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Chasing Hope

Page 16

by Dana Wayne

  Confused, Max simply stared at his friend.

  And then Sky was in front of him, a smile on her face as she patted his chest and turned to Anna. “I hope he didn’t rush you too much.” She looked at him again, and her smile grew. “He can be a bit bossy.”

  Anna frowned and blinked. “No. Well, maybe a little.”

  Billy Ray stood and held out a hand to Max. “I tried to talk her into ditching you and going out with me.”

  He grinned as Max numbly shook his hand, confusion increasing by the second.

  “But she’d have none of it.” He turned toward Anna. “Hey, Anna Sue. You probably don’t remember me. I graduated before you.” His grin widened. “But I remember you from the Dairy Barn.”

  “Um, I …your face is familiar.”

  “Billy Ray Thomas. Friends call me Bill.” He gave her an appreciative glance. “You’re even prettier than you were then.”

  “Save the sweet talk, Bill,” groused John. “I’m hungry.”

  Max stared at the group in turn, unable to form a coherent thought, much less a sentence.

  John didn’t appear to notice anything askew as he lowered his voice. “You and Sky need to sort your stuff out and get on with the program.” He turned and extended his hand to Anna. “I’m John Andrews, Miss Anna. How about we grab us a booth over here and order a bite.”

  “Mind if I join you?” asked Bill.

  “You already ate,” said John.

  “But I haven’t had dessert.”

  The two men moved away, with John guiding a silent Anna along.

  Sky hooked her arm through his and pulled him into the booth beside her.

  “What’s going on?” he whispered. “What did I miss?”

  “I’ll explain in a minute.”

  He met her earnest gaze and fought to stay focused. “I don’t understand.”

  She touched his face with her fingertips. “I admit, I was a little behind the curve myself at first. But when John said what he did, I knew immediately what I should do.”

  “Which was?”

  She lowered her voice. “There’s not a person in this room who hasn’t heard the talk.” Sky placed her arm through his again and laced their fingers together. “They wanted to see a show. So we gave them one. Just not what they were expecting.”

  His whole body tensed, and he tried to pull his hand free. “So, this is all just a put-on? A show?”

  She tightened her grip, refusing to release him. “No. Of course not.” She glanced around, then back to him, cheeks a lovely shade of pink, her eyes glistening. “I admit I was taken aback earlier.”

  Further explanation wasn’t necessary.

  She looked down, one hand rubbing the tight muscles of his forearm. “The ugly head of jealousy will rob a perfectly normal and sane person of all rational thought.”


  “I’ve never been jealous before, so it took me a while to figure it out.” She inhaled deeply and met his gaze. “Common sense should have told me all I needed to know. But, well…I was jealous and a little hurt, too, and…overreacted.”

  He immediately sobered. “She’s an old friend, Sky, who had a meltdown. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  When she smiled this time, the lead weight around his heart disappeared.

  She reached up and touched his lower lip with her index finger. “I know I’ve said this before but it bears saying again. You’re a good man, Max, with a good heart.” She reached up and kissed him lightly on the lips. Right there in the diner. In front of God and everybody.

  “And I’m crazy about you.”

  The kiss was spontaneous and not something she would normally do. But this was not a normal situation. One look at Max’s face when he saw her with Bill, and she knew. He experienced the same hurt and confusion she’d suffered earlier.

  Because he cared. He may not love her as she did him, but he cared. And that was a start.

  Sky didn’t regret her actions. It was her way of telling Max, the town, Anna, and anyone who watched—he’s mine. I’m his.

  His jaw muscles tightened and released. “God, I’m crazy about you, too.” He sealed his vow with a tender kiss. “I don’t ever want to go through that kind of hell again.”

  “Me neither.”


  They jerked apart and saw Ruby standing there, hands on her hips, face boasting a huge smile. “Y’all need a room, or you gonna order something?”

  Heat rushed to Sky’s face, and she couldn’t meet her boss’s teasing gaze.

  Max looked at Ruby. “No offense, Miss Ruby, but I promised her dinner at the steakhouse. I’m just a little late on following through.”

  “I can’t go like this,” said Sky as she motioned to the jeans and sweater she had donned after her bath. “I don’t even have makeup on.”

  He tucked a wayward lock of hair behind her ear, then lightly touched her cheek with his knuckle. “You look beautiful to me.”

  Deep and sensual, his voice sent a surge of awareness through her, and her heart did a little flip.

  “No worry,” said Ruby. “You look just fine.” She turned toward the booth where Bill appeared to be holding court. “I reckon they can fend for themselves. Let me know if y’all need something.” She walked back to the kitchen without a backward glance.

  About that time, Bill jumped up and walked over to them. “Hey, Anna said she was going to stay at that motel off forty-three.” He shook his head. “Bad idea. Lot of shi-uh, stuff goes on out there. Not a good place for a woman alone.”

  “What about the one out by the interstate?” asked Sky.

  “Full up.”

  She looked at Max. He shook his head. “Logan’s sleeping on my couch. And no way in hell can she be there, too.”

  “Well,” offered Bill, “you could bunk at my place. Then she could stay there.”

  “I don’t know,” said Max. “They aren’t really speaking right now.”

  “She can stay at my place.” Even Sky was surprised by the offer, but she quickly covered it up. “Maddie has twin beds in her room, and she’s spending the night at Bonnie’s.”

  “Sky,” said Max, “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I want to.” Liar, liar, pants on fire.

  “Good,” said Bill as he clapped his hands together. “I’ll let her know.”

  When he was gone, Max looked at Sky. “That’s really nice of you, considering all the crap you’ve had to deal with because of them.”

  Face flaming, she ducked her head. Dammit. What was I thinking? I just invited HER to spend the night when it’s HIM I want. I’m such a sucker.

  He placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face up. His voice held an odd yet gentle tone. “You have a kind and loving heart. One that gives without question.” He brushed a kiss across her lips. “It’s one of the things I love about you.”

  Max pulled Sky tight against him, enjoying these few moments of alone time on her couch. “I had a great time tonight,” he said softly.

  “Me, too,” said Sky as she snuggled against him, one hand resting on his thigh.

  “I can’t remember the last time I drove around looking at Christmas lights,” said Max. “That was nice, too.”

  “Maddie will be upset she missed it. She’s already asking when we can put the tree up.”

  “Maybe we could take her one day next week?”


  The evening may have started out rocky, but it would end pleasant enough, all things considered. The steak was good, the company better. Afterwards, they skipped the dance and drove around admiring all the Christmas lights. No destination in mind, they simply appreciated being together, talking about whatever came up. In a typical East Texas weather move, temps were in the upper fifties, so being out at night wasn’t bad. Next week would be a different story, though, so they enjoyed it while they could.

  “You know,” she said wistfully, “I haven’t been on a real date since before we m
oved here.”

  “You’re kidding.”


  “Are the men in this town blind?” Immediately, his mind conjured up the image of Billy Ray sitting across from her, obviously liking her company. “Except for Bill, of course.”

  “Jealous, Mr. Logan?”

  “Damn straight.” He tightened his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head.

  She twisted around and brushed her lips across his cheek, then looked into his eyes. “Don’t be. He knows my heart is taken.”

  He took a deep breath. “So is mine.”

  A comfortable silence followed as they enjoyed the normalcy of just being together.

  Max glanced at his watch. “Any idea what time Anna will come back? I haven’t heard Logan’s truck yet.”

  Sky shifted beside him. “Ready to go home so soon?”

  “Not on your life. Just asking.”

  “Well, when we spoke earlier, she said she really wanted to talk to him tonight and planned to wait at your place so she wouldn’t miss him.”

  A cramp chose that moment to tighten up his leg, and he stretched it out.

  Immediately, Sky sat up. “I noticed you favor that leg some.”

  “Souvenir from my last tour.” He rubbed the knot in his thigh where shrapnel from the IED had torn through him. “Cramps up sometimes.”

  She looked at his leg. “I’m a nurse. We’re good at fixing cramps.”

  Before he could refuse, she pushed his hands out of the way and massaged the knotted muscle. “How’s that?”

  The cramp slowly disappeared beneath her skillful hands, and he relaxed. “Better. Thanks.”

  She skated her hands along his thigh, and he grit his teeth. The resulting discomfort had nothing to do with cramps and everything to do with her hands on his body.

  He jumped when his cell phone rang, for once grateful for an interruption. He was surprised to hear Anna’s voice. “Hello? What? Um, well. Yeah. Um, Okay. I’ll let her know.”

  He hung up and looked at Sky. “That was Anna. She didn’t have your number. Logan’s on his way home now. She hopes they can talk things out tonight.” Heat burned his cheeks, and he looked away. “She didn’t think I’d want to be on hand for it.” No way in hell would he tell her what Anna actually said. “Sky’s good people, Max, and it’s obvious y’all need some time alone. Maybe he’ll talk to me, maybe he won’t. Either way, I’ll stay out of your hair for a couple of hours.”

  Her eyes connected with his, one brow arched up in question. “So…does this mean you have no place to go right now?”

  “…It would appear so.”

  “Ten’s too early to call it a night.”

  “Yeah.” His heart was beating so fast, he thought for sure he’d pass out. It was worse than his first PFT (physical fitness test) in boot camp.

  “We could have a nightcap.”

  Desire sizzled through his body. It was always like that with her. One word, a gesture, a smile, and he was off to the races. It took a lot of effort to tamp it down. “Sure. Whatever.”

  The air around them sparked with excessive energy.

  Sky broke the electrified silence. “We can expect what? An hour, more or less?”

  He could speak, or he could breathe, but he couldn’t do both. He nodded.

  She got up and reached for his hand to pull him up. “Then I don’t think we need to waste any more time talking.” She raised up on her toes and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Do you?”

  Before he could answer, she disappeared down the hall.

  Sky’s brain raced with warnings and comparisons. Sexy underwear won’t cover up my big butt and that little stomach pooch. My boobs are okay, but I bet Anna doesn’t have an ounce of fat anywhere. I’m crazy for doing this.

  She swallowed hard and pushed open her bedroom door, Max’s footsteps close behind. She ignored the negative side of her brain and focused on what she wanted. This time with him. Needed it with an intensity that was almost frightening. Everything up to now had been a prelude, building and growing stronger as her love for him blossomed.

  She didn’t turn on the lights, opting for the soft glow of her bedside lamp. The discreet click of the door as it closed sent a delicious quiver to the pit of her stomach.

  “Are you sure about this, Sky?”

  Husky and deep on a good day, this new gravelly rasp made her senses spin. She turned the covers back with trembling hands and faced him. “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”

  He roughly cleared his throat. “This is a hell of a time to bring this up, but,” primal and raw, his raspy voice faltered. “I haven’t been with anyone in a long time.”

  “Me neither.”

  The muscles in his throat moved up and down when he swallowed. “I didn’t expect…I didn’t bring anything.”

  Heat rose up her neck and covered her face. “Um, well, I…didn’t…damn.” She forced herself to meet his burning gaze and gestured toward the nightstand. “In there. I got them from Jeannie today.”

  “Jeannie? At the Sash?”

  “If she hadn’t mentioned it…”

  A flash of humor crossed his face before he gave her body a raking gaze, his eyes eliciting pinpricks of heat everywhere they touched. Calloused hands cupped her face with the utmost tenderness. “I never thought I’d ever say this to anyone.” He swallowed hard. “I love you, Skylar Ward.”

  “I love you, Max Logan. With all my heart.”

  One step, and she was in his arms. He lowered his head and sought her lips in the semi-darkness, the anticipation almost unbearable.

  His mouth devoured hers as his hands explored the hollows of her back.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss with all the suppressed hunger coursing through her. This was what she craved. This connection. This passion.

  This man.

  His demeanor roughened as he tightened his hold on her body.

  She moaned softly when his lips left hers to spin a trail of fire from her earlobe, down her neck and across her shoulder. Shivers racked her body when his hot breath warmed her skin, and she clutched his arms to keep upright.

  He slid one hand underneath the sweater to cup her breast.

  She gasped when a thumbnail scraped across the sensitive nub before he covered it with his hand and squeezed. Her head lolled back as his lips continued their sensual assault. Her senses reeled, and she panted through slightly parted lips.

  Consumed with the desire to have his skin against hers, she yanked at his shirt, pulling it roughly up his torso. He stepped back and stripped it off and tossed it aside.

  She raked her hands over his chest, delighting in the quivering muscles under her fingertips.

  And then she saw the scars.

  One on his shoulder, another on his left side. Still another across his chest.

  She touched the one on his chest, and he covered her hand with his. “I’m sorry. It’s not a pretty sight.”

  “Shhh,” she whispered as she leaned in to kiss the welt on his side. He shuddered when she traced the line across his chest with her tongue. “We all have scars, Max,” she said softly and moved to the one on his shoulder. “Some are visible.” The one on his cheek came next. “Some are not.” She took his face in her hands. “I want to know everything about you…scars and all…when you’re ready to tell me.”

  He pulled her roughly against him and rocked gently back and forth. “I don’t deserve you,” he whispered into her hair. “I don’t.”

  “We deserve each other.” She skated her hands up and down his back, fingered yet another wound, smaller than the others, then pulled back far enough to run her tongue around first one taut nipple then the other, the sharp hiss of his breath saying he liked it. When she scraped her teeth over it, he groaned and stepped back.

  He pulled the edge of her sweater up and over her head, trapping her arms in the sleeves as he brushed kisses down her neck and across her chest.

>   Breath lodged in her throat when his tongue delved down the valley between her breasts and nipped at the nipple through the lacy fabric of her bra.

  “Pink is my new favorite color,” he groaned.

  Blood surged from her toes to her fingertips, followed by tremors of delight. She gulped air through constricted lungs, face half hidden in the folds of her sweater. “Max…”

  He pulled the top all the way off and tossed it over his shoulder.

  Her whole body shivered like a leaf in the wind when he pulled one bra strap down her shoulder, then the other.

  He rubbed his chin over the soft mounds, the scruff of his beard making her overly sensitive skin tingle.

  She gasped when bare chest met bare chest as her bra vanished.

  Her jeans soon landed atop the growing pile, leaving her with nothing but the matching lace panties.

  She suffered a moment of insecurity, resisting the urge to cover herself. Did he notice the flaws? Would he be disappointed?

  The smoldering flame in his eyes as he stepped closer derailed that train of thought.

  He ran both hands over her shoulders, down her arms, and around her waist to cup her bottom, pressing her firmly against him. His uneven breath was warm against her cheek as they held the pose.

  The coarse hair on his chest rubbing against her nipples stimulated a moan of pleasure, so she did it again. And again.

  Her trembling fingers fumbled with the buttons on his jeans and managed to get them down past his hips before he kicked them off, followed by his boxers.

  Her own breath sputtered as hunger and need blazed in the whiskey-colored eyes watching her. She closed the distance between them and placed her hands on his chest, enjoying the hard thumps of his heart beneath her palms that said she wasn’t the only one on fire.

  He made a guttural noise low in his throat and lifted her into the cradle of his arms. “My beautiful Sky,” he whispered as he gently placed her on the bed and lay down beside her, claiming her lips once more.

  She squirmed under the hand that glided across her midriff all the way to her thigh, while his mouth nibbled her earlobe and down her neck. Fingers fisted, she sucked in a breath as his tongue scorched a path down her ribs to her stomach and back up again, his ardor surprisingly, touchingly restrained.


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