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Unbelievable (Heroes of Calvano Security Book 1)

Page 1

by Nikki Rome


  Title Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Before you go…

  About the Author

  Unbelievable by Nikki Rome

  Published by Rome Publishing Group

  © 2021 Nikki Rome

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without

  permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of

  the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual people,

  living or dead, events or locations is entirely coincidental.

  Please note: This book contains elements of violence including dealing with past trauma,

  anxiety, panic disorders, miscarriage and other items that may be upsetting to the reader.

  For permissions contact:

  Cover Art by Nikki Rome

  To my dear friend Rebecca.

  You told me

  To take a chance.

  And I did.

  Chapter One

  “Court dismissed!” Christy gathered her things and nearly ran from the courtroom when she felt a tug on her sleeve. Immediately her heart jumped until she turned to see who it was. Marie, a young female intern who couldn’t have been taller than five feet, was trying to get her attention. She looked down at her and realized the young girl was holding out her phone.

  “I’m sorry Christy, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “That’s okay, Marie, I didn’t realize it was you. Thank you for my phone. I don’t know what I would do without it.”

  “No problem!” she blurted and then added, “Hey, if you want a few of us are getting together for a drink later tonight. Would you want to meet us?”

  “Oh, um… thanks for the invitation, but I have a lot of work to catch up on.”

  “Okay. Ya, I get it. No problem,” she said as she turned to walk away.

  This was the third time Marie had asked her to head out with people from the office, and she looked utterly defeated that Christy had declined the invitation again. Christy fidgeted with the tassel on the Gucci bag she had most recently rewarded herself with and called after Marie’s retreating form.

  “Marie, wait. I’m sorry, I know it sounds like I’m blowing you off, but it’s not you. I appreciate the invitations, it’s just… I… I don’t really socialize much. I spend most of my time working and taking care of myself. I know it sounds selfish, but it’s kind of my thing now.”

  Marie’s eyes softened as she looked up at Christy, “It’s okay, I understand. Really, I do, if you ever need anything just let me know.”

  With a smile she turned, and Christy hightailed it out of there. She was late for an appointment with her therapist, and now she was going to have to add this to the list of things she planned to discuss for the day.

  Twenty minutes later she was sitting across from her therapist trying to explain why she was late.

  “I know this isn’t like me and I’m sorry. I have been distracted for the last couple days and I can’t seem to get anything done or be on time anywhere.”

  “It’s okay Christy, my next appointment isn’t until 3:00PM, so why don’t you start by telling me why you are so distracted today,” Rose responded.

  Christy launched into the story about Marie’s invitation to go out.

  “I appreciate you sharing this with me. Marie and others from the law firm have asked you out before and it hasn’t left you this agitated. What’s really going on?”

  “I received a message from my ex.”

  “Devon?” Rose stated, trying to hide the shock of Christy’s statement.

  “No, another guy. Honestly, I can’t really call him my ex. Jason and I were best friends. We met as teenagers and stayed close long after. Our friendship got… well, it got a bit complicated and other than a random text message once a year checking in, I never hear from him.”

  “When you say complicated, can I assume you mean intimate?”


  “Did you love each other?”

  “I love him. I mean, I loved him, but he told me he never felt the same. It was a big mess, and we went our separate ways. He was into some messy stuff back then. I convinced myself it was best for my future career and my heart to stay clear of him. I was in my second year of law school when I finally cut things off.”

  “Have you spoken with him since everything happened with Devon?”


  “How do you feel about him now?”

  “I don’t really know, the idea of him has my brain scrambled. Hearing from him now is harder than it was before. He wants to see me.”

  “We have been talking about taking chances. Is he someone you would feel safe with?”

  “I really don’t know.”


  Jason looked up from his computer as Mike walked into his office.

  “How was the property?” asked Jason.

  “It was perfect. Exactly what we’re were looking for. The price of it is jacked up a bit high, though. But, I think we can get them to bring it down.”

  “A good find then. I’ll contact Andrews & Mitchell P.A. to set up a time to move forward with the closing.”

  “Great. I have a couple other places I want to look at just in case. But, I really think this is the one.”

  “If one of the other properties pans out, I don’t see why we can move on both. It could save us time in the future.”

  “Now see, that’s why you’re the boss. Thinking ahead like that.”

  Jason looked at Mike with narrowed eyes. “I’m not the only boss around here.”

  “Well, there’s that too. You did take me on, after all,” laughed Mike.

  A speaker from Jason’s desk phone alerted him to his secretary’s request for his attention.

  Pressing the speak button on his phone, he answered her summons, “Go ahead, Silvi.”

  “Your appointment has just arrived and is currently waiting to go through security. They should be escorted to the conference room in 15 minutes.”

  “Thank you, Silvi. Is everything ready?”

  “Is anything ever not ready?” she said.

  “Thanks love, you’re the best.”

  “You say that to all the secretaries.”

  “You’re not supposed to know that. Who told you?”


  “Snitch,” said Mike laughing.

  “Always,” said Silvi, with laughter in her own voice.

  “No really, who told you?” asked Jason, who sounded like
he wanted to pout.

  “Sir, I may be a secretary. But, I work in a security firm. Your security firm and I know better that to give my sources,” Silvi huffed, “Besides, maybe you shouldn’t speak so loudly every time you give someone a compliment,” she said before disconnecting the line.

  Mike laughed at Jason’s face. “That’s what I get for trying to be nice,” said Jason, laughing. “Well, at least she doesn’t talk about me behind my back.”

  Jason’s phone vibrated on his desk. He picked it up, looking to see if it was anything urgent.

  His breath caught in his throat. It had been three days. Three days since he’d reached out to Christy without getting a return response. Three days since he’d asked her to dinner. And now, as he read her message, he felt the distance between them immensely.

  Christy: How about coffee on Monday?

  Christy. The thought of her made his chest ache. She wanted to meet on Monday. To have coffee. To have a short coffee meeting. If he agreed he’d have to wait another three days to see her. He couldn’t wait that long. It had already been too many years. He needed to see her today. He needed to see her now.

  Jason: No

  Christy: No?

  Jason: If it’s coffee, then let’s meet now.

  Christy: Now?

  Jason: I’ll be at the coffee shop across from your office in 10 minutes.

  “I know that face. I haven’t seen it in a long time, but it’s unmistakable,” Mike said as Jason’s eyes lit up and darted across the room.

  Jason turned to gather up his things. “Listen, can you take this meeting for me, something just came up.”

  “Buddy, this is a big client.”

  “I know, and you are more than capable. That’s why you’re my right-hand man.”

  “You do go around flattering everyone.”

  “I only say what I mean. Speaking of, don’t screw up. Thanks, man. I’ve got to go.”

  And he was gone.


  What the hell had she done! She wasn’t ready to see him, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to deter him once he made up his stubborn mind. Christy sighed and blamed her therapist for this turn of events. Because she had to blame someone, and she would not blame herself. Or maybe she would blame her fingers and their treachery for sending the catalytic message that led to Jason Calvano being at the coffee shop in front of her office waiting for her.

  She could see him out the large glass windows of her office. Just sitting there. He’d been down there for 25 minutes. How did he know where she worked, anyway? And how did he find her? Maybe if she kept ignoring him, he would think he was at the wrong place and go away. Her phone buzzed on her desk.

  Jason: I will wait here for you all day if I have to.

  Her stupid, also treacherous heart did a belly dive before working its way back up to its proper place inside of her chest.

  Well, shit. She couldn’t leave him out there like that all alone. All day. She’d get none of her work done. She felt guilty for standing him up, even if she never agreed to this meeting he had instigated. Darn her sensibility. Maybe the earth would open and swallow her up as she crossed the street, and then she wouldn’t have to face him.

  Shaking her head, Christy stood up, grabbed her purse and set off to her potential doom.

  Chapter Two

  The second he saw her walk out of that building, it was a shock to his entire system. After all this time, and all their history, she still had control over him. She was never like the other girls he dated. With curves to die for and her long black hair, the skinny blondes who typically kept his bed warm had nothing on her. He never really knew what drew him to her originally, but one thing was for sure, whatever it was, had never gone away.

  They met in high school. It was a friend’s birthday, and he introduced the two of them mid-song at a bonfire that got broken up by the cops only a couple hours later. Struck by her beauty, from that point on Jason couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. She glowed that night, and he stepped forward and pulled her into his arms. It was loud and the only way she could hear his name was if he spoke right into her ear. When he leaned in and introduced himself, she shivered in his arms. For years that followed, he could never keep away. He kept things as casual as he could for as long as possible, often dating other girls but always keeping her close. Telling himself they were friends, or friends with benefits, made him feel better about his terrible decisions when it came to Christy. When she was in college and he was busy screwing up his life, she admitted she loved him. Back then his life was a mess, and he was spiraling out of control. She drew a line in the sand and he had no choice but to let her walk away. Even though years had gone by, regret still ate at him for letting her go.

  She was walking towards him, gorgeous black hair trailing behind her that made him want to run his fingers through it. A tight black dress that covered more than he wished but hugged her curves so tightly it made him want to get up and cover her with his coat so no one else could look. Was it possible she was even more beautiful now? Her heels were so high all they did was accentuate her ass. Jason knew the second she saw him. She took one look at him sitting there, and she tripped on the cobblestone walk. She caught herself, but just barely. Realizing she was fine, he leaned back in his chair and crossed his ankle over his knee. This may be more exciting than he originally planned.

  Christy saw him immediately. He still looked like Jason, but different. He was sitting at the small table waiting for her and he gave off an image of power. He wore a custom-made black suit, and a white dress shirt that opened at the neck to show his gorgeous tan skin. She saw a tattoo peeking out from the collar that sparked her interest. He had shaved his head, which was a stark difference from the man who used to be so concerned over his hair that she couldn’t touch it. The way the corner of his lips turned up when he saw her was unnerving. So much so, she almost took a nosedive onto the cobblestone street.

  “Hey,” she said as she approached.

  “Hey to you too,” he said as he stood and leaned in to kiss her cheek. Lucky for her she still knew his body language and avoided the kiss and any further touching by dodging to the side and taking a seat across from him. She avoided being touched as much as possible. Jason’s tender touches never led to anything good, and everyone else who touched her just hurt her. Distance was key. Left standing there, with a half pulled out chair she didn’t sit in, he said, “I’m happy you made time for me.”

  “I thought it might be nice to catch up,” she said while settling her handbag on the seat he had pulled out. “Not that it's not nice to see you, but why now? Why are you here Jason?”

  “I have been wanting to see you for some time now.”

  “Our lives moved in very different directions. Haven’t they?”

  “Eight years is a long time Christy,” he said, “You were my best friend and then you just disappeared.”

  “I did not disappear, you pushed me away.”

  And he did, again and again, until she just couldn’t take it anymore. The day she left him was the day she finally did something for herself.

  “What am I doing here, I mean really, what am I doing here?” she mumbled.

  “You’re here because I asked you to be here.”

  “I said that out loud?” She thought for sure she was only thinking those thoughts.

  He laughed, and she realized how ridiculous she must seem.

  “I’m sorry for the way I treated you before we separated ways. I’m ashamed by my actions and I miss having my best friend in my life,” Jason said.

  The server came up to their table and placed her coffee in front of her. Jason raised his eyebrows in surprise because he realized she ordered nothing, yet a drink still arrived.

  “I come here often,” she said as she lifted the coffee to her lips to take a sip. “I hear you started a business.”

  “I did. I opened a security firm when I got out of the military. We offer private security for veterans and the
ir families. Honestly, it’s my pride and joy,” he said smiling. “It started small and grew faster than I ever could have imagined. I started with just a few guys and now I have over fifty operatives in the field. It’s amazing, I truly have been blessed. I heard you are a big time attorney now.”

  “I suppose I am.”

  “I would have thought you’d end up owning a restaurant or something. You always loved to cook.”

  “I did. I still do, actually, but I couldn’t imagine cooking for a living. I’d be afraid it would take the fun out of it. Things sure have changed, haven’t they?” she gave him a slight grin.

  “Besides wanting to see you to apologize, I had something I thought you could help me with. I have a building I am looking to purchase in the financial district, it’s in a trust by a family member who can’t afford it but won’t let it go. I am looking for an attorney who can help me move things along.”

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea, but I can refer you to Ryan, he does more high-rise real-estate than I do and will help.”

  She pulled her purse out of the chair next to her and rifled around for one of her business cards. On the back, she wrote the name of Ryan’s secretary and her direct line. She went to reach across the table to place it in front of him and he grabbed her wrist. She shot straight up out of her chair and pulled back so fast she nearly tripped again. Her heart jumped in her chest at the contact, and not in a good way. She closed her eyes, doing her best to think of something to cover her panic, something so he wouldn’t figure it out despite the terror she felt inside. But she took too long. He was already talking.

  “I don’t want Ryan, I want you,” he said looking up at her from where he still sat.

  It dissatisfied Jason how jumpy Christy was being. Not in a good, electrifying touch kind of way that she used to be when he touched her. The kind of jumpy that concerned him. His instincts found her body language and actions alarming, which had his senses on high alert. He was going to do some digging around, because he had a bad feeling and he didn’t like it.


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