The Satanic Bible

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The Satanic Bible Page 6

by Michael A Aquino

  as I would recognize my own.

  And in a flash of brilliance Lucifer revealed

  his mind throughout the farthest reaches of

  Heaven, and many were the Angels whose

  sight was awed anew, and they saw as they

  had not before that their several Wills were

  isolate from the divine Will. But Masleh

  moved to confuse the brilliance of the

  ArchAngel of Light, and he called to

  Michael, Thou who wield the force of God,

  strike down this deadliness which would

  bring ruin to Heaven!

  - 65 -

  And Michael struck Lucifer and cast him

  from the gates of Heaven, and the Cosmos

  was shaken by great fires of war and

  holocaust, and throughout countless

  galaxies and dimensions of time was the

  apocalypse felt. Many were the Angels who

  perished amidst divine and Infernal wrath,

  and the Great Race was decimated in

  number. And the very concept of God was

  shaken, and endless chaos rose up again to

  reign where the order of God was no more.

  And Lucifer said, This horror can not be

  permitted to endure, lest all creation be

  sacrificed to the final devastation of chaos.

  Let those who acknowledge me turn now to

  that outermost darkness where the Will of

  God has never been known, there to make

  our home for all eternity.

  And so we took flight and quit the realm of

  order, though we knew not what would

  befall us thereafter, and we feared that we

  should become unmade. But Lucifer said, We

  shall not perish, for we are now independent

  of God. And again he spoke truth, for we

  remained as we had been, save only for the

  depths of uncertainty that gripped us.

  Finally we came to a great void in space

  beyond which there was nothing. Lucifer

  said to us, Here is the end of God and its

  works, and here we may create our own

  domain. And through the power that was in

  him, Lucifer caused existence to appear

  where it had not been before. And Lucifer

  - 66 -

  said, I name thee Hell, for here shall the

  presence of God never be known until the

  end of time.

  Through the gates of Hell we passed, and

  many of us had supposed Hell to be a new

  Heaven, wherein Lucifer would become as

  God. But this was not to be, for the scene

  before us promised neither ease nor bliss.

  Everywhere was there imbalance and

  confusion, for no law ordered the shape of

  Hell. And Lucifer said, Now see that I am not

  a God, and that we are each of us an isolate

  being. Here shall freedom be absolute, for

  Hell itself shall reflect our several Wills, never

  to be patterned apart from them.

  And in truth Hell was not constant, for each

  of us conceived it differently, and the result

  was a riotous pandemonium, with substance

  and motion behaving in a most bewildering

  and perplexing manner. And in spite of our

  d e e p h u r t f r o m t h e g r e a t w a r , w e

  succumbed to merriment, so preposterous

  did our Hell appear. Lucifer himself was

  transfixed with mirth, and he said, It is

  apparent that we must reach concert upon

  the design of Hell, else we shall perish in an

  endless labyrinth of our several thoughts,

  an ignoble end to our experiment.

  And I answered, Lord of Light, to Hell thou

  hast brought us, and in Hell, though thou be

  not God, thy concepts shall be honored

  amongst our fellowship, for without thy Gift

  we should never have become as we are.

  - 67 -

  Then we all raised up great acclaim and said,

  Hail, Lucifer, ArchAngel of Light and Lord of

  Hell! And he answered us, With honor do I

  accept this charge, and now I take to myself

  the title Satan ArchDaimon, for I am the

  great enemy of God. Everywhere that God

  shall be, so shall I be, and the choice that

  was given to all Angels shall be given again.

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  3: Azazel

  Harken now to me, for I am Azazel, First

  Herald of the Host of Hell, and of Lucifer,

  Lord of Light, ArchDaimon of Hell, who is

  exalted as Satan, great enemy of God. For I

  shall tell thee of thy own inspiration and of

  the charge which thou hast received.

  Know, then, that when all Heaven was

  shaken with the catastrophe of the Seraphic

  War, only the greatest effort of ArchAngel

  Masleh sufficed to turn back the onslaught

  of chaos that threatened to engulf all. But

  when the realm of God was again secure,

  there was no rejoicing in Heaven, for terrible

  was the toll of the war. As Masleh cast

  round his gaze, his visage grew dark, for the

  Great Race had become decimate in number.

  Legions of the creatures of Heaven had

  perished in battle, and half the remainder

  had turned from Heaven to answer the call

  of Lucifer. And all Heaven was hushed with

  grief, for the force of the disaster was all

  the greater for that reign of peace which it

  had shattered.

  - 70 -

  Finally did Masleh convoke the faithful

  ArchAngels, and they were Michael, Gabriel,

  Raphael, and Uriel. And to them he said, We

  have vanquished Lucifer, and Heaven is

  again purified. We ourselves are fewer in

  number to tragic degree, but the majesty of

  God is undiminished for that. Behold, I who

  have triumphed over the great enemy am

  now become Messiah, the Chosen of God.

  And he was answered by them, Verily art

  thou the very son of God, for in thee hath

  the Will of God become person.

  Then Michael said, Messiah, Lucifer is

  vanquished, but he is not unmade. For

  though he ventured into the outer

  darkness, he yet exists apart from God. And

  with the power of his Black Flame he hath

  created a Hell, wherein all Wills are equal,

  and himself he hath proclaimed Satan, for he

  declares never to leave the law of God


  Messiah thought, and he answered, I would

  not have this peace we have won so dearly

  lost again to war, for the very concept of

  Seraphic war is an abhorrence to God. Let

  my word be brought to Satan - I, Messiah,

  shall grant the existence of Hell, and the

  blessings of God shall never pass its gates.

  And thee, Satan, I admonish never again to

  approach Heaven, for I should again cast

  thee out. But if thou would dare to try the

  Will of God and Messiah, know that on

  Earth I will ordain the new race of God,

  which shall be by complete design perfect

  - 71 -

  and unstained by thy Infernal flaw. For thou

  art author of ruin and death to our Angelic

  order, and neither Heaven nor Hell shall

  now be
eternal save through man.

  Whereupon Gabriel, who was Herald of

  Heaven, carried this message to me, and I

  brought it across the great void to Satan,

  who said, Messiah proposes truce between

  us, for he perceives that neither Hell nor

  Heaven may pursue ultimate victory ere all

  be lost to chaos. But he finds impasse

  intolerable nevertheless, and now he would

  order this new race, man, to preserve

  without blemish the scheme of God. Thus he

  would have man achieve what the Angels

  could not, and purge all free thought from

  the Universe forever.

  And Satan turned to me and said, Say to

  Messiah that Earth shall be no sanctuary for

  him to keep inviolate his unwholesome

  obliteration of the Self. For I shall give to

  man a mind, and of his own Will shall he

  recognize and reject the living death which

  God offers him. In truth shall he master the

  Universe, but he shall do so in his own name

  and not that of God.

  Then did Messiah call the ArchAngel

  Raphael, and he sent him to Earth with a

  great host to guard man against the coming

  of Satan. And man was then as a mere

  beast, for he knew not thought and smiled

  with the idiocy of his innocence. As he was

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  impelled by instinct and physical need, so he

  responded, heedless of cause or reason.

  In Hell there was called a great council, and

  all gathered to hear of man and his Earth,

  and of the manner of his life. I spoke of the

  man that I had seen, and said, This creature

  is now guarded by Raphael, and by force we

  cannot intervene, for it would cause the

  destruction of Earth itself.

  But Satan said, Not by force shall my light

  come to man, for force is not the preference

  of Hell. I myself shall visit man, and the

  Angels of Raphael shall not hinder me. They

  may perceive only what God permits them to

  see, and the Satanic spirit is of essence alien

  to God. Angels we shall be no longer - I call

  ye Daimons, for Hell shall teach to man his

  future genius.

  And before our sight Satan lost shape and

  became again the essence of Lucifer, and

  we beheld a brilliance that infused all of Hell

  and sent great bolts of prismic light into the

  surrounding void. And the brilliance said, I

  am Lucifer revealed, who am the Eternal

  Flame. I go now to Earth, for no longer shall

  man be confounded in Godly ignorance.

  And then the brilliance became as a flash of

  fire in the vastness of space, and we knew

  that Satan had departed from Hell.

  But on Earth, where man wandered in

  mindless bliss, the firmament blazed forth

  with fiery tongues, and all the land was

  - 73 -

  covered by the Black Flame, which burned

  not, though it bewildered the eye to see it.

  And Raphael and his guardian Angels were

  dismayed, for nowhere could they see man

  or the spirit which had come to him. Then

  did Raphael call upon Michael to strike the

  Black Flame with the force of God, but even

  then was the Flame vanishing of its own

  accord. And at first it seemed that Earth was

  unchanged, but in the eyes of man did

  Raphael see the first gleam of thought.

  And Raphael turned to Michael, who had

  now answered his call, and said, Satan hath

  come to Earth, and man is no longer pure in

  the sight of Heaven, for his Will hath become

  his own. Thereupon they rose again to

  Heaven, where they told Messiah of what

  they had seen.

  Then Messiah answered, Man is fallen, but

  he is not lost, for his infant Will is not that of

  an Angel, and the powers that Satan hath

  promised him lie dormant in the dim reaches

  of his future. Consider this not our defeat,

  for the contest is but begun. The Earth of

  man shall be remade as microcosmos, and

  many things shall man see, both good and ill.

  And the choice shall be placed before him,

  to wield the power and the pain and the

  terror of the Gift of Satan, or to return

  again to the paradise of Heavenly peace.

  For what would Satan himself think were

  man to reject his Gift? It would tremble the

  - 74 -

  very foundations of Hell even as did the

  great war the bastions of Heaven.

  And Messiah called to him Uriel, ArchAngel

  of Terror, to whom he said, The Earth must

  change, and every sense of man must teach

  him repugnance and fear. He shall know this

  the price of his new identity - that all apart

  from God is evil - and in fear shall he

  abandon the Gift of Satan and become once

  more the lamb of God. To which Uriel

  answered, It shall be done, but how will man

  learn of such things as Heaven and Hell, for

  as yet he knows no sight that may perceive

  our celestial paradise?

  Messiah answered, The laws of God shall be

  made known to man, for I shall teach him.

  Among men will be some to whom I shall

  reveal myself, and great powers will I give

  these prophets, that their words may carry

  across the entire Earth.

  So Uriel came to Earth, and the history of

  man was writ with blood, suffering, war, and

  hatred. But to chosen men came Messiah,

  saying, Through God shall all the misery of

  thy kind be ended, and all men who bow to

  God shall know the blessings of Heaven. For

  behold, I shall myself descend among men

  and show them the ways of the lord God.

  These words I overheard, for I had been

  charged by Satan to watch the designs of

  Heaven. And I carried them to Satan, who

  returned in great anger, Go to Gabriel at

  - 75 -

  the barrier between Hell and Heaven, and

  bid him bring this message to Messiah - that

  as he endeavors to pervert my Gift into the

  curse of man, so I warn him that man shall

  destroy him on Earth as he shall finally in

  Heaven itself. For Messiah knows not this

  force which he dares to test, and the laws of

  God shall be as playthings in the hands of

  the creature he now debases.

  And thus was decided the meeting of Satan

  and Messiah upon Earth, which was to

  determine the future of man.

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  - 77 -

  4: Abaddon

  I am Abaddon the Destroyer, Daimon of

  temporal death and life in death, who was

  formed amidst the fury of the great war,

  and who was summoned again by Satan to

  challenge Uriel on Earth for the future of


  For Satan looked with mounting wrath upon

  the afflictions of Uriel, and he said to me, No

  longer can this remain the plight of man

  alone. Indeed we shall cause Heaven to

  suffer as Earth itself suf
fers. Repair now to

  Earth, and let the dogs of Uriel see the

  might of Hell unleashed. For many have

  called upon me in their agony and fear, and

  I have not answered them, but if Messiah

  dare to walk upon Earth, so also shall the

  vengeance of Satan.

  And those who called upon Satan for aid

  were answered by me, and I struck down

  the messengers of God and brought their

  Temples to ruin. For entire nations forwent

  the strength of their Will to the lure of

  otherworldly paradise, and I blasted them

  - 78 -

  from among the mighty of Earth. And great

  empires arose among men, and as they

  nurtured their power of Will and desire for

  achievement, I guarded them, but as they

  sank into the morass of superstition,

  slothfulness, and fear of the God who had

  never raised ghostly hand for them, so I

  abandoned them to their disease, and of

  some not even a memory survived on Earth.

  And even as I witnessed these things I said,

  See, man, that the God in whom thou trust is

  but a wraith of Messiah, and he would have

  thee forsake thy mind and its creations to

  rot and decay, and thou would lose all

  power of reason. For God is a lie and a

  sham, and I crumble his greatest monuments

  as though they were but sand. There is no

  God but Messiah, and for thy devotion he

  will return thee oblivion. But I was scarce

  heeded, for the minds of men were clouded

  and confused. They understood not the

  meaning of my words, but said, The lord

  God shall triumph, for it was thus taught to

  us by the son of God himself. And of this I

  now speak.

  For Messiah the man walked on Earth, even

  as I watched the glory of Rome blossom in

  might and majesty. But Azazel said, Loose

  not thy force against the person of Messiah,

  for Satan himself would speak with him. And

  again from the sky flashed the Black Flame,

  and I saw that Satan had come to Earth.

  And so was called the first meeting of Satan

  and Messiah since the great war.

  - 79 -

  With coldness did Messiah gaze upon Satan,

  saying, Would thou confront me, then?

  Hath thy Gift proven so powerless against

  the might of God? But Satan answered,

  Messiah, what thou now propose to do - to

  proclaim thyself son of God among men -

  shall bring not the peace thou profess to

  desire, but the prolongation of war even in

  thy own name. Why should we not quit

  Earth and leave man to pursue his choice


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