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Caught Up In Love

Page 18

by Parker, Weston

  I went to my bathroom to turn on the shower, and after undressing, I stepped into the spray and found my soap. I wanted to make quick work of this and then maybe go out to the boathouse to figure out what was next on my morning agenda. It was always a good thing for me to plan my day, and I had made it a ritual, walking out to the boathouse before bed to get a visual that would carry my thoughts through the night. Some of my best ideas had been planned out in the warmth of my bed.

  I stepped out and wrapped a towel around me as my phone buzzed on the counter where I’d left it.

  I smiled when I saw who it was. “Hello, gorgeous. Did you know I was naked, or was that just luck?” I dried off and went to the bedroom to sit on the bed, still thinking about her in my lap on the flight.

  Sage giggled. “I wanted to say goodnight. I’m going to turn in early.”

  “It’s barely nine.” I couldn’t believe she was already laying down.

  “Yeah, but I know Lissa is supposed to be on her way home. She said she’d call me when she got home to let me know they made it. And I’m going to watch a little TV until I fall asleep.”

  “I’m about to go out to the boathouse, actually. I’m going to take a look and see if I can spare a little room for a studio.”

  She nearly snorted as she laughed. “You’re going to keep hounding me, aren’t you?”

  “Until you say yes. It’s a great opportunity, and I’ll help you.”

  “If I do it, I want to do it on my own. Does that sound silly?”

  “Yes, it’s totally silly. Why do things alone when you can have help? Besides, it’s not unheard of for people who hire artists to help supply what they need to complete the job.”

  She yawned, the sound unmistakable through the phone. “I’ll talk to you about it tomorrow. I much prefer you to do your convincing horizontally.”

  “Oh? Is that a promise to get horizontal with me tomorrow?” I couldn’t wait and still felt like an ass for not being with her right then.

  “Yeah, since you didn’t want to come to bed with me tonight.”

  I breathed out a sound of frustration. “If I did that, then you’d be a zombie at work. I’d keep you up all night.”

  “I know you would. This is for the best for tonight. Not any other night though.”

  I laughed, knowing that she was going to talk me into staying again. But only if I didn’t first. “You’re welcome in my bed anytime, baby.”

  “I love it when you call me that,” she said with a sultry voice.

  She was going to make me do bad things. “I better go before you talk me into something that won’t be good for either of us right now.”

  “Goodnight, Greyson.”

  “Goodnight, baby.” I hung up the phone, and it was about that time I heard something outside. I walked to the window and could have sworn I saw movement out on the water.

  “What the fuck?” I got some jeans on, found a shirt, which I slipped over my head, and then turned off the lamp. I looked out, and sure enough, it looked like there was a boat near my dock.

  I figured someone might need help at first, but then my mind went to the burglaries. So, I got on my shoes and walked downstairs, but by then, I didn’t see the boat anymore.

  “Weird.” I figured they were gone and didn’t think anything of it.

  As I made it halfway to the boathouse, I heard a noise that put me on alert. After a moment, a bird flew out of a tree and nearly scared me to death. It appeared to be a large owl, so I wondered if that was what I had seen before, thinking it was something on the water. I was tired, and all I had really made out was movement.

  I walked up to the boathouse and opened the door to the shop, and that was when I heard another noise. As I flipped on the lights, I realized that Maddox was standing in my boat, holding the sander that I’d left there.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here?” I figured he must be trying to fuck up my boat or get some kind of petty revenge for me seeing Sage.

  “Get away from me, asshole.” He turned on the sander and jumped down out of the boat, threatening me. “I should mess up that pretty face of yours. You’ve got a lot of nerve coming to my town and stealing my girl. I figure payback is a bitch.”

  I backed up and moved closer to the workbench, making sure I had plenty of distance between me and Maddox, who should have been named moron. “She’s not your girlfriend, and you need to move on and back off.”

  “Or I’ll fuck you up, and she’ll see who the bigger man is.”

  I reached down and pulled the plug on his weapon. “You’re not very smart, are you, Maddox? She’s not going to like you. Ever. You can’t have her.” I went closer to my workbench where the boat wouldn’t block my view and realized his boat was parked halfway into my slip and there was a box he’d loaded up with my tools.

  “You’re the thief that’s been lurking around stealing everyone’s shit, aren’t you?” I was going to have to call the cops. But I was pretty fucking sure this asshole, who now wielded my sander like a club, wasn’t going to make it that easy. I grabbed one of the boards and prepared for a fight. If I could, I was going to knock his ass in the water. That would buy me the time I needed.

  Maddox smiled. “It would be a shame if you had an accident while out here working on your boat. I’ve already disarmed your cameras, so that’s not going to be a problem. No one will know what happened to you. Then I’ll have Sage all to myself, and she’ll need me. She’s so emotional. She’ll come running to me for comfort. And I’ll give it to her too. I’ve waited a long time to have that perfect little cherry between her legs.”

  I moved around the room again, keeping a good distance between us. I was closer to the door, and he was near the water. It was time to get him to make a move. “That fucking cherry tasted so sweet, too, after I busted it.”

  His face fell. “You’re dreaming. Sage isn’t like that. She’s been too afraid to give it up, and there’s no way she’d trust you this fast.”

  “Well, she did. But that’s not really your business, is it? Especially since she’s my girl.”

  “Fuck you. She’s mine.” He lifted the sander and then swung it out on its cord like he hoped it would knock me out.

  I ducked out of the way, but that was when he came at me like a madman, screaming obscenities and swinging fists. It was all too much at once, and he got in one good lick. I wouldn’t let him get in another one.

  I put up my fists and watched him carefully as he danced around me. “I’m going to drown you in the fucking ocean and leave you for the crabs. They will just love some sweet city-boy meat. I bet your pussy flesh will make their meat nice and sweet come summer.”

  “You sure talk a lot.” I turned as he moved around again, and I saw my opportunity. I struck out with my fist, throwing my whole body into it, and when it connected to his chin, his head snapped back, his eyes rolled back in his head as if the whole thing was in slow motion, and then the pile of shit was laid out unconscious on my boathouse floor. “Fucking asshole.”

  I spit on him and then took out my phone. Once the police found out who he was and what he’d been doing, he wouldn’t be bothering Sage or anyone else for a long time.



  I had just gotten ready for bed and laid down to prepare for an early morning when Lissa finally called me. “Did you get home?” I asked.

  “No, but we’re only ten minutes out of town. I thought I’d call and chat the rest of the way and let you know that we’re headed straight to Christian’s place. He convinced me to spend the night.”

  “I’m sure that took some convincing,” I said with a giggle. “I guess you two love birds didn’t want the fantasy to end? Or did you finally elope, and that’s where you’ve really been?”

  “You wish, but no. We’re just both so exhausted that we wanted to crash, and I remembered I had stripped my sheets. Call me lazy, but all I want to do is fall into bed, not make it.”

  “I hear you. I hate it when I
have to redress the bed. So, how was the trip?” I was anxious to tell her all about my trip, but I didn’t want to seem selfish.

  “It was great. Christian was a success, and I’m sure Barbara will be pleased, and we had a lot of fun sightseeing and trying out the restaurants. You should go down south sometime. Florida was nice, and we got to sit on the beach for a few hours. I brought you some sea glass and shells for your sacred space. You can sit in silence and pretend you’re on the ocean.”

  “Thanks. I got you a keychain from the museum.”

  “Awesome, thanks.” She put her hand over the phone and snapped at Christian. “Slow down.”

  “My bed is calling,” he said.

  “Your casket is going to be calling if you don’t stop taking curves at eighty.”

  “I’m only going the speed limit,” he snapped back.

  “Maybe you should go back to your house,” I said.

  “No, we’re good.” She let out a sigh. “So, tell me how New York was. Did you two hit it off even more?”

  “It was amazing. He’s amazing. We stayed in a private suite at the DeVant building where he used to work, and the place was so nice it made me feel dirty just standing in it.”

  “You’re too hard on yourself, Sage. If anyone fits in at a place like that, it’s you.”

  “Whatever.” I had felt like a fish out of water. “By the time we left, I felt more at home. I’m just not used to everything being so clean and polished, and nothing smelled like fish.”

  “I’ve heard it smells bad there,” she said.

  “Not where I stayed. But then again, all I could smell was Greyson’s expensive cologne. It was nice seeing him dressed up in his suits. He’s like a freaking male model, Lissa. What does he even see in me?”

  “He sees that you’re a knockout, for one, and don’t even get me started on that winning smile of yours.”


  “So, what else did you do? Did you go out a lot or stay in?”

  “We were so busy the first day. We had lunch at his café. Carnival burgers. It was like eating a slice of my childhood, but only the happy parts.”

  “That sounds weird.”

  “It was, kind of, but that’s what Katrina brought us. She wanted us to try them before they hit the menu. It was kind of a taste test, I suppose.”

  “Woah, you met Katrina? She’s the business partner, right? So, what’s she like?”

  “She’s a tall, gorgeous redhead with a lot of confidence, but she was also laid back and sweet. I really like her. She and Greyson also offered me a job.”

  “What? A job! You’re not moving away to New York, are you? You can’t leave me in Camden if you do!” Her voice grew panicked, and I knew I’d have to calm her down.

  “No, chill out. I’m not moving.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief. “What kind of job?”

  “They are interested in my art. They are opening a bar above the café and want to hire me to do some of my geode art on the tabletops and the bar. Plus, they want me to do some other pieces to hang to be displayed for purchase.”

  “Wow, that sounds like a lot of work. How big is that place?”

  “Big enough that I’d need a warehouse of my own to even attempt pulling something like that off. Not to mention, I’d have to have a huge advance to get started. The supplies alone are hundreds of dollars for one table that size with the resin I use. Plus, there are the stones. It’s not going to be cheap. Then if I take on all of the steps involved, I’m not sure I could do it and still work at Woodchuck’s.”

  “Wow, this could really lead somewhere, Sage. It could change your life.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  “Are you excited about it? Do you think you’ll do it?”

  “It’s one job. And then what? I told him I’d have to think about it.” As I finished my sentence, Christian had gotten her attention.

  “What the hell is going on?” I heard Lissa say. “Pull over there.”

  “Are you okay?” I thought they might have hit something, or maybe they had a flat tire, but Lissa’s voice had grown deep with concern.

  “There’s an ambulance. You should go see what’s going on.”

  “Oh, no,” I said, realizing something was horribly wrong. “Is it an accident?”

  “I’m not sure. We turned down our road, and there are cop cars everywhere.”

  That was Greyson’s road too. “Is it near Greyson’s house?”

  “Um, Sage. You might want to get dressed.”

  Her tone had me worried. “Tell me what’s happening, Lissa. You said there was an ambulance. Is it at Greyson’s or Mr. Abbot’s?”

  “I’ll come and pick you up,” Lissa said. “We can’t get that close, and there is so much going on.”

  “It’s Greyson’s, and they’ve got Maddox in handcuffs,” said Christian. I could hear Lissa’s hand muffling the phone.

  “Shush, I don’t want her to panic.” She uncovered the phone. “We’ll come and get you, Sage.”

  “That’s bullshit. You tell me right now if you see Greyson. Is he okay?”

  “She wants to know if he’s okay,” said Lissa to Christian.

  “Tell her I can’t get close enough to find out. The cops told me to stay back. But I didn’t see him. I’m sure he’s fine.”

  “I knew Maddox was crazy,” said Lissa.

  It was torture being on the other end of the call. I got up, and even though I was only wearing my yoga pants and a baggy bedtime shirt, I grabbed my keys and headed toward my truck. “I’m on my way.”

  “No, Sage. We’ll come and get you. I’ll leave Christian here and come and get you.”

  “Fuck that. You stay there and find out if he’s safe.” My voice broke, thinking of what could have happened. Had I been wrong about Maddox? Had he gone in and harmed Greyson? “I’m already in the truck.”

  I wouldn’t tell her that my hands were shaking so badly I couldn’t get the keys in the ignition, but nothing was going to stop me from going there. And I wasn’t going to wait on them.

  “Dammit, Sage. Be safe, and take your time. I’ll keep you on the line.”

  “Just find Greyson, dammit. Tell the police you’re on the phone with his family. Tell them anything. I don’t care if you have to lie.”

  I finally got the keys in the fucking hole and then cranked her up. Although she usually needed warming up, I threw the truck into reverse and dared her not to perform. “Come on, you son of a bitch. Let’s go!”

  “You’re scaring me, Sage.” Lissa growled out a sound of frustration and then began talking to Christian again. “I don’t need you getting yourself into an accident by wrecking the truck. Especially when all of the locals are here.”

  All of the locals were at his house? That meant whatever had happened was big. Oh God, please don’t let Maddox have done something horrible. I couldn’t even fathom him hurting anyone, but he had a temper, for sure. I’d seen it, and although it had never been directed at me, I’d heard others say the same thing.

  I made it out of my drive and shoved down on the pedal as soon as I got lined out on the road. Luckily, it wasn’t that far of a drive, and just a few minutes later, I turned down Lincoln Street as Lissa and Christian had gone silent to try and get information from one of the officers.

  I parked my truck on the side of the road in front of the neighbor’s house and jumped out before the old engine would finish winding down. I pushed into the crowd of onlookers while screaming into the phone. “Lissa? I’m here! Where are you?”

  In front of the crowd, I could see there were police blocking the entrance to the driveway, and I spotted Mr. Abbot and his wife standing at the front. There was a cop car with the back door open, and I could see Maddox sitting inside. “Lissa?”

  “I’m here,” she said, pushing through the onlookers. None seemed to know anything helpful. Everyone who lived on the street was out there and some from a few over. “I finally got Christian in.
He’s talking to the cops now.” She hung up the phone and then hugged my neck. “It’s okay. Paddy’s nephew Lonnie is on the force. He said he’d let us through.” Everything was happening so fast, but I let her lead me through the people until we saw Lonnie waving us on.

  “Is he dead?” I choked out.

  Lonnie looked down at me with a grim face. “Dead? No, we’re not on a homicide call, Sage. This is a burglary attempt. That new city boy gave Maddox a good old roughneck beatdown. He’s inside filling out a report.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief, and about that time, Maddox spotted me through the window which was barely cracked. He pounded on the windows to get our attention and screamed out to me, “Sage! Tell them it’s all a mistake. You know I’m good, Sage. You’re the only one who could ever see the good in me.” He rested his head against the glass. “I love you, Sage. You’re my girl.”

  “Shut him up,” said Lonnie to one of the other officers. Then he turned back to me. “He was caught breaking into Mr. Young’s boathouse, and he had some other stolen property on that old boat of his.”

  “He’s the person who has been robbing everyone’s houses?” I asked.

  “Yeah, and there were a lot of photos of you in there too. They are all being bagged up for evidence.”

  I pegged Maddox with a hard stare. “I don’t care about that asshole. I want to see Greyson!”


  Hearing my name from behind and knowing they came from his lips, from his breath, finally put me at ease. He had stepped out onto his porch with the other officers and quickly came to put his arms around me.

  “I was so scared. Lissa and Christian came home to this. I came right over when they called.” I held him tight and was almost afraid to let him go.

  “I’m fine. I’ll explain it all as soon as I’m done with the police. They need me to show them how it happened.”


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