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Immortality Is the Suck

Page 17

by Riley, A. M.

  a couple times to check on that. I thought it had a ticket, but when I opened

  the ticket envelope, there was another envelope and inside of that, a new debit

  card from my bank.

  Fuck. After everything that had happened, that fucking debit card was

  what brought a tear to my eye.

  So I had my maudlin moment there in the parking lot of the Dunkin'

  Donuts. Then I climbed on my bike and rode.


  A. M. Riley

  Chapter Fourteen

  I think best when I'm cruising.

  You know, if my parents had been the kind who noticed, or cared, that

  their kid was having trouble in school, or that he got confused and frustrated

  with detailed tasks, I might have been diagnosed with ADD or something early


  As it was, I found my own way. And considering some of the side effects

  I've heard about from the drugs they gave kids back then, maybe I'm better off.

  On a bike, you have to focus or you'll wind up a smear on the asphalt.

  That same concentration kept my thoughts simple and linear.

  I had to find blood before I went amok again. Everything else was

  secondary to that. The issues with Peter couldn't get better if I was mowing a

  bloody row through the streets of Los Angeles.

  I tossed the cell, bought a new one. At the gas station I stopped and tried

  Alberto's number again. The call went straight to voice mail. Then I rode to the

  spot Peter had told me that they'd found the Hummer, just north of the 210

  overpass on San Fernando.

  There's a stretch of empty gravel and scrub there. I got off my bike and

  looked around. Sure enough, near a property fence, melted rubber and

  blackened gravel, sagebrush, and mud all around, mixed with something that

  looked like fire retardant foam. Our anal crime scene people had removed the

  Hummer probably, because not a scrap of debris remained.

  Immortality is the Suck


  The surrounding ground was a chaos of tire tracks and footprints. But

  this particular turnout was frequented by motorcyclists and pedestrians of all

  sorts, so the various tracks weren't of much use to me.

  I perched my ass on my bike, lit a cigarette, and contemplated my next


  I wanted to call Peter. I told myself I needed someone to bounce ideas off

  of, but I knew I was bullshitting myself. I actually had my phone out and my

  thumb hovering over the keypad when I heard the roar of drag pipes with

  nonstandard compression ratio and, looking up, could see the silhouette of

  Alberto's chromed-out monster cresting the hill like some medieval knight of


  The first sign that something was wrong was the three hogs running

  behind him. Albert didn't ride in packs.

  The second was the Bandido's patch on Albert's leathers.

  By the time they'd pulled into the turnout gravel, five yards away, I knew

  that Albert was dead.

  He climbed off his bike. He looked the same, glinting smile, shiny head,

  and everything. Maybe his eyes looked a little crazier.

  “I'm sorry,” I said. “I guess they followed me.”

  “Que será, amigo,” said Albert. “I hardly remember it.”

  The three Bandidos with him were dead as well, and I was encircled by the

  four of them. “You know, if you want me to follow you somewhere, I'm willing,”

  I said, hurriedly stuffing the cell phone in an inner pocket.

  But a couple of the bikers got hold of me and took the cell, my gun, the

  chain and knife hanging from my belt, and slipped a pair of plastic handcuffs

  on me deftly.

  “I can't ride like this.”

  “You don't need ta,” said one, lips moving somewhere under a thick,

  matted mustache. A pimped out Suburban, shocks riding the chassis so it


  A. M. Riley

  looked like it was two stories high, roared around the corner and, while I sat in

  the passenger seat with a gun pointed at me, they loaded my bike into the back

  and off we went.

  “Aren't you going to blindfold me?” I asked the driver.

  “Nope,” he said. He spat out the window.

  I didn't want to ask why.

  Immortality is the Suck


  Chapter Fifteen

  “You hold this against me, don't you?” I said to Albert. I sat in a small

  white room. From the size and the tile surrounding me on three sides, I'd guess

  I was in an old bathroom. There were a series of lights that shone beams in

  front of the chair where I'd been commanded to sit. From either side, their

  narrow white hot beams shot horizontally across the room to the other wall,

  like lasers, barring me from the doorway where Albert stood, arms folded, long,

  lean legs crossed casually at the knee. He'd assured me that the lights would

  function in a way very much like sunlight if I tried to cross them.

  “Meh, what's happened has happened,” he said. He held what looked like

  a soda can and sipped from it using a thick bendable straw. The smell of the

  blood he was drinking rolled over me like incoming fog. It was dense and rich

  and had me struggling with the urge to burst through the deadly bars of light

  and grab it from him.

  “Listen, bud, I'd be really, really grateful if you could just slide a little of

  that juice past the lights.”

  “The boss will be back and then we'll see, amigo.”

  “You taking orders from someone? That's not like you, Albert.”

  “We do what we have to, 'mano. You understand. Maybe the boss will like

  you and then we will be brothers again.”

  “Or maybe he'll just kill me?”

  A shrug of one shoulder, quirk of an eyebrow. “Perhaps.”

  I'd been walked through an enormous front room. The floor was covered

  with gleaming white ceramic tile. A tall central fireplace, with no fire in it but


  A. M. Riley

  many twinkling white Christmas lights, surrounded by low, modern white

  couches on which sat any number of men and women. The women were typical

  biker chicks. Old and nasty or young and hot, they were all scantily clad. Most

  of them looked wasted. A lot of faces in the room were familiar to me and

  everyone was dressed to the nines. Diamonds sparkled off fingers, ears, and

  dangling chains. A couple of tall glass hookahs sat on glass-topped tables.

  Drug paraphernalia everywhere. It looked like a high-end gangsta party, except

  some of the guests had the demonic faces I'd come to associate with my blood-

  drinking state.

  Music thumped through the walls, the smell of blood making me half-

  insane. And then they'd shoved me through a narrow doorway, down a long,

  white hallway, and into this prison.

  “What's going on in this place?” I asked Albert.

  “The boss will tell you,” he said. “If he wants you to know.”

  “Or else he'll just kill me.”

  This time Albert smiled. “That would be a shame.” A general hubbub

  erupted in another part of the building then, and he glanced down the hallway

  that led to the bathroom in which I'd been caged.

  “What is it?” I asked him, but he just headed off in the direction of the

  buzz without a backward glance.

  I could hear
snatches of conversation, but the music was loud and

  thumping in the walls, efficiently masking even my sensitive hearing. It seemed

  a very, very long time before a man appeared in the doorway.

  Tall and heavyset, Paolo Spence had been described in the LAPD file as

  six-four, two-sixty. He had dark brown Hispanic skin, thick black eyebrows,

  and slightly Asian, narrow black eyes. His ears stuck out and he'd always worn

  his wavy hair long to cover them.

  “Ozone, I presume?” I said.

  Immortality is the Suck


  I'd heard an urban legend once about Paolo being a flamenco dancer in

  his youth. It was hard to imagine, though he moved with a certain sly grace; a

  long black revolver hung from one hand, the other arm wrapped around a

  plump white girl who wore a skimpy red suit that allowed one to see the livid

  bite marks across her belly. Saliva filled my mouth. Ozone's eyes narrowed so

  he looked like a Chinatown tourist toy, round head tilted sideways, smile

  literally inscrutable.

  “How long since you've eaten?”

  “It's been a while.” The white girl undulated when she sat on Ozone's leg.

  I'd guess from the glaze in her eyes that she was stoned on heroin. Whatever it

  was it seemed to make her blood denser, more fragrant, as its scent washed

  over me.

  Half of Ozone's mouth turned up in a smile. The other half stayed stone-

  cold serious. “I wish I could help you, but one must be careful. You


  “You can trust me, man.” I had to swallow before I could speak.

  “Seriously. Ask Alberto.”

  “He tells me you've been asking questions. Why is that?”

  “I'd heard you had blood,” I said. “I need blood. I don't know where you get

  it, but I'll do whatever you tell me if I can just…”

  “Of course you will. I made you.”

  “You made me? What does that mean?”

  “Or rather, I should say one of my soldiers made you.” He gestured with

  the gun. “The one who bit you and drained your blood. Tainted, by the way. We

  don't usually like to drink cop. Too many unnatural ingredients.”

  I can't really describe the emotions that played inside me at that moment.

  Later, I'd figured they all devolved to rage but at the moment, I merely said,

  “Whatever you say. Obviously you have something I need. My question is, what

  do you want in return?”


  A. M. Riley

  Ozone frowned thoughtfully. The gun waved idly back and forth as he did

  so. “Loyalty is essential. I hear you aren't worth the trouble.”

  “I was LAPD. It was my job. Things have changed.”

  “Hmmmm.” He looked around the room. “We'll see, why don't we.”

  Meaning what?

  “I have a meeting in an hour with an associate,” said Ozone, raising his

  gun and sighting through the barrel. “One of my soldiers has offered to show

  you around. I apologize for what has to happen next. It really is just a

  formality.” And he smiled. Wide, white, slightly prominent front teeth.

  He waved a hand at someone I couldn't see and a couple of your typical

  thugs entered the room in which I sat. I braced myself, feeling my eyes get that

  oddly pressured feeling, my lips drawing back. One of the thugs laughed and

  looked at his friend and they both flashed their demon visages at me. Behind

  them Ozone laughed again.

  “Oh stop, please. So many peacocks. Just try to clean up when you're

  done this time.” And he swung his plump girlfriend out the door.

  The lights barring me went out; the two thugs stepped forward. I couldn't

  have struggled if I willed it. They outweighed me and were at least as fast as I. I

  don't know why I even bothered to fight back; it only extended the beating. But

  when I finally felt myself losing consciousness, what was left of my blood oozing

  from my mouth and nose onto the cold bathroom tile, it was with a sense of


  * * * * *

  Consciousness was unwelcome and full of pain and hunger.

  The smell of blood nearby made my head ache and my eyeballs bulge, my

  teeth jabbing at my lower lip. One swollen eye could open enough to see a

  plump white thigh by my mouth. A number of bruised green and purple marks

  with neat holes at the center of them decorated it like a tattoo.

  I couldn't have resisted if I wanted to.

  Immortality is the Suck


  She tasted sweet and sour. The blood, full of hormone, pumping weakly,

  and I had to manipulate her skin with my tongue, sucking, to bring enough

  into my mouth.

  “Fuck, man, you been starving yourself?” said a familiar voice.

  I raised my head. The woman I had been sucking on lay beside me,

  watching me through dulled, half-open eyes. Now that my first hunger was

  sated, she looked horribly unappealing. The marks pocking her pasty skin

  could have been either bites or needle marks. I pushed her away, disgusted.

  “My old man would say you're like a bad penny, man.” Caballo leaned

  against a wall opposite me, lean body in a white muscle shirt, cigarette

  dangling from one hand. He looked like a particularly sexy Gap commercial.

  “Time to leave,” he said to the woman who lay next to me. He helped her

  up and to the door of what appeared to be a very small white ten by ten room.

  Dominated by the wide bed on which I lay and a small chest of drawers.

  Caballo sat on the bed next to me. He took a drag on his cigarette and

  squinted at me through the smoke.

  The blood and smell of sex had gone straight to my cock. My face was out

  of control; I could feel my extended fangs, my eyes bulging and my chest and

  face full of heat. Caballo stroked my chest, making soothing noises until I

  stopped fighting my urges and started responding to his touch.

  He guided my hand to his cock. It was heavy and hot and leaking as I

  stroked it. Then his hand wrapped around my erection and the hunger for

  blood transmuted into a hunger for the inside of Caballo's mouth, the feel of

  his hand on me, his cock surging in my palm as he spewed cum across my


  I lay on my back, breathing hard.

  Caballo chuckled. “That was a long time coming.”

  “In a manner of speaking. I heard you stood up for me with Ozone.



  A. M. Riley

  “Sorry about the quality of the dinner, man. She's a whore,” said Caballo.

  “And already bled too much today, but Ozone, he said to do you a favor.”

  Caballo sat next to me companionably, legs spread to accommodate that

  gorgeous schlong, which now slept peacefully between his thighs.

  “I'm still hungry,” I said, sounding like a little kid.

  Caballo carded my hair fondly. “I know, bro, but you have to learn to stop.

  At first it's hard, but we don't want to kill our blood cows, right?”

  “Blood cows?”

  “Crazy junkies let us suck their blood. I guess in exchange the boss gives

  them their drugs.” Caballo sounded matter-of-fact. “I think some of the crazy

  bitches like it, though. Accidents happen, but you kill them all and we'd have

  to hunt all the time. No time for more important things.”
/>   “Such as?”

  “Never mind that. The boss said I should keep an eye out for you, show

  you around, while he decides what to do with you.” He rose to his feet

  gracefully and extended his hand to help me rise.

  “Why is he letting you show me around? What if I see something secret?” I

  asked him. Caballo had gone to the chest of drawers and brought out a T-shirt,

  which he tossed at me. I changed out of my bloodstained shirt gratefully.

  “It is a big secret. But you won't be telling nobody. You'll either be one of

  us or…”


  “Or you'll be dust, bro.” Caballo swung open the door of his room, and

  gestured smoothly to the long white hallway. “Ready for the tour?”

  * * * * *

  Nobody paid much attention to us. At one end of the hallway in which

  Caballo's cubicle lay was the enormous front room I'd been brought through. It

  seemed to be filled continuously with bikers and their female companions.

  Immortality is the Suck


  Sitting in front of the cold fireplace I saw a Latino with bad skin and

  “Respect Few Fear None” emblazoned in six-inch-high letters above his

  sternum, sitting with his arm draped companionably across the shoulders of a

  Caucasian red-haired man with long, scraggly white and blond whiskers

  draping to either side of his mouth. HA inked on his neck and the Angels' logo

  plastered across one pectoral muscle.

  They were sharing the plump, pale brunette who lay across both their


  While puzzling over the enigma of a Mongol and a Hell's Angel sharing a

  woman, I saw two men coming through a door opposite, both of whom I knew

  as members of the Mexican Mafia. “La Eme,” the “M.” What was curious was I'd

  last seen them in photos of the dead after a bust in San Diego. The women with

  them hung on the men and stumbled a little as they were led to the seating

  area. When they passed, one of the women bumped against me and looked up,

  eyes a startling bright green and the smell of her blood a cloud around her.


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