The Satanic Bible

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The Satanic Bible Page 7

by Michael A Aquino

  unbewildered by influence from either Hell

  or Heaven?

  And Messiah answered, The ways of God

  are not those of Hell, and for that reason I

  should not recognize thy wish. But know

  that in truth I shall appear to man and

  manifest to him the glory of God incarnate

  in me, that he may elect now the way of

  Heaven and raise to me a great church of

  worship. For I am not of a mind to game with

  thee, Satan, and would crush thy following

  without remorse. Thy name also shall be

  revealed to thy precious man, and he shall

  curse thee, for I shall show to him the fruit

  of thy evil genius.

  Then Satan addressed Messiah in dark

  anger, saying, I shall not come to man as an

  idol to be worshipped, for man shall never

  bow to me as I would never to another. But

  mark me, Messiah - Man shall know the

  truth of Lucifer nonetheless, and the name

  of Satan shall eclipse thine. And have thou a

  care for the ways of man if thou wouldst

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  greet him in his own likeness, for he may not

  welcome thy words to him.

  Then did Satan betake himself again to Hell,

  and Messiah walked among men and spoke

  to them of the law of God. And such was the

  power of his person that men were as sheep

  before him. Often did Messiah ignore his

  own law, for he performed miraculous things

  and stayed where he would the cruelties

  brought upon man by Uriel. And I was seized

  with a great anger, saying, Shall Messiah,

  cruel tormenter of man, attribute to Satan

  the work of Uriel? And Abaddon came to

  Rome and to Palestine, saying through the

  mouths of men, Messiah, who hast brought

  to man a suffering undeserved, taste now of

  thy own fruit. And I crucified the living

  Messiah, and as life was torn from his

  broken form, he knew truly the shock of

  helplessness, and he called in agony to his

  God. But I said, God heeds thee not,

  Messiah, for thou art all that presumes to a

  divine consciousness.

  And so I, Abaddon, cast Messiah from Earth,

  but the seed that Messiah had planted

  among men grew and became a mighty

  church wherein all life was forgotten, and

  death was worshipped, and the pleasures of

  Heaven were promised to all who would

  forsake their own Will to embrace that of


  And Rome itself was humbled before this

  church, and I struck down the Eternal City

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  in its pitiful decay. But Azazel came to me

  and said, Touch not this church of God, for

  as man in his foolishness hath nurtured it, so

  must man himself destroy it of his own


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  5: Asmodeus

  Attend now to me, for I am Asmodeus, who

  t r a i n t h e m i n d i n r e c o g n i t i o n a n d

  comparison, and who am Daimon of science

  and judgment. For when Satan had first

  touched the mind of man, he called in Hell a

  council and said, The moment is a solemn

  one, for we have chosen to pass to man our

  knowledge. Many skills shall we all teach

  him, each in his own fashion, but in three

  arts must he be well schooled, for the ways

  of his future lie within their synthesis. Thus

  it is that I call first upon Asmodeus to guide

  man in perception of truth and error, for

  before him lie great trials, and he shall not

  face the consequences of his options lightly.

  And so I came to Earth and witnessed man

  entrapped in the unreason of barbarism and

  the extremes of his primitive emotions. Sore

  put was he to organize and direct his

  thought, for the art of Uriel had brought

  him hunger and cold, pain and fear, and the

  gnawing worm of hopelessness. I saw him

  fling his crushed body upon the altars of

  God and renounce the Gift of Lucifer, for

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  he understood it not save as a curse upon

  him. And I was impelled with urgency, that

  the first spark of man’s future greatness

  should not be smothered in the deathly

  embrace of religion.

  I brought to man the disposition to memory,

  that he might define for himself patterns of

  behavior. A gift of value, for man could now

  achieve in concert what he could not alone,

  and he created his languages and brought

  into being the first nations of Earth. But

  w i t h s t r u c t u r e c a m e t y r a n n y a n d

  ruthlessness, and I saw that what skills I

  might teach would be as a two-edged blade,

  having power both for and against man.

  And I was beset by confusion and doubt,

  and so sought again the counsel of Satan.

  Am I, who am myself the true Daimon of

  judgment, not to indulge in my own art? I

  said. May man not know but the reference

  of system and order and not their abuse?

  But Satan answered, Would Asmodeus then

  lighten for man the challenge before him

  and so lessen the strength of Will that he

  must attain to conquer Uriel? I would not,

  for then would we yield to our own

  pleasure, and man should become the

  plaything of Hell as well as of Heaven.

  Indeed we may give our tools to man as he

  may comprehend them, but he himself must

  be entrusted with the direction of their use.

  But this I will tell thee - that not only in

  matters scientific shall Hell tutor man. For we

  would not have him view mechanism alone

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  as the hallmark of his progress, else we

  never had cause to challenge the cosmic

  mechanism of God itself. Into the workings

  of the mind of man we shall convey

  aesthetic sensitivity and artistic restlessness,

  and he shall not view his achievements

  without considering their improvement to his

  temporal pleasure.

  Thus advised, I returned to Earth, and I

  tempted man with glimpses of the marvels to

  be entrusted to him. I bent over the pathetic

  workbench of the starving alchemist and

  whispered to him keys that one day would

  order the course of great foundations. I

  nudged explorers to the ends of the Earth,

  and I flung an apple at Newton when his

  obtuseness vexed me! To Democritus I

  spoke, and I saw the radiations of energy

  freed from matter both build and break

  man’s world. And man neglected not his

  own design, for in minute life he found clue

  to his own, and scarce hints of the original

  creation. And Asmodeus led mathematicians

  and astronomers to the wonders of the

  firmament, and I walked within the thought

  of scholars on quiet evenings. And that man

  not attempt mastery of his environment

  before himself, I spoke of government to

Khem and Hellas, to the dynasties of Ch’in

  and Ashanti and Tenochtitlan, and within

  great capitals and mean villages alike I spoke

  of the brotherhood of all man, and of his

  correlation to the forces of Earth and those

  of the Universe beyond Earth.

  - 86 -

  And I brought life and adventure and

  achievement to man, but each gift was as

  well a tool for destruction and death, and

  more oft than not were the ages of man

  fraught with terror and war, for Uriel

  ceased not his work ever to turn man

  against man. And I knew that Asmodeus

  alone should not complete man, but that

  forces other than mine should approach the

  definition of his infinity.

  - 87 -

  6: Astaroth

  Astaroth am I, Daimon of Senses, who by

  Satan was charged to complement the

  sciences of Asmodeus, for Satan said, As I

  have given man awareness of himself,

  Asmodeus shall teach him knowledge of his

  world and of the Universe. But to what avail

  would this awareness and knowledge be

  without admiration for and appreciation of

  these things?

  I said, Indeed, were man to have no emotion

  within him, he would incline to the end of

  Heaven, pursuing a Universal mechanism for

  its own sake alone. Even were man to

  achieve absolute physical mastery over the

  God-Cosmos, he would have no means to

  comprehend the measure or the significance

  of his accomplishment save through that

  detached sensitivity to aesthetics which is

  the craft of Astaroth. For the Satanic Gift

  a w a k e n s m a n a l s o t o i n t e l l e c t u a l

  detachment, to the ability to view his

  progress and plans from an extra-scientific

  base of emotional pleasure.

  - 88 -

  Whereupon I came to Earth with Asmodeus,

  and even as he spoke to the intellect of

  man, I brought meditation and introspection

  to the artists and authors of human

  sensitivity. And man came not only to use

  his Satanic power but to recognize the

  extent of the freedom which it promised him

  - the subjugation of all behavior to his Will

  and not to natural or mechanical laws.

  To man came fantasy and imagination, and

  the appreciation of contrasts between the

  reality of his accomplishments and the

  i l l u s i o n s o f t h e i m p o s s i b i l i t i e s a s

  circumscribed by the logic of God. And ever

  as man reached new heights of material

  achievement, so also he confronted the

  barrier of the Will of God, which permitted

  no deviation from its law.

  And man was long satisfied to measure

  himself within this limit, for he was

  intoxicated by his ability to harness the

  forces of the Cosmos to his whim. But

  Astaroth said, Close not thy eyes having

  seen only this much, for, were thou to bring

  all the systems of God to thy use, still would

  thy comprehension be bounded by the limits

  of these laws and the acceptance of the

  divine order as the finality of thy race.

  So I confronted man, saying, Throughout

  the Universe hath the once single Will of

  God been succeeded by the balance of

  perfect opposition, wherein the forces of

  the Angels of Heaven and those of the

  - 89 -

  Daimons of Hell act to mutual frustration,

  serving in concert only to uphold the great

  barrier of Will between order and chaos.

  And man is the child of imbalance, who shall

  resolve the issue between Heaven and Hell,

  and who, unmatched by racial antithesis,

  shall transcend the rule of the order of God

  and establish the eternal freedom of the

  Satanic Will.

  And I said, Not through thy physical and

  philosophical sciences art thou to achieve

  this thing, for thy mind and Will must be

  trained anew in empirical conception. Man

  must create his own order independent of

  all external imposition. And not until he

  masters this power may he aspire to the end

  of his Satanic evolution.

  A n d a s m a n t u r n s n o w i n f i r s t

  comprehension and cautious exploration of

  this new direction of his Will, so Astaroth

  concludes the synthesis with Asmodeus. The

  era of our companionship with man draws

  to a close, and to Earth is now come the

  third great Daimon of the bond between Hell

  and man, and with his presence is the dawn

  of the Satanic Age proclaimed.

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  7: Belial

  Hail, man, who shall bring to the end of the

  Universe the glory of thy Satanic Will! I am

  Belial, who bring to thee the third great key

  of Hell, by whose power ye shall confound

  all the laws of Heaven and Earth. Before

  thee shall chaos fall, and thou shalt wield for

  t h y s e l f t h e g r e a t m y s t e r i e s o f t h e

  macrocosmos. I speak to thee of that which

  is called the Black Magic, for it is true spawn

  of that great Black Flame which first

  brought thy Will to life long ages ago.

  To council with Satan I also was called, and

  the Lord of Light said to me, Into thy

  charge, Daimon of essence, I give the

  essence of my own being, the Black Fire

  whose power alone can effect creation by

  force of Will. Against thee who wield the

  Black Magic no law shall stand, and thus I

  call thee Belial, who art One Without

  Master. And as I have bequeathed this

  essence to thee, so let it come finally to man,

  who shall overcome the great balance and

  bring to the Flame a change, for in

  - 92 -

  supremacy it shall become Red with the

  perfection of the Will of man.

  And to Earth came Belial, to view the

  teachings of Asmodeus and Astaroth. And I

  saw that Satan, who himself oft chanced

  company of men, spoke of the Black Flame

  to the first Magi of men, testing their Wills in

  the control of the raw forces of the Cosmos

  unbound from the law of God.

  And in his innocence man knew not the

  majesty of the Flame, using its lesser powers

  for finite and minor alteration of the divine

  law on Earth. And as man might unleash the

  Flame beyond his skill to master it, Satan

  said, Belial, the Black Flame cannot incline

  merely to the base ends of ordered

  existence. Man must recognize the ultimate

  potential of my Gift ere he destroy his very

  race through its abuse. Convoke therefore a

  Church of Satan to tend the Black Flame

  with care and wield it with wisdom,

  preserving for man this key to infinite Will.

  And I answered, So it shall be, and this

  Church of Satan shall herald the glories of

  the Satanic Age of man. The days of the

God-churches shall pale with decay and

  dissolution, and the realm of Messiah upon

  Earth shall crumble to ruin with the coming

  of the Satanic man.

  To those who would dare the Black Magic -

  Know that what ye accept is the very

  mastery of all that ye have supposed

  - 93 -

  impossible, by force of Will alone. The Black

  Magus need fear no power save his own,

  but he must conquer his own Will that he

  cause not his destruction through ill chance

  or purpose. Satan himself is not God, and

  Hell can offer no salvation to those who

  abuse the Gift of Satan. For the Gift itself is

  beyond the control of Hell once given, being

  subject to the Will of the Black Magus alone.

  For Hell doth bequeath to man his perfect

  freedom, and such a gift can never be


  Farewell, O man, who art at

  once child and father of the Universe!

  Remember the future which is thine, and

  know, now and forever, that Hell entrusts to

  thy care the guardianship of the eternal Will.

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  8: Leviathan

  Before God or Angel, Daimon or man, there

  was Leviathan alone, principle of continuity

  and ageless existence. By relation and time I

  have oft been sought, but Leviathan shall

  yield to none other than the final master of

  the Universe.

  Leviathan is the absolute, man, and if thou

  would presume to realize what neither

  Heaven nor Hell may effect, know that when

  thou behold the presence of Leviathan, thy

  end hath been attained.

  Only through obliteration of the Universe

  that is may man seal his mastery of the

  Black Flame, for only thus may he know

  that he is not subject to a greater Will.

  Heaven must perish, Hell must perish, and

  man alone must remain ere the Black Flame

  becomes Red in the glory of its perfection.

  Then the Red Magus shall behold only

  Leviathan, and he shall recognize that he

  has become the perfect mind, who shall

  - 96 -

  remake the Cosmos in the eternal glory of

  his Satanic Will.

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  Gloria Caeli

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  The Original “Lucifer” Essays

  For the 21st-Century reader of the original

  Satanic Bible to understand and appreciate Anton

  LaVey’s twelve “Book of Lucifer” essays, a time-

  machine trip back into 1960s’ American popular


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