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Knox Police Force Box Set

Page 6

by Hope Ford

  I shake my head to get out of the trance he has me in. I pull the shirt over my head and look up at him. “I think we said all we needed to say last night.”

  I start to walk away, but he stops me by wrapping his hand around my arm. “Not enough. I didn’t say nearly enough last night. But I’m going to fix that, Jenn.”

  “I can’t argue with you again tonight. I just can’t.” I shrug out of his grasp and walk away from him toward the kitchen.

  I get down some plates out of the cabinet and put a slice of pizza on his. I then hand him a beer out of the fridge while I grab me a water. I was ravenous earlier but now I don’t feel like I can eat a thing. We eat together in silence and I know that he is thinking about what he’s going to say.

  “Are you not hungry?” he says while wiping his mouth off.

  “I’m not really that hungry,” I tell him honestly.

  “Me either. Let’s save this for later and go talk now.”

  I lift my shoulders but get up and follow him into the living room. When we get there, I go to sit on the rocking chair but he grabs me around the waist and pulls me onto his lap. I struggle to get up, but he stops me by holding on to me even tighter.

  “Let me up, Lincoln. I don’t think we need to be talking about a divorce with me in your lap.” I shake my head.

  He brushes a loose hair off my face and then kisses the tip of my nose. “That’s fine, because we are not going to talk about getting divorced.”

  My hands are in my lap, but he has his arms around me. I can feel myself weakening. I don’t know who THIS Lincoln is, but I want to.

  I cross my arms and hold on to my shoulders. “We said it all last night. I’m freeing you, Linc. You are free now.”

  He just smiles sadly at me and shakes his head. “Honey, you don’t get it. I don’t want a divorce. I want to be married to you. And I realized today what you are trying to tell me. I have taken advantage of you. You have loved me—damn, Jenn, you have shown me love in everything you do. And I have taken it all for granted. I haven’t treated you right. You do deserve more.”

  I can’t get the surprised look off my face. I’m hopeful, but then reality sets in. I clench my shoulders even tighter. “Lincoln, I know you. You are such a good man. The best. But I’m not staying with you because you feel it’s the right thing…”

  He interrupts me and turns my face so that I’m looking straight into his eyes, our faces a mere few inches apart. “Honey, it’s the only thing to do. I can’t let you leave me. I know I haven’t given you any reason to believe this, but I want to be married to you. I love you.”

  I jump up off his lap. “I would have given anything to hear those words from you. Three years. Three years and never once did you say them. I can’t believe that now, after I ask you for a divorce, that it automatically becomes true. That you just automatically love me. That’s not how it works.”

  He stands up and reaches for me, but when he sees me wince, he stops. “I know you don’t believe me, but I’m not going to let you throw us away. Give me time. That’s all I’m asking. Things are going to be different.”


  I hold my breath, waiting for her to respond. She has every right to walk out of here and out of my life. But I can’t let that happen. I am going to make our marriage a priority from this point forward.

  She looks unsure and honestly a little scared, but she nods at me. I pull her into my arms and hold on to her. God, I feel like I’m holding on for dear life.

  “I’m so tired, Lincoln. I’m going to go lie down.” I want to ask her to stay up and talk to me, but her weariness and exhaustion is evident on her face.

  “Okay, honey. I’m going to shower and be right in there.” I let her go and she walks into our bedroom.

  After a quick shower, I lie down next to her. Her breathing has evened out and I’m pretty sure that she’s asleep. I scoot into the bed next to her and can’t resist wrapping my arms around her. Her sweet vanilla smell wafts over me and I start to think about my life if she and Eric were not in it. I can’t even imagine. I pull her closer in to me and bury my nose in her neck. I’m determined to make this right.

  The next morning I wake up to her lying across my chest. Her large rounded breasts are pressed against my naked chest and my cock is hard. I brush the hair away from her face and look at her. Even in sleep she is worried, her little nose scrunched up and her forehead tense. I lean in and kiss her until she’s moaning my name. Damn, I love the sound of that.

  I reluctantly pull away from her and roll out of bed. I want nothing more than to part her legs and take her, but that’s not what she needs right now. I want to make sure she believes it, that she knows how much I love her the next time I have her. I don’t want there to be a doubt in her mind.

  I get dressed and before I leave for work, I bend down and kiss her goodbye, even though she’s still sleeping.

  “Honey, I’m going to work. I love you but will see you this evening,” I tell her. Her breathing changes so I know she heard me but she doesn’t respond. But that’s okay. At least I know she heard me.

  When I get to work, and I know that Eric has her awake by now, I send her a text. I’m just thinking of you. I love you, Jenn

  She doesn’t respond, but I don’t mind. I’m not giving up. I know anything worth having is worth working for. At lunch time, I text her a picture of a peanut butter pie from the diner across the street. It’s her favorite dessert and I know she loves it. I thought of you at lunch. Be ready, because I’m bringing you a big piece tonight.

  I wait a few minutes and then text her, I love you.

  I see the little bubbles pop up, but then they disappear. But I’m not discouraged. I have three years to make up for. I have a lot to prove to her and I’m determined to make this work. She may not respond to me now, but I’m hopeful that we can work this out.



  He’s breaking me down, day after day. In the beginning I found it so hard to believe that he has changed this much, but two weeks in and he has been consistent. He tells me he loves me every chance he gets, but I still haven’t said it back. He knows I love him, but I have to know this is real… that I’m what he really wants.

  He tells me I’m beautiful every day and even shows up for the weekly swim lesson. The first time he did, he donned his black swim trunks and got in the pool while I watched from the side. I had to sit there while all the other moms looked at him longingly. But he didn’t even notice. His eyes stayed on me and Eric the whole time. Afterward, he swam over to me and set Eric next to me on the edge of the pool and he laid his arms across my legs. His hand stroked my thigh while he was talking about Eric and his practice. I couldn’t focus on anything he was saying because I was concentrating so hard on his hand on me.

  He sends me text messages all throughout the day and when he gets home at night, he spends his time with me and Eric. No more working until way after it’s time to go to bed.

  I go to sleep every night wrapped in his arms and wake up every morning frustrated because even though he has worked so hard on our relationship, he still hasn’t tried to have sex with me. I’ve almost asked him about it, but I can’t bring myself to do it.

  But I haven’t brought up the divorce again. I don’t have the heart to do it. He assures me that being married to me is what he wants, and I wholeheartedly want to believe him.

  My phone dings. Have Mom watch Eric and come eat lunch with me

  I smile at the phone as I respond. Are you asking me out?

  Yes. I miss you. I’ll see you at noon. Love you.

  My smile widens and I go get ready for lunch. The more I think about it, I decide that I’m tired of waiting. I miss being with my husband, I miss feeling the weight of him on top of me and being in his arms. I decide then and there to do something about it. I’m going to seduce my husband.


  It’s almost noon and I’m waiting on Jenn to get here. At a knock on my door, I
say come in and come around my desk, expecting to see my wife. But instead it’s Bailey. She comes in and shuts the door behind her. I still haven’t found a replacement for her.

  “Boss, do you have a minute?” she asks me while she’s twirling her hair around her finger.

  “Actually, Bailey, I don’t. I’m waiting on my wife.” I walk toward the door and open it and as I pass Bailey on my way back to my desk, she puts her hand on my chest.

  I stop mid-stride and look down at her hand. “I suggest you get your hand off of me. My wife is the only one I want touching me.”

  No sooner do I get the words out than I hear, “Get your hands off my husband.”

  I twirl around and I’ve never seen Jennifer look more angry than she does right now. She stalks into the room and gets between Bailey and me. I put my hand on her shoulder to try and calm her. “Bailey was just leaving,” I tell her and give Bailey a frigid stare. She blows out a breath and walks out of the room, slamming the door on her way out.

  “Jenn, honey, I can explain,” I start.

  “You don’t have to explain. You’re a handsome man, I know you are going to be hit on. However, I wish it wasn’t your secretary. That’s so cliché,” she tells me with a smirk on her face.

  “I’ve never touched her…” I grab on to her shoulders.

  “I know that, but I also know you are going to send her to another department, right?” she says as she walks over to the door and flips the lock.

  When she turns back toward me, her eyes are sparkling with mischief. “Yes, absolutely, I already put the request in. I’m just waiting on a replacement.”

  She drops her purse on the chair next to her and takes off her long jacket. “Good. So let’s not waste your lunch hour talking about her.”

  When she shrugs her shoulders, her coat falls to the ground and she’s standing before me in only her black lace bra and panties. Her hard nipples are pressing against the soft, satin material of her bra. I instinctively run my tongue along my lower lip, wanting a taste of her.

  “Did you drive across town like this?” I ask her as I press my body against hers. My cock is already long and hard in my pants. I’ve never even thought of having sex in my office before, but there is no way I am going to miss this opportunity with my wife. It’s been too long since I’ve had her anyway.

  “Yes. I knew you only had an hour. I didn’t want to take up a lot of time dealing with clothes,” she tells me as she finishes undressing. All I can do is stand here and watch as my dream girl, my wife, undresses for me.

  I pull her in to me and lift her chin so she’s looking up at me. “I promised myself that I wouldn’t have sex with you until you told me that you loved me again… that you believe me when I say that I love you.”

  She looks up at me with shock on her face. “Is that what you’ve been waiting on?”

  I nod at her as my hand goes to her breast and starts kneading her sensitive, delicate skin.

  “Well, you didn’t have to wait. I never stopped loving you. And I believe you… I know you love me too.”

  I bend down and press my lips to hers. I kiss her with everything I have in me. I thank her for loving me, being patient with me and I promise her that I am going to love her until the day I die. I put my hands on each of her butt cheeks and pick her up and put her on my desk. Forcing her to lie backwards, I kiss down her body until my face is right in front of her core. I stick my tongue out and sweep it along her swollen lips. With her taste on my tongue, my cock is harder than a steel rod.

  My lips are on her swollen nub, licking and sucking on her while she moans underneath of me while my hands are on her breasts and I’m massaging their fullness. When I can’t take any more and her quick breaths tell me she is close, I pull my pants down and align my cock at her center. She’s wet and her cunt stretches around me. I enter her slowly, holding my breath, committing to memory this feeling of pure rapture. When I’m full seated inside of her, I still myself for a minute, reveling in the feel of her tight channel surrounding me, gripping me and begging for my release. I stroke in and out of her, the friction between us building. It’s been a while since we’ve been together like this and my balls draw up tight. I force myself to slow down.

  But when I do, she urges me on. “No, no, don’t stop, I’m so close,” she begs me. She lifts up on her elbows and looks down at where our bodies are joined. Her usual bright green eyes are dark with desire and I stroke big thrusts inside of her, causing her to catch her breath with every upward hit.

  “Come on my cock, Jenn. Come for me. I’m going to breed you, honey. I’m going to put my baby in you and tie you to me even more than you are now,” I moan as her pussy spasms around me and she locks down on my rod. I keep thrusting though, not slowing down. I want to make sure she gets every drop.

  She grabs on to my back, her nails digging into me as she pulls me closer to her. I can’t stop the moans and groans of the pain and ecstasy I feel at the exact same time.

  Depleted, I lie over her, nuzzling her neck, whispering to her how much I love her. Once I’m able to, I’m still inside her, but I lift her up and carry her around to my chair. Sitting down with her in my lap, I kiss her forehead and fold my arms around her.

  We sit there in comfortable silence, both of us trying to descend from the amazing high we were just on.

  I kiss her lips. “I love you, Jenn. And I always will.”

  “I love you too, Captain.” She kisses me back and I can feel her smile against my lips.



  Lincoln kept his promise to me. He has proven to me over and over that he is going to love and appreciate me every day. I couldn’t be any luckier than having him as my husband and the father of my child.

  How do I know it’s real? Because he tells me he loves me every day. Because he begs me to have another child with him. And because he shows me in all the little ways that a husband should show his wife.

  I’m so thankful that he convinced me to take a chance on him in the first place, and that when I wanted to set him free, he wouldn’t let me give up on us. It may have taken us three years to realize how much we meant to each other, but now we know we were truly meant to be.


  In Love With The Agent



  “Get your hands up!” I scream into the doorway of the house that looks like it’s about to fall down all around me. It was supposed to be a simple serving of papers. That’s it. An order of protection. I guess one of these assholes decided to beat up his girlfriend last night.

  My partner and I served the papers and before the door closed we heard someone screaming for help from the back of the house.

  Pulling my gun, I tell my partner, “Call for backup.”

  “Who is screaming?” I demand of the man. He’s cocky and doesn’t even look surprised or scared that I’m holding a 22 Glock in his face.

  “I didn’t hear anything.” He smirks at me while lifting his shoulders in a shrug.

  “Get down on the ground. Down on the ground!” I yell.

  I hear my partner stuttering into his radio what is happening. He is a rookie, on the job for two weeks and I don’t think he’s ready for this.

  The man I’m holding a gun on starts to drop to his knees and once there he just smiles brightly at me. I hear a loud thud behind me, but don’t take my eyes off the man.

  “Put the gun down or I will shoot you,” a voice behind me says calmly. I can feel the barrel of his gun pushing against the back of my head. I put my hands up and he grabs the gun.

  “Get inside.” He pushes me into the house and when I turn the corner I look back and my partner is lying on the porch with blood pouring out of his head. My only thought is, I hope he called for backup.

  I get shoved again and this time, I fall to my knees into a room with three men sitting around the room. The house is a disaster. There are beer bottles and ashtrays all over the coffee table. I look arou
nd the room, trying to get details of each man in case I get out of this alive.

  “What do you want me to do with her, boss?” the man with the gun on me asks.

  The boss, I assume, gets up and approaches me. I see the glint in his eyes and the flare of arousal on his face. I almost vomit in my mouth knowing exactly what scum like this could do to me.

  His hand goes down to stroke my hair and lands on the side of my face, pulling my chin up so I have no choice but to look at him.

  “Looks like you got yourself into a mess,” he states before squatting down in front of me. His face is right in front of me and I can feel his hot, nasty breath tickle my nose. “So how do you plan to get out of it?”

  His hand goes to my shoulder and then down my arm. I feel him stroke the side of my breast and on instinct I rear my head back and headbutt the ‘boss,’ knocking him backwards. Almost instantly, every man in the room jumps to their feet, towering over me. I look to each one of them and see their violent expressions. When I get to the fourth man, he’s looking back at me but he doesn’t have the same look on his face as the others. He’s looking at me with curiosity… and possession. He’s a big man. He has brown hair and blue eyes. Why am I noticing his eyes? His face is covered with a beard and his arms are covered in tattoos. His stare is intense. And even when I hear the ‘boss’ hollering, I can’t take my eyes off the man in front of me.


  The minute she stumbled into the room, I felt it. My heart started beating rapidly and I felt the quick, swift pounding in my chest. I catch my breath when I see her fall to her knees. I force myself to sit here, stay still without bringing attention to myself. I have to come up with a plan.


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