Book Read Free

Three of Us

Page 3

by Goode, Ella

  “They change their names back?” Erika asks, taking a giant bite of her muffin.

  “Yes, and I can’t figure out how Zeke made it so I can’t change it again.” I play with it for a moment. I don’t know how he does this crazy tech stuff.

  “Oh shit.” I look up at Erika. She raises her eyebrows in question. “I’m in trouble,” I groan. “I accidentally stopped sharing my location.” I show her my phone.

  It starts to ring, causing me to jump and drop in onto the metal table. I don’t have to look to know who’s calling. I pick it up, answering it.

  “Morning, honey,” I chirp in my sweetest voice. Erika fights a laugh.

  “Told you to keep your ass planted.”

  “Best friends don’t boss each other around. They don’t carry that privilege.” A few people turn to look at me. Why does it feel like people know who I am around here? I haven’t even been here twenty-four hours.

  “I warned you once, Livvie,” Levi growls. “Why did you stop sharing your location?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Zeke says, not only through the phone but from behind me. I turn to see them both standing there. Their eyes are on my bare legs and my tiny shorts. Their breaths are short and heavy and their eyes have a wild look in them. I smile to myself, knowing that I made the right decision in wearing these shorts and a thrill of anticipation runs through me waiting for the rest of their reaction.



  “She's playing with us,” my brother snarls in my ear.

  “Yep.” I fold my arms across my chest and survey the sight in front of me. Olivia’s long legs are completely exposed and her ass is barely covered with a tiny scrap of denim. Her shirt isn’t much better with its tight fit and low-cut neck. There’s enough cleavage there for a man to drown in. I bite down on my lower lip.

  I’ve spent countless nights imagining the weight of those tits balanced on my palms—how I’d squeeze and shape them and ready them for my mouth. I’d suck on her nipples until they're tight and hard. My mouth begins to salivate. Beside me, Levi lets out a low, guttural moan.

  “I don't know how much longer I can take this.”

  “You got four days, man,” I murmur out of the side of my mouth. My eyes are still pinned on Olivia, smiling like an innocent beam of sunshine.

  “Four days until she turns eighteen,” he says.

  I tear my eyes away from Olivia’s perfect body to glare at my brother. He’s not saying what I think he’s saying, is he?

  “Four days until we can touch her,” I clarify.

  Levi returns my grim look. “We promised Livvie’s mom to wait until Livvie was ready. If she’s not ready now then four days isn’t going to make a difference. Her birthday doesn’t magically change shit.”

  The urge to bury my brother behind our apartment suddenly seizes me. Why is he bringing logic into this? I had the same awful thoughts myself. I pinch the bridge of my nose and tilt my head back. The promise that we made to Olivia's mom wasn't just to wait till she was eighteen but to wait until she had found herself. Sonya worried we’d be rushing her daughter into a decision she wasn’t emotionally prepared to make. For a lot of people, a threesome might be okay for a hookup but not a permanent relationship, which seems dumb as fuck to me. I get that. I do, but…I’d set her birthday as the deadline and there's been a mental timer ticking in my head. That countdown has been about the only thing that’s kept me sane.

  I drop my head down and stare at my girl who has turned back to her roommate. “What are you suggesting?”

  I already know the answer. We aren't identical twins for nothing. It's not that we just look alike. We think alike. We have some kind of psychic connection. No matter how far away we are from each other, I can sense what's going on in his life, what he's feeling. I know if he's upset. I know if he's happy. The whole reason that we never dated before Olivia came along was because it would be impossible for him to love someone without me feeling the exact same thing. We’re one soul in two bodies. Levi couldn't be with the girl without me wanting to be with her, too, and vice versa.

  We’d never voiced these thoughts to each other. They weren’t even fully formed until Olivia moved in next door. The moment we laid eyes on her it was as if all the jagged pieces of our foundation suddenly clicked into place perfectly. We didn't have to talk about it. We both just knew she was the one.

  It was convenient that she lived next door to us, but if she had lived in another town or even another state, we would've still claimed her. Olivia was born to be ours just as we were born to be hers.

  “Look, I'm not saying we do nothing, but the fact is we haven't done anything, so why don’t we take it slow?”

  I sigh and stick my hands into my pockets—the ones that want to throw Olivia over my shoulder, take her to the nearest private room, and feast on every square inch of her delectable body starting with those plush lips and finishing with my mouth latched against her pussy.

  “Yeah, that's a good idea,” I agree morosely, tucking the fantasies into the Olivia box that I’ve been keeping hidden in the back of my head for the last three years. I mean…truly, what’s another few days? My dick may fall off. I may tear my rotator cuff from jacking off so frequently, but no biggie.

  “I hear the ‘but’ at the end of your words,” Levi says.

  “The ‘but’ is that I’m afraid the minute I put my hands on her, I won’t be able to take it slow.”

  “You will,” he says with more confidence that I feel. Then he pounds the hammer into the coffin. “You will because it's Olivia.”

  “Fine.” I feel like a five-year-old whose toy just got taken away. “What’s your plan?”

  “We go through with the birthday dinner, and we can fool around, but the clothes stay on. The minute a zipper gets pulled, we’re doomed.”

  I hate this, but I know he’s right. I hold out my hand and we shake in agreement.

  “She's not going to like this,” Levi says.

  Olivia is already staring at us suspiciously. “Tell me something I don't know.”

  “Be strong.”

  My eyes stray to her legs again and I gulp. “No problem.”

  Levi gives me a hard shove to propel me forward.

  “Give me your phone.” I hold out my hand.

  “It went off by itself,” she says, pushing the phone across the table.

  I grab it and go to the settings to turn the location sharing back on. It’s a redundancy because I already put a tracker in her case, but, now that she’s here at college and there are a bunch of losers around, I’m not going to be able to sleep without knowing where she is at all times. I dig into my pocket and flip a thin plastic piece—about half the size of a credit card—in her direction.

  “Not the first time,” I agree. “You might as well put this in your purse.”

  She picks it up and holds it in front of her face. “Is this a GPS tracker?”

  “Yup. It’s a prototype from the company I am doing some software work for. They want me to test it out.”

  She slips it in her purse. “He probably volunteered,” she says to Erika.

  “You'd probably be right,” I answer. I navigate to the app I’d placed on her phone earlier and open it. Then I lay the phone on the table so she can see the screen. On it is a map and three green dots cloistered inside the outline of the campus café building.

  She tilts her head. “What’s this?”

  “This is the app that works with the tracker. It’s got me, Levi, and you in the same community.”

  “You let her track you?”

  I turn to her roommate to respond, but Levi beats me to it.

  “Yeah. Why wouldn’t we?”

  “I thought guys didn't even let their girlfriends look at their phones.”

  “What kind of bullshit is that?” Levi tosses his phone on the table. “Livvie can look at my phone anytime she wants. We don’t hide shit from her.”

  “The tracking is for safety and peace of
mind,” I explain to the confused Erika. “It’s so Levi can concentrate on his game and I can focus on my programming without going crazy wondering where Olivia is. And it’s the same for her. We were here for two years while she was back home. She deserved to know where we were at all times.”

  “Honestly, it was the only way I survived those two years. Although…” She points a finger at me. “Yours is off a lot.”

  I blink angelically at her. “Like you said, the location software doesn’t always work. That’s why we’re trying this new software out.”

  Truth be told, I went home a lot. Levi would be having practice and I… Classes were stupid easy for me, so I skipped out, drove back home and made sure Olivia was okay. Then I’d drive back here and give Levi a detailed report.

  Olivia narrows her eyes. “There’s another reason, because I know you can fix that problem on your phone, but I’ll weasel it out of you later. I have my ways.” She runs a finger across the top of her exposed tits.

  Levi chokes on his water. I stare up at the sky until my sudden hard-on subsides.

  “We have four more days, babe,” Levi pleads. “Don’t test us like this.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” our girl replies, squeezing her arms tight to her sides and leaning over the table. Her boobs nearly fall out of her shirt.

  Levi whips off his shirt and throws it at her. “Put this on.”

  There’s a sudden crescendo of sound in the café followed by some light applauding. Olivia straightens with a scowl and tosses the shirt back into Levi’s face.

  “Stop exposing your abs to everyone,” she orders. “Those abs are my property. No one should be able to look at them except for me. Sorry, Erika,” she says to her roommate. “You have to get your own man.”

  “No, I understand.” Erika waves her hand in the air as Levi tugs his T-shirt back on.

  “You know, I think Erika would do well in a poly. Do you know of any other guys?”

  “If you keep your boobs inside your top, I’ll keep my eyes open,” I say.

  “You do that.” Olivia gets to her feet. “Come on, Erika. Let’s go shopping. I’m missing a very important box of stuff, and since I can’t find it, I might as well get some replacements.”

  Erika grabs her purse and the two head out before Levi and I can collect our few wits. He grabs my shoulder and points a long finger between my eyes. “You better stop her. If she brings home one piece of lace, I will be an only child after today.”



  Erika throws a whole bunch of cold water on my plans. “We can’t go shopping. You have orientation.”

  “Oh, that’s right.” I look down at my barely clad body and have a moment of unease. It’s one thing to go around dressed like this to provoke the boys, but it’s a whole other thing to parade my tits and ass in front of the entire first year class. “Maybe I should—”

  The rest of my sentence gives way to a small scream as my feet leave the ground. My flip-flops fly off my feet, my shirt rides up and my face ends somewhere in the vicinity of Levi’s firm ass. From my upside-down viewpoint, I see Zeke picking up my sandals and sliding them onto my feet. I curl my toes around the center thong to keep them from falling off again.

  I don’t get too upset by this caveman behavior as it places me in the perfect position to squeeze Levi’s butt. I get only one small squeeze in before Levi hoists me up with a loud grunt. Somewhere behind Levi, Erika laughs. I was serious when I suggested the boys find Erika her own men, but maybe she should start with one. I’m not sure how she’d do with two. For now, though, I have my own men to corral.

  “Don’t you have practice?” I ask, feigning annoyance.

  Zeke slaps me lightly across the ass. “I’ve got time for this.”

  I don’t know how they manage it, but they get me across campus and back into my dorm room in record time even with few cat calls and whispers along the way that nearly got a couple guys body slammed. Luckily for them, they saw who was carrying me and sprinted away in terror before the twins could react.

  When we finally reach my room, Levi tosses me on the bed gently. Erika mumbles that she’ll wait outside as Zeke closes the door behind us, sealing us the three of us inside.

  “Don’t move.” Levi points at me when I start to get up from the bed. His nose flares and I can tell he’s on edge. This shouldn't excite me as much as it does. Their intense expressions don't help the tingle that shoots straight through my body.

  The next thing I know both Levi and Zeke are rummaging through my closet. “What exactly do you two think you’re doing?” I ask, because this is getting out of hand. They both turn around and glare as if I’ve just asked them the dumbest question.

  Zeke speaks first. “Take the shorts off.”

  It takes me a moment to register what he’s saying because he’s got a pair of my plain white panties in his hand. Levi notices and snatches them from his hand. He stares at them for a moment as if he doesn't know what they are. Zeke grabs them back, shoving them into his pocket.

  “Stay focused,” he tells his brother, who nods and goes back to rummaging through my clothes.

  “I can’t wear panties now?” I hop off the bed. “Should I take those off too?” I go for the button of my shorts.

  “Olivia,” Zeke warns, making me smirk. He always says my full name.

  “You told me to take them off.” I pop the button.

  Levi turns to look my way his hands full of clothes. “Zeke.” He says his brother’s name as a plea. Zeke sucks in a breath, then curses as I start to pull down the zipper. He grabs his brother, pulling him from the room.

  “Hey!” I call out as the door slams closed behind them. I stand there for a moment, wondering if they really left.

  “Change the shorts,” Zeke says through the door. I’m about to say no, but when I hear his soft, pained utterance of, “please,” I cave.

  “Okay,” I sigh, going over and finding a pair of jeans and slipping them on. I follow it up by changing my top to a thin sweater they gave me last Christmas that has their name across the back. “You’ll both be happy to know that I am covered from head to toe now!” I yell sarcastically at the door.

  The door slowly opens a few beats later to reveal Erika standing there. “I don’t think I can handle two of them.” She points her thumb behind her, where Levi and Zeke are talking to some guy who looks to be about their age. The boys look ridiculous with their arms full of girls’ clothing.

  “What are they doing?” I ask her.

  “Interrogating him about why he was walking so close to our door.”

  “As in, he was walking down the hallway?” I question, to make sure I’m understanding her right. She nods. I roll my eyes.

  “Leave that poor man alone!” I shout , drawing their attention back to me. The man steals the chance to get away. I do a small twirl. “Does this meet your standards?” They both relax a touch when they see the sweater I’ve got on.

  I turn at the sound of my phone dinging from inside my purse on the bed. I pick it up and clear out the reminder that I need to go to orientation.

  “I have to go,” I sigh. I was enjoying this game a little too much. It made me miss living close to them. It reminded me of when we were younger and how they could so easily pop in and out of my everyday life. I thought being closer to them again would make things easier, but I’m not so sure that’s true. I want it all now.

  They both walk over to me. Zeke puts his finger under my chin, making me look up at him. “You going to tell us what happened to your forehead?” he asks. I’d completely forgotten about trying to cover it up. Levi is right there next to him, holding his finger in front of my face and asking me to follow it with my eyes. I can’t help but laugh.

  I shake my head no.

  “You fell out of the bed, didn't you?” Zeke says. His mouth pulls into a half-smile.

  “You all have a camera in here?” My eyes bounce between the two of them.

  “I wish,” Levi mumbles.

  “Don’t be giving them ideas,” Erika deadpans. I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

  “We just know you toss and turn when you sleep. You’re not used to a small bed.” Zeke draws my eyes back to him.

  “What she needs is to be sleeping between us. Her ass would only toss and turn when we move her.”

  Levi’s words take my breath away. Zeke pulls my lip out from between my teeth, tracing it with his thumb before he leans down, kissing me on my forehead where I know the mark is. He steps back, allowing Levi to do the same.

  “Be a good girl at orientation,” Levi says before they turn and I watch them leave. How am I going to make it another four days, I have no idea.



  Orientation was boring the first time around, but it’s even more sleep-inducing after you’ve been on campus for two years. Two upperclassmen wearing uni T-shirts in the school colors are going over a PowerPoint presentation that must’ve been created about ten years ago, because the school map they’re using doesn’t even have the new science building.

  Olivia is earnestly taking down notes as if Levi and I aren’t here to take her anywhere she needs to go. I’m not thrilled with how every guy within sniffing distance is staring at her bent head. Even covered up in her sweater and jeans, she attracts attention. I drag a frustrated hand through my hair. She needs to be out doing shit and experiencing life—whatever the hell that means—but do there have to be so many goddamned dicks near her? How many could I break off before someone hauled me off to jail? I feel like I could get a good dozen in. If Levi was with me, we could probably clean the room.

  Why couldn’t Olivia have gone to an all-girls college? There had to be some of those around, right?

  One of the counselors breaks away from the side of the room and ambles toward me. I vaguely recognize him as a guy from my Sequential Programs class. Sandro was one of the few people that didn’t regularly piss me off. He was smart, prepared, and didn’t waste anyone’s time. He pulls out the chair next to me and sits.


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