?”

  “That’s alright sir but…”

  “Just say, yes sir I understood, that will be enough”

  “No sir actually…”

  Without letting her say a word I bend down to kept the luggage of Varun and Srijita, but she didn’t picked it up.

  “Hey you missed your chance, alright let’s do it again…”

  I bend to keep Sakshi’s luggage, then Joshi’s then mine and finally she picked it up.

  “See how simple…” I said.

  “Here are your passes, sir” the seats which she gave me were E2, and B1, 2, 3 and 4

  “Actually sir I was saying that I can do it without the bribe, but still thank you for the $1000”

  I was stunned and looked at my pocket and I told her the wrong pocket, actually it was my left pocket with $10.

  “No problem…” I said to her in a crying face.

  Then I got back to my group and gave them the passes making a fake story that all the seats were full so we all were not able to get our seats together.

  “No problem I will take E2 happily” Joshi said.

  “Sharma your friend here is very much sweet.” Sakshi replied.

  “No thank you, I will happily take it, I am pretty much fine with it”

  “Oh! Come on let me have the favor”

  “I must say Sharma you are a very lucky man to have such nice friend” Srijita said.

  “No Srijita you don’t know how big a pain he is in the ass.”I whispered in her ear.

  “Mr. Joshi will you please accompany me to the washroom?” I said.

  “Oh! Can’t you go there alone, little kiddo”

  “Joshi, you are coming with me” as I said I changed my tone from calm to aggressive, and then I grabbed his arm and pulled him with me.

  Chapter 6 – A Small Warning?

  We went to the washroom on the second floor. It was empty and so I pulled him in…

  “What the hell do you think you are doing, first time in my life I was able to talk to her and now I have chance to sit with her and here you are trying to make things even”

  “I just want to return you the favor…” and he laughed.

  “Let me tell you what I can do…” and I kept my arm on his shoulder and pulled the B.T. off his arm (this became even easier with the sleeveless shirt), and suddenly he started transforming into a red skinned beast with spikes all over his shoulder and a devilish kind of face.

  “You must be crazy…” even his voice turned into a very dangerous one (the one which usually monster of fairy tale have) “Give it back to me…”

  I moved my arm away from him “Not at all…” (I guess that by now you might have guessed that it is the same device that alter our body shape and size)

  “Alright then…” he did the same and removed my B.T. from my arm. I also started turning into a (no I am not a monster but…) tall muscular human kind of a figure with eight pack abs (which were now visible as my shirt was now a bit short due to increase in height).

  “Alright fun times over now, give it back to me…” I said.

  “Isn’t it funny? What did you say, it’s not, and that’s good, because I am not giving it back to you”

  Suddenly a man entered the washroom. Before he can see Joshi he slipped into the cabin sitting on the pot, and I turned towards the urinal acting in front of the man. I was just standing there acting and not actually pissing but he came to me to me and said “Everybody have problem sometimes…” and smiled. I was puzzled at once then I saw down and replied “Yeah sometimes…” Suddenly Joshi slipped his leg and was hurt in between his balls (Bulls eye).


  The man started looking at the cabin.

  “Is that a friend of yours?”

  “No, I mean yeah, I mean maybe…” I must say I was stunned.

  I turned around again in shame and suddenly I felt that something was coming towards me, so I bent sideways, and it was the fist of that man making a crack on the wall exactly on the place where my head was, I quickly turned around and grabbed the other hand of that man (so finally an encounter with an alien), I was lucky that Joshi had removed that device from my arm and I had access to my physical strength again, both of us were moving our arms very fast in order to block each other’s attacks, the chain was broken when Joshi came from behind and grabbed the neck of that… (Whatever that was) and broke it…

  “You will not survive this trip Agent Sharma, not at least with all your friends, we will surely get you…” he replied while dying.

  “What was that thing?”

  “I don’t know…” I replied.

  “You are supposed to be the expert in this don’t you?”

  “What all am I supposed to be? I didn’t even had a case in last 20 years (or perhaps ever)”

  “Ask Brain…”

  “Yeah I am sending the D.N.A. structure of this thing to Brain…” suddenly the body of that creature started to dissolve in air, and in seconds it was gone…

  Both of us looked at each other and ran towards our group… “I will take E2”

  “No I will take it” both of us argued while running (Don’t think that we were scared, we just don’t want to miss that seat).

  “Wait! Joshi don’t you think that it’s a little odd.”


  “All of my friends suddenly on the same flight, together, it might be a co-incidence, but isn’t it way too much nice, and then that thing knew that all of them were here with me…”

  “Yeah! Sounds odd to me too…” both of us stopped and started discussing.

  “We better keep a look on every passenger on the flight”

  “And that’s why I am going to keep E2 with me, or else all you are going to do is chatting with her not aware of the danger around, am I right?”

  “Look Joshi I have already lost 1000$ for that seat, I am not going to let it go at any cost…”

  “$1000, you are such a big jerk”

  “Am I? I am starting to feel like quite a big one”

  “We better get back to the others…”

  Back there all of them were talking to each other when we arrived “…and we went there to celebrate our anniversary” Varun told Sakshi.

  “You are married? When Varun?” I asked when I reached there.

  “Oh yeah we actually are…” Srijita replied.

  “And both of us even sent you our wedding card…” Varun continued “We wanted to see that from which side you attend, and you didn’t even show up.”

  “Yeah I remember that I
received those cards, but then I was called for an emergency in my office, and I just forgot about your wedding… Sorry bro.”

  “Just a word of advice for you, don’t forget to attend your own wedding.” Srijita replied. And there was a moment of laugh (for everybody except me, what? Do you expect from me laugh on my own insult?).

  “We better get going for the security check-in” Joshi finally spoke to everybody, he was kind of stressed by the words he heard back there (Of course 1000$ are much even if it weren’t his… just kidding the reason was the same as you guessed).

  Well we went in for the check-in then we just waited for the announcement of our flight, when another of my old friend saw me.

  “Sharma…” he called me from behind.

  Chapter 7 – My Last Friend

  I turned around to see that Mishra was there.

  “Hey Mishra long time, no see…”

  “I was going to say the same to you too…”

  “By the way you might have recognized him…” I said pointing towards Joshi.

  “Why not? It’s Joshi, three of us were the best friends at school…”

  “See, not everyone is like you…” Joshi said to me.

  “Let me guess, you too are going to Africa?” I asked him.

  “Yeah sure, and you too?”

  “What exactly is your seat no?” Joshi asked him.

  “It’s B5, why?”

  “Bingo… would you like to make some adjustments?” as Joshi said that I got my hand over his mouth from behind.

  “Not at all... How can we let him sit alone and be bored through the entire journey?”

  “What exactly is going on?” Mishra asked.

  “Nothing you have got a seat near all of us… expect me.” I replied.

  “Well this is nice. Now I will have someone to talk to during the journey.”

  By this time Joshi had got himself free from my grip.

  “Are you nuts, I couldn’t breathe for a sec” he said.

  “You were talking too much.” I replied “By the way Mishra meet my friends Varun, Sakshi, Srijita, and guys this is my old friend Mishra”.

  “Hey everybody.”

  “So what are you going there for?” I asked Mishra.

  “I am going to write the script of a documentary.” He replied.

  Before we could talk anymore the last call for our flight was announced. So we went straight to the plane entrance.

  In there I went straight to E2 and saw Kanika sitting there.

  “Seems like fate always brings us together.” I said.

  “So you found my seat no.” Kanika replied after turning her head towards me.

  “Yup, although I had some problem asking the girl but I figured out a way.”

  “Well this means that I have a long and boring journey in front me.”

  “Hey I am not that much boring”

  “Yeah sure…” and she smiled, although I knew that she was just joking, (But what if she wasn’t?) Well let’s think about that later. For now better enjoy the moment.

  Chapter 8 – Actually A Trap

  It’s been around half an hour and still Sharma is busy chatting with her, I knew I should not have let him take that seat, now let me think something interesting for me. I just sat a bit straight and I felt the bio pulse bombs in my pocket which we usually take with us in order to paralyze all the passengers when we make jump for the triangle. When this bomb strikes all the bio organisms freezes for five minutes and we can easily jump without anybody knowing it. Although we must also freeze with this strike but we have a bracelet on our hand specially designed by I.G.P. for every agent in order to prevent us from such strikes, well it have many other uses but I will tell that to you later.

  By this point my frustration has reached to its limits and I turned towards Sharma. He was still enjoying and I was still sitting here doing nothing. So I turned the other way and started talking to Sakshi.

  “I think that you must start searching a new boyfriend”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Look at them” I pointed towards Sharma and Kanika “See how much they are enjoying”

  “That girl, is she the same girl from your school, Kanika?”

  “Oh you know her? Then you must also know that he liked her once”

  “Yeah and I don’t like the sight of this, why are they laughing?”

  “Most probably Sharma told a joke, although he is a good Joker (Why so serious?)”

  And Sakshi got up in anger.

  “Wait Sakshi I know that you are mad at him but you better not create a scene in public”

  “Are you nuts I am not a fool to bring up his anger and get myself almost killed? It’s too risky to provoke him.”

  “Oh then... you better not try to jump off the plane to suicide.”

  “Shut up you idiot, I just want to go to the washroom”

  “Oh well then I can’t stop you, you are free to go…”

  And she walked away, for a sec it was getting interesting then I turned towards Sharma and he was still talking to her. I took out my cell phone and texted him:-

  “So Agent Sharma what all

  Did you notice in last few hours?”

  To which he replied:-

  “That she is not only beautiful but also

  Have a pure heart. Also you

  were wrong about me not able to talk to her

  and I won the bet….”

  Such a jerk he is:-

  “No you idiot about something strange going on,

  in this plane”

  What should I do about him:-

  “Oh that listen carefully the man sitting just

  In front of you is an alien from sarutes, a planet of very

  deadly breed. And the women just behind you

  is a man from auretm very clever and

  master of disguise. Infect the whole flight is

  crawling with aliens except my friends”

  As soon as I got his message I looked at the people and all I thought was how come I missed all of them.

  Then I saw Sakshi coming towards me and I sat straight again.

  “This flight is a hell, a man is in their just when the flight took off and seems like he has forgot to come out”

  “That is strange, really strange. I must tell Sharma about this.”

  “What exactly is he going to do about this?”

  “It’s just that he is good at situations like this” and I made a fake smile.

  Chapter 9 – Trapped On A Plane

  “…And my brother thought that it was a ghost…” and we both just laughed.

  “You really are an interesting person Mr. Sharma”

  “I will take that as a compliment” and just then my cell phone rang with a message from Joshi.

  “There is a man in the

  Washroom since the plane took off.

  We must go and check it out.”

  “Will you excuse me for a sec” I said as I got up. And so did Joshi.

  “So you finally took a part in the investigation?” I said.

  “I was much more aware than you.”

  “Oh yeah I know.”

  As we reached towards the door an air hostess stopped our way.

  “Sorry sir but you cannot go any further, this place is already occupied”

  “Please let me through, it’s an emergency.”

  “Sir I understand but this place is not empty right now”

  “No you don’t understand I can’t control it any longer.” And I grabbed my stomach and bent a little.

  “Sir you have to please, I don’t want to clean the shit of a man around 20 years of age.”

  “What do you mean you idiot, don’t you know how to talk to passengers? I will complain about you… and trust…” While I was saying all this Joshi slipped behind the girl and broke her neck just like he did to that creature in the airport washroom (Obviously she was not a human).

  “Is your nonsense overacting fi

  “Well I did distract her.”

  “Oh yeah sure why not?”

  We both stood beside the door and unarmed. I turned off my B.T.

  “Oh even I must turn it off right now” Joshi said.

  “Are you nuts what will the crowd react if it will see a strange red colored beast?”

  “I don’t remember this plane to be having many HUMANS?”

  “Still, my friends are humans, we must not take any kind of risk” We both looked at each other and then broke open the door by our kick.

  Well all that happened after that was a bit awkward, both of us shouted freeze and the man inside jumped up over the pot pulling the tissue paper in order to cover his… you know, parts.

  “Bastards what the hell are you doing in here? Can’t a man even shit properly in this flight?”

  “Oh I am really sorry sir actually I misunderstood you with someone. That’s totally his fault” I said pointing towards Joshi.

  “Me? How can that be…”

  “Shut up I don’t care whose fault is it I just want both of you to leave now”

  “Alright! We are leaving, I am not even interested in looking at you… half naked…” Joshi replied.

  As we turned to leave I again had that strange feeling which I had in the airport washroom, like something is coming behind me and then I heard sound of a fire and I just pushed myself towards Joshi making both of us fall on the ground. As I got up I saw that man with a gun in his hand pointing right towards us.

  “Fools, I don’t know why the hell my master is so much concerned about you two, it seems like he over estimated your abilities.” That man said.

  “I knew it you are not a man, there is nothing between your legs (I mean no male parts)” I said.

  “Then what was he hiding?” Joshi asked.

  “That’s the point he didn’t wanted us to know that he don’t have it.”

  “What if he was a girl?” Joshi asked while we both stood there acting like we have our hands up in order to distract the ma… alien.

  “What kind of girl have plain chest?” I replied.

  “That’s a good point but I know someone like that.”

  “Who? (Don’t you dare say me)”

  “She is your girlfriend”

  “That’s just a negligible error (All those who are not science students, I must tell you that exceptions are everywhere)”.

  “Will you two stop chatting and pay attention here, a man with gun” the alien said.

  “You are not a man; you are nothing more than a maniac… I am not afraid of you, and…” while I said this great dialogue which I learnt from the trailer of a great movie that man takes another of those blue shots just at my foot to which I respond by taking a step back in order to prevent me from it “Hey that might burn my foot”.


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