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Inter Galactic Peacemakers

Page 6

by Yathansh Sharma

  “Yeah it’s a special kind of grease which is not found on earth.”

  “Then why is this dragon working, but not our other devices?”

  “Think again, our devices were working until the dragon showed up and I noticed that at that time it landed somewhere around here, soon after that our devices stopped working, that’s why I forced you all to get down here at that time.”

  “And that damage, it might be because of the plane crash, they might have collided when the plane was losing altitude.”

  “Exactly, the only reason why it returned was the damage it took, and if it is around here somewhere, then the control panel for Zemo radiation will be around here, and if we shut it off…”

  “… Then we can use our devices once again, and return to the camp.”

  “That’s a real interesting story” said a third voice from behind us. I jumped and turned around to see that Srijita was following us.

  “What all did you heard?” I asked.

  “The collision of the dragon and the plane, but I don’t know why will a dragon attack a plane? It is a useless story.”

  “That’s right he have a problem of making useless stories, isn’t it Sharma?”

  “Yeah… Joshi is absolutely right” (How the hell did she got here?)

  “By the way why did you follow us?” asked Joshi.

  “Nothing, had a hard time sleeping, there are so many mosquitoes here, it’s impossible to sleep with them around you. By the way where are you going?”

  “Just trying to walk around a little, good for digestion.” I replied.

  “Good idea I will walk with you too and then I will also digest that fish easily, it was really big…”

  “Wait a sec. you can’t come with us…” Joshi replied.

  “Yeah it’s too dangerous for you to be out right now.” I said.

  “Yeah you are right, I must go back.” And she turned walked two steps, as we started to turn she returned again, and said “If it’s dangerous to be out right now then why are you two roaming around here?”

  “Because we are boys and we can do it.” Joshi turned and said.

  “Hey that’s totally unfair” she said.

  “Wait! Joshi we shouldn’t be doing such discrimination, let me handle this, look we are strong and brave, I mean you too are brave and good hearted but, this is a job for some strong people, and you… are quite a bit… weak for this… isn’t it?” I said.

  “Yeah you are right, then I must return.” She said, and again she turned around and took two steps and as we started to turn, she returned again and said “But there is another problem.”

  “What now?” I yelled as I turned.

  “I just forgot the way back. And besides I will be safe if I stay with you.” She said.

  “Just leave and find the way but it’s dangerous for you to be with us too, TRUST ME” I said.

  “Really alright then I will leave” and again she turned around and took two steps and as we started to turn, she returned again and said “If it’s dangerous for you two then I must be there to help you if something bad happens, so it’s done, I am coming with you.” She said and walked forward leading us.

  “This girl can’t be reasoned with.” I said.

  Joshi was now staring at me in anger, “What?” I asked.

  “You shouldn’t be such discriminating, let me handle this” he replied.

  “What you must have helped me in arguing it’s not just my fault.”

  “But… huh! Leave it never mind” he said and we walked deeper in the forest.

  Soon we reached a hi-tech cave (Sounds strange, but it really was a Hi-tech cave build with all alien tech).

  “Wow, nice whose house is it?” Srijita asked.

  “This is no house, it’s a cave.” I replied.

  “Cave, doesn’t look like one” she replied.

  “Yeah it’s quite a bit advanced for a dragon” Joshi said.

  “Maybe this isn’t for a dragon, maybe it is just a pet here.” I said.

  “Let’s search this place a bit” Joshi said.

  “Good idea, you search this area, and I will search the database.” I said after looking the super computer on my right.

  “And what about me?” Srijita said.

  “You can guard the cave and alert us if someone comes here.” I replied.

  “Hey that’s a good idea.” She said and walked out, and once again she came back in and said “But if something bad happens to me than what? I will stay with you.”

  “No way… you should stay with Joshi and help him find something which we can use here”

  “But I don’t know what kind of strange stuff is in there, what if something dangerous is lying around here? I will stay with you near this computer, it’s safe around here.” She said.

  “I guess your magnetism worked once again.” Joshi said.

  “Why me? Why am I always stuck with all the problems? Fine just don’t disturb me” I said.

  “Deal.” She said. Joshi went in and I started my work on the computer.

  “This might be easy, I just need the password to get into the computer.”

  “Wow how will you find the password?” she said.

  “I have got three tries, first I will try to guess the password, if that fails, which is most probable, and then I will hack into the system and get the password.”

  “Ok... nice strategy”

  “Thank you, and I guess we had a deal?”

  “Yeah sorry.” And she kept a finger on her lips.

  “So this might be the password.” And I typed a password.

  ‘INCORRECT’ displayed on the screen.

  “Hey I have a question, why is it showing star-star when you are typing the password, this happens with me too when I type the password for my Facebook account or any other account” she said.

  “That’s to hide it so that if anyone is standing around you, they can’t see it and it should not get leaked.” I replied.

  “Yeah but it’s still star when no one is around me”

  “I almost got depressed by this answer and thought that Joshi might be in a much better condition.”

  Chapter 20 – Clues

  So I escaped from that silly girl at last, now I need to find the source of that Zemo radiation if it is even here.

  “What is that?” I said to myself when I saw a piece of cloth that seems familiar. I went towards it and picked it up, I felt like I have seen it before. So I kept it in the evidence pouch, just like the pouch that Sharma had with him.

  Then I searched this cave more and I went deeper. There was something really dangerous which stunned me. The dragon itself, I can’t belief that this was happening. This one seemed dead too. I went near it and looked closely, although I didn’t had the guts to touch it but I bought my hand close enough to it.

  Then I turned around and got what I wanted, the device which was emitting the Zemo radiation. I went close to it and removed the master chip from it, which shut down the device.

  As soon as it went out the dragon started snoring, and I looked at it.

  “Can this be true? Can this dragon be a robot?”

  “… Agents come in, do you copy?” Brain said on the communicator.

  “This is agent Joshi I copy.” I replied.

  “What’s your status? What exactly is happening there?”

  “When we reached on this triangle our devices went off…”

  “Alright so that explains why I lost your signal. What happened after that?”

  “We somehow found the Zemo emitting device and I turned it off.”

  “Good job where is Agent Sharma? Why is he not responding to me?”

  “He won’t respond, he is in big trouble.”

  “What kind of trouble?”

  “Nothing that he can’t handle…”

  Chapter 21 – Mystery Unveiling

  “Agent Sharma respond, I repeat respond.” Brain was continuously giving off signals on the communicator.
That son of a… Joshi didn’t thought even for a while before disabling the Zemo emitter.

  “Hey I am sure I heard your voice, like this ‘Agent Sharma respond, I repeat respond’, I just can’t find the source” Srijita said.

  “Yeah just keep searching for the voice box” I replied. There can be another possibility that the device was somewhere else and it was switched off in order to awake the dragon which actually was an electronic machine and now it was ready to attack us in the dark of the night (I guess I think a lot).

  “Hey I just realized that the voice was coming out from your bracelet which is on your left arm.” Srijita said.

  “No that isn’t true, maybe this computer have a speaker or something around there.”

  “Maybe, let me check…” and she bent down to take a look at it.

  “Sharma look what I found there.” Joshi said arriving behind me.

  “It’s a R.C.C.” I replied as I took a look at the chip which he bought.

  “R.C… what?”

  “Radiat Current Connector, an important silicon based semiconductor which is used to complete a circuit that carries Radiat Current” I replied.

  “What is Radiat current?” Srijita asked.

  “Something that is still under development, at least on Earth. It is a form of current that is transmitted as a very low level Radiation which is not harmful and can work without Wires.” I replied.

  “Then if it’s still in development How come they are using it?” Joshi replied

  “This is the reason for Zemo radiation in this place. I will explain it to you later, for now I have almost got the data.” I said and turned towards the computer and finished the hacking part.

  “Just to show you I found this too over there” Joshi said handing me the piece of cloth which he found.

  “It seems familiar…” I said.

  “That’s the piece of Sakshi’s top.” Srijita replied.

  “How do you know that?”

  “I remember, I saw it was the top which Sakshi was wearing and then it was torn at that time when she returned, she said it happened because of a thorn, but I think that she might have found out this place before us and didn’t want to tell us about it.”

  “Maybe she is right” I said as I turned towards the screen and played the security footage. There were two people talking, the first one was Sakshi, but I can’t see the second one as he had his back towards us, but it was wearing a white lab coat. And I can surely tell that this was the same person who created the landslide today then the man took her somewhere and showed the dragon to her.

  “It’s the same dragon…” Joshi said as I interrupted him saying “Shhhh! Look at that”

  As the man activated the dragon it went out of control and stroked Sakshi’s arm making the wound a piece of her cloth fell there and the man stopped the dragon.

  “We must hurry back, they all might be in danger.” I said.

  “Yeah I can tell that she was in the cave with that person but what they said was not clear as the footage had no voice. Whatever it is we must return at the camp site.” Joshi replied.

  “Just a sec we must take some weapons first” I said. And I went near a wall and opened a consol in order to gain access to the arms chamber.

  “How do you know where are they hiding their weapons?” Joshi asked.

  “I learned it from their database after hacking into the system” I replied, and entered the password to open the chamber.

  “Wow so many great weapons.” Srijita said and went forward to touch a grenade.

  “Don’t touch that it is a very dangerous grenade” Joshi shouted.

  “Here Joshi take it” I said giving him a sniper rifle. And I took a shotgun, a cell blaster and two hand guns (Of course all worked on energy cells instead of individual types of ammo).

  “What about me?” Srijita said.

  “Here, take this” I said handing her a knife.

  “Just this?” she said.

  “It’s more than enough for you” I said walking out of the cave.

  We all hurried back to the camp side and the path was much clear as I used my G.P.S to reach there. Meanwhile Srijita asked many questions like about the device on my arm and all but Joshi handled her. We are quite a good team when it comes to serious matters.

  Soon we reached at the camp site, it was 2:30 A.M. and no one is to be seen neither in the tent nor around somewhere. I just looked around to see if something was around which could help us find them. I saw a paper from the notepad of Mishra which he bought to take down notes for his documentary (originally planned to take place in Africa), it said,

  Joshi and Sharma if you read this that means you have reached the camp side and I want you to know that Sakshi has taken Kanika with her who was asleep at that time or most probably faint. I am leaving clues in the way and I and Varun are going to follow them.

  ~From Mishra

  Well this was enough for me to get on this decision that Sakshi is a mole within us, and I looked around to see another piece of paper under stone with an arrow drawn on it. We started walking in that direction and we saw another piece in the same way. After a bit of walking I saw Mishra and Varun following them. I went there and said “You could have contacted me?”

  “But the phones have no signal here.” Mishra replied.

  “Things have gone way too far.” I replied.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about?”

  Just then I realize that Sakshi was going to feed Kanika to a man eating plant. It was a very big bud like structure with green leaf like coverings opening only to take in their food. I jumped out and shouted “Stop right there” aiming at her.

  “It’s too late” she said and started to throw her as that creature’s food. I shot her hand and Kanika fell on the ground awake.

  “You fucking bastard…” it was all that she said before she ran.

  Kanika started to crawl back from the Plant but it grabbed her legs but her tendrils. I shot one of the tendrils with the shotgun but it had already pulled her too much and it was impossible to hit it without hurting her leg, so I was forced to shoot it using my handgun and then it let go off her leg, but she was also hurt in this process.

  “Are you alright?” I asked.

  “No I think I might not be able to walk for a while without some support.” She said.

  I looked around and took some small leaves which can work as a medicine and then a long flexible one in order to tie them on her wound.

  “Where did you got all these?” Varun said looking at the weapons.

  “I bought them from a black market dealer, now don’t ask anymore ques. Take it” I said handing him the cell blaster and the shotgun to Mishra after completing the first aid.

  I and Joshi helped Kanika to get on her feet and she had her arms around our neck and walking on her left foot.

  “So at least now you can tell us what exactly is going on here?” Varun asked.

  “You won’t belief me if I tell you TrUsT Me” (Well it did worked on the girls but now the boys) I said.

  “Try me?” Varun said.

  Chapter 22 – Time To Tell The Truth, Just Part Of It

  “Sakshi is an alien and I saw it on security footage of a cave that we found out wandering in the forest, also I got these weapons from the same cave and now they might help us escape this forest” I replied.

  “Do you think I am a fool?” Varun replied.

  “We are not lying, ask her.” Joshi said pointing towards Srijita.

  “Yeah it is true I saw it too Sakshi was acting in a movie on the computer with no voice, maybe it was a silent film, but then they didn’t had any placards? I don’t know but something very strange was going on in that cave” she replied.

  “Alright I trust you now…” Varun said.

  As I started walking towards the other direction from the cave I heard another question, “Where are we going?” Mishra said.

  “Towards the exit” I replied.

>   “Wait, aren’t we going back at the camp?” Srijita asked.

  “Nope they might have already reached the camp and now might be out searching for us. It isn’t safe anymore, we must find a way off this island as soon as possible” Joshi said.

  “That means even if we have to walk in the night?” Mishra asked.

  “Absolutely, it’s good that the weather is warm enough as it is an island or we might have been frozen by this time.” I replied.

  We were walking for a couple of minutes and no one talked at all except for a little while when Kanika said to me “Thank you for saving me once again, it’s the third time in the last two days.”

  “Yeah, technically forth…”

  “It’s the same, I forgot the plane crash”

  “Well mention not, and thank you to you too for trusting in me and my words and…”

  “Yeah mention not, I mean that it was like that I trust you now without even you saying that and…”

  “I have a good idea why don’t both of you just don’t mention anything and we walk out of this crap safely and then you go on a date or something and mention everything over there.” Joshi said.

  “Yeah good idea…” I said.

  “About the date?” she said.

  “No… I mean the date is a good idea too but I was saying about keeping quite…” I replied.

  We walked for another couple of minutes resting and then walking again then it was finally a view of the sunlight as it came piercing the trees around 8:10.

  “I am feeling tired and I need some rest” said Kanika.

  “Can you walk at all?” Joshi asked.

  “I don’t think so not for a while.” She replied.

  “Alright we will rest here for a while” I said.

  “But we might be close to the sea we can’t stop now.”

  “You are absolutely right, you all go ahead and both of us will stay here and rest for a while.” I replied.

  “Why don’t you go ahead and I will stay here.” Joshi said.

  “Kanika will you just sit here for a while I have something to talk to Joshi” I replied, and helped her sit on a rock.

  I asked Joshi to walk with me quite a bit far away from the others.

  “Joshi there are reasons why I am saying all this…”

  “Yeah I know you want some time with her…”

  “No! you know how much aggressively I fight, if something gets in our way I might not be able to help even one of them but with your calm mind you can, it might be difficult for me to protect even her alone, but she is tired, can’t walk and we cannot leave her behind you know that.” I said.


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