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Three of Us

Page 1

by Goode, Ella

  Three of Us

  Ella Goode


  Olivia is ready for two things: college and her men.

  Despite dating the Audley twins since she was fifteen, it’s been a chaste relationship. No matter how she tries to tempt them.

  Her men haven’t even kissed her, and she’s tired of waiting. The minute she hits campus where the two men have been hiding out for the last two years while somehow still keeping tabs on her every move, she will shake their world.

  Levi and Zeke made a promise to Olivia’s mom they wouldn’t touch her until she was ready. They’re not sure what that means, but they know they will wait forever just to have her. The problem is that Olivia keeps testing their vows. It’s hard not to give your girl what she wants when that’s all you’ve ever wanted to do.

  The minute the clock turns midnight, though, all bets are off.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Also by Ella Goode

  Connect with me!



  “Aren’t those the Audley twins? Why are they here in the girls’ dorm?”

  “Is someone dating one of them?”

  “No way. Literally, they think they are too good for anyone here.”

  “They are too good for anyone here.”

  “I think they’re assholes. Last semester, Hope Decker offered them homemade brownies, and they left them on the porch where animals ate them.”

  “Hope Decker cooks? How? Doesn’t she live in the Delta house?”

  “She bought them from Sanchez’s bakery and they were homemade there.”

  I catch my brother rolling his eyes at this conversation. We’d been kind to Hope. She hit on both of us and we both turned her down, telling her we weren’t available, but she couldn’t take no for an answer. Leaving the Sanchez brownies out for the raccoons to eat hurt a little because Sanchez’s baked goods are the bomb but we couldn’t encourage the Decker girl. It wouldn’t be fair to her. She’s just not that interesting. Hopefully, this year she’ll grow obsessed with someone other than my brother and me. Not that it would matter much. Olivia is finally here. Olivia and all of her boxes.

  My brother and I motor up the three floors, skipping the busy elevator line, and stroll down the hall. Of course, Olivia’s at the end. A bunch of girls chatter as we walk by, but I pay little attention to what they’re saying. It’s the same old stuff about how Levi and I are stuck-up fuckers. They’d still stab their mothers to ride our dicks. Not real interested in that.

  There’s only one girl that gets to ride my dick and that’s Olivia. When we reach her dorm room, there’s a crowd of girls and it parts like the sea.

  “Who is she?” someone asks.

  “New girl.”

  “I bet it’s their sister.”

  Olivia appears at the doorway with her arms outstretched. “Are these the last boxes?”

  I jerk my head over my shoulder. “Levi’s right behind me with the last ones. And I’ve got these, so why don’t you move your sexy ass to the right so I can put them down.”

  Behind me there’s a chorus of gasps as they absorb the intel that Olivia is not my fucking sister. I drop my load on the floor and survey the small room.

  “Why don’t we take a bunch of stuff over to our apartment? We can store it there,” I tell my girl.

  She shakes her pretty head, her blonde silk hair moving like a curtain. “What if I need something in the morning? I don’t want to walk over to your place before class.”

  “You should just live with us,” Levi says, kicking the door shut and dropping his two boxes next to mine.

  “The rules say all freshman have to live on campus,” she informs us.

  My twin and I exchange a knowing glance. That’s our Olivia—a rule follower to the end. She unzips a small satchel and pulls out a pair of scissors.

  “I’ll unpack and then we can have lunch in”—she glances at her watch—“two hours?”

  Levi pulls out an empty chair and drops into it. “You just got here and I haven’t seen you in three weeks. I’m not going anyway.” He always arrives on campus early because of football practice. “Zeke can move the truck and get us lunch. I’ll help with the boxes and you can share all the details of what went down on the car ride here.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

  Olivia huffs. “Nothing, as per usual. I’m nearly eighteen now, but your brother still treats me like I’m twelve.”

  “I didn’t know you when you were twelve. You moved next door to us when you were fifteen,” I remind her.

  “It’s all the same. I will die a virgin,” she exclaims dramatically and throws herself on the bed, scissors still in her hand.

  Levi lunges toward her and catches her arm before the scissors can poke out an important organ. Our baby is…clumsy, to put it kindly.

  “I’ll open the boxes,” he says.

  I give him a grateful look before pulling the keys from my pocket. “What do you want for lunch?”

  “Mmmmm, how about the two of you?” She lies on her back and makes a small snow angel gesture with her arms and legs.

  I clear my suddenly dry throat. Levi drops the scissor to the floor.

  “None of that,” I scold. “You know the rules.”

  She sits up and the oversized thin gray T-shirt that was my brother’s from high school stretches across her collarabones to expose a delicious shoulder. “The rules were that there was no touching until I’m eighteen, but my birthday is in five days. What does it matter?”

  I force my eyes away from the golden skin. “It matters,” I reply gruffly. Levi hasn’t moved.

  “It’s five days, you guys!” She scrambles to her knees, catching the shirt underneath her legs and making the whole situation a thousand times worse. The tearing sound fills the quiet dorm room. Levi groans and covers his face with his hand. I bore holes through the door and remind myself that I’ve waited three years so another five days won’t kill me.

  My throbbing dick says otherwise. It’s only five days.

  A vision of Olivia’s mom swims in front of me. I’ll accept this unusual relationship but, please, wait until Olivia is older—until she goes to college and figures out what she wants to do with the rest of her life. It’s easy for her to feel flattered by the attention of you two, but the arrangement you two want will be so difficult for her. So many people will find it wrong. I worry about my girl. If you love her like you say you do, then promise me you won’t touch her until she’s eighteen.

  Roughly, I grab my twin’s shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go get lunch together.”

  He drops his hand and nods. “Yeah, it’s best if we both go.”

  “Ugh. You two are impossible!” Olivia yells. Something hits the door after we close it—possibly the scissors. Maybe a pair of tennis shoes.

  “We’re doing the right thing,” I say, as much to reassure him as myself.

  He clenches his jaw. “Maybe so, but I still feel like shit.” With that announcement, he sweeps the gawking coeds with a furious glare and stomps down the hall.



  I walk over and pick up the sneaker that I threw at the closed door despite knowing I was going to miss them. I have the worst aim ever. I tuck it neatly into the cubby space set up for my clothes and shoes. I don’t want my new roommate to think that I�
�m messy when she shows up. Her things are put away nicely. I didn’t tell Levi and Zeke how tempting it is to take them up on their offer to live with them. If they keep pushing, I might cave. I’ve wanted to be with the twins for years, but there’s my mom to consider.

  She’s so excited that I’m going to college. She’d never been able to go herself since she got knocked up with me, kicked out of her home by her super-religious parents, and had to find a job to support the two of us.

  When the letter arrived announcing my scholarship with room and board arrived, her face lit up like a Christmas tree. It’s that memory that has me unpacking my boxes here instead of with my guys. On the drive down with Zeke, I thought up a million stories to tell my mom about my living arrangements. After all, it wasn’t like she was here and could see that I wasn’t sleeping in the dorm. I was so close to breaking the rules, but, in the end, I couldn’t lie to my mom, not even to be with the boys.

  I take comfort in the fact that I’m only minutes away from them. When they went off to college and I had to finish high school without them, I thought I’d die. Maybe not literally, but my heart hurt so bad sometimes. I had to hide those feelings because if they knew, neither of them would’ve left me. If they had stayed behind and hung around for two years, it would’ve made Mom even more apprehensive about the three of us.

  We’ve had to do everything to convince her that even if a threesome is out of the ordinary, our lives were going to be the same. We would all go to college. We would all get jobs. We would all have a family. The shape of our family might be different, but it would be filled with love and that’s the most important thing.

  And, so, the boys went off to college a few hours away. The distance was hard. Some of my high school classmates would tell me that the boys were cheating on me and that I should break up with them. My classmates were wrong, of course. I never had to wonder what they were doing. They were both always in constant contact with me. I’d spent many nights falling asleep with FaceTime still running as the boys would pretend one—or both—was with me.

  The wait to all be together again had become killer towards the end. My stomach was in knots and I had problems falling asleep. Once Zeke pulled up in his truck to help Mom and me load my boxes into the back, a feeling of calm spread through me. I was finally starting the life I wanted for so long with the two men that I had loved forever.

  I kissed my mom goodbye and slid into the truck. A new chapter in my life was starting. With each mile taking me farther and farther from the place I’d called home, the calm was replaced by excitement. I was leaving my girlhood behind and speeding toward adulthood. It didn’t matter that my birthday was a few days away. I was ready to start my new life with my boys.

  I was sick of waiting. I’d done everything I was supposed to. I got good grades, kept myself out of trouble, and obeyed my mom. I wanted to—and still do—make her proud. She’d worked tirelessly to make sure we had what we needed. She’d done her job, though. It’s time for me to take charge of my life and that means being with my men in every way.

  I have so many ideas of what I want to do to them and what I want them to do to me. I pause in the middle of unpacking my boxes. What part of their body do I want to touch first? They both have gorgeous muscles. Zeke might be a fraction less built than Levi, but not by much based on all my intense inspections this summer at the Gradys’ pool back home. Maybe I’d run my hands down their chests first—one palm on each man’s abs, then I’d dip lower until my fingers could palm their shafts. I lick my lips. I wonder how they’ll taste? Salty? Warm? Definitely, delicious. My body buzzes with need. It’s going to be so awesome.

  I blow out a big sigh. Shoot. I need to stop thinking about that drive or I'm never going to finish. I refocus on the task of putting my things away but can’t stop smiling when I think of how Zeke was on edge the entire drive here. His eyes lingered on my legs and he kept glancing over to watch my lips move. The obvious hunger made me feel hot and tight in all the right places. My sex begins to throb and I clench my muscles. The ache between my legs has been present for a long time, but it’s worsening now because I can sense their control breaking down.

  I know that they made a promise to my mom, but something inside me wants to tempt them—see how far I can take things. They haven’t even kissed me yet! What kind of crap is that? I kick one of my empty boxes in frustration, sending it flying across the room. It slams against the door right as it opens.

  A girl about my age stands there with a shocked look on her face. She says nothing as she pushes up the thick black glasses that sit on the tip of her button nose. The glasses look too big for her small pixie face.

  “Sorry,” I say. I have a feeling this is my new roommate and I almost assaulted her with a box. “I swear I don’t have anger issues.” I hold my hands up. “Just normal boy issues.”

  Her lips quirk into a small smile. “Was it the Audley twins? They always get the girls angry.”

  She steps into the room and shuts the door behind her, but not before I catch a glimpse of the herd of girls peeking in. I come from a small town and I get being nosy and all, but it’s getting weird that they are all gawking at my dorm room.

  “I swear we don’t normally fight, we are just having a disagreement of sorts.” I retrieve the empty box and stack it with the others. Once I’m done unpacking, I’ll break all the cardboard down to put in the recycling bin outside the dorm.

  I wonder if the boys missed a box, though, because I haven't seen some of the new clothes I bought last weekend. I want that box. It’s full of what I am now calling my “seduction outfits.” Every single piece is designed to break down the will of stubborn men. Maybe it’s still in Zeke’s truck.

  “It’s not often they make me mad, but I’m guessing having a spat with your boyfriends from time to time is normal, right?”

  There’s a squeak behind me. I spin around to see my roommate staring at me like the other girls out in the hallway were.

  “Oh sorry! I’m Olivia.” I rush over and stick out my hand, realizing I hadn't even introduced myself. “That was rude of me. First, I kick a box at you and then I don’t even tell you who I am.” I shake my head, letting out a small laugh. She continues to look at me like I’m crazy.

  “Why are you looking at me like the rest of those girls? Am I doing something wrong?” I blurt out. I tend to speak before thinking. Levi and Zeke think it’s adorable, but it’s a bad habit because I end up with my foot in my mouth most of the time.

  “Did you just say the Audley twins are your boyfriends?”

  I nod.

  “As in both of them?” She gives me a skeptical look.

  “Yeah, they have been since I was fifteen and my mom and I moved in next door to them. They pretty much planted a flag in our front yard declaring that I belonged to them so everyone in town knew.” I laugh, thinking back at how worried I’d been moving to a new town. My worry didn’t last long because Levi and Zeke made sure I felt welcomed. They took me to school, walked me to each class, sat with me at lunch, and then took me home. It was a whole week before I found out that they were skipping study hall to eat lunch with me. Juniors and freshmen didn’t have the same lunch schedule. Their attentiveness didn’t end during the school week either. Zeke took me to the football games and Levi took me out for walks in the park on Saturdays. On Sundays, we’d hang out with my mom, cooking dinner, watching television, or playing video games. I love our little town. Maybe after we’re all done with college, we’ll move back.

  “Hold on. I just want to make sure I’m understanding you. You’re saying that you”—she points at me—“are dating both the Audley twins.” She points to the door.

  “Yeah. Wait, have they been telling people they don’t have a girl?” I put my hands on my hips. Before I can even get mad, I start laughing at the stupid question. “They wouldn’t do that.”

  “They don’t talk much to anyone at all. I think that’s why all the girls get worked up about them and are
always fighting for their attention. I came down for early orientation and everyone was talking about the elusive Audley twins and how the girls—plural,” she points out as if I missed the word, “would have to be extraordinary to get their attention.”

  “My men are something special but they are mine.” They’ve never given me reason to doubt that. I’d seen a few friends back home go a little nutty when their boyfriends went off to college, thinking they were hooking up with every chick they met. If you ask me, if you're thinking that, maybe it’s best you break it off with your boyfriend because he must not be making you feel secure in what you had together. “You can meet them. They went to get something to eat. Want me to have them grab you something, too?” I ask, picking up my phone. It slips from my hand and hits the floor. I bend down to pick it up, along with the scissors that somehow fell to the ground. Zeke was right, I really do need this ugly protective case.

  “You know it’s not normal to have two boyfriends, right? I mean, how does that even work?”

  I look up and see my roommate’s eyebrows furrowing together. Her cheeks turn pink. It’s easy to guess what she’s thinking. It’s not like I didn’t have those same thoughts before she came in. I want to know what it will be like when I’m really between the two of them.

  “Hopefully, I’ll find out soon,” I mumble, more to myself then to actually answer her question.

  “Wait! So you don’t know? You haven’t done…it?” Her face turns from pink to red.


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