Book Read Free

Three of Us

Page 6

by Goode, Ella

  Zeke’s got a hair trigger when it comes to Livvie lately. I think it’s because he doesn’t get enough physical contact during the day. I get to shove people around on the football field. Computer science majors don’t really enjoy getting a shoulder in the gut, so Zeke’s got to tamp that part of his personality down. If he was having sex with Livvie, his temper wouldn’t be so short. He needs a physical outlet, but until he has one, I’ll have to shoulder the load of giving our girl the attention she deserves while still keeping my dick in my pants.

  It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, but for Livvie, all the torture is worth it. I tap her on the shoulder.

  “Let’s go.” I jerk my head toward the writhing mass of bodies about ten feet away.

  Her face lights up. “Really?”

  “Yup.” I drop a hand around her waist, hooking a finger through a belt loop. Heat breaks along my skin at that minor contact. I take the opportunity to shake an ice cube in my mouth.

  She claps her hands together in excitement. “Yay.” She takes a couple steps and then twists around. “If you change your mind, come and join us,” she says to her roommate.

  The roommate nods, but you can tell by the whiteness around her mouth that she’d rather drink snake juice than step foot onto the dance floor. Meanwhile, Livvie sways all the way into the belly of the beast, so to speak. I crunch down hard on the ice and it melts away, not relieving any of my tension.

  She stops halfway and turns to face me, lifting her arms to rest her fingers on my shoulders. I drop a hand to her waist and use the other arm to create a small pocket of space. Over her head, I send a few warning glares to nearby dancers to stay the fuck away. It works because we get a little breathing room. I shift backward. The bass is thumping hard enough I can feel it in the soles of my feet. Livvie is feeling it, too. She closes her eyes and curls her fingers around my neck. Her hips start to move in ways that I didn’t know she could move them.

  I grind the back of my teeth as I imagine her on top of me, doing those very moves. My imagination shifts into overdrive as a vision of her straddling me wearing nothing but one of those lacy bras pops into my head.

  This is not good. Not good at all.

  The ache in my groin intensifies. I desperately want to press my thick cock against her pussy. Even though we’re both wearing jeans, just being close to her hot snatch would feel good. My fingers itch to drop to her ass and pull her tight against me. Her soft tits press against my chest. What I wouldn’t give to palm those beauties. If we were alone, if she were older, I’d drop to my knees, rip that T-shirt in two and suck on her sweet tits until she was coming all over my brother’s cock.

  Then we’d switch and it’d be my shaft dicking her into the mattress while Zeke would be feeding his thick length into her mouth. We’d fill her up with our bodies, our come, our love.

  Her hand drags my neck down low enough for her mouth to reach my ear.

  “I’m so hot right now,” she whisper-shouts.

  You and me both, baby, I groan silently.

  “I got this water,” I suggest. The ice has disappeared almost completely—melted by my hand, her heat, my fantasies.

  “No, baby, I’m hot here.” She slides a leg on either side of my right thigh and starts pulsing against me. She feels…wet. There’s a damp spot on my thigh and it’s growing larger with each pass. My fingers dig into her waist.

  “And I ache so bad. It hurts, Levi.” She lets out a whimper. “It hurts.”

  She’s in pain. Fuck me. I can’t have my baby in pain. My blood thunders in my ears, pushing out all the rational thoughts, all the promises, all the good intentions. The only thing I hear is it hurts. I need to help her. I swing her around, keeping my thigh underneath her hot pussy. I can stop her from hurting. I know I can. I need to get into her jeans. I need to touch her cunt. I need to jack my fingers into her juicy sex until all her pain is replaced with pure bliss.

  I need—

  “We should go.”

  I glance up to see my brother standing behind Livvie. He’s giving me a hard, judgmental look.

  “She’s in pain, bro.”

  “We promised,” he replies. He lifts Livvie off of me.

  “Wait. Stop,” she cries. “I was just—”

  “I know what you were just about to do,” Zeke states flatly. “But we promised your mom. No touching like this until you’re eighteen.”

  He carries her out of the crowd, jerking his head toward the roommate. “We’re taking Olivia home. You can either come with us or we’ll find someone to walk you home.”

  “Um, is that what you want to do, Olivia?”

  Livvie sighs from her perch in Zeke’s arms. “Yes. I didn’t realize what I was doing out there. I guess the music got to me.”

  Once outside, I place my hands on my thighs, bend over and blow out a deep breath.

  “You okay?” Zeke puts a comforting hand between my shoulder blades.

  “Yeah, I’m good.” But no one really believes me.

  “I’m sorry,” Livvie says in a small voice. “I didn’t mean for things to get out of hand.”

  “It’s not your fault, baby.” I straighten and force a smile. I pat my palm against my chest. “This one’s on me. You should be able to dance without me wanting to maul you.” How ironic it was that we were worried about Zeke when it was me that couldn’t make it through a whole song without wanting to nail her into the floor with my dick.

  “I’m going to take Olivia to her dorm,” Zeke informs us. “You can head home.”

  “Good idea.” I take off before Livvie can protest.

  As soon as I’m out of Livvie’s sight, I start sprinting and by the time I reach the apartment, I’ve worked up a good sweat, but my hard-on still lingers. It’s damn hard to run with a woody, but somehow my body doesn’t care. I strip out of my clothes and step into the shower, hoping that the brief workout and the cold water will take care of my erection. It takes ten minutes of standing under an ice-cold spray until my body’s shivering and my toes are starting to turn blue for my cock to stand down.

  I could take care of things on my own, but I don’t want to. I want to come in Livvie’s hand. I want to spend myself on her creamy tits and paint her pussy white with my seed. I don’t want to jerk it in the shower fantasizing about what it feels like to sink balls deep into her cunt. Not when she’s across the street. Not when she turns eighteen in three days.

  I slap a fist against the cold tiled wall. I can wait. I can wait four more days.



  “Where are your cavemen?” Erika asks as she falls back onto the bed and takes a bite from the donut she’s holding. She can out-eat me and is still tiny. I really shouldn’t like her for that reason alone. Maybe I should try dancing like she does so I can eat whatever I want and stay thin.

  “Who knows?” I shrug, pretending I didn’t check their location five minutes ago. They are both at home. I can feel her stare as I pretend to review the recommended reading for my American Economic History class I have on Monday morning. I glance up from the book.

  “I’m avoiding them,” I admit, shutting the book and tossing it aside. I’d read the same page five times. I won’t be getting anything done today. My mind is a mess. Guilt is weighing heavy on me. It feels like none of us can win in this situation. We’re at a standstill. My twins aren’t going to give in anytime soon, which is torture for me. I, on the other hand, am doing everything I can to tempt them, and that is torture for them. I sigh, thinking about our dilemma.

  She lets out a bark of laughter. “Yeah, I’m sure they’d let you avoid them.” Her smile drops when I shrug, not smiling back.

  “I told them I wanted to get a jumpstart on my class work so I was ready for my first day.” I did want to be prepared, so it wasn’t a total lie. “I feel like a brat,” I add and drop back on the bed. My head lands hard on the history book I’d tossed to the side. “Ouch,” I exclaim. It’s probably karma for purposely st
aying away from the twins all day yesterday.

  “That’s what you get for throwing books,” Erika jokes. I smile as I tug it out from under my head. “Are you going to tell me why you think you’re a brat?”

  I roll over to look at her. Despite her attempts to be quiet, I heard her come in late last night. I think she was dancing. She always shies away when I try to bring up her dancing, so when she came back to the room I pretended to be sleeping, but my mind was racing with thoughts of Levi and Zeke. They had my head spinning and I no longer knew which direction to go.

  “We’ve waited so long to be together. I’m sure it’s been harder for them at times than me. I mean, you see how all the girls look at them. Even at the party. They didn’t care I was standing right there, they still tried to get their attention. My freaking name was on them.”

  She nods in agreement. We both know it’s true. “But you know they aren’t going to act on that.”

  I sit up, crossing my legs under me. “I do know that. It’s why I don’t get pissed about it. I’m not sure they even notice the girls doing it, to be honest.” I don’t want anyone to think I’d ever question their loyalty to me.

  “It’s that here I am teasing them when we are only moments away from really being able to have each other fully. I’m thinking it’s funny and laughing about it.” I wring my hands. I always do this when I get upset about something or can’t find the answer to a question. “It’s mean. I’m a brat. They are so good to me and here I am making things hard on them.” As the night wore on, I felt worse by the second. Levi had practically run from me; his face looked so pained.

  “Okay, I can see that. I hadn’t thought about it that way, but now you see it and you’ll stop doing it.” She sits up too. “Besides, isn’t your birthday only a couple days away.”

  “Only one, really, if you consider I turn eighteen at midnight, which I do. Finally!” I groan. I'll still have to wait though. I have classes first thing in the morning. I also have a feeling it isn’t only my birthday they’re waiting for. I’m not sure if tomorrow will even be the day, but after how last night went, I’m not going to push them. It wouldn’t be fair.

  Erika snorts, putting her hands in the air as if she is about to tell me something really important. A revelation of some kind. “Wait! V-day,” she corrects through laughter and I can’t help but join her. It’s so stupid it’s funny.

  “I only have to stay away from them for the rest of today.” I glance at the clock, knowing it’s going to be a long day. Then maybe we can at least touch each other more. I need to be closer to them. This ache inside of me is only getting worse each day. It’s almost painful.

  “Fine, since we’re now best friends, as you so kindly informed me, I’ll take one for the team.” Erika gets up from her bed and pulls something out from under a stack of books. I recognize the paper immediately when I see the bear on it.

  “You stole that.” I point at the sheet of paper.

  “I was kinda hoping you’d forget about it.”

  I hop off my bed and grab the paper from her hand. “We can make it!” I shout. The event doesn’t start for thirty minutes. “Maybe helping the bears will help my guilt.”

  “Not sure that’s how that works, but I guess we can give it a go.” Her face scrunches.

  “We don’t have to.” I hand the paper back to her. I don’t want her to do something she doesn’t want to. I already forced the party on her. I forced myself on the twins. Maybe I’m pushier than I know.

  “No, we’ll go. I need to get out more. I can’t hide away forever,” she mutters, but she still doesn’t sound okay about it. I know she only offered to be nice. Now she’s backtracking and I’m not going to let her. If she thinks she needs to get out more, then I can help with that.

  “How about we go, and if it’s awkward or sucks we bail?” I offer. “We can even have a code word to let each other know.”

  “I’m going to have to find my swimsuit.” She glances towards where her clothes are. “It probably has dust on it.”

  I laugh and go in search of mine. I slip on the too-bright pink bikini and pull on shorts to cover it. I grab the shirt I’d had made with Levi and Zeke. I may not be hanging out with them, but I can have this. I pull it on over my bikini top and slip on some flip-flops. I pull my hair up into a messy bun and I’m all set to go.

  When I turn back around, Erika is sliding on a shirt over her one-piece black bathing suit. She digs in her clothes again to find a pair of shorts and pulls them on. Her shirt hangs past them, almost making it look like she doesn’t have anything on under the shirt, but I don’t tell her that. It reminds me of the dress shirts that are in style now and she looks super hot.

  “Let’s do this.” She slips on her own flip-flops and we head out. It isn’t until we’re almost there that I realize I didn’t bring my purse or phone.

  “Crap.” I stop walking and look at Erika. “I forgot my purse and my phone.”

  “It’s cool. I have mine. We’ll only need it if we want to grab some food after.” I nod in agreement. It’s probably for the best so I don’t keep checking Levi’s and Zeke’s location like a stalker. Maybe we all just need some time to cool off. This will do us all some good. I’m going to make the best of today and enjoy my girls’ day with Erika. I push the twins to the back of my mind and set my mind to saving some bears.

  It doesn't take us long to realize that maybe we didn’t have the right idea when it came to saving the bears. This looks more like a party than a car wash. Oh, cars are being washed, but music is blaring while girls in barely-there bikinis wash them. A line of guys watch from a row of folding chairs set to the side. Some of the comments that they are yelling out make me cringe. One of the gawkers is the same guy who gave us the flyer. Erika and I look at each other, unsure what to do. Before we can try and bolt, the guy from the day before spots us. He springs up from his chair and heads our way.

  “Ladies!” he yells, walking towards us with a cocky smile, showing off his straight white teeth. I glance over and spot Hope, the girl who invited us to the party. Unlike the other girls clad in bikinis, she is dry. Instead of washing cars, she’s playing on her phone, taking videos and texting them to people.

  “This isn't about saving bears, is it?” I mutter.

  Surfer Dude laughs. “I thought you were joking about that.” He points to his shirt. It has a bear on it with Greek lettering above it. All of the information finally clicks in my mind and my face heats with embarrassment. How could I not have put together? This is a frat house raising money for repairs. I mentally chastise myself for being so naïve.

  But, if it’s for the frat boys, why are the girls doing all the work while the guys sit on their asses and jeer at the hard-working women? Gross.

  “Got your swimsuit on under there?” He asks.

  I pull my eyes away from the girls washing the cars. Before I can react, he grabs my shirt, and in one smooth, practiced movement, pulls it over my head. I jump but end up tripping on a hose which pitches me forward. Surfer boy catches me and pulls me flush against his sweaty body.

  I gasp in shock. I’ve never been this close to another male before other than my twins. He saved me from falling on my face, but I think I would have rather hit the ground than touch him. I wriggle and try to push away from him, but he doesn't release me.

  “Let go,” I tell him. I push harder on his chest. I can smell beer on his breath. He only laughs at my struggle.

  “Don’t be like that. Everyone knows how you like it. We witnessed the way you like things at the party last night. We saw the Snapchat video of you being manhandled and enjoying it. I can get one of my friends to join us.”

  I still at his words. It’s a punch to my stomach and all the air leaves my lungs when I realize what he’s getting at.

  “Or does it not have to be two guys? Just two will do?” He licks his lips. I can feel his hard-on digging into me. I want to throw up, but for some reason I’m frozen in place. “Your friend can
join us.”

  “She said let go!” Erika shouts. A second later, her purse comes up and it hits him in the side of the head.

  “Fuck!” he bellows as he lets me go. I stumble backward. There’s no one to catch him and he falls right on his ass. The other guys, who are watching from their lawn chairs, break out into laughter.

  I glance over to Hope, who has a smug look on her face. For a moment I think it’s because he got what was coming to him until she opens her mouth. “What did you think people would think when you have two boyfriends? Don’t get mad. You’re the one letting everyone know you’re a slut, even flashing that shit on your shirt.” She rolls her eyes at me. “You know what happens to slutty girls like you?”

  “I don’t think we need you to enlighten us on sluts, even though we all know you wrote the instruction book personally, Hope.” Erika chimes in. “Don’t you have cars to wash?” Erika leans down, picking up my shirt and handing it to me. Finally, I move. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I’d swear Erika and I just switched bodies.

  Surfer Dude stumbles to his feet. He’s more drunk than I thought and looks angry that his friends are all still laughing. Hope looks more than pissed. Her whole face is red. She narrows her eyes. She isn't done with us. One of the guys that was laughing runs over to Surfer Dude and grabs his arm, telling him to let it go.

  “Come on.” Erika slides her arm into mine and pulls me away. She takes us back towards the direction of our dorm. “You okay?” she asks after we get a little bit away.

  “I don’t know what happened to me. I just…” I trail off. I shake my head, still shocked at not just what happened but how I reacted to it all. I completely froze up. I’d never thought I’d let someone talk to me like that. Then again, I never thought someone would talk to me like that. It has never happened before.

  “They’re jerks.”

  “Yeah,” I whisper in agreement. “Thanks for standing up for me.”


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